2017/01/30 |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2016年度/Academic Year 1学期 /First Quarter |
対象学年 /Course for; |
2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
2.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
Shigaku Tei |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
Shigaku Tei , Shiro Ishibashi , Wang Junbo |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2016/02/01 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
This course is the lecture of the classroom format to be offered as part of the "Venture experience workshop" Aizu IT Nisshinkan "". In the "Aizu IT Nisshinkan", University of Aizu, characterized in IT education, offer the theme, such as the latest trends and technology challenges in the field of companies and community, in cooperation with IT-related companies, local ventures, and local governments. As a result, it aims to foster a high founding conscious young human resources with the spirit and technical capabilities to challenge the innovation. This course consists of the knowledge part lectures which aim to acquire the technology needed to venture spirit development, and lectures by outside instructors who are active in various fields. These two parts are configured to be able to learn the practical business knowledge for students. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
In the knowledge part lectures, we will learn the systematic knowledge of the latest IT technologies and business trends. This part aims to improve the basic skills and the application force to challenge the creative innovation. In the lectures by outside instructors, we provide timely topic on the latest technologies and business trends. Furthermore, by introducing the opportunities of consideration and discussion on business ideas, the proactive participation of the students is encouraged. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
In the knowledge part of this course, we learn about "data science to transform the business and society." When companies and organizations develop medium and long-term strategy, it has become a major factor that determines the competitiveness to analyze a huge amount of data using the best statistical methods and to make decision. In addition, along with the progress in IT, not only the support for this decision, but the transformation of the growth base of the business itself have been performed. In a world in which all of the business data become digital, active data scientists give lectures on what companies and organizations prepare for and what should be done in the business field. (Scheduled for a total of 6 lectures) In the lectures by outside instructors, we are planning the following theme as timely topic from the business and technical point of view. - Latest ICT trends - Business mind - Introduction of venture business - Study on business idea |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
Materials will be provided in the classroom. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
To evaluate on the basis of the following items. - Attendance (submission of issues and impressions statement) 50% - Report (business plan) 25% - Final examination 25% |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
Formal prerequisites: None |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
None |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2016年度/Academic Year 3学期 /Third Quarter |
対象学年 /Course for; |
2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
2.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
Shigaku Tei |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
Shigaku Tei , Shiro Ishibashi , Wang Junbo |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2016/02/01 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
This course is the lecture of the classroom format to be offered as part of the "Venture experience workshop" Aizu IT Nisshinkan "". In the "Aizu IT Nisshinkan", University of Aizu, characterized in IT education, offer the theme, such as the latest trends and technology challenges in the field of companies and community, in cooperation with IT-related companies, local ventures, and local governments. As a result, it aims to foster a high founding conscious young human resources with the spirit and technical capabilities to challenge the innovation. This course consists of the knowledge part lectures which aim to acquire the technology needed to venture spirit development, and lectures by outside instructors who are active in various fields. These two parts are configured to be able to learn the practical business knowledge for students. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
In the knowledge part lectures, we will learn the systematic knowledge of the latest IT technologies and business trends. This part aims to improve the basic skills and the application force to challenge the creative innovation. In the lectures by outside instructors, we provide timely topic on the latest technologies and business trends. Furthermore, by introducing the opportunities of consideration and discussion on business ideas, the proactive participation of the students is encouraged. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
In the knowledge part of this course, we learn about "big data analysis". Along with recent changes in the business environment as well as the spread of ICT technology, the data distributed in the society have increased explosively; for example, information on the Internet, the data that is collected from a variety of sensors, text data written on the SNS. And it is said that how to take advantage of these "big data" determines corporate competitiveness. As the basis for big data processing, which is regarded as a source to produce the innovation, we address the following themes. (Scheduled for a total of 7 lectures) - Big data overview - Case study on big data utilization - Implementation procedure of big data utilization - Technology supporting big data utilization - Data analysis by statistical methods - Data mining In the lectures by outside instructors, we are planning the following theme as timely topic from the business and technical point of view. - Latest ICT trends - Business mind - Introduction of venture business |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
Materials will be provided in the classroom. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
To evaluate on the basis of the following items. - Attendance (submission of issues and impressions statement) 50% - Report and final examination 50% |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
Formal prerequisites: None |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
None |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2016年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
Lei Jing |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
Shigaku Tei , Lei Jing |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2016/02/01 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
Title: Internet of Things (IoT) to Realize Safe, Secure and Simple Daily live We are performing research on embedded systems for health-care, daily life support, danger prevention, based on ubiquitous techniques, such as wearable sensing, BLE communication, IPv6 and so on. Specifically, we are developing a ring type of sensor attached to the finger, to support user (especially for elderly people) on controlling home appliances, emergency call, safety confirmation in disaster, by detecting gestures, due to machine to machine communication. Also we focus on popular platform, i.e., Arduino. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
- To learn how to develop embeded systems - To develop interesting applications through group work |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
Schedule: (1) Basic introduction of embedded systems (2) Basic concepts (GPIO, interruption ) (3) Design of embedded systems (4) Implementation of embedded systems (5) Presentation and report |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
Relevant materials are available at the lab. It is preferable to take "O1 Basic Knowledge Course on Staring Up Ventures" first. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Attendance, Participation, Final Presentation |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
ベンチャー体験工房「会津IT日新館」WEB |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2016年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
Akihito Nakamura |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
Akihito Nakamura , Yodai Watanabe |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2016/02/01 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
This course provide a testbed and experimental environments for future internet, which is so called messaging network, and its applications. In this course how to construct and maintain the future systems and future internet willbe studied. In this course, students will use content-based and topic-based message filtering appliances, API-gateway and API platform for midele-wares (Apigee), industry/commercially tuned Hadoop (Apistry) to make experience of virtual network, loosely coupled enterprise integration, an intelligent infrastructure for Smart Grid, and so forth. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
We will try to add a new concept or functions to our messaging network and messaging infrastructure. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
Healthcare infrstructre and infrstructure for large-scale sensor net will be studied. Authentication, authorization, and accounting infrastructure will be studied. A infrastructure for date storing and statsitical processing of stored data will be designed and constructed. 1st-4th Study/Learn the test-bed and work-bench of the system, including XML routers, API Gateway/Management-system, Distributed Data Processing system, varitous database management systems, open-flow-based network, and so on. 5th-7th System design and construction using XML routers and API gateway/management-system. 8th-10th Applying various database management systems including XML-DBMS, columnar-DBMS, key-value data stores, graph-based DBMS, stream DBMS, and so on. 11th-13th Integrating messaging-network (using mainly 7th Layer) and open-flow-based network. 14th-15th Evaluation of the constructed systems, and considering future research/development plans. |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
In the course lectures, texts will be illustrated. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
The contribution to the projects and assignments. |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
None. Formal prerequisites:None |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2016年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
Incheon Paik |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
Incheon Paik |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2016/02/01 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
It would be very convenient for us to get interests or hobby of others or important tips about a place we will take a trip from our smart phone. Big data and situation awareness of simulating human being make it possible. Big data infrastructure processes big data distributed on computer networks with very high speed. We can recognized some information to process the data using data mining technology, and comprehend current situation and project new situation or direction for the future. In this course, series of the process will be studied. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
- Big Data Infrastructureの理解 (Big Data Infrastructure Understanding) - Text Mining Technology (Document Feature Vector, Classification, Clustering) - SNS Data 取得 (Retrieving SNS Data) |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
1. Big Data Science 2. Big Data Infrastructure 基本 I (Fundamentals I) 3. Big Data Infrastructure Hadoop 基本 II (Fundamentals II) 4. Big Data Infrastructure Hadoop 基本 III (Fundamentals III) 5. Big Data Map-Reduce Programming I 6. Big Data Map-Reduce Programming II 7. Big Data Map-Reduce Programming III 8. Text Mining I 9. Text Mining II 10. Text Mining III 11. Term Project I 12. Term Project II 13. Term Project III 14. Term Project IV 15. Evaluation |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
Lecture Material (Will be open on lecture Web wite) |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
- Attendence - Exercise - Term Project |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
- P1 JAVA Programming I, II - Web API |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
1. Tom White, Hadoop, OREILLLY, 2011 2. Srinath Perera, Thilina Gunarathne, Hadoop Map-Reduce Programming, Packt Publishing, 2013 3. J.H Jeong, Biginning Hadoop Programming: Development and Operations, Wiki Books, 2012 4. Russel, Artificial Intelligence - Modern Approach, Prentice Hall. 5. 石田亨外1,人口知能,Ohmsha. |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2016年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
Wang Junbo |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
Wang Junbo , Mizuo Kansen |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2016/02/03 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
IoT、Cloud等の斬新な技術の発展により、 Apple Watch、Dropbox等日常生活に役立つ商品やサービス等をどんどん市場に出てきます。 本工房は、会津大学発ベンチャー企業やシリコンバレーにいる創業者と話しながら創業知見を得る。また、IoTやビックデータに関する市場動向をしっかり調査し、ビジネスプランとプロトタイプシステムを作成する。 |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
工房5は、IoTやビックデータに関わる最新な市場、技術動向を把握しながら、IoTデバイス開発技術、データの解析技術を勉強、実習し、新しいビジネプランを作成する。まだシリコンバレーとのHot Lineゼミよりシリコンバレーの技術情報と事業雰囲気を把握する。 |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
日程及びテーマ ① IoTやビックデータに関する市場の動向調査 ② 会津ベンチャーやとシリコンバレーにいる創業者との話 ③ IoTやビックデータに関するアイデア発想、企画案を立って、プロタイプシステムの作り |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
なし |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
出席と総合評価 |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
特になし |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
特になし |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2016年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
Rentaro Yoshioka |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
Rentaro Yoshioka , Hoshino T. (Nihon Unisys) |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2016/02/01 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
In venture factory 6 (Introductory PBL), software development beginners will experience project planning and execution on a relatively easy and simple software development problem. A professional engineer experienced in practical software development and project management will provide support in designing project themes and performing coaching throughout the project activity. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
1. Understand the research/development process, and can plan a project for a relatively simple theme 2. Can carry out the research/development according to the project plan (with support of an advisor) 3. Can adjust the project plan according to the actual environment (with support of an advisor) |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
Week 1 : Introduction Week 2: Planning the project Week 3: Planning the project (obtain consent of customer) Week 4: Requirements Definition Week 5: Requirements Definition Week 6: Requirements Definition ? Review by customer Week 7: Analysis Week 8: Analysis Week 9: Analysis : Review by customer Week 10: Design Week 11: Design Week 12: Programming Week 13: Programming & Test Week 14: Programming & Test Week 15: Final Review |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
Materials will be prepared and handed-out in class as necessary. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
The output of the project will be evaluated on how well they satisfy the requirements agreed upon with the customer, such as specifications given in the project plan, requirements, etc. |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
The development will be performed in groups. Extra-curricular activity is requested under circumstances: Delay in the project schedule Necessity to obtain specific technologies and skills required to complete the project Formal prerequisites:None |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
http://borealis.u-aizu.ac.jp/classes/kobo |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2016年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
Wenxi Chen |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
Wenxi Chen |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2016/01/24 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
様々な生体情報(例えば心電・体温・血圧・呼吸など)を検出するため物理・化学原理に基づき、多様な手法と仕組みを用いて異なる形式の生体情報を電気量に変換する。また電気回路で増幅した後、A/D変換を行い、デジタル信号処理でノイズを除去したり信号特徴を求めたりする。その後目的に合わせて有用な生体情報を取り出し、身体の健康状態を評価する。本工房は生体信号検出用のセンサプローブ、計測装置から信号処理乃至大量データ長期蓄積用のプラットフォームまでの一連の研究開発プロセスを通じて、生体信号の計測と収集、信号処理とビッグデータ解析、ネットワークプラットフォームの構築等を勉強する。 |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
生体信号の検出センサ、計測装置とネットワークベースシステムの開発プロセスについて勉強する |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
毎週木曜日5限に活動を行う。 理論から実践まで、システム構築から信号計測、データ収集・解析まで、ステップバイステップ進んでいく。 |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
教科書なし ハンドアウトなど資料随時適宜提供 |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
最終成果物による評価 |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
なし |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
http://bitlab.u-aizu.ac.jp |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2016年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
Mizuo Kansen |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
Mizuo Kansen , Wang Junbo |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2016/02/01 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
Theme: Idea creation and projects for regional contribution |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
Planning, examination and practice of business solution for regional activation and reconstruction support. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
1. activities for entering business idea contests 2. PR activities for regional shops 3. projects for PR activities and product development of Aizu special products 4. conception of ideas, entry for contests and basic design of Application concerning smart phone, cloud and application |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
None |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Attendance 40% Aggressiveness in activities, presentation etc. total grading 60% |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
None |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
None |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2016年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
Shiro Ishibashi |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
Murashige S. (Accenture) , Shiro Ishibashi |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2016/02/01 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
Theme: Business Analytics: Practical Exercises on Data Science "Data scientist" (professional to analyze the data with advanced statistical skills) is now getting a great deal of attention as a state-of-the-art profession. Since this profession is expressed as “the sexiest job of the 21st century” in Harvard Business Review magazine, it becomes to be known widely. In Japan, market needs for human resources with the data analysis skills has increased recently. This lecture is the practical exercise on data analysis by active consultants of Accenture Japan Ltd., which is the world's largest consulting company. We aim to learn basic knowledge of data analysis, acquisition of analytical skills that can apply such as in hackathon, and logical thinking and presentation skills which are directly linked to job hunting. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
In this lecture, the active data scientists of Accenture Japan Ltd. conduct a series of analytics process through the project-type data analysis exercise. We aim to acquire analytical skills required in the enterprise. In addition, documentation and presentation method are also introduced by active consultants. We also aim to learn presentation skill which is essential in the further research activities and job hunting. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
The following contents are performed in 15 periods. (1) The understanding of analytics process (2) The exercises on analytics process using open data (3) The practical analysis using statistical tool (R language and EXCEL) (4) The skill-up of logical thinking and presentation * The practical analytics for policy issue in collaboration with Aizuwakamatsu city. |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
Materials will be provided in the classroom. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Attendance, performance of the exercises, and contribution to the classroom are totally evaluated. |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
Formal prerequisites: None |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
References will be provided in the classroom. |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2016年度/Academic Year 集中 /Intensive course |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
Yutaka Watanobe |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
Yutaka Watanobe , Yukihide Kohira , Yuichi Okuyama |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2016/02/01 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
「情報処理技術者試験」に対して、その対策講座を試験直前の期間に集中的に開催する。実践的な試験対策とするために、試験対象分野の講義と試験問題の演習及び宿題を交互に行いながら授業を進める。講義内容はIPA情報処理技術者試験の出題範囲及び分類に基づいている。 |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
情報処理技術者として必要な基礎知識を身に付け、情報処理技術者として活躍していくことを目的とする。学生は基本情報処理技術者試験に頻出する問題を通して、試験に向けた基本的な知識を得ることができる。さらに、学生は本学のカリキュラムで身に付けた個々の知識を生かし、試験のための応用力を身に付けることができる。 |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
・情報の基礎理論 ・アルゴリズムとデータ構造 ・ハードウェア ・ソフトウェア ・システム開発 ・コンピュータシステム ・ネットワーク ・データベース ・セキュリティと標準化 ・情報と経営 ・C言語 |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
基本情報 受かる100問 1,600円 (新星出版社) その他、宿題・演習用のハンドアウトを配布する。 また、基礎的な事項は基本情報 受かる100講 (新星出版社)で確認するとよい。 |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
コンピュータに関わる全ての科目が関連するが、先修科目は特に設けない。履修していない分野は適宜各自で予習すること。 本講座では、整理された得点源の問題を集中的に解くことで効率的に基礎力をつけることができるが、基本情報処理技術者試験の合格を保障するものではない。合格するためには、さらなる自主学習が必要なことに留意すること。 |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
出席は必要条件であり、7割以上出席しなければならない。 最終的な目標は試験に合格することであるため、 評価は出席と宿題の提出率(正答率ではない)でのみで行う。 履修規程上の先修条件:なし |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
http://arena.u-aizu.ac.jp/Arena/ |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2016年度/Academic Year 前期 /First Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
2nd year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
Masahide Sugiyama |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
Masahide Sugiyama |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2016/02/01 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
In this course, students will learn as they think for themselves, using social issues, messages from heads of industry and universities, and exchanges of opinions with a member of the Fukushima Information Industry Association as learning materials. Further, this course leads into Career Design II, which covers the employment activities and career decisions students will face the following academic year. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
The objective of this course is for students to get a feel for social trends and improve their communication and thinking abilities, which are required in society. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
●Fundamentals (1) Introduction to Careers (Lecture) Students will receive an overview of the lectures, an introduction to careers, and learn about the thinking process. (2) Understanding society 1 (Participation by Fukushima Mimpo reporter) Students will learn about the state of the world, Japan, and Fukushima through the Fukushima Mimpo. (3) Understanding society 2 (Lecture, individual work) Students will learn about social issues such as aging populations and declining birthrates, the environment, and safety and security, and will form their own opinions on these subjects. (4) Understanding society 3 (Group work) Students will delve deeply into the issues above through team discussions. (5) Understanding society 4 (Group work) Each team will form and present their opinions on the issues above as a group. (6) Understanding society 5 (Lecture, individual work) Students will study messages from heads of industry, government, universities, etc. and form their own opinions on them. (7) Understanding society 6 (Group work) Students will delve deeply into the issues above through team discussions. (8) Understanding society 7 (Group work) Each team will form and present their opinion on the theme above as a group. ●Practical Application (9) Understanding the needs of industry 1 (Participation by industry member) A member of the Fukushima Information Industry Association will present information on issues their company is facing and exchange opinions with students. (10) Understanding the needs of industry 2 Students will collect information on the subject in question and discuss the issues, distribution of labor, and scheduling regarding possible solutions. (11) Understanding the needs of industry 3 (Participation by industry member) Students will delve into the issues and pose questions to the industry member. (12) Understanding the needs of industry 4 Students will delve into the issues. (13) Understanding the needs of industry 5 Students will prepare materials for their presentations. (14) Understanding the needs of industry 6 (Participation by industry member) Students will make presentations and critique each other's presentations. (15) Final review *The scheduled content of class sessions is subject to change. |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
None |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
(1) Class Attendance: More than two-thirds of all class sessions (2) Participation level in each class |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
(1) The class capacity of ~30 students (which is due to the group work and workshop style of class) may be filled before the course registration deadline. (2) This class required students to engage in independent thinking. (3) Handouts will be distributed as needed. |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2016年度/Academic Year 後期 /Second Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
3rd year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
Masahide Sugiyama |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
Masahide Sugiyama |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2016/09/08 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
To make career choice with future prospects and broad view: industry analysis and company studies for career choice forecasting a great uncertainty in the future |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
To provide hands-on information and advices on job hunting: self-analysis, study on companies, industries, job application forms, and interview tips |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
1. For starting job hunting (Introduction to Job hunting, schedule, precautions, etc.) 2. Social understanding - Japan, Fukushima, and Aizu Presenter: newspaper reporter 3. Industry Analysis 1 1) In-depth studies on IT industry 4. Industry Analysis 2 1) Manufacturers 2) Local companies 5. Industry Analysis 3 1) Service industry 2) Public Services 6. Self-Analysis 7. Let’s improve communication skills. 8. Preparation for written examinations 9. Report sessions by seniors who received tentative job offers (naitei) 10. Practice session - Job application form writing 11. Practice session - Group interview 12. Preparation for interviews (Job application form will be returned to students.) 13. Seminar on industries with UoA alumni 14. Mock interviews 15. Highlights of job hunting tips |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
None |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Evaluations will be made based on the number of class sessions students attend. 100% |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
None |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2016年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
Heo Younghyon |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
Kuwada K. |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2016/02/02 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
This is a TOEIC preparation course for university students. This course is designed for students to familiarize themselves with the TOEIC test format and to improve their listening and reading skills. Through instructions and practice, students will be able to comprehend basic communications in English in daily life. By the end of the semester, students will obtain a good amount of vocabulary and get enough practice in English grammar and have a good understanding of TOEIC test format to reach TOEIC score 400. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
(1) To improve listening and reading skills in English (2) To enhance the knowledge of English grammar (3) To learn English expressions in daily communication (4) To learn how to study for the TOEIC test |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
*TOEIC testはPart 1~Part 7で構成されている。 Listening: Part1(写真描写問題)Part 2(応答問題)Part 3(会話問題)Part 4(説明文問題) Reading : Part 5(短文穴埋め問題)Part 6(長文穴埋め問題)Part 7(読解問題) *演習問題を学生が解答して教員が解説する授業形態である。 *Listening Part 1とPart 2はディクテーションとシャドーイングを行う。 *毎回の授業でVocabulary Quizを行う。 *Vocabulary Quizは指定した参考書から出題する。 *「TOEIC B」授業と同じ参考書を使用するが、Quizの出題範囲は異なる。 Week 1: Introduction, Sample test Week 2 – Week 12: Listening & Reading Exercises, Vocabulary Quizzes Week 13: Mock Test (Listening), Vocabulary Test Week 14: Mock Test (Reading) Week 15: Mock Test review 詳細は初回授業でお知らせします。 |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
*演習問題は担当教員が準備します。 *Vocabulary Quizを下記の参考書から出題するので、必ず購入すること。 「TOEIC テスト 公式問題で学ぶボキャブラリー」 著者 Educational Testing Service 発行元 国際ビジネスコミュニケーション協会 |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Attendance 30% Quizzes 30% Vocabulary Test 30% Assignments 10% |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
担当教員のメールアドレスは以下の通りです。 k-kuwada@u-aizu.ac.jp |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2016年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
Heo Younghyon |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
Kuwada K. |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2016/02/02 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
This is a TOEIC preparation course for university students. This course is designed for students to familiarize themselves with the TOEIC test format and to improve their listening and reading skills. Through instructions and practice, students will be able to comprehend communications in English in work place and daily life. By the end of the semester, students will obtain a good amount of vocabulary and get enough practice in English grammar and have a good understanding of TOEIC test format to increase their TOEIC score. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
(1) To improve listening and reading skills in English (2) To enhance the knowledge of English grammar (3) To learn English expressions in daily communication (4) To learn how to study for the TOEIC test |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
*TOEIC testはPart 1~Part 7で構成されている。 Listening: Part1(写真描写問題)Part 2(応答問題)Part 3(会話問題)Part 4(説明文問題) Reading : Part 5(短文穴埋め問題)Part 6(長文穴埋め問題)Part 7(読解問題) *演習問題を学生が解答して教員が解説する授業形態である。 *Listening Part 1とPart 2はディクテーションとシャドーイングを行う。 *毎回の授業でVocabulary Quizを行う。 *Vocabulary Quizは指定した参考書から出題する。 *「TOEIC A」授業と同じ参考書を使用するが、Quizの出題範囲は異なる。 Week 1: Introduction, Sample test Week 2 – Week 12: Listening & Reading Exercises, Vocabulary Quizzes Week 13: Mock Test (Listening), Vocabulary Test Week 14: Mock Test (Reading) Week 15: Mock Test review 詳細は初回授業でお知らせします。 |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
*演習問題は担当教員が準備します。 *Vocabulary Quizを下記の参考書から出題するので、必ず購入すること。 「TOEIC テスト 公式問題で学ぶボキャブラリー」 著者 Educational Testing Service 発行元 国際ビジネスコミュニケーション協会 |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Attendance 30% Quizzes 30% Vocabulary Test 30% Assignments 10% |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
担当教員のメールアドレスは以下の通りです。 k-kuwada@u-aizu.ac.jp |