2016/02/01 現在 |
科目一覧へ戻る |
開講学期 /Semester |
2015年度/Academic Year 後期 /Second Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
3年 |
単位数 /Credits |
2.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
デボプリオ ロイ |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
デボプリオ ロイ |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
1) at least 3 credits from E1, E3, E5, E7, & 2) at least 2 credits from E2, E4, E6 |
更新日/Last updated on | 2015/01/28 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
[Content *Language*] *Course Outline*: This will be a learning management-based course (moodle). As part of this course, we will examine how users read on the web, how authors should write their web pages, and, accordingly, how to design rich, appropriate content for web sites. The purpose of this course will be to analyze and report on several design and publishing software, document editors, graphics, and presentation software. Students will learn the basics of web-based document design in constructing web sites. By analyzing how on-line communities organize, use, and distribute knowledge and information, we will evaluate and build web sites that communicate simply and effectively. Students will also focus on the testing techniques for making website usable. This course follows a model for continuous and formative assessment. Each week a specific topic on designing websites will be discussed. The content will change each week. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
*Course Goals: *We will look forward to achieving multiple goals during the semester. - To analyze specific audiences and rhetorical situations in the design of corporate and academic Web sites. - To apply the principles of information and document architecture to the creation of intuitive navigation systems and a task-oriented user experience and satisfaction. - To learn how Web pages supports the use of graphics, video, and other media. - To learn the basics of visual design and production as they relate to Web photographs and graphic images. - To learn how to perform usability tests for various websites. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
*A. Website Analysis* *(Week # 3 - 12) *- You will analyse an existing website by answering several questions. You will be provided several questions for analysing the website. You will be expected to answer each question on the guideline. The rubric will be a standard assessment tool over the weeks. You will be working in a group of 4 and each person in the group will have a specific role. Your final product will be a report. You will also need to consult the following website analysis tool for generating your report. http://websitegrader.com/ *B. Group Design Assignment* *(Week # 3 -12) - * You will design a website in Google Sites on a specific topic in Computer Science. You will research the topic and write your own text for the website. There must be at least 200 words of text in the home page and *you may not design more than one or two pages in total*. The website will be comprehensive and consist of enough information to explain a specific task situation or get specific types of information. Individual Assignment: * *C. Concept Mapping (Week # 3 - 7)* - You will author an online concept map explaining how the website (as was used for assignment A) was organised. The concept map should have adequate text, explaining the concepts and nodes. You will be asked to answer several questions in support of the concept map. *C. Analysing a Social Networking Environment (Week # 8 - 12) - *You will analyse a specific online work environment or social networking site. (Examples: Facebook, Orkut, Google docs, Blogs, Twitter, eHow, WikiHow etc). Students will write a report explaining the social networking sites. Some of the major questions that they will answer include: **** Assignment C and D run consecutively not simultaneously. Every question will have minimum word limits for answers. * |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
No textbooks required |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
*Grading: *Every week you will have 3 assignments. * 1. Website Analysis: 20% (Week # 3-12) @ 2% each for 10 weeks 2. Group Design Assignment: 20% (Week # 3 - 13) @ 2% each for 10 weeks 3. Concept Mapping: 25% (Week # 3 - 7) @ 5% each for 5 weeks 4. Analysing a Social Networking Environment: 15% (Week # 8 - 12) @ 3% each for 5 weeks 5. Design your own Web Page Project - 10% 5. Final Exam / Project - 10% *Assessment (Overall Criteria): *Each group and individual assignment will be graded against a specific set of criteria. A student will either get 0 or 1 for each category as is seen below. 1. Organisation of Ideas ( 0/1) 2. Clarity of Ideas (0/1) 3. Grammatical and Sentence Construction Issues (0/1) 4. Use and Explanation of Graphics (0/1) 5. User-Friendly Nature of the Information (0/1) 6. Text-Graphics Coordination (0/1) 7. Information Accessibility (0/1) |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
Formal prerequisites:Before registering an advanced course (EL), a student must earn: 1) at least 3 credits from E1, E3, E5, E7, and 2) at least 2 credits from E2, E4, E6. |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
To be discussed in class |
科目一覧へ戻る |
開講学期 /Semester |
2015年度/Academic Year 前期 /First Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
3年 |
単位数 /Credits |
2.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
アンナ D-B |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
アンナ D-B |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
1) at least 3 credits from E1, E3, E5, E7, & 2) at least 2 credits from E2, E4, E6 |
更新日/Last updated on | 2015/02/03 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
This course will introduce participants to Forensic Science, in particular to Forensic Linguistics, Computational Forensics and Digital Forensics. Offering practical case studies and hands-on exercises, it will serve as preparation especially for those who intend to work or do research in the field, but also it will outline the common crime/fraud issues threatening our digital society and the business world. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
Understanding the role of expert evidence in court, assessment of the strength of evidence presented by expert witnesses Understanding the different types of linguistic data that can be used as evidence Understanding the potential and limits of forensic voice identification Getting familiar with the methods for identifying authorship of texts Understanding how linguistic analysis can be used as a vital investigative tool Understanding computer investigations Learning about data acquisition: how to acquire digital evidence from electronic media Gaining information about current computer forensics tools Gaining scenario-based project work skills Enhancing analytical and critical thinking skills |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
1. What is Forensics? Fields and sub-disciplines of forensic science What is forensic evidence? What are the job responsibilities of a forensic scientist? Job opportunities Objectives of the course, syllabus, learning outcomes 2. Criminal vs. Civil: What's the Difference? Criminal versus non-criminal cases - Case studies: examples and analysis 3. Forensic Linguistics: an overview 4. Forensic phonetics - Voice comparison and identification - Dialects, accents, etc. 5. Authorship analysis and attribution - Stylistic analysis - Plagiarism 6. Police inquiries - Profiling and verballing - False and coerced confessions 7-9 Digital Forensics - Legal issues, context - Media analysis - Analysis techniques: keyword searches, timelines, hidden data, etc. - Recovering data from mobile phones and other mobile devices - Evidence: collection, preservation, testimony 10-12 Computer Forensics - Computer crimes and criminals - Collecting and preserving evidence (graphic files, network forensics) - Analysing a phishing scheme - Building a cyber crime case 13-14 Project teamwork and presentations 15-16 Revision and final exam |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
No textbook required. Various reference sources will be used. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Evaluation Class and homework assignments – 60% Project assignment and presentation – 15% Final exam – 20% Attendance and attendance quizzes: 5% |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
Register for the course with intention of regular and active participation only. |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
References will be provided at the beginning of the course. |
科目一覧へ戻る |
開講学期 /Semester |
2015年度/Academic Year 後期 /Second Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
3年 |
単位数 /Credits |
2.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
小笠原 奈保美 |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
小笠原 奈保美 |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
1) at least 3 credits from E1, E3, E5, E7, & 2) at least 2 credits from E2, E4, E6 |
更新日/Last updated on | 2015/09/01 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
Content:* Language:* This is an introductory course to understand how human mind works to produce and process a language. This area of study in linguistics is called 'psycholinguistics'. Students are not expected to have any previous knowledge of psycholinguistics: however, if you have taken phonetics, introductory linguistics, or psychology, it would certainly help. In this course, you will learn the physical and psychological mechanisms of language processing and production. Students will be introduced linguistic terms, concepts, phenomena, and experimental methods through lectures and assignments. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
(1)To introduce basics of how mind works for processing and producing language. (2)To increase understanding of psychological system. (3)To improve reading skill to understand materials written in English. (4)To improve English writing skills through HWs, presentations, and exams. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
Week 1-3: Introduction, Psychological Mechanisms Week 4-6: Language Comprehension Week 7-8: Review and Midterm Exam Week 9-11: Language Production Week 12 -13: Biological Foundations of Language and Language, Culture, and Cognition |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
There is no specific textbook for this course. All materials will be provided and uploaded on Moodle by the instructor. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Attendance & Participation: 10% Presentations: 35% Assignments: 20% Midterm and Final Exams: 35% |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
-Moodle: http://aizu.bitnamiapp.com/moodle Select ELECTIVES→Language and Mind Ogasawara -Carroll, D. W. (2008). Psyc hology of Language, 5th Ed. Belmo nt, U.S.A.: T ho mson Wads worth. -IPAfonts:http://www.sil.org/computing/fonts/encore-ipa.html. -Speech analysis program: PRAAT http://www.praat.org |
科目一覧へ戻る |
開講学期 /Semester |
2015年度/Academic Year 前期 /First Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
3年 |
単位数 /Credits |
2.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
デボプリオ ロイ |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
デボプリオ ロイ |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
1) at least 3 credits from E1, E3, E5, E7, & 2) at least 2 credits from E2, E4, E6 |
更新日/Last updated on | 2015/01/27 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
This course is designed for advanced students at University of Aizu who expect to write in their future employment. This class will focus on the difficult task of meeting readers' needs while simultaneously representing your best interests and those of your employer. To meet that end, the assignments will cover a variety of tasks produced under different circumstances, some done quickly during class and some polished and perfected over time. Students completing the semester's work should see a visible improvement in their writing,especially in terms of clarity and precision. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
1 The student should be able to write in any corporate context. 2 Develop and understand various strategies for planning, researching, drafting, revising, and editing documents that respond effectively and ethically to professional situations. 3 Learn and apply strategies for effective group collaboration. 4 Understand and use various research methods to produce professional documents. 5 Develop strategies for using and adapting various communication technologies for projects. 6 Learn to argue with visual data, understanding and implementing principles of document design. This course is designed to help you write more effectively in work situations. Student Learning Objectives: Documentation Outcomes: 1. The ability to prepare short business documents in English. 2. Being able to write and design in any instructional context. 3. Specifically, learning to design brochures, manuals, business reports, and proposals. 4. Developing and understanding various strategies for planning, researching, drafting, revising, and editing documents that respond effectively and ethically to instructional situations. Communication Outcomes: 5. The ability to communicate and collaborate with real clients and industry professionals on multiple issues of technical documentation. 6. Learning and applying strategies for effective group collaboration and project management. 7. Developing strategies to use and adapt various communication technologies. Research / Technical Design Outcomes: 8. Understanding and using various research methods for document testing and delivery. 9. Learning to argue with visual data; understanding and implementing principles of document design. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
Week 1: Course introduction Week 2: Introduction to Course Technology and Document Rubrics Week 3: Introduction to Writing Communication & Tailoring Documents for Specific Purpose / Action Verbs Week 4: Designing Company Brochure Week 5: Writing for Bulletin Boards, White Papers and Memo Week 6: Writing Business E-mails Discussion of Business E-mails, netiquette, lecture notes handed out Week 7: Additional Corporate E-mail (Exercise) Week 8: Designing Corporate Presentations Lecture on Corporate Presentations Design Week 9: Designing Technical Presentations Lecture on Technical Presentations Design Week 10: Designing Meeting Minutes Week 11: Designing Business Reports Writing Business Reports Week 12: Writing Employment-based Documents Week 13: Writing Business Proposal Week 14: Wrap-up Forum Assignment Week 15: Revision Week 16: Final Exam |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
No textbooks required |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Posting Reference Articles - 10% Designing a Presentation in Slideshare.net - 30% Designing business document- 30% Practice Assignments - 10% Final Exam - 20% Assessment Criteria: 1. Organisation. 2. Content Quality. 3. Layout. 4. Formatting. 5. Visual Design. 6. Production and Print Quality. 7. Group Collaboration and Confidential Evaluation |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
Prerequisite: English for Active Communication |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
All required materials will be posted in Moodle. |
科目一覧へ戻る |
開講学期 /Semester |
2015年度/Academic Year 後期 /Second Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
3年 |
単位数 /Credits |
2.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
デボプリオ ロイ |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
デボプリオ ロイ |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
1) at least 3 credits from E1, E3, E5, E7, & 2) at least 2 credits from E2, E4, E6 |
更新日/Last updated on | 2015/01/28 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
[Content *Language*] *Information design* is the skill and practice of preparing information so people can use it with efficiency and effectiveness. Where the data is complex or unstructured, a visual representation can express its meaning more clearly to the viewer. As part of this course, we will discuss various design approaches and methods as is practiced in the industrial world and for industrial applications in varioys domains. The purpose of this course would be to identify various design approaches, understand the mechanism involvd in the process of design, identify design considerations, comprehend the feasibility of applying design features in a product and explain the processes effectively in simple English. As part of this course, students would be asked to reflect on various design graphics and images. The thoughts involved in the design process will be crucial to the process of explaining design, and students will study various case studies and industrial applications, and then write effectively to explain those applications. A lot of effort should go into understanding how design works. This course follows a model for continuous and formative assessment. Each week a specific topic on designing websites will be discussed. The content will change each week. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
- Develop a deep understanding of visual organization and information design. - Develop skills to analyze and design effective data visualizations and communication. - Understand the implications that information design skills hold for design management in the distillation of multivariate data. - Prepare students to apply their knowledge to their upper-level classes (Design Research, Design Development, Senior Seminar and Thesis). |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
*Assignments:* *Week # 2 - Assignment # 1: 5% *Week # 3 - Assignment # 2: 5% *Week # 4 - Assignment # 3: 5% *Week # 5 - Major Weekly Project # 1: 10% *Week # 6 - Major Weekly Project # 2: 10% *Week # 7 - Assignment # 4: 5% *Week # 8 - Assignment # 5: 5% *Week # 9 - Mid-Term Exam - 10% *Week # 10 - Assignment # 6: 5% *Week # 11 - Assignment # 7: 5% *Week # 12 - Assignment # 8: 5% *Week # 13 - Revision Project # 1: 5% *Week # 14 - Revision Project # 2: 5% *Week # 15: Final Exam - 20% *Weekly Schedule / Topics:* *Week # 1 - Introduction to Information Design Part 1 *Week # 2 - Introduction to Information Design Part 2 (In-class Experiment) *Week # 3 - Signage and Wayfinding *Week # 4 - Introduction to Web Design *Week # 5 - Basics of Document Design *Week # 6 - Basics of Product Design *Week # 7 - Basics of Interior Design *Week # 8 - Mid-Term Exam *Week # 9 - Designing a Hospital Patient Room - Case Study Reflection 1 *Week # 10 - Futuristic Hospital Rooms - Part 2 *Week # 11 - Designing Commercials *Week # 12 - Airport Interior Design *Week # 13 - Mobile Phone Design - Case Study Reflection *Week # 14 - Review of the Course *Week # 15 - Final Exam |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
*No text books required. Lectures notes will be posted in Moodle |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Assessment Criteria: 1. Organisation of Ideas 2. Ability to analyse a problem (case study) - own's own imagination 3. Grammar and sentence construction 4. Use of machine translation vis-a-vis one's own English 5. Compliance with word limit 6. Timely submission of assignment in Moodle |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
Formal prerequisites:Before registering an advanced course (EL), a student must earn: 1) at least 3 credits from E1, E3, E5, E7, and 2) at least 2 credits from E2, E4, E6. |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
*DO NOT copy/paste text from the internet directly. *Use translation software only to write the first draft and then develop on the draft for writing your final answer in Moodle. |
科目一覧へ戻る |
開講学期 /Semester |
2015年度/Academic Year 後期 /Second Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
3年 |
単位数 /Credits |
2.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
アンナ D-B |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
アンナ D-B |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
1) at least 3 credits from E1, E3, E5, E7, & 2) at least 2 credits from E2, E4, E6 |
更新日/Last updated on | 2015/02/03 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
[Content **Language**] In this course, we will explore various links between emotion and communication; the effects of communicating or withholding emotion; how communication is used to influence one's own and others' emotions; and how our own and other cultures communicate about emotion. Moreover, we will explore emotion related to artificial intelligence in virtual humans. The science of emotion is critical to our understanding of human behavior and emerging fields such as affective computing and human robot communication. This course introduces major approaches to emotion and addresses topics that may include perception, communication, individual differences, development, affective computing, and dynamics of facial and vocal expression. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
The primary objective is to learn to analyse emotional messages of all types, especially examples of face-to-face interaction, in terms of theories and issues related to communication and emotion. For example, we will analyse clips from films to illustrate different levels of emotional expressiveness in a specific context, as related to emotional and social intelligence. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
Week 1: What is emotion? Methods to study emotion. Approaches to understanding emotions. A set of basic emotions Week 2: Approaches to understanding emotions. Methods to study emotion. Role of emotion in communication Week 3: Emotion, memory and the brain. Emotions and cognition. Week 4: Does culture shape emotions? Emotions across cultures. Cross-cultural differences in expressing and supressing emotions Week 5: Emotional competence and emotional intelligence (EQ). Emotions in the workplace. Week 6-7: Expression of emotion in language. Language development and emotional expression. Communicating emotion verbally. Week 8-9: Paralinguistic expression of emotions: communicating emotion non-verbally. Facial expressions (universal?) and body language (culture-specific?). Paul Ekman and micro expressions. Week 10: Computational paralinguistics. Computational paralinguistics. Discussion about of team project topics. Week 11: Project assignments and team work. Week 12-13: The role of affect and emotion in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Affective computing. Emotions in conversational agents/virtual humans. Simulating Affective Communication with Animated Agents. Week 14: User-centred interface design: focus on effective and affective communication Week 15: Project presentations. Revision. Week 16: Final examination |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
No textbook. All the materials will be available either in Moodle or as handouts. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Assignments-60% Project assignment and presentations-15% Final exam-20% Attendance and attendance quizzes-5% |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
None Formal prerequisites:Before registering an advanced course (EL), a student must earn: 1) at least 3 credits from E1, E3, E5, E7, and 2) at least 2 credits from E2, E4, E6. |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
Fussell, S. R. (Ed.). (2002). The verbal communication of emotions: interdisciplinary perspectives. Psychology Press. McKay, E.N. (2013). UI is Communication: How to Design Intuitive, User Centered Interfaces by Focusing on Effective Communication. Oxford and Boston: Newnes Oatley, K., Dacher, K., and Jenkins, J.M. (2006). Understanding emotions. Hoboken, New Jersey: Blackwell Publishing. Pittermann, J., Pittermann, A., Minker, W. (2009). Handling Emotions in Human-Computer Dialogues. Springer, Netherlands. Pivec, M. (2006). Affective and Emotional Aspects of Human-Computer Interaction: Game-Based and Innovative Learning Approaches. Amsterdam: IOS Press. Schuller, B., & Batliner, A. (2013). Computational paralinguistics: emotion, affect and personality in speech and language processing. John Wiley & Sons. Scherer, K. R., & Ekman, P. (Eds.). (2014). Approaches to emotion. Psychology Press. |
科目一覧へ戻る |
開講学期 /Semester |
2015年度/Academic Year 後期 /Second Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
3年 |
単位数 /Credits |
2.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
安田 尚子 |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
安田 尚子 |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
1) at least 3 credits from E1, E3, E5, E7, & 2) at least 2 credits from E2, E4, E6 |
更新日/Last updated on | 2015/01/29 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
[Content *Language*] Content: This course introduces how languages are used in the Manga world, and compares them with the languages of the real world. Manga in both Japanese and English will be examined and compared in terms of linguistics features. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
This course aims; 1) To understand the unique language usage in Manga, and how it differs from the language in the real world. 2) To understand how linguistic expressions and characters’ personalities are reflected in English translation of Manga. 3) To discuss some interesting linguistic issues of Manga. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
Week1: Introduction: Week2: What is Manga? Week3: Role Language (Yakuwari-go) in Manga Week4: Role Language 2 Week5: Men and Women's Language Week6: Tsundere and various personalities in Manga Week7: More Role Language in Manga: Baby talk Week8: Review Week9: More Role Language: Foreigner's talk Week10: Onomatopoeic expressions in Manga: Describing sounds Week11: Onomatopoeic expressions in Manga: Mimetic words Week12: Visual effects of Writing Week13: Non-verbal expressions in Manga: Week14: More visual effects in Manga. Silent Manga. Week15: Wrap up. Final Manga project Week16: Final exam |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
All materials will be distributed in class or on the Internet. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Assignments (including presentation): 15% In-class Activities and quizzes (including participation): 15% Final project 20% Midterm Examination: 25% Final examination: 25% |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
No prerequisites. However, English for Computer Science: Listening and Reading 1-4, and English for Computer Science: Speaking and Writing 1-3 are strongly recommended. Formal prerequisites:Before registering an advanced course (EL), a student must earn: 1) at least 3 credits from E1, E3, E5, E7, and 2) at least 2 credits from E2, E4, E6. |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
This course requires you to analyze the language in Manga. You may use your own Manga magazines/ books, or you can read some Manga at the following websites. Comic Walker http://comic-walker.com アニメマンガの日本語 http://anime-manga.jp/index_english.html |
科目一覧へ戻る |
開講学期 /Semester |
2015年度/Academic Year 前期 /First Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
3年 |
単位数 /Credits |
2.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
安田 尚子 |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
安田 尚子 |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
1) at least 3 credits from E1, E3, E5, E7, & 2) at least 2 credits from E2, E4, E6 |
更新日/Last updated on | 2015/01/29 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
Content: This course aims to learn about Japanese pop/ subculture, and introduce it to foreigners who are interested in Japan. Students (possibly with other group members) will choose a topic, discuss the topic, create an introduction movie or a slideshow, and give a presentation. Students can choose topics such as Manga, Anime, maid cafe, B-rank gourmet, Yuru-chara, idols, anything they are interested in. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
This course will help students to; 1) Understand Japanese pop/ subculture and introduce it to the world. 2) Improve English speaking skills necessary for discussion and presentations. 3) Improve English writing skills through writing scripts and presentation slides. 4) Learn presentation skills in English. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
Week1: Introduction: What is pop/ subculture? Week2: Manga and Anime Week3: Otaku culture (vocaloid, light novels, comic market) Week4: J-pop, idols, entertainers (AKB48, Johnny's, Owarai, Onee, etc.) Week5: Fashion Week6: Group work: Preparation for Presentation 1 Week7: Presentation 1 Week8: B-rank gourmet (ramen, curry yakisoba, snack, sweets, etc.) Week9: Shopping (100 yen shop, local supermarket, Uniqlo, etc.) Week10: Restaurants (kaiten-sushi, family restaurant, fast food restaurant etc.) Week11: Sightseeing (interesting places to visit in Aizu or in other cities) Week12: Unique cafes (Maid cafe, cat cafe, tsundere cafe, etc.) Week13: Group work: Preparation for Presentation 2 Week14: Presentation 2 Week15: Wrap up |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
All materials will be distributed in class or on the Internet. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Assignments: 20% In-class Activities (including participation): 20% Midterm Examination (presentation 1): 30% Final Examination (presentation 2): 30% |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
English for Computer Science: Listening and Reading 1-4, and English for Computer Science: Speaking and Writing 1-3 are strongly recommended. Formal prerequisites:Before registering an advanced course (EL), a student must earn: 1) at least 3 credits from E1, E3, E5, E7, and 2) at least 2 credits from E2, E4, E6. |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
Hector Garcia (2010) A Geek in Japan, Tokyo: Tuttle Publishing |
科目一覧へ戻る |
開講学期 /Semester |
2015年度/Academic Year 前期 /First Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
3年 |
単位数 /Credits |
2.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
デボプリオ ロイ |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
デボプリオ ロイ |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
1) at least 3 credits from E1, E3, E5, E7, & 2) at least 2 credits from E2, E4, E6 |
更新日/Last updated on | 2015/01/27 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
Effective communication in business and engineering is essential. As part of this writing and design through group communication course, we will use communication skill games with Legos to improve communication within your team, and help you write design documents. Lego will help us learn something in a new way. We will learn about the use of Legos for engineering team-based communication, collaborative product development, planning and design, analysis and execution. For class assignments, we will design innovative products with Legos, write and speak about the design in English, and work towards group analysis and peer-review. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
As a team, we will talk about what happened? What worked well? What didn’t work so well? What about the team communication? Could we use Lego elements to learn about another topic? Could we use a “toy” to learn about history, science, art or math? Could we design a futuristic product with Legos? We will design products, focus on developing feasibility reports on product design, prepare recommendations and constructive criticism (product reviews) for improvement, and make digital storytelling-based presentations about the designed product. We will look forward to achieving multiple goals during the semester. o Reflect on the use of Legos for team communication and collaborative design. o Analyse specific audiences and rhetorical, informational, demonstrative and other situations in the design of Lego products. o Apply the principles of information and product design to the creation of systems and task-oriented user experience and satisfaction. o Develop writing skills with focus on content organisation, formatting, layout, grammar, and purpose. o Develop oral skills through multiple oral presentations and peer-reviews. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
1st Week: Introduction to the use of Legos for Team Building (Lecture) 2nd Week: Introduction to Product Design and Understanding an Activity with Legos 3rd Week: 1st Creative Factory Production 4th Week: 1st Informative Presentation (Oral) 5th Week: 1st Peer-Review Presentation (Oral) 6th Week: Writing Design Reports 7th Week: Interface Analysis of Cartoon Network Lego Games 8th Week: Midterm Exam 9th Week: 2nd Creative Factory Production 10th Week: 2nd Informative-Technical Presentation (Oral) 11th Week: 2nd Peer-Review Presentation (Oral) 12th Week: Writing Design Improvement Reports 13th Week: Planning a Product User Manual 14th Week: Documentation of a Product User Manual 15th Week: Revision 16th Week: Final Exam |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
No textbook required |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Each group and individual assignment will be graded against a specific set of criteria. A student will either get 0 or 1 for each category as is seen below. Innovation and clarity in ideas (0/1) Team effort and coordination (0/1) Organisation, layout, formatting, typography (0/1) Grammatical and sentence construction issues (0/1) User-friendly nature of the information (0/1) Text-graphics coordination in written documents (0/1) Criteria for grading oral presentations (0/1) |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
Prerequisite: English for Active Communication |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
Lecture materials will be posted in Moodle as and when required. |