2017/01/30 |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2016年度/Academic Year 3学期 /Third Quarter |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
Mizuo Kansen |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
Arifumi Saito |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2016/02/01 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
This is a course for beginners in the study of the Japanese language. Students will learn Japanese with a comprehensive approach that aims to developing the linguistic competence of overall Japanese to finding four basic language abilities (listening, speaking, reading and writing). In this course, students will be able to obtain abilities for self-expression in Japanese. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
The students will be able to: 1. read and write words/sentences with Hiragana and Katakana ; 2. express yourself with simple Japanese words. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
1. Introductions/Level check 2. Unit 1 Dialogue, Grammar (X wa Y desu, desuka) 3. Unit 1 Practice 4. Unit 1 Review, Unit 2 Dialogue, Grammar (Kore,Sore,Are,Dore) 5. Unit 2 Practice 6. Unit 2 Review, Unit 3 Dialogue, Grammar (Verb Conjugation) 7. Unit 3 Practice 8. Midterm Examination 9. Unit 4 Dialogue, Grammar (X ga arimasu, imasu) 10. Unit 4 Practice 11. Unit 4 Review, Unit 5 Dialogue, Grammar (Adjectives) 12. Unit 5 Practice 13. Unit 5 Review, Unit 6 Dialogue, Grammar (Te- form) 14. Unit 6 Practice 15. Review Unit 4-6 / Final Examination (speaking) 16. Final Examination (listening , reading and writing) |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
GENKIⅠ, published by The Japan Times press |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Participation 10 % Assignments 10% Quizzes 10% Midterm Examination 30% Final Examination 40% |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
Course for: 1st year (international students), 3rd year (transfer international students) It is necessary to recognize Hiragana and Katakana before signing up this course. It is necessary to register for both “Japanese Course for BeginnersⅠ” and “Japanese Course for BeginnersⅡ” in a lump. |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
None |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2016年度/Academic Year 4学期 /Fourth Quarter |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
Mizuo Kansen |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
Arifumi Saito |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2016/02/01 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
This is a course for beginners who completed “Japanese Course for BeginnersⅠ”. Students will learn Japanese with a comprehensive approach that aims to developing the linguistic competence of overall Japanese to finding four basic language abilities (listening, speaking, reading and writing). In this course, students will be able to obtain abilities for communication in Japanese. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
The students will be able to: 1. read beginner level of Chinese characters; 2. communicate with simple Japanese words. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
1. Introductions/Level check 2. Unit 7 Dialogue, Grammar (~ teiru) 3. Unit 7 Practice 4. Unit 7Review, Unit 8 Dialogue, Grammar (Short Forms) 5. Unit 8 Practice 6. Unit 8 Review, Unit 9 Dialogue, Grammar (Past Tense Short Forms) 7. Unit 9 Practice 8. Midterm Examination 9. Unit 10 Dialogue, Grammar (Comparison between Two Items) 10. Unit 10 Practice 11. Unit 10 Review, Unit 11 Dialogue, Grammar (~ tai) 12. Unit 11 Practice 13. Unit 11 Review, Unit 12 Dialogue, Grammar (Feeling Ill) 14. Unit 12 Practice 15. Review Unit 7-12 / Final Examination (speaking) 16. Final Examination (listening , reading and writing) |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
GENKIⅠ, published by The Japan Times press |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Participation 10 % Assignments 10% Quizzes 10% Midterm Examination 30% Final Examination 40% |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
Course for: 1st year (international students), 3rd year (transfer international students) It is necessary to register for both “Japanese Course for BeginnersⅠ” and “Japanese Course for BeginnersⅡ” in a lump. |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
None |