AY 2019 Undergraduate School Course Catalog

EL1 Advanced English Acquisition


2019年度/Academic Year  3学期 /Third Quarter
/Course for;
3rd year
Heo Younghyon
Heo Younghyon
/Recommended track

更新日/Last updated on 2019/02/08
/Course outline
This course introduces how human languages are designed/structured.  Specifically, it will focus on the word, sentence and sound structure of various languages in the world showing structural diversity of human languages as it introduces some basic concepts and terms used in linguistics. Also, some interesting topics related to human language (e.g., “language acquisition”, “language and brain” and “language and thought”) will be discussed.
/Objectives and attainment
This course aims 1) to introduce students the basic concepts and terms used in linguistics, 2) to introduce students how languages are structured differently in many respects and 3) to discuss some interesting topics related to human language.
/Class schedule
Class 1. Course orientation, Introduction
Class 2. Words
Class 3. Sentences
Class 4. Semantics & Pragmatics
Class 5. Human speech sounds
Class 6. Sound systems
Class 7. Midterm Project
Class 8. Language change
Class 9. Regional dialects
Class 10. Multilingualism
Class 11. Language & Mind
Class 12. Language Acquisition
Class 13. Language & Brain
Class 14. Foreign Accents
Class 15. Final Exam
No textbook
/Grading method/criteria
Participation: 15%
Homework: 25%  
Midterm Project: 30%
Final exam: 30%
/Note for course registration
Formal prerequisites: Before registering an advanced course (EL), a student must earn: 1) at least 3 credits from E1, E3, E5, E7, and 2) at least 2 credits from E2, E4, E6.

/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Course materials (e.g. lecture notes) are available on the course page.

2019年度/Academic Year  3学期 /Third Quarter
/Course for;
3rd year
Ian L. Wilson
Ian L. Wilson
/Recommended track

更新日/Last updated on 2019/08/09
/Course outline
This course is a contrastive analysis of the phonology and phonetics (the sound systems) of Japanese and English. Each language's inventory of sound segments will be compared systematically, as well as the syllable structure and some phonological rules. Students will be taught to produce (pronounce) and perceive the differences between sounds in these two languages. In order to assist students in differentiating between English and Japanese sounds, both ultrasound and acoustic analysis software will sometimes be used in the classroom.
/Objectives and attainment
By the end of the course, students will:
(a) have some knowledge of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
(b) know the sound segment inventories of English and Japanese
(c) know the syllable structure differences between English and Japanese
(d) know some phonological rules of English
(e) have very basic knowledge of how to use Praat acoustic analysis software
(f) have had much practice *perceiving* and *producing* differences between English phonemes
/Class schedule
Class 1: Introduction to the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) and the vocal tract
Class 2: Consonants – English vs Japanese; Minimal pairs
Class 3: Vowels and Diphthongs – English vs Japanese; spelling vs sound
Class 4: English schwa; content vs function words
Class 5: Connected speech – English vs Japanese
Class 6: Syllable structure – English vs Japanese; Katakana English; Japanese vowel devoicing
Class 7: Syllable-initial semi-vowels (/j/ and /w/); pronunciation game
Class 8: Rhyming words  – English vs Japanese
Class 9: Limericks – proper use of rhyme, syllables, and content words
Class 10: Pitch – importance in Japanese vs English; Praat software
Class 11: Japanese pitch accent vs English stress; stress in long words
Class 12: Phonetic cues to stress; Puns and homophones – English vs Japanese
Class 13: Foreign accents in English and in Japanese
Class 14: Sound-meaning relationship in English and in Japanese
Final Exam
All materials will be distributed in class or on the class website. This course will be organized in an online Learning Management System.
/Grading method/criteria
Participation:  15%
Quizzes and Online Forums:  45%
Final Exam:  40%
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
The course instructor Ian Wilson has practical working experience. He worked for GEOS Corporation for 8 years, where he was involved in teaching English-as-a-Foreign-Language (EFL) and training EFL teachers. Based on his experience, he can teach all 4 skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing) of EFL.

CLR Phonetics Lab website:  CLR Phonetics Lab


2019年度/Academic Year  4学期 /Fourth Quarter
/Course for;
3rd year
Emiko Kaneko
Emiko Kaneko
/Recommended track

更新日/Last updated on 2019/02/14
/Course outline
[This class will be offered in the flipped-classroom style]

Students will analyze sentences at the micro level and manually draw tree diagrams both in class and as assignments. We will start from simple to more complex sentences and give enough time to learn diagramming techniques.
/Objectives and attainment
By the end of the course, students will acquire sufficient knowledge about sentence structures and be able to analyze sentences syntactically by themselves.
/Class schedule
Week 1 Introduction, grammar terms
Week 2 Noun phrases (proper nouns)
Week 3 Noun phrases (count/mass, articles)
Week 4 Noun phrases (diagram)
Week 5 Noun phrases (diagram)
Week 6  Noun phrases (diagram)
Week 7 Midterm Examination
Week 8 Verb phrases
Week 9 Verb phrases
Week 10 Tense
Week 11 Three kinds of objects 1
Week 12 Three kinds of objects 2
Week 13 Adjectival/adverbial
Week 14 Review for the final exam
Week 15 Final Examination
Uploaded in the course site
Students are required to watch a video and do all the exercises and homework before class.
If students do not bring homework to class, they will be marked as "absent".
/Grading method/criteria
1. Class Participation (Presentations and participation in group work) [10% ]
2. In-class and homework assignments/quizzes [ 10% ]
3. Midterm Exam [ 40% ]
4. Final Exam [ 40% ]
/Note for course registration
This class will be offered in the flipped-classroom style.

Successful completion of LS1, 2, RW1, 2, Intermediate English A/B, and Active Communication is highly recommended.

Formal prerequisites:Before registering an advanced course (EL), a student must earn: 1) at least 2 credits from E1, E3, E5, E7, and 2) at least 2 credits from E2, E4, E6.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
The course instructor, Emiko Kaneko, worked in Gakken School Management as an English instructor and an academic administrator. She was also in charge of the development and the quality maintenance of English speaking tests in ALC Press.

For more information about flipped classroom.

2019年度/Academic Year  4学期 /Fourth Quarter
/Course for;
3rd year
Jeremy Perkins
Jeremy Perkins
/Recommended track

更新日/Last updated on 2019/02/13
/Course outline
Students will learn about the structural properties of human language as illuminated by modern linguistic theory. A range of topics will be covered, including sound patterns, sentence structure, word form and aspects of meaning.
/Objectives and attainment
The following objectives will be of particular interest:
1. A basic understanding of patterns seen across human languages.
2. Analysis of language data in a range of languages.
3. Use of English in describing linguistic phenomena.
4. How knowledge of sound patterns can aid in learning English and other languages.
/Class schedule
Class 1: Introduction
Class 2-4: Speech sounds across languages (Phonetics)
Class 5-6: Words (Morphology)
Class 7: Midterm Review Class
Class 8: Midterm
Class 9-10: Sound Patterns across languages (Phonology)
Class 11-12: Sentence Structure (Syntax)
Class 13-14: Meaning in Language (Pragmatics & Semantics)
Class lecture notes will be provided. You do not need to buy a textbook. Course material (including readings) will be made available online to students via Schoology by the instructor.
/Grading method/criteria
Homework Assignments 30%
Midterm Exam 25%
Final Exam 35%
Class Participation 10%

2019年度/Academic Year  4学期 /Fourth Quarter
/Course for;
3rd year
Stuart Benson
Stuart Benson
/Recommended track

更新日/Last updated on 2019/08/26
/Course outline
Knowledge of the most frequent 3,000 words in English are critical to communicate (listen and speak), and to read and write.

Luckily, there is a high-frequency vocabulary word list that contains these words. However, just learning these words receptively is not enough. We need to be able to productively use the words in context. Therefore, this course will focus on receptively and productively using these words from the 3,000-word list.

In this high-frequency vocabulary course, we will learn the most important words in English through numerous meaning-focused activities as well as the goal of learning a weekly list of words, which will focus on the most frequently used words in English.
/Objectives and attainment
The following objectives will be of interest:
1. Understanding what is involved in ‘knowing’ a word.
2. Having a deeper knowledge of the most frequent words in English.
3. Learning a total of seven weekly lists over the course.
/Class schedule
Class 1: Introduction to vocabulary levels
Class 2: Knowing a word
Class 3-6: Using words in speaking/listening
Class 7: Mid-term vocabulary test
Class 8-10: Using words in reading/writing
Class 11-13: Using words in classroom activities
Class 14: End-term vocabulary test
All materials will be provided in-class.
/Grading method/criteria
1. Participation: 10%
2. Weekly vocabulary quizzes: 30%
3. Mid-term vocabulary test: 30%
4. End-term vocabulary test: 30%

2019年度/Academic Year  2学期 /Second Quarter
/Course for;
3rd year
Allan Nicholas
Allan Nicholas
/Recommended track

更新日/Last updated on 2019/02/08
/Course outline
When we learn a foreign language, we typically focus on grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. These are important! However, we sometimes forget to think about pragmatics- the ways in which our language choices can change in different social situations. This short course introduces you to the pragmatics of the English language. You will learn about how conversation is constructed in real-life situations, and how our grammar patterns and vocabulary choices vary in different contexts.

The course introduces the concept of speech-as-action. We will use the tools of conversation analysis to describe authentic talk and gain an understanding of how it can vary according to context. You will have opportunities to analyse model talk and apply apply knowledge to your own spoken interactions.

Course components
1. In-class activities/participation
You should attend all classes and participate in all activities. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of class. Students who arrive on time will receive 1 point for “Attendance and participation;” those who arrive late will receive 0.5 points, and those who are absent will receive 0 points for that class. In addition, failure to actively participate in class may lead to points being deducted from the “Attendance and participation” category. If you have to miss a class for a legitimate reason (e.g., illness or family emergency), you have to contact Allan Nicholas in advance to get credits for attendance.

2. Assignments/homework
Sometimes your instructor will give you assignments to complete for homework. It is important to complete all assignments and hand them in on time.

3. Mid-term and end-term assessments
There are two assessments for this course- the mid-term assessment, and the end-term assessment. Make-up assessments will only be given if you miss a test for a legitimate reason (e.g. illness or family emergency).

4. End-term project
You will complete a project at the end of the term to demonstrate your ability to apply the things you have learnt throughout the course.
/Objectives and attainment
By the end of the course, learners will:
a) have some basic knowledge of Speech Act Theory (SAT)
b) have knowledge of fundamental concepts related to Conversation    Analysis (CA)
c) have an understanding of how talk is influenced by social context
d) be able to analyse model conversations using CA concepts
e) be able to analyse their own English language interactions using CA concepts
/Class schedule
Class 1: Introduction to the course
Class 2: Speech-as-action
Class 3: Basic CA concepts- adjacency pairs and preferred/dispreferred turns
Class 4: How talk-in-interaction is organised- speech acts over multiple turns
Class 5: The speech act of requesting- structure
Class 6: The speech act of requesting- the request turn
Class 7: Social context and language choices
Class 8: Repairing a conversation; changing and closing topics
Class 9: Mid-term assessment
Class 10: The listener’s role
Class 11: Maintaining a conversation
Class 12: Culture and pragmatic norms
Class 13: End-term assessment
Class 14: End-term project
All materials will be provided by the instructor via Schoology and in-class.
/Grading method/criteria
Participation: 15%
Mid-term assessment: 20%
Final assessment: 20%
Assignments: 15%
End-term project: 30%

Student obligations
It is the responsibility of students to read the syllabus and complete all assignments, tests and projects on time.
If you do not bring the materials you need to class, you will be considered ‘absent.’ If you are exceed the maximum number of absences allowed, the final grade will be an F regardless of your final score for the course.

Academic integrity
Cheating/plagiarizing other’s work is not allowed. Sometimes the instructor will ask you to complete work in pairs or small groups, and sometimes individually. When working by yourself, you are not allowed to copy other students’ work.

/Note for course registration
There are no set requirements. However, learners are expected to have completed 1st and 2nd year English core courses.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Every student must enroll in the course through Schoology. Your professor will give you the access code on the first day of classes. Weekly announcements will be uploaded on the course page on Schoology. Please check Schoology for detailed information on assignments or other course information. Please contact your professor if you have any problems accessing the website. If you have problems with your login, please contact or visit SSB (RQ 207-E).

2019年度/Academic Year  4学期 /Fourth Quarter
/Course for;
3rd year
Stuart Benson
Stuart Benson
/Recommended track

更新日/Last updated on 2019/08/26
/Course outline
Have you ever thought about what words to study, why you study some words and not others and how to study words effectively? If you have, this course will finally give you the answers.

Vocabulary: Theory and practice will look at several topics that have been extensively researched and finally give you answers to the questions above. We will cover the basics of vocabulary, looking at which words are most valuable to your English learning. We will then look at several strategies that will help in learning vocabulary. Finally, we will look at how learning vocabulary is not just from word lists but can be incorporated into the four skills.
/Objectives and attainment
The following objectives will be of particular interest:
1. A deeper understanding on why we learn certain words and in turn, help you effectively decide what words are beneficial to you.
2. Understand vocabulary-learning strategies that are proven to be effective in learning new words.
3. Critically think about how vocabulary is an integral part of English and, in turn, be able to utilise this new information in your learning.
/Class schedule
Class 1: Introduction to the course
Class 2-5: Knowing a word
Class 6: Mid-term project review
Class 7: Mid-term project
Class 8-10: Vocabulary learning strategies
Class 11-12: Vocabulary in the 4 skills
Class 13: End-term project review
Class 14: End-term project
All materials will be provided in-class.
/Grading method/criteria
1. Participation: 15%
2. In-class and homework 15%
3. Mid-term Project: 30%
4. End-term project: 40%

2019年度/Academic Year  2学期 /Second Quarter
/Course for;
3rd year
Emiko Kaneko
Emiko Kaneko
/Recommended track

更新日/Last updated on 2019/02/14
/Course outline
You will practice both "extensive" and "intensive" reading in this class. Extensive reading (ER), the activity that you had in the first year, is believed to improve overall language ability if enough number of words is read. In this course, students will read more than 40,000 words of graded readers and write and present a book report at the end of the quarter.
Intensive reading is a way of reading difficult text by analyzing the structure and meaning, possible with a dictionary. This course will attempt to improve your overall reading fluency by reading English in these two ways.
/Objectives and attainment
This class is to develop reading fluency (reading and understanding English text quickly). The goal of this course is to read more than 40,000 words in three months and present a book report as well as getting used to reading academic text such as abstracts of research papers.
/Class schedule
Class 1 Introduction, reading speed check
Class 2 Intensive reading 1
Class 3 Book report and Extensive reading 1
              [read 5,000 words]
Class 4 Intensive reading 2
Class 5 Book report and Extensive reading 2
            [read 10,000 words]
Class 6 Intensive reading 3
Class 7 Midterm exam
            [read 20,000 words]
Class 8  Intensive reading 4
Class 9 Book report and Extensive reading 3
Class 10 Intensive reading 5
Class 11 Book report and Extensive reading 4
            [read 30,000 words]
Class 12 How to present a book report  
Class 13 Students’ presentation
Class 14 Students’ presentation
Class 15 Final exam
            [read 40,000 words]

Graded readers are found in the library.
Supplementary materials will be distributed in class.

/Grading method/criteria
1. Number of words and books that you have read [30%]
2. Midterm Exam [20% ]
3. Final Exam [ 20% ]
4. Book report [15%]
5. Presentation [10%]
6. Active class participation [5%]
/Note for course registration
- You need to spend time reading graded readers outside the class.
- Successful completion of Introductory English 1-4 and Intermediate English 1-3 is highly recommended.

/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
The course instructor, Emiko Kaneko, worked in Gakken School Management as an English instructor and an academic administrator. She was also in charge of the development and the quality maintenance of English speaking tests in ALC Press.

About extensive reading

Responsibility for the wording of this article lies with Student Affairs Division (Academic Affairs Section).

E-mail Address: sad-aas@u-aizu.ac.jp