
2020/10/19 |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
ABE Yasuhiro |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
ABE Yasuhiro |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/01/30 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
A web application is hosted on a 3-tier web architecture composed of web-front end, database, and application servers. A enterprise web application hosted on the 3-tier web architecture is also integrated with other servers, such as common authentication system, load-balancer, and high-availability feature. Unlike a typical one-box UNIX/Linux system, an enterprise application hosting environment needs some different skills and techniques to design and construct that. The lecture introduces basic knowledge of design and management of distributed systems. Participants study the fundamental behavior of network and operating system layers monitoring hand-made load-balancing and high-availability systems. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
We focus on the (1) on the following list as an overall objective. For advanced participants, we also provide additional targets, (2) and (3) on the list. (1). To learn the practical management skill of network and distributed (UNIX/Linux) system. (2). To design and manage computer systems for future experimental and research-oriented works. (3). To design and manage an arbitrary information system architecture for each appropriate scale. We will learn and study about kubernetes (aka k8s) in AY2020. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
1. Guidance We provide guidance about course plan and evaluation criteria on the first day. These contents might be changed by participants' knowledge and experience. 2. Explaining an Enterprise Web Hosting Environment a. Application Hosting Environment b. Configuration and Environment Management using Develop, Test, and Production Systems c. Problem and Incident Management / Change Management Systems d. Management and Administration Tools (e.g. Monitoring and Logging System) 3. To introduce incidents in the past and to consider possible solutions |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
N/A |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
We will evaluate the following aspects. Students should be able to: 1. Obtain information related to computer science and ICT utilization as a daily activity. 2. Explain the AINS network infrastructure based on published information. 3. Explain the large scale computing environment and these features to manage and provide a service, compared to a personal computer. 4. Understand some technical element related to (3). 5. Practice and explain something by themselves, based on what you have learned. |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
1. No experience required. 2. The following course website and coursework is written in Japanese, if you are interested in the theme, please contact me. |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
http://web-int.u-aizu.ac.jp/~yasu-abe/ja/sccp/ http://web-int.u-aizu.ac.jp/~yasu-abe/ja/sccp/edwi/ Activity Space: Seminar Room #10 https://web-int.u-aizu.ac.jp/~yasu-abe/ja/sccp/workspace/ The course instructor, ABE Yasuhiro, has practical working experience: He worked for IBM Japan for seven years as IT specialist where he has supported UNIX based Web application hosting infrastructure for some industrial clients. Based on his experience, he equips students with the technical knowledge of enterprise computing infrastructure. |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
ABE Yasuhiro |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
ABE Yasuhiro |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/01/30 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
We aim to build applications and/or services that can improve our university life. * If necessary for activities, we will prepare servers etc. as much as possible. * It does not cover anything that violates the diploma policy, such as a past-exam database. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
We focus on the (1) on the following list as an overall objective. For advanced participants, we also provide additional targets. (1). We aim to improve the ability to identify and solve problems and the quality of life on our campus using technology that has learned by ourselves. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
We will decide the content considering the ability and wishes of the members so far. 1. Analyze issues 2. Design 3. Development 4. Presentation |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
N/A |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Evaluation is performed based on the following aspects for developed applications and/or services. We provide guidance about course plan and evaluation criteria on the first day. Participants should be able to: 1. Set appropriate goals for issues. 2. Explain purposes, results, and issues by themselves regarding the developed applications and/or services. 3. Solve those issues using containers, such as Docker. 4. Practice and explain something by themselves, based on what you have learned. |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
The activity time will be scheduled for Monday, 17:00-18:40. |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
1. https://web-int.u-aizu.ac.jp/~yasu-abe/ja/sccp/ 2. https://web-int.u-aizu.ac.jp/~yasu-abe/ja/sccp/lda4bcl/ Activity Space: Seminar Room #10 https://web-int.u-aizu.ac.jp/~yasu-abe/ja/sccp/workspace/ The course instructor, ABE Yasuhiro, has practical working experience: He worked for IBM Japan for seven years as IT specialist where he has supported Web and UNIX based application hosting infrastructure for some industrial clients. Based on his experience, he equips students with the technical knowledge of enterprise computing infrastructure. |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
DEMURA Hirohide |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
DEMURA Hirohide, OGAWA Yoshiko, HONDA Chikatoshi, KITAZATO Kohei, OKUDAIRA Kyoko |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/02/03 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
本プロジェクトでは、これまでに得られた小惑星・月惑星の画像や形状データに基づくデータの可視化処理を体験し、月惑星探査を身近に感じられるような手ほどきを行う。また、国際宇宙ステーションたんぽぽ関連の活動も班を分けて行う。 ベンチャー体験工房no.2「宇宙リモートセンシングデータの利活用」とも連携した活動を行う。 次の3つのパートで構成する。 <施設見学会> 筑波宇宙センターおよび近隣研究所、JAXA相模原キャンパス等の施設見学を履修学生の希望を募って土休日に日帰りで実施する。 <観望会・講演会> 希望者のみ、定時外に本学天文台望遠鏡による月惑星等の観望会を行う。学外講師による講義・実習や、ハッカソン等の月惑星探査に関わるようなイベントや活動にもチームで参加する。 <座学とデータ解析実習> 通年学期中、深宇宙探査機リモートセンシングデータの解析や、iPhone/iPadアプリ開発等を手がける。内容は画像処理工学・コンピュータビジョンと関連するが、新入生であっても受講可能な範囲を想定している。SCCP時間に演習室で行う。 <国際宇宙ステーションたんぽぽ計画参画> たんぽぽ計画(https://www.wakusei.jp/book/pp/2011/2011-2/2011-2-117.pdf )は国際宇宙ステーション・日本実験棟で有機物/微生物の宇宙暴露と宇宙塵・微生物の捕集を目的とした日本の宇宙ミッションです。国際宇宙ステーションは名前の通り国際的で、海外研究者を含めた複数の研究機関・大学とも連携した活動となるため、教育的効果の大きいプロジェクトベースドラーニングとなります。実際にJAXAの宇宙ミッションに関わることができる、またとない機会です。宇宙に興味があって実際に手を動かすことに興味と熱意のある学生さんであれば十分可能です。 |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
大きく2班に分ける。 月惑星探査データ解析班はデータの入手と基礎的な解析方法について手ほどきし、月惑星科学および探査について学ぶ。 たんぽぽ班は上級生と組み幾つかの班に分かれて課題解決型学習を行う。 両班共通のものとして、定時外に本学屋上天文台望遠鏡による月や惑星の観望会、研究所見学会などを行い、理解を深める。 |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
月惑星データ解析および月惑星科学の手ほどきと演習、たんぽぽ計画への参画を通年で行う。また、定時外に希望者と屋上天文台で月・惑星の観望会や研究所見学を行う。 |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
なし |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
レポート、クラス活動(プレゼン、質疑応答)、取り組む姿勢などで総合評価する。 |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
なし |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
実務経験有り:JAXA宇宙開発プロジェクト経験者が実施している。 ウエブページリンク 会津大学発ソフトを世に出そう! https://www.facebook.com/SpaceSoftUoA/ はやぶさ2 http://www.jaxa.jp/projects/sat/hayabusa2/ たんぽぽ計画 http://logos.ls.toyaku.ac.jp/~lcb-7/tanpopo/introduction.html 会津大学ARC-Space http://www.u-aizu.ac.jp/research/caist/arc-space/ 国立天文台、ほしぞら情報2019 http://www.nao.ac.jp/astro/sky/2019/ 大学附属図書館で閲覧できる参考資料 (画像処理工学) リモートセンシング工学の基礎(森北出版) 画像処理標準テキストブック(画像情報教育振興協会) C言語による画像処理プログラミング入門(昭晃堂) 詳解 OpenCV ―コンピュータビジョンライブラリを使った画像処理・認識(オライリー) (月の基礎知識) 月のきほん(誠文堂新光社) 最新・月の科学(NHKブックス) (太陽系の基礎知識) 星の地図館 太陽系大地図(小学館) 太陽系と惑星 シリーズ現代の天文学(日本評論社) (はやぶさミッション) はやぶさ : 不死身の探査機と宇宙研の物語(幻冬舎) 小惑星探査機はやぶさの大冒険(マガジンハウス) 私たちの「はやぶさ」 : その時制御室で、何を思い、どう動いたか(毎日新聞社) はやぶさパワースポット50(三和書籍) |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
EBINA Shoji |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
EBINA Shoji |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/01/31 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
This project’s goal is to study for a teacher employment exam. The students who hope to be a teacher study various contents such as specialized subjects, teacher training subjects, trial lessons, interviews. I’ll offer learning plans for individuals. Let’s study together! |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
Examination preparation for specialized subjects(Mathematics in principle) Examination preparation for teacher training subjects Examination preparation for trial lessons, interviews, and essays |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
The roughly learning contents are as follows. First grade~ : Specialized subjects(Mathematics in principle) The latter half of Second grade~: Teacher training subjects Fourth grade~: Trial lessons, interviews, and essays Concrete learning contents will be decided by learners’ ability |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
Past exam questions |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Efforts for exercise |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
Nothing in particular |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
Nothing in particular |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/02/03 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
This class consists of two components with the project-based and active learning: - First Semester [1st Quarter / 2nd Quarter] (Understanding Intercultural Experiences for Engineering Students): The goal of this class is to build an intercultural mindset, the cultural appropriate skills, and leadership skills for understanding the communication-based, cultural, economic, emotional, physical, political, religious, and social aspects of an overseas of community-based intercultural experience. Presentation of strategies for development of an appropriate level of preparation will meet challenges of studying, researching and traveling in an intercultural and real setting. Emphasis on general methodology and process required to develop personal awareness and resources for successful field experience and guest speakers. - Second Semester [3rd Quarter / 4th Quarter] (Understanding Regional Innovation for Engineering Students): To be able to create new values for regional innovation using the regions assets is a big need in today’s society. However, only to have the ability to problem solve is simply not enough. What has become important when wanting to create regional innovation is to have the ability to create a creative process in tackling problems. The goal of this class is for students to be able to create a creative process for regional innovation. In order to do so, students will learn the skillsets, understand the mindsets and gain the motivations towards creating regional innovation. Skillsets are the methods in how we may create new ideas for regional innovation. Mindsets are the ways of thinking when challenging to create regional innovation. Motivations are the ways of feeling the desire to create regional innovation. Not only will the class have lectures on methods to create regional innovation but also have fieldwork practices, idea creation workshops and guest talks from leading regional innovators that will nurture the skillsets, mindsets and motivations. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
- First Semester [1st Quarter / 2nd Quarter] (Understanding Intercultural Experiences for Engineering Students): You will be able to: - Build supportive relationships with your classmates in culturally appropriate way - Develop educational cultural activities with learning objectives and outcomes - Understand personal intercultural leadership skills - Learn how to work within a dynamic cross-cultural team - Develop an understanding of the cultural adjustment and developmental issues - Second Semester [3rd Quarter / 4th Quarter] (Understanding Regional Innovation for Engineering Students): You will be able to: - Learn the methods of how to create new values for regional innovation - Understand the mindsets needed when challenging to create regional innovation - Gain the motivation to want to create regional innovation in the future |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
- First Semester [1st Quarter / 2nd Quarter] (Understanding Intercultural Experiences for Engineering Students): Lesson 1: Ground Rules / Cultural Simulation / Self-Analysis 1 (Past, Present, Future) Lesson 2: Self-Analysis 2 (Setting Your Own Goals and Objectives) Lesson 3: Self-Expression / Effective Communication / Public Speaking Lesson 4: Planning and Implementation Lesson 5: Media Literacy [How You Collect the Information] Lesson 6: Scavenger Hunt Lesson 7: Global Leadership Skills Lesson 8: Guest Speaker: Global Perspectives / Value / Comprehensive Understanding Lesson 9: Intercultural Competent, Cultural Sensitivity Lesson 10: Non-Verbal Communication Lesson 11: Guest Speaker: Develop the Qualities and Skills needed to be a Global Citizen Lesson 12: Motivation Lesson 13: Time Management / Stress Management Lesson 14: Review / Final Presentation - Second Semester [3rd Quarter / 4th Quarter] (Understanding Regional Innovation for Engineering Students): Lesson 1: Introduction to Regional Innovation Lesson 2: Introduction to Interview and Fieldwork Lesson 3: Introduction to Idea Creation Lesson 4: Introduction to Team building Lesson 5: Idea Creation Workshop Basic I Lesson 6: Idea Creation Workshop Basic II Lesson 7: Idea Creation Workshop Practical I Lesson 8: Idea Creation Workshop Practical II Lesson 9: Idea Creation Workshop Practical III Lesson 10: Regional Innovation Case Study I Lesson 11: Regional Innovation Case Study II Lesson 12 - 13: Regional Innovation Practical (Field Trip) Lesson 14: Group Presentation Adjustments to the schedule always seem to be necessary as the semester or quarter goes on. You are responsible for knowing any changes that were announced even if you are late or miss a class. We will have a Scavenger Hunt and fieldwork in Aizu. Further information will be given at week 1. If in case students cannot participate the fieldwork, please contact the instructor beforehand. |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
N/A. Handouts will provided online or paper in class. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Impromptu Speeches / Presentations 20 Mid-term Presentation 20 Reflection Papers 20 Extra-curricular Activity(s) 15 Final Presentation and Paper 25 In addition to regular reading assignments, study questions, and short written responses, you will write several short essays and will make several oral presentations during the semester. |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
Any prerequisite classes will not be required for this class, and we strongly recommend you to take if you are international students or students who wish to go abroad. |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
The course instructor has working experiences: I have maximized my practical knowledge of the intercultural oversea experiences to the real education setting, and have been taken a leadership and liaising roles in contributing to the enhancement of international exchange operation in the glocal communities. If you are interested in gaining your intercultural experience, please join our international exchange activities. [http://www.u-aizu.ac.jp/osip/en/] This is a selective course for Education Network for Practical Information Technologies (enPiT2) certificate course. [ http://www.u-aizu.ac.jp/enpit/en/] |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/01/10 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
In this project, we product micro processor boards(Do it yourself), such as PIC micro processor and ARM processors and etc. We can learn these micro processor and programming of micro processor. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
Implementation of microprocessor boards and programming of micro processor. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
3-5weeks :Explanation of a target board and programming 5-8weeks :Programming of micro processor |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
Data sheets of boards and sample programs |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Implementation of program for micro processor |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
Please attend first day of class, as guidance of this SCCP. |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
http://eslweb.u-aizu.ac.jp/~kitamiti/sccp |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
KUROKAWA Hirokuni |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
KUROKAWA Hirokuni |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/05/13 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
Computer programming language can help you to truly manipulate your computer. In particular, C is the first standard computer programming language to learn at many science and technology universities. It is an important basic knowledge for future study, research, or work. But some beginners feel that C language is more difficult. To this, we have developed a learning support system PROVIT for those beginners. PROVIT gives us a detailed look at how computers understand and work with C programs. PROVIT has already been experimentally used in many kinds of C lectures. (* This course will be delivered via online) |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
In this course, you will study as follows. (1) Deepen your understanding of C programs with PROVIT along with the exercises of "Introduction to Programming" and "Programming C". (2) The current PROVIT is made in Java, requires installation that is a problem in its usability. To solve this problem, we try the feasibility of the Web version of PROVIT. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
1. Preparition of learning environment 2. HTML basics 3. CSS 4. Javascript 5. Coding style 6. Basic tags 7. Representation of main function 8. Representation of variables 9. Realization of pseudo console 10. Button 11. Communication with server 12. Graphic / Color 13. Realization of underline 14. Realization of blinking |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
None |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
The following items will be evaluated comprehensively. - Class activities: Discussion and presentation - Completion situation of reports and exercises - Attitude to study |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
None |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
http://cleast.u-aizu.ac.jp/ |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
MORI Kazuyoshi |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
MORI Kazuyoshi |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/01/28 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
By holding the seminar series, we enable us the better logical/critical thinking techniques. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
To have sufficient logical/critical thinking techniques, both of which are required for engineers. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
To hold the seminar series by reading theoretical engineering books, in which the order will be fixed with students. |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
The books we will read are theoretical, which will be determined with students. In the first half, they can be in Japanese. In the other half, they will be in English. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
To be based on the activity (70%) and the reachability (30%). |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
Presentations are to be requested, so that some preliminary work will be needed. |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
NARUSE Keitaro |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
NARUSE Keitaro |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/01/31 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
For learning robot technologies, it is important to develop a robot with fun. The students in this course can enjoy robot development through robot contest or competition. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
he students will learn robot development including mechanical engineering, circuit development, software development, and tests as a team by attending robot contest or competition. Students will take one of the following contests: They will design, develop, operate, improve a robot, and participate to it: July: Rescue robot contest August: Cansat competition November: Aizu regional robot contest December: ET robot contest (Lego mindstorm) The detail will be decided in a class. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
The schedule will be heavily dependent on a contest date: The following schedule is just a rough guide: #1-#4: Learn basics of robot development #5-#8: Robot design and development #9-#12: Robot test and improve #13-#14: Preparation for contest Additional activity: Attendance to contest |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
None. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
To be announced in a class. |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
None. |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
None. |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/01/30 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
In this project, students will learn how to produce audio/visual contents using computers. Students are expected to be actively involved in planning and producing contents such as 3D/2D computer graphics, Flash, MIDI, and live-action movies by using various tools. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
The objective of this course is to acquire fundamental knowledge on computer graphics as well as the usage of tools through the production of contents. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
Besides regular general meetings, each party sets their own schedule for working on actual contents production. |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
N/A |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Contribution to the project, produced contents, etc. |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
OI Hitoshi |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
OI Hitoshi |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/02/03 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
We will provide the students with opportunities for the following experiences: - operating system installation and customization - kernel compilation and modification - peripheral device installation - system virtual machines (Xen, VMWare) - standard benchmark programs (SPEC, EEMBC) ; workloads, run rules, performance metrics - performance profiling tools (oprofile, vmstat, iostat) - heterogeneous multi-core architecture (big.LITTLE) We will also practice to read and write technical documents, which is one of weakest aspects for the University of Aizu students. Reports from past SCCP projects are posted on my course page: http://www.u-aizu.ac.jp/~hitoshi/COURSES/SCCP/ |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
The objectives of this course is to fill in the gap between the theory and practice. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
Due to the nature of the project-oriented course, exact and detailed schedule of will be determined after the discussion between each student and the instructor. However, - During the 1st class, the instructor provides the course overview, and topics of the past student projects. The students and the instructor will discuss to explorer the potential topics for their topics. - In the next two classes, each student should decide his/her topic for the project. - In the next ten classes, each student reports the progress (and issues/problems, if any) of the project. During this period, we will also study the reference materials (books/research papers/ technical magazine articles) in a reading circle manner. - In the lass class meeting, students will present their project results. |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
none; however, reference books and documents will be advised by the instructor . |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grade. A student who fails to attend more than 30% of the classes (i.e. four class meetings) and/or does not perform the following (without justifiable reasons) will receive Unsatisfactory grade: - Tasks assigned for the week and their report at the class meeting on the following week - Reading material assignments - Final report and its presentation |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
Please contact the instructor for any question and for the discussion on the potential project topics. |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
SCCP course page: http://web-ext.u-aizu.ac.jp/~hitoshi/COURSES/SCCP/ You can find the final project reports of past students (some are available on request). |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
OKUYAMA Yuichi |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
OKUYAMA Yuichi |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/02/02 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
Note: In this class, you will create your own "CPU"! You do not use microcomputers sold at the same time, but use more expensive equipment! You may have browsed the Web, created documents/programs, and played on a game console that can display 3D graphics on a PC which is installed Windows or Linux operating systems. So, can you answer this question? "Why does the computer work?" If you are interested in this university, you must want to know. The purpose of this project is to be able to answer this question for the first time after studying in the 1st year students (of course the 2nd to 4th year students are also welcome). You may fell difficulty to understand large systems such as Windows, Linux and game consoles. At the beginning, I think it is important to understand small systems, develop your computer skills, and gradually get used to large systems. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
Each item in the system is understandable even for high school students. However, even small systems which have multiple items increasingly become difficult to understand. To grasp the whole systems, you may need to take lessons from a person who has specialized knowledge. In this project, the goal is understanding following things under the supervision of a teacher; ・ Making a small CPU ・ Programming on the small CPU If you have a desire to know and create a computer, you will gain the knowledge needed to design a computer. For example, students who want to; ・ use or design operating systems, ・ design special purpose computers ・ create entirely new machines. If you have such dreams, please learn the technology that will be a foothold in this extracurricular project. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
This extracurricular project is held once a week. The day and time of the event will be decided on the first round. This project deals two themes every other year and learn the essence of CPU design over two years. The project deals the 2nd item in AY2020. 1. Programming to your own CPU You will learn the basics of programming in an environment without an operating system while actually operating the circuit design board equipped with LEDs, switches, keyboard inputs, and VGA. Unlike normal computer programming, the CPU directly detects when you press the switch. You can use this as a trigger to create various controls in your program. The processor uses a self-made CPU that actually works, but with this programming, you can also program to commercially available microcontrollers such as Arduino and RaspberryPi. 2. Creation of CPU using circuit description language Intel's CPU in a standard PC is basic and has about 350 instructions. I can not make it suddenly. In order to hold the basics in this theme, first, develop a 4-instruction CPU, and then develop a 13-instruction CPU. The completed 13-instruction CPU is practical, so we will actually run it using a chip (FPGA) that mimics the circuit. We will teach you how to create a circuit in a circuit description language and how to experiment, so please join if you want to run a computer yourself or someone who knows how to use an editor and has guts. The knowledge gained in this subject can lead not only to CPU design but also to compiler creation and OS development. |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
The materials will be provided electronically in class. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Since the goal is a class to have you learn the fun of computer production, this project does not give any examination. However, this project gives you presentation assignments. The scoring criteria for free presentation are as follows. -An assignment has been submitted: 50 points -In addition to the above, students apply their cation: 70 points -In addition to the above, applied modification is recognized enough to useful: 100 points |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
Anyone who can enter characters in the web browser can participate. |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/02/04 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
Aren't you excited that the computer works according to your instruction ? The ability of the computer increases further by adding the sensors. For example, it can let LED shine brightly according to darkness and it can warn you with the buzzer when becoming 2℃ or less. In this project, we are going to use Arduino which is "open source hardware" and is minimal microcontroller board. But it has an unlimited potential. Sensors and a variety of electronic parts which are similar to human's senses can be connected to Arduino in order to sense light, sound, temperature, inclination, acceleration and so on. The program that makes LED shine for one second at intervals of one second can be written very easily as follows. --------------------------------- #define LED 13 void setup(){ pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); } void loop(){ digitalWrite(LED, HIGH); delay(1000); digitalWrite(LED, LOW); delay(1000); } ------------------------------- |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
You can understand or obtain following ・The mechanism of the computer ・The knowledge of an electrical analog/digital circuit ・Make up entire system ・Skills of cooperation with other people. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
You are going to learn following ・The outline of Arduino/Raspberry Pi ・A basic electric circuit ・Various sensors ・The Arduino/Raspberry Pi program syntax ・How to realize various system by using Arduino/Raspberry Pi. |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
Getting started with Arduino(O'REILLY) etc. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Evaluation will be done with following points ・Did you participate ardently? ・Did you contribute to the activity? ・Did you think of epoch-making or novel idea? |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
None |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
Arduino Home Page http://arduino.cc/ Raspberry Pi Home Page https://www.raspberrypi.org/ |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
SAITO Hiroshi |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
SAITO Hiroshi, TOMIOKA Yoichi |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/01/28 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
There are many computer systems around our usual life. It is important to learn the detail of computer systems to develop a new computer system. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
In this SCCP, students develop a computer system for a radio controlled (RC) car using Raspberry Pi. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
1. Introduction 2 - 12. Development of an RC car 13 - 14. Presentation |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
Not assigned |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
50% presentation 50% progress check |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
http://www-adl.u-aizu.ac.jp/sccp/radiocontrol/ |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
SHIN Jungpil |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
SHIN Jungpil |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/01/22 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
This is a project-based course for developing Pattern Recognition Software. We have the aim to develop software that can be developed outside the class at the University of Aizu. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
In this project, we can develop from basic programming to application software, which aims to improve the programming technology at a level. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
1. Basic Programming (for 1st year student) · Students who want to improve programming skills · Students who prefer programming and want to create high level software 2.Application Development (for 2nd or more year students) · Students who like programming and want to create higher level software · Students who want to demonstrate programming skills · Great work up to graduation thesis · Student who wants to make practical works · Students who wish to go on to graduate school In the laboratory, we have completed many projects using different types of devices. Such as Pen Tablet / Touch Panel / Kinect Sensor / Leap Motion / Smartphone / MYO / RGB Camera etc. We have to develop the software. This is a very interesting and important theme. The specific themes are as follows: 1. Pattern Recognition, Authentication, and Generation Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) 2. Non-touch HCI using Motion gesture sensor (RGB-D, Leap motion, etc) 3. Disease Diagnosis using Pen-Tablet 4. Daily Activity recognition using smartwatch and camera sensor 5. Multichannel EEG signal analysis for Brain Computer Interface (BCI) 6. Optional Theme: A new idea is always welcome. |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
Not applicable |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Basically learning how to do while programming Learn when making friendships and cooperating with each other Languages are C, Visual C ++, C #, Java, Matlab, Python (also possible in other languages) |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
Students who are interested in participating in this project will be e-mailed to Professor Shin. |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
http://www.u-aizu.ac.jp/labs/is-pp/pplab/ |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
SHIN Jungpil |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
SHIN Jungpil |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/01/22 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
Anyounghaseyo!!!! Since 2000, there have been epidemics of Korea's popular culture in East Asia. In Japan, since 2003, the Korean drama "Winter Sonata" has started broadcasting. Not limited to TV dramas, movies, music, statues, cooking, language, literature etc. have different trends in the context. Contact opportunities in Korean IT, culture and languages are increasing, and I wanted to achieve this experience at the University of Aizu and planned this project. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
The goal of this project is to learn the following: 1.Comparison of Korean and Japanese language systems 2.Comparison between Korean and Japanese culture and society 3.Comparison of Korean and Japanese IT developmentalities. 4.The case study of successful Korean IT company. This is considered very interesting. Through this project, I will examine what we can do in our lives and what we can do as a sign of progress of Korean and Japan. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
We will consult with faculty on your own, investigate through books and webs, and discuss each other. |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
Nothing. Use laboratory materials Reference: Korean Living in Country, Free talking for walking alone, Let us sing a song in Korean, Korean Language (Hallym Univ.) (in Japanese) |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Attendance. We encourage you to deal with assignment. |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
Students who are interested in participating in this project, contact with Professor Shin through e-mail. |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/01/31 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
The purpose of this project is to enhance student's capabilities for programming and problem-solving as well as to deepen the knowledge of advanced algorithms through competitive programming. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
Students are expected to solve problems which were on the global-scale programming competitions such as ACM-ICPC. We will try to participate in some competitions for ACM-ICPC cooperating with Univ. of Aizu Competitive Programming Club. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
1. Introduction to Programming 2. Introduction to Algorithms 3. Programming Techniques and Strategies 4. Algorithms and Data Structures Dynamic Programming Graph/Tree Advanced Data Structures Computational Geometry 5. Contest |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
プログラミングコンテストチャレンジブック プログラミングコンテスト攻略のためのアルゴリズムとデータ構造 東京大学実践的プログラミング「問題解決のためのプログラミング一巡り」 最強最速アルゴりズマー養成講座 オンラインジャッジではじめるC/C++プログラミング入門 |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Exercise 50% Contest 50% |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
https://onlinejudge.u-aizu.ac.jp/ http://atcoder.jp/ http://www.topcoder.com/ http://codeforces.com/ http://web-ext.u-aizu.ac.jp/circles/acpc/ |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/01/31 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
The purpose of this project is to enhance student's capabilities for programming as well as to deepen the knowledge of algorithms, frameworks, paradigms, version management and tools for software development. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
Students are expected to have exercises for: (1) learning basic algorithms and programming techniques through solving given problems step by step, or (2) developing applications and WEB services based on Java, JavaScript, Web technologies, etc for Aizu Online Judge (AOJ). Through the course (1), students will obtain knowledge of algorithms and programming techniques and be able to write a structured code which is easy to understand and debug. Through the course (2), students will be able to develop small-scale WEB services and applications. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
1. Development Tool 2. Introduction to Programming 3. Introduction to Algorithms 4. Problem Solving (course 1) Application Development (course 2) |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
Materials will be provided. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Exercise 50% Project 50% |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
YOSHIOKA Rentaro |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
YOSHIOKA Rentaro |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/01/30 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
User-interfaces (UI) of software applications are an important medium for communicating intentions/information between user and computer, and the value of the application is dictated by its quality. Participants will develop UI that can recognize user intentions, display information at the right moment, and provide necessary guidance based on the techniques of Active Knowledge Engineering. In general, students will study the basic steps of user-experience (UX) design through redesigning of an existing Web application. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
Students will understand the approach for improving user’s benefits and efficiency. Students will become able to explain the steps to design user-benefit oriented UI. Students will become able to develop UI prototypes for analysis and evaluation. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
Week 1: UX Design1 – Understanding design Week 2: UX Design2 – Design the strategy 1 Week 3: UX Design3 – Design the strategy 2 Week 4: UX Design4 – Design the requirements 1 Week 5: UX Design5 – Design the requirements 2 Week 6: UX Design6 – Design the information structure and layout 1 Week 7: UX Design7 – Design the information structure and layout 2 Week 8: UX Design8 – Design of the skeleton Week 9: UX Design9 – Prototype 1 Week 10: UX Design10 – Prototype 2 Week 11: UX Design11 – Prototype 3 Week 12: UX Design12 – Testing Week 13: Presentation and improvement Week 14: Presentation and improvement |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
Supplement learning material will be handed out in class. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Overall grade will be decided based on idea, participation, and exercises. |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
Students will study user-centered-design by reading a series of articles. In each class meeting, each student will work on usability design of a selected application. Review and advice are provided by the lecturer but student’s self-initiative and enthusiasm is requested. |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
http://borealis.u-aizu.ac.jp/classes/sccp/ |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
YOSHIOKA Rentaro |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
YOSHIOKA Rentaro |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/01/30 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
Modelling of 3D objects with haptic devices and rapid prototyping with 3D printers will be performed. Students will learn how to model 3D objects using Geomagic FreeForm/Claytools haptic device and some tuning methods for fabrication with 3D printers through hands-on lab sessions. Following basic practice, the goal is to design and fabricate original 3D models that provide new value/functionality. 3D Kanji is provided as an example of such value-added objects, but students are free to propose their own ideas as well. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
Students will become able model 3D models using a haptic-device. Students will become able to transform mental 3D designs into physical objects. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
Week 1: Tutorial 1 – Start modelling using an entry level tutorial Week 2: Tutorial 2 Week 3: Tutorial 3 Week 4: Tutorial 4 Week 5: Tutorial 5 Week 6: Exercise 1 – Techniques to model organic shapes Week 7: Exercise 2 – Model geometric shapes using 2D shapes Week 8: Exercise 3 – Precise modelling with numerical input Week 9: Exercise 4 – Techniques for complex organic shapes Week 10: 3D Kanji Modelling Week 11: Free Modelling 1 Week 12: Free Modelling 2 Week 13: Free Modelling 3 Week 14: Free Modelling 4 – Present your model to the class |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
Tutorial and exercise handouts will be handed out in class. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Overall grade will be decided based on idea, product, and enthusiasm to design. |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
This is an activity driven by student defined goals and creativity. Students are expected to self-study the tutorial and exercise material to learn fundamental modeling procedures with the haptic device. Students will apply those skills to actual modeling through try-and-error. Due to the limited number of device/software, in-class working time will be divided among the students depending on enrollment. In such case, students may be asked to work on other days to distribute the usage. |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
http://borealis.u-aizu.ac.jp/classes/sccp/ |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/01/24 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
Learning how to measure, analyze and evaluate "movement" of the human body supporting human life such as walking and eye movement |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
Objectives 1, To Learn how to measure a movement of the human body using a motion capture system or eye tracking system. 2, To Learn how to analyze and evaluate the measured data using EXCEL and MAT-LAB. Attainment target Carry out the process of analyzing data measured on physical activity using EXCEL or MAT LAB. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
Detailed schedule etc are decided / contacted within weekly class. |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
スポーツバイオメカニクス20講 |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Active participation. |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
必要に応じて資料を配布する |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
HEO Younghyon |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
HEO Younghyon |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/01/10 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
Students will learn basic Korean and Korean culture. They will learn Korean alphabet, some basic vocabulary, grammar and expressions. Along with classes on the language, there also will be several lectures on the Korean culture (K-pop and Korean movies). This will help them better understand their future Korean friends and business partners. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
Upon completion of the course, students should be able to: 1) read and write Korean alphabet. 2) understand simple Korean vocabulary and expressions. 3) learn about the Korean culture. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
Class 1: Course Orientation Class 2: Korean Alphabet: Part 1 Class 3: Korean Alphabet: Part 2 Class 4: K-pop Class 5: Basic grammar: Chapter 1 Class 6: Basic grammar: Chapter 2 Class 7: Basic grammar: Chapter 3 Class 8: Midterm Exam Class 9: Korean Movies Class 10: Basic grammar: Chapter 4 Class 11: Basic grammar: Chapter 5 Class 12: Basic grammar: Chapter 6 Class 13: Basic grammar: Chapter 7 Class 14: Korean Culture (TBA) Class 15: Final Exam |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
There is no textbook for the course. Materials will be provided in class. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Active Participation: 10% Midterm Examination: 30% Final Examination: 30% Assignment: 30% |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/01/31 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
We make Mathematica programs for physics education. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
Students should 1. make Mathematica programs by themselves 2. get basic concepts of physical laws in Dynamics and Electromagnetism |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
Every time, we will have activities as 1. Short Lecture 2. Review of Program 3. Discussion |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
Dynamics, Electromagnetism |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Evaluate Mathematica programs (100%) |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
OGAWA Yoshiko |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
OGAWA Yoshiko |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/01/18 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
The course focusses on satellite data analysis to monitor magmatic activity below active volcanoes in Fukushima Prefecture. Development of a GIS tool for visualizing various types of volcanic data are also targeted. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
The goals of this course are to: 1. Obtain basic knowledge about volcano 2. Understand various types of volcano monitoring and observation data 3. Analyze observation data or develop the tool for visualization of data 4. Comprehend volcanic disaster prevention via handling real data |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
1. Introduction: Overview of the course 2. What are volcanoes? : Magmatic activity 3. What are volcanoes? : Active volcanoes in Japanan and prevention of volcanic disasters 4. Volcano monitoring and data : Ground observations 5. Volcano monitoring and data : Satellite observations 6. Data analysis or Development of visualization tool : Preparation 7. Data analysis or Development of visualization tool : Exercise 1 8. Data analysis or Development of visualization tool : Exercise 2 9. Data analysis or Development of visualization tool : Exercise 3 10. Data analysis or Development of visualization tool : Exercise 4 11. Data analysis or Development of visualization tool : Exercise 5 12. Data analysis or Development of visualization tool : Exercise 6 13. Preparation for presentation 14. Presentation of outcome |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
Will be introduced in the class |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Your final grade will be calculated according to the following process: Exercise (50%), Outcome and presentation (50%). |
Back |
開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
ASAI Nobuyoshi |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
ASAI Nobuyoshi |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/01/30 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
Submit your proposal to Datalimpic2020 and be the winner! |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
In 2019, one of U, Aizu team has been a finalist in a business contest, Datalimpic2019. This year, our team try be the winner on our proposal. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
Apr. to Aug. Prepare the proposal Aug. 31 Submit a proposal Middle of Oct. Preliminary End of Nov. Final |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
non |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Activity and result |
Back |
開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
RYZHII Maxim V. |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
RYZHII Maxim V. |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/02/06 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
Students will study basic principles of semiconductor device modeling techniques, study the software source code based on Ensemble Monte Carlo particle simulation method (some programming work on class workstation may be required). Students will study and run the software and obtain different characteristics of semiconductor devices, such as photodetectors. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
- Ensemble Monte Carlo particle simulation method and its application to semiconductor device modeling. - Understanding of some physical effects inside semiconductor devices (electron and hole transport, photocurrent generation, electric field and potential distributions, velocity overshoot effect). - Graphical visualization of the obtained results. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
Seminars and explanations, work with software, running computer simulations. Particular schedule will depend on the student progress: 1-2. Lecture and study of software. 3-12. Discussions, study of software, computer simulations . 13-14. Simulations. Preparation of plots with results. Preparation of final report. |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
Tomizawa Kazutaka Numerical Simulation of Submicron Semiconductor Devices |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Course report (100%) |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
Prerequisites and other related courses which include important concepts relevant to the course: Some understanding of Electric circuits, Advanced electric circuits, Semiconductor devices |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
Tomizawa Kazutaka Numerical Simulation of Submicron Semiconductor Devices 富沢一隆/著 半導体デバイスシミュレーション CGで可視化するサブミクロンデバイスの世界 978-4-339-00668-1 (4-339-00668-8) |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
NOGITA Akitsugu |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
NOGITA Akitsugu |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/01/31 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
This course is designed for those who want to thoroughly learn English spelling and sounds. When your English is not understood, it is often not because your pronunciation is bad, but because you simply misunderstand the English spelling and sound systems. In this course, you will learn the English spelling and sound systems, such as the English equivalents of Japanese gojūon-hyō, the difference between kanji and hiragana, haku, intonation, and so forth, which most Japanese people have never been taught in middle and high school. The methods used in this course were adopted from the well-developed Chinese pronunciation teaching methods. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
By the end of this course, (a) students’ pronunciation will be much more accurate and understandable. (b) students will be able to guess the pronunciation of new words much more accurately. (c) students will be able to enjoy English word games and lyrics, which require basic knowledge of the English spelling and sound systems. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
1st Semester (Mostly segments) 1 Continuing students will be asked to explain to new students what they have learned (vowels, consonants, spelling rules, etc.). 2. Students will learn advanced level spelling rules (phonics). 2nd Semester (Mostly prosody) 1 Learners of English need to not only understand the concept of syllable, but also “feel” each syllable when speaking or listening to English. Students will be asked to do various drills to be used to syllabification. This class will be processed based on students’ progress. 2 Unfortunately, English stress and Japanese pitch accent nucleus are often mixed up. Students will learn that these have clearly different roles in this course. Students will also need to not only understand the concept of stress, but also “feel” the difference between stressed and unstressed syllables and the relationship between stress and intonation when speaking or listening to English. This class will be processed based on students’ progress. |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
No textbook. Materials will be provided. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
In-class assignments, quizzes: 80% Final exam: 20% |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
Prerequisites: SCCP (2019) or EL235 or EL246 |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
https://youtu.be/g0QIzy2KfKc |
Back |
開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
AMITANI Yuichi |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
AMITANI Yuichi |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/01/20 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
The 21st century computer engineers should be aware of possible ethical problems and challenges over artificial intelligence and robotics. In this SCCP course, we will form a reading group where we will read ethical literature on AI and robotics. In each class one participant makes an oral presentation on their assigned reading material and we will discuss it. In the first semester (Q1-Q2) we will read the materials in Japanese, while in the second semester (Q3-Q4) we will read papers and chapters in English. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
-To understand ethical problems on AI and robotics and represent them in presentation and discussion. -To form considered opinions on the issues and express them clearly. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
Each week one student is assigned to read and make a presentation on a paper or chapter. |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
No textbooks. We will decide which book or article to read in the first class. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Participation, oral presentation (including handouts), and (possibly) term paper. |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
-Syllabus is subject to change. -In this course one student will be assigned to present on a paper or chapter every week. Thus if there are few students then each student may make several presentations. There I suggest that you consult the instructor before registering this course. |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
IKEMOTO Junichi |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
IKEMOTO Junichi, HASHIMOTO Yasuhiro |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/01/31 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
In recent years, due to the excessively decrease in population in the countryside areas of Japan, abandoned houses, bird or animal invasion and other related issues have become urgent tasks for citizens in these local communities. In order to solve these issues, many local comminutes utilize the technology of website, SNS, video-sharing website, QR code, VR/AR, and smartphone Applications to send out information to promote local tourism and therefore revitalize the local community. However, many of these are still in the experimental stage. On the other hand, with limited know-how in the academic world, it is difficult for researchers to provide proper advice to meet the demand of local communities. In addition, it is also difficult for student to begin and manage local events or social activities by themselves due to limitation of their time, knowledge, school schedule, and various type of capitals. This project focuses on discovering the local problems and the needs of citizens though social surveys, and bases upon the results to submit proposals to ICT. Through this process, this project intends to provide students chances to understand the current conditions in local communities, learn communication skills, utilize the resource of ICT and therefore make social contribution. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
1. Student will be able to master the know-how to grasp problems and needs in field. 2. Student will be able to promote suitable ICT use based on real needs in field. 3. Student will be able to master practical communication method. 4. Student will be able to understand Utilization of ICT and social contribution. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
This project will do mainly the following contents in Kitakata city. 1.Local events supports This project will do the following schedule for each local event of tourism or community development. 1. Prior learning about local events. 2. Social survey to find problems or needs in this event. 3. Presentation of supports project for event organizer. 4. Utilization of ICT, development and implementation of applications by students 5. Brush-up based on refrection from event organizer and user. 6. Support and fieldwork on an event. 7. Total evaluation of ours supports and future improvement. 2.Community activities supports This project will do the following schedule for each community activities such as NPO, local group, private companies which do social contribution. 1. Joint project meeting and discussion with citizens, students, and teachers. 2. Utilization of ICT, development and implementation of applications by students 3. Presentation and feedback. 4. Total evaluation of ours supports and future improvement. 3.Active learning of advanced cases Student will able to study advanced cases about local development and local problem though a lecture meeting, discussion with guest speaker, and field work in field. |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
Nothing |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Positiveness and contribution for this project |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
Tourism or community development need various talents. Thus, this project welcomes the following types of students. ・Student who is interested in local activity such as local contribution, volunteer, tourism. ・Student who wishes to communicate with various persons in society. ・Student who wants to conduct activities by SNS or ICT such as Facebook, Instagram, Website etc. ・Student who wants to conduct activities by using illustration, a musical performance, hand-made fashion, handicraft, moving picture edit etc. For freshmen, this project has no requirement for programing skills, however, with the progression of this project , it is necessary to master programing skills which this project needs. |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
Nothing |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
IKEMOTO Junichi |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
IKEMOTO Junichi |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/01/31 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
To extent of healthy life expectancy, it is essential to create a healthy body from youth or middle ages. However, it is difficult for youth or middle age people, who study or work hard every day, to maintain suitable and regular exercise habits. In addition, they hardly have the chance to learn interesting, effective, long-lasting training methods. This project tries to raise consciousness in health care and build regular exercise habits through training methods of Kung-Fu. Among these Kung-Fu training, Tai Chi Quan for example, already proved to be effective in health promotion. In addition, this project attempts to develop different aspects of physical fitness, for example physical endurance, muscle strength, flexibility, rhythmic sense, inner muscle, linkage of muscles. Through teaching different forms of Kung-Fu styles, this project intent to provide knowledge in health promotion that fit with students’ interests while improving their physical strength. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
・Student will be able to build regular exercise habits. ・Student will be able to make high health consciousness. ・Student will be able to understand exercise methods suitable for their exercise and health condition. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
・Student will mainly learn light exercises to develop the trunk of the body, flexibility, physical endurance. All based on Kung-Fu in the first semester. ・Student will mainly learn forms of Kung-Fu such as Tai Chi Quan according to personal interests in the second semester. |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
Nothing |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Positiveness for exercise, understanding for training method, mastering of motion etc. |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
This project welcome local citizens and staff of University of Aizu, but please follow the following notices when participating this project. 1.Please join sports insurance. 2.Please consult with your family doctor if you have any chronic disease or lifestyle disease before participating this project. 3.Please evaluate your physical strength and health condition, especially for the elderly. The project design is mainly for youth and middle age. Others ・This project design is for 5 students or more. ・This project is going to be held 9th and 10th period on Wednesday. |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
Nothing |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
HASHIMOTO Yasuhiro |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
HASHIMOTO Yasuhiro |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/01/31 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
Social ecology is a study that considers the human environment created by humans themselves. Today, new information environments consisted of web systems, social media, VR/AR technologies, and IoT devices have changed the way we communicate and live. What is needed to envision the future of such an information environment is a co-evolutionary perspective in which we reshape the environment and change ourselves recursively depending on the environment. In order to gain insight into inherently unpredictable technological, cultural, and social changes, social ecology focuses on observation, not prediction. In this project, through a series of workshops that carefully observes the "environmental world" for modern people, we study the way of socio-ecological thinking and cultivate a sensibility to new possibilities for acts existing in the environment. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
By giving deep thoughts on human cognition and behavioral habits using familiar examples in our daily life, we acquire sensitivity to the forms of artificial systems surrounding us and ability to think with a sense of reality about the necessity, contingency, and historicity of various artificial systems that humans have created and will create. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
The project consists of a set of lectures and group work for each theme that would continue three to four weeks. The theme is presented in the lecture, and thoughts on the theme are deepened through field work (mainly the work of collecting photographs), web survey, intra- and inter-group discussions. Typical examples of workshop themes are as follows: 1) To find signatures of the externalization of our collective unconsciousness. 2) To find a new ecological meaning of existing environments. 3) To find an example of outsourcing of “calculation” (the bottom-up functionality organized by modifying the environment). 4) To find an example of the invention of play (invention of a new context). 5) To find untapped affordances of tools and products that are already familiar to us. 6) To think about how to make things around us smart or agentized and what it causes. |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
Handouts will be distributed as needed basis. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Evaluated on the basis of their active participation and quality of the output. |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
N/A |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
Literature: - Thoughtless Acts?, Jane Fulton. Suri & IDEO, 2005 - Affordance - a new theory of cognition, Masato Sasaki, 1994 |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 後期 /Second Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
OKI Kazusa |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
OKI Kazusa |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/07/14 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
It is an opportunity to learn about the history and geography of Aizu rather than simply practice many sports, as traditional play and winter sports can be experienced. Everyone then challenges the research on sports science. The enjoyment of many sports and becoming close the nature of Aizu are important. Let us create a new sport through computer science, with no regard for the rules. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
・To become close to the nature of Aizu and practice one of its typical sports. . ・To take a proactive stance. ・To enjoy playing sports and promote communication between classmates. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
① orientation ② “Aizu to-jin flying kite” training ③ “Aizu to-jin flying kite” (using a GPS and camera) ④ “Naginata – long-handled sword” training ⑤ “Naginata – long-handled sword” (motion analysis) ⑥ “Naginata – long-handled sword”(motion analysis) ⑦ balance training for winter sports ⑧ balance training for winter sports (motion analysis) ⑨ “kanjiki” training ⑩ a snowball battle as a sport ⑪⑫⑬ winter sports education (relationship between snow temperature, air temperature, wax/ snowflake, and avalanches) ⑭ discussion about class |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
no |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Criteria are good attendance rates, a proactive stance, good communicates with classmates, and an understanding of the history and geography of Aizu. |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
・You have to wear exercise clothes and shoes. However, wear snow shoes can be worn on a snowy day. ・Some items for class are prepared by OKI. However, you have to prepare thick gloves, a jacket and. ・If a designated area and time change, I will send an e-mail. |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
no |
Back |
開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 後期 /Second Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
ROY Debopriyo |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
ROY Debopriyo |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/09/14 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
The University of Aizu offers a comprehensive professional 18-credit technical communication certificate course for the undergraduate computer science students at the University of Aizu. A professional certificate of completion is presented by the Japan Technical Communicators Association (JTCA). This unique technical communication program – one of its kind in a computer science program in Japan allow students to learn how to produce and communicate technical information using traditional and digital technologies. This SCCP course will introduce students to the idea of this professional certificate program and the advantages of having such a professional certificate in the job market. A professional technical writing certificate shows a commitment and level of excellence that impresses employers. This professional certificate will show employers that you have the writing ability, specialized training, and knowledge to synthesize technical information in a specialized area. When you’re creating pieces for review or publication, use an editing software, understand the basics of content management and document production, and document testing to ensure you convey technical information clearly and concisely. Clear, concise, and effective writing is always important; in the technical fields, it’s critical. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
We will look forward to achieving multiple goals as part of this SCCP course: 1. Understanding the basics of the concept of technical writing and technical communication 2. The advantages of taking such a professional certificate program in the job market Technical writers are employed in a vast array of industries, from healthcare and insurance to engineering and manufacturing. Knowing their specific area of interest may help students decide what type of undergraduate education to pursue. 3. Understanding professional communication skills 4. The types of job as a technical writer 5. How to write polite emails to colleagues and partners and stay connected. 6. How to talk freely with international colleagues, even with poor English |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
The 1st, 7th and the 14th class meeting will be held face-to-face in the classroom, as assigned. All other class meetings will happen through Zoom. The meeting schedule could change in short notice, depending on the need to meet for project completion. The following topics will be covered: Class # 1: Introducing the University of Aizu professional TC certificate program Class # 2: Working as a professional technical writer in the job market Class # 3: Technical writing jobs in the different industries Class # 4: Technical writing jobs in the different industries Class # 5: Different areas of study in the professional TC certificate program Class # 6: Different areas of study in the professional TC certificate program Class # 7: Basic concepts of technical communication Class # 8: Writing professional emails for the industry – Part 1 Class # 9: Writing professional emails for the industry – Part 2 Class # 10: Understanding data visualization in technical documents Class # 11: Understanding document production in the technical writing industry Class # 12: Reading and understanding professional documents in the industry Class # 13: Understanding foreign cultures and international communication Class # 14: Participating in the ACM Conference on campus |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
No textbooks needed. Lecture materials will be provided in class. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
The assessment rubric is part of the assignment instructions each week. However, a detailed grading schema will be maintained for each assignment. Please check the course webpage for the grading schema for each assignment. Assessment (Overall Criteria): Each assignment will be graded against a specific set of criteria. A student will either get 0 or 1 for each category as is seen below. 1. Organization of Ideas (0/1) 2. Clarity of Ideas (0/1) 3. Grammatical and Sentence Construction Issues (0/1) 4. Use and Explanation of Graphics when applicable (0/1) 5. User-Friendly Nature of the Information (0/1) 6. Text-Graphics Coordination when applicable (0/1) • Assignments in this course are basic and short – this is a lecture and discussion course. • Students MUST post assignments in Moodle. • Students are advised NOT to miss classes. The grade distribution might be subjected to last minute changes. Assignment # 1- Short Report 10% - Do you have interest in the TC certificate program? Assignment # 2 - Short Report 10% - Interest in working in the TC job market? Assignment # 3 - Short Report 10% - Technical Writing Jobs in the Industry and one that matches your interest and future qualifications Assignment # 4 - Writing Statement of Purpose 10% - Plan for taking the TC certificate courses from AY2021 onwards Assignment # 5 - Authoring Professional Emails 10% - Writing emails to communicate with colleagues, supervisors, clients and vendors Assignment # 6 - Designing visualization 10% - Knowing how to use different software for data visualization based on publicly available industry data sources Assignment # 7 - Reading and understanding professional documents 10% - Read and write short answers for questions on technical documents such as product press releases, user manuals, white papers etc. Assignment # 8 - International ETLTC-ACM Chapter Conference Students will participate at the ACM international technical communication conference at the UoA as a volunteer in the conference team 30% * Every student will receive an ACM certificate of participation. |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
https://etltc-acmchap-japanconf.org/ |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
The TC Professional Certificate Program: What you will learn: • The basic fundamentals of technical communication, such as audience analysis, document production, usability, electronic forms of communication, technical styles etc. • Basics of technical editing, including grammar and understanding style guides. • Develop information design skills for technical communicators and learn how to write technical online documents while addressing information design standards. • Critical thinking and identifying major questions, assumptions, interpretations and conclusions, and application of criteria and standards to technical analysis. The Program is designed for: • Computer science majors who will be working on international projects and dealing with international clients, competitors and vendors • Computer science majors who will write in their future employment • Computer science majors whose job will involve understanding and interpreting technical documents • Computer science majors who will have to design technical documents for print and online delivery • Computer science majors whose job will involve dynamic document production and delivery online • Computer science majors who will have to design visualization and make technical presentations for their projects |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 後期 /Second Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
RAGE Uday Kiran |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
RAGE Uday Kiran |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/07/11 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
Technological advances in the field of Information and Communication Technologies have enabled organizations to collect voluminous data in the form of streams. Hidden in these streams are the patterns that are of great interest to the users. Big Data Analytics (BDA) refers to a set of knowledge discovery techniques that aim to discover the hidden information that persists in these streams. BDA is the current hot topic in the field of computer science and there are many Job positions specifically for the BDA professionals. It is a high level course with ample coding involved. This course is geared to achieve some of the following objectives: 1. Guiding students towards their graduation thesis. 2. Empower the undergraduate students with necessary skill set so that they have competitive advance over others in Industry. In this course, some lectures may be provided by top-researchers and industry experts. Students are requested to choose a research paper/problem from our given list of papers. We will have a mid-term evaluation of the algorithms developed by the students. Next, students have to explore novel techniques to develop faster versions of their algorithm. Students are encouraged to submit their work to CORE rank A*, A and B conferences. I will be helping you in drafting the research paper for a conference/journal. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
CORE (COmputer Research and Education) is a Gold Standard for ranking conferences and Journals. The objective of this course is to enable students to publish their research works on BDA in CORE A*, A, or B conferences. Publishing papers in CORE A* and A conferences will benefit the students in the following two ways: 1. Significant advance in getting a job in top companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Yahoo and Google. 2. Graduate admissions into top-tier universities. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
1. Assigning research topics to students 2. Understanding Data, part-1 3. Understanding Data, part-2 4. Database Management Systems, Part-1 5. Data streams, part-1 6. Data streams part-2 7. Mid-term evaluation of the students 8. Pattern Mining in data streams, part-1 9. Pattern Mining in data streams, part-2 10. Pattern Mining in data streams, part-3 11. Pattern Mining in data streams, part-4 12. Methodology to conduct empirical evaluation, part-1 13. Methodology to conduct empirical evaluation, part-2 14. Methodology to conduct empirical evaluation, part-3 15. Discussions on the advanced topics 16. Discussions on the advanced topics 17. Discussions on the advanced topics (Guest lectures) 18. Discussions on the advanced topics (Guest lectures) 19. Review of students work/Evaluation 20. Review of student work/Evaluation |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
No text books. Only research papers and survey papers will be discussed. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Students who publish/submitted their work in CORE A*,A, or B conferences/journals will get full marks. Students will be graded based on the performance of their algorithms. |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
Students must be good at programing. (Proficiency in Java/Python is preferable) |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
The course instructor has worked in the University of Tokyo as a specially appointed assistant professor. The instructor has published several papers in CORE A*/A, A and B conferences. The instructor is also a reviewer (PC member) for several CORE A and B level conferences, such as IEEE FUZZY and PAKDD. List of publications: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/pers/hd/k/Kiran:R=_Uday Core ranking list: http://portal.core.edu.au/conf-ranks/ https://udayrage.wixsite.com/mysite/post/core-conference-and-journal-rankings |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 後期 /Second Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
RYZHII Maxim V. |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
RYZHII Maxim V. |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/07/31 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
The course is related to theoretical neuroscience research concerned simple neuronal circuits, as well as biomedical engineering and modeling of simple physiological systems Students will study and run the software (MATLAB) for simulation of neuronal and cardiac cells. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
- Understanding and basic knowledge of electrical operation of neuronal (neuron) and cardiac (myocyte) cells. - Understanding of cell nonlinear dynamics: Spike, Threshold, Excitability, Phase portrait, etc. - Basics of electrophysiology. Nernst potential, Ion channels, Ion currents and conductances, Action potential, Equivalent electric circuits. - One- and Two-dimensional nonlinear systems. The Hodgkin-Huxley model, FitzHugh-Nagumo model, van der Pol model. Solution of systems of ordinary differential equations. - Computer simulations and visualizations with MATLAB/Simulink. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
Seminars and explanations, work with software, running computer simulations. Particular schedule will depend on the student progress: 1-2. Lecture and study of software. 3-12. Discussions, study of software, simulations . 13-14. Simulations. Preparation of plots with results. Preparation of final report. |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
Eugene Ishikevich "Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience. The Geometry of Excitability and Bursting" The MIT Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-262-09043-8 / 978-0-262-51420-0. Also freely available online. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Course report (100%) |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
Prerequisites and other related courses which include important concepts relevant to the course: Some C/C++/MATLAB programming skills. Understanding of Electric circuits. |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2020年度/Academic Year 後期 /Second Semester |
対象学年 /Course for; |
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
PERKINS Jeremy |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
PERKINS Jeremy |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2020/07/14 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
Students will stay at the British Hills (Ten’ei Village, Fukushima Prefecture) for 6 days and 5 nights to achieve an immersive English experience, simulating that of a short-term study abroad experience. Students will attend twenty 90-minute lessons (four lessons per day) over five days as well as online lessons at a foreign partner university. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
Students will improve their English skills, emphasizing cross-cultural content, to better prepare them for traveling and studying abroad. They will increase their skills and confidence in using survival English while traveling and in foreign countries. In addition, the immersive English environment will improve their receptive skills useful for taking courses in English, both at the University of Aizu and for future study abroad experiences in an English classroom. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
Dates are fixed but class content is subject to change; a tentative plan is given below. 1. Online Lessons at a foreign partner university will be offered. 2. Pre-Departure Orientation – Planning Meeting for students at the University of Aizu 3. British Hills Lesson Plan Schedule: a. Feb. 22, 2021 – Oral Communication 1, 2, 3, 4 b. Feb. 23, 2021 – Cross Cultural Understanding 1, 2, 3, 4 c. Feb. 24, 2021 – Homestay English, Introducing Japan, Polite English, Pronunciation Skills d. Feb. 25, 2021 – Travel in the U.K./USA/Canada/New Zealand, Culture & Manners, British Hills Experience, Listening Skills e. Feb. 26, 2021 – Content-language Integrated Learning (CLIC), English Discussion & Debate, Intermediate Survival English, Group Presentations f. Feb. 27, 2021 – End of Intensive Course |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
No textbook. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
• Active participation in online lessons will contribute to their course grade. • Writing Assignment: Students will write a report of their experience upon completion of the British Hills program. • Speaking Test: Students will take the TOEIC speaking test both before the British Hills program and after. The scores will contribute to their course grade. • Students must attend all twenty lessons at the British Hills to pass this course. |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
• Participants will be requested to use only English during the course period, both inside and outside of classes. • Application to this course will be through the Office for Strategy of International Programs (OSIP), not through the Academic Administration System; therefore, the course registration period will be set separately. • Students who are interested in this course are asked to contact OSIP at osip-global@u-aizu.ac.jp. • Transportation, accommodation and lesson fees will be paid by the University. Students will be required to pay for their own food and other non-essential items. |