FAQ (Pending)

  Q) Our team has foreign students. Are they qualified?
  A) As long as the foreign student is a half-time or full-time student registered in your school, he/she can be a qualified member. In principle, your team represents your school.

Nationwide Preliminary Contest
  Q) We understand that during the Nationwide Preliminary Contest, the WWW and email are used. What if there is a problem on the network?
  A) We are taking the utmost precaution by mirroring the server. However, we cannot guarantee 100% safety. If there should be an accident, the ICPC committee will discuss possible solution afterwards.

  Q) We understand that the use of a printer during the Nationwide Preliminary Contest is permitted. Our Unix system does not have a compatible printer connected. In order to print problems and programs which we write, are we allowed to use a printer connected to a Windows machine?
  A) During the Nationwide Preliminary Contest, only one computer per team is allowed. If you need to print, you may use a second computer only for that purpose. If any of your team members writes a program on the second computer, we will consider that your team has violated the Nationwide Preliminary Contest Rules.

Registration Fee & Financial Support to Teams
  Q) What about the cost to compete in the 2003 Aizu Contest?
  A) No registration fee will be charged. The 2003 Aizu Contest will include a welcome reception, an award ceremony, as well as food for participants while the contest is underway.

  Q) May we receive travel support to the 2003 Aizu Contest?
  A) Your travel fee will be compensated by the 2003 Aizu Contest. The coaches who are graduate students only will have some support covering their travel expenses. We will also take care of the rooms for the two nights of November 1-3.

For foreign teams, only the accommodation fee will be covered by the 2003 Aizu Contest. In order to encourage Asian teams to participate ICPC Asia contests in a foreign country, the Asia Contests Director prepares limited budget each year to tokenly support limited number of teams traveling to foreign countries. Refer, please, to the Asia-Specific Regional Contest Rules.

  Q) We saw the keyboard to be used during the contest on the web. Are we allowed to remap keys using such key mapping software as"xmodmap"?
  A) During the Nationwide Preliminary Contest, you are free to use any keyboard. However, re-mapping keys will not be allowed during the 2003 Aizu Contest. Use the English keyboard that we provide during the contest. You cannot swap keyboards with one you bring in. The keyboard rule conforms to that of the World Finals.

  Q) The Nationwide Preliminary Contest rules state that the PC for the contest must not have sample programs installed, such as functions to be used in typical problems. Are we allowed to use JavaDoc while programming in Java?
  A) Yes, you are free to use JavaDoc. JavaDoc is also installed on the Contest computer during the 2003 Aizu Contest.

  Q) What are the available languages for programming?
  A) C, C++, Java, Pascal.

  Q) Pascal and Java have debugging tools installed. However, no debugger is available for C/C++ programmers. In order to have a fair contest, C/C++ systems should have some debugger also.
  A) For debugging your C or C++ program, you can use gdb and xgdb debuggers as well as the dbx-system. The Java-debuggers can be jdb, eclipse or runide.

  Q) Are we supposed to prepare our own compilers and editors for the contest?
  A) During the Nationwide Preliminary Contest, you must prepare for the programming environment for your own team. During the Contest in the 2003 Aizu Contest, we will prepare workstations SunBlade150 with Solaris8 HW:02/02PCs installed. Computing environment as well as programming environments are listed on the web. We'll have IBM PC keyboards for our contest.

  Q) Our team would like to use the compilers on UNIX which are familiar to us.
  A) During the Nationwide Preliminary Contest, you are free to choose your computing and programming environments. However, in the 2003 Aizu Contest, all teams are required to use the computing and programming environments that we'll prepare. Refer to our web site for the details.

  Q) Are we able to print during the contest?
  A) Yes, you can. Networked printers will be available during the contest. Your printouts will be delivered by the ICPC staff.

  Q) We understand that paper-bound dictionaries are allowed to be used during the contest.
What about references and printouts of libraries?
  A) You may use paper-bound references and printouts. As long as references are made of paper media, you are free to use anything. You may use your notes, dictionaries, and reference materials too. However, in order to have a fair contest, we prohibit the use of any outside electronic/digital equipment. Thus, each team will be assigned to use one computer. Any other electronic equipment such as digital dictionaries, electronic calculators, cell phones (voice or email), digital cameras, digital watch with calculators or communication tools, memory media such as memory sticks, memory cards, external hard disks, floppies, CD ROMs, DVDs, are not permitted during the contest. Turn off the power and store them in your bags.
Furthermore, you are not allowed to use any open ports on your assigned computer either.