Aizu Contest General Rules

Contest Calendar and Important Dates

Deadline for the team registration: September 19, 2003 Registration should be made from the World ICPC home page:
Domestic Preliminary Contest: October 3, 2003 Over the Internet (only for Japanese Teams)
Aizu Regional Contest: November 1-3, 2003 The University of Aizu (Aizu-Wakamatsu, Fukushima Prefecture)

Schedule of the Aizu Regional Contest





Saturday, November 1, 2003

12:30 --13:30 Team Registration and Opening Ceremony The University of Aizu Auditorium teams, coaches
13:30 -- 17:50 Practice Session and Java Challenge Competition The University of Aizu Auditorium teams, coaches
18:00 -- 20:30 Reception and Team Introduction The University of Aizu Cafeteria all with contest badges

Sunday, November 2, 2003

8:30 -- 9:00

Opening and Morning Registration

The University of Aizu Auditorium teams, coaches
9:00 -- 14:00

2003 ACM-ICPC Asia Regional Contest

The University of Aizu Auditorium teams only in the contest hall

all other guests in the spectator area
10:00 -- 13:00

Contest Workshop

The University of Aizu coaches
14:00 -- 16:00 Refreshment Time, Short sightseeing tour in Aizu-Wakamatsu Aizu-Wakamatsu Downtown, Tsurugajo Castle teams, coaches
16:00 -- 19:30 Post Contest Get-together, Awarding Ceremony and Closing Contest Hotel New Palace  

Monday, November 3, 2003

8:00--16:00 Excursions Aizu Area Optional
16:00 Leaving Aizu Koriyama Train Station Optional

Official Language

The official language for the contest is English. There will be no interpretation or translation provided during the contest.

Team Selection & Contest Formula

The maximum number of teams for the on-site Aizu Regional Contest is 34 including one wild card. At most seven foreign teams can be accepted to the contest. At most two teams from one foreign university can register. If the number of registered teams exceeds seven, the regional Contest Site Director will decide which teams will be accepted according to the following selection policy:

- as many universities as possible,
- as many countries and/or regions as possible.

Japanese teams should participate in the domestic preliminary contest over the Internet on October 3, 2003. Teams showing the best results will be selected for the on-site competition. The team selection processes are stated as follows:

Process 1. Teams are evaluated according to the score of the team - from the highest. The following rules: Rule 1, Rule 2, and Rule 3 are applied to this process:

Rule 1: If the number of teams selected so far is less than 10, a new team is selected, provided there are less than three teams already selected from the same university.
Rule 2: If the number of teams selected so far is less than 20, a new team is selected, provided there are less than two teams already selected from the same university.
Rule 3: If the number of the selected teams is less than 26, a new team is selected, provided less than one team has yet been selected from the same university.

Process 2. If the number of the selected teams is less than 26 after Process 1, in order to fill the quota, the remaining unselected teams are re-evaluated in the order of the score -from a higher score, applying Rule 4.

Rule 4: If the number of selected teams is less than 26, in order to fill the quota, a new team qualifies if the number of teams selected from the same university is less than three.

Process 3. If the number of selected teams is still less than 26 after applying Process 1 and Process 2 above, the rest of the teams will be selected by the Aizu Regional Steering Committee until the required number of teams is 26.

Process 4. If a selected team drops out of the contest, an additional team is selected from the pool of unselected teams applying Process 1, Process 2 and Process 3.

For the domestic preliminary contest, five problems will be issued. Teams will have three hours to solve the problems. For the 2003 Aizu Contest, eight problems will be issued. Teams will have five hours to solve the problems.

All problems will be issued in English. If explanations are necessary, they will also be provided in English.

During the contest, each team will be allowed to use one desktop workstation with language processing systems. Number of problem solved and elapsed time are the criteria for the contest. Thus, if two teams end up solving the same number of the problems, the team with requiring less time is ranked higher.

Qualification & Registration

A team must consist of three students and one coach (either an instructor or a graduate student). The new ACM/ICPC rules (so called 5-4-2 rules) allow participating students with no more than five years education time since entering the Undergraduate School as well as no more than four times participation in the ACM/ICPC Regional competitions, and no more than two times participation in the World Finals.

Technically, the following variants of teams are possible:

- Three undergraduate students,
- Two undergraduate students and one first-year graduate student,
- Two first-year graduate students and one undergraduate student,
- Three first-year graduate students.

During the transition year of Oct/Nov 2003, the Contest Site Director may allow the participation of a team created within the framework of the old rules. According to this, for the 2003 Aizu Regional Contest the team may include two undergraduate students and one second-year graduate student.

Within the framework of normal circumstances, a substitution of team members after the registration for the domestic preliminary contest is not allowed. However, in cases of illness or similar extra-ordinary problems recognized by University administration of a corresponding team, the Contest Site Director may allow one member substitution after the domestic preliminary contest and one week before Aizu Regional Contest. A new person should not be one of the members of other teams participated in the domestic preliminary contest.

There is no restriction on nationality as long as a contestant meets the criteria stated above. Earlier registered teams are given priority due to the fact that visa application procedures usually require a certain length of time. Any foreign team that has already been nominated for the World Finals in the Czech Republic will not be allowed to register.

Registration should be made from the World ICPC home page:

Programming Languages

Programming languages for the Aizu Regional Contest are: Java, C/C++ and Pascal.

Computer Environment


Workstation SunBlade150
OS Solaris8 HW:02/02
CPU UltraSPARC-IIi(550MHz,512KB-cache)
Memory 512MB (128MBx4)
Hard Disk 40GB(7200rpm,EIDE)
CD-ROM (48x),FDD
Graphics adapter card IFB-Lite(Expert3D-Lite)
Display LCD 16' (LL-T1620-H, Resolution: 1280x1024)
Mouse Standard mouse with three buttons
Keyboard English PC keyboard (USB 104)

Click here to see photo

Notes: In order to conduct the contest fairly, up until the end of the contest, a CD-ROM and a floppy drives are sealed for use. Furthermore, USB ports are also sealed. When the contest is over, they may be unsealed for teams to backup files they have created.


Currently, the following software environment is available on Solaris 8 WSs for ACM/ICPC.

Desktop Environment GNOME: 2.0
Contest Environment PC^2 version 8.5 for Solaris
Available at:
Note: Please download the manual and familiarize yourselves with the functions of PC^2 before the contest.
Terminal GNOME-terminal: 2.0.1
Editors Emacs: 20.7
Gedit: 2.0.5
vim : 6.1
File manager XFM: 1.3.2

Nautilus: 2.0.7
Java: SDK 1.3.1_6
Debuggers: jdb, eclipse,
C, C++ gcc: 2.95.3
Debugger: gdb 5.0
Pascal gpc: 2.1
ptoc: 3.41
Debugger: gdb 5.0
Browser netscape: 6.2
Postscript gs: 6.50
gv: 3.5.8
ghostview: 1.5
PDF acroread: 5.0.7

 Notes:Among the default software packages installed, the ones which we consider to be in violation of the contest rules will be deleted.