2022/01/30 |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2021年度/Academic Year 2学期 /Second Quarter |
対象学年 /Course for; |
3rd year |
単位数 /Credits |
2.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
PERKINS Jeremy |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
PERKINS Jeremy |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2021/01/22 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
Students will learn to use R in order to apply basic statistical techniques on linguistic data. The course will focus on analysis of acoustic data using the Praat software package. Students will learn how to run an acoustic study using Praat scripts, with techniques for organizing, processing and analyzing the results via R. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
The following objectives will be of particular interest: 1. A basic understanding of acoustic phonetics. 2. How to use Microsoft Excel to work with data. 3. How to use Praat software to analyze acoustic data. 4. How to write scripts that allow processing large amounts of data. 5. Statistical techniques and hypothesis testing using R software. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
** Classes will be held at scheduled times via online Zoom lectures: Class 1: Introduction Classes 2-3: An Introduction to Acoustic Phonetics Classes 4-5: Using Praat to analyze Acoustic Phonetics Classes 6-7: Writing Praat Scripts Classes 8-9: Review & Midterm Exam Classes 10-11: Statistical Techniques Classes 12-14: Using R for statistical analysis |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
No textbook will be used. Course material will be made available online to students via Moodle. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Homework Assignments (6 assignments worth 5% each) 30% Midterm Exam (in class – class 8 or 9) 25% Take-home Final Project (assigned class 10; due end of quarter) 25% Active Participation 20% |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
The class does not have a final exam. Instead, a final project is assigned. |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2021年度/Academic Year 1学期 /First Quarter |
対象学年 /Course for; |
3rd year |
単位数 /Credits |
2.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
ROY Debopriyo |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
ROY Debopriyo |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
English |
更新日/Last updated on | 2021/03/03 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
This is a basic technical communication course. As part of this course, students will learn the basics of information design and content management. The idea would be for students to learn how product information could be designed and delivered by creating ontologies based on product information classification standards and use case scenarios. Students will be working on project-based activities with the IT industry in mind. This course will help develop entrepreneurial thinking in our students, and provide a context for understanding the IT market while developing basic technical communication skillset. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
We will look forward to attaining multiple goals during the quarter. • Understand the basics of content management and delivery • How to analyse products in the market? • How to organise product information? • How to use effective strategies to make information easily available? • How to use effective strategies to help retrieve relevant information? • How to perform simple technical writing practices • How to think critically and analytically? • How to author business and procedural documents? |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
Week # 1: Session # 1: Syllabus Explanation and Introductory Assignment (How Smart Products Function) - 10% Session # 2: Intro to Content Management Systems & Content Delivery Portals Week # 2: Session # 1: PROJECT REPORT # 1 - Amazon Website Design - 20% Session # 2: Continue Project Week # 3: Ontology: Smart Product Description Object (SPDO) Session # 1 & 2: PROJECT REPORT # 2 - Create Smart Product Ontology with Mindmeister (Apple Watch) - 20% Week # 4: Session # 1: Introduction to Intelligent Content Delivery / Intelligent Content & How can it help Marketers Session # 2: PROJECT REPORT # 3 - Create PI Classification for a Smart Product - 20% Week # 5: Session # 1& 2: Continue with PROJECT REPORT # 3 Week # 6: Session # 1: PROJECT REPORT # 4: Technical Presentation - Intelligent Content & How can it help Marketers? / Using AI in E-Commerce - 20% Session # 2: Continue with PROJECT REPORT # 4 Week # 7: Session # 1: PROJECT REPORT # 5: Analysing Microsoft Halolens - 20% Session # 2: Continue with PROJECT REPORT # 5 |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
No text books needed. Lecture materials and readings will be posted in Moodle. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Introduction Assignment (How a smart products function?) - Detailed Report - 10% PROJECT REPORT # 1 - Amazon Website Design - 20% PROJECT REPORT # 2 - Create Smart Product Ontology with Mindmeister- 20% PROJECT REPORT # 3 - Create PI Classification for a Smart Product - 20% PROJECT REPORT # 4: Technical Presentation - Intelligent Content - 20% PROJECT REPORT # 5: Analysing Microsoft Halolens - 20% - Minor alternation to the grading criteria might be needed - 10% bonus marking applicable |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
Students must pass 10 credits of English coursework with minimum 400 in TOEIC before registering for this course. This is an advanced course. So, developing English language skills are important. |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
https://www.people-text.de/en/competences-content-management-systems.html https://www.antidot.net/content-delivery-platform/ https://www.cmswire.com/digital-marketing/what-is-intelligent-content-and-how-can-it-help-marketers/ https://www.linnworks.com/blog/artificial-intelligence-in-ecommerce |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2021年度/Academic Year 2学期 /Second Quarter |
対象学年 /Course for; |
3rd year |
単位数 /Credits |
2.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
BLAKE John |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
BLAKE John |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
English |
更新日/Last updated on | 2021/01/29 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
Language is permeated with patterns. In English, the letter q tends to be followed by the letter u. The word moon is almost always preceded by the word the. Passive voice is usually formed with the verb be and a past participle (e.g. was done). Students study the patterns in the words, grammar, meaning and functions in texts. Less obvious patterns can be discerned using specialist pattern-matching tools. This course enables students to investigate the relationship between patterns and language by exploring the vocabulary, grammar and structure of texts. Statistical tools and visualization tools are used to discover the less obvious patterns. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
By the end of the course students will be able to: (a) describe patterns and pattern-seeking behaviour (b) identify patterns at lexical, grammatical and discourse levels (c) use statistical and visualization tools to identify language patterns (d) adapt or create a language visualization tool to discover language patterns |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
Patterns and pattern seeking Session 01 Patterns and pattern seeking Session 02 Language system and its patterns Session 03 Patterns in written English Session 04 Patterns in spoken English Session 05 Review and consolidation Specific language patterns Session 06 Functional patterns Session 07 Clausal and phrasal patterns Session 08 Lexical and grammatical patterns Session 09 Lexical and grammatical patterns II Session 10 Review and consolidation Pattern detection and visualization Session 11 Word patterns I Session 12 Word patterns II Session 13 Semantic analysis Session 14 Sentiment analysis Session 15 Review and consolidation |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
No textbook. Materials will be provided. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Active participation: 30% Quizzes: 30% Final exam: 40% |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
None |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2021年度/Academic Year 3学期 /Third Quarter |
対象学年 /Course for; |
3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
2.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
ILIC Peter |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
ILIC Peter |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2021/01/12 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
This course will cover Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in Education particularly focusing on affordances offered by the technology. It will address the “what” and “how” of ICT in education, by providing students with theoretical and practical knowledge invaluable in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of ICT supported education. Students will learn about various affordances of educational technology, from current trends to future possibilities. Also, the course will help students develop awareness of the current advantages and limitations of ICT in the educational context. It will be of particular interest to students who are interested in becoming educators. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
1. Develop theoretical and practical knowledge of ICT in education. 2. Develop critical understanding of the limits of ICT in education. 3. Acquire skills in the planning and implementation of ICT in education. |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
1. Introduction to ICT in Education a. Homework: i. Online Reading ii. Quiz 1 (8%) 2. History of ICT in Education a. Homework: i. Online Reading ii. Quiz 2 (8%) 3. Synchronous/Asynchronous a. Homework: i. Online Reading ii. Quiz 3 (8%) 4. Ubiquitous Learning a. Homework: i. Online Reading ii. Quiz 4 (8%) 5. Active Knowledge Making a. Homework: i. Online Reading ii. Quiz 5 (8%) 6. Multimodal Meaning a. Homework: i. Online Reading ii. Quiz 6 (8%) 7. Recursive Feedback a. Homework: i. Online Reading ii. Quiz 7 (8%) 8. Collaborative Intelligence a. Homework: i. Online Reading ii. Quiz 8 (8%) iii. Project Outline (5%) 9. Metacognition a. Homework: i. Online Reading ii. Quiz 9 (8%) 10. Differentiated Learning a. Homework: i. Online Reading ii. Quiz 10 (8%) 11. The Future a. Homework: i. Presentation PowerPoint upload 12. Project Presentations (15%) 13. Project Presentations 14. Project Presentations |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
No textbook will be used. Course material will be made available online to students via Schoology. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Online Reading Quizzes: 80% Project: Total 20% • Project Outline: 5% • Project Presentation (PowerPoint): 15% Notes: Late assignments will lose 10% per day. After 5 days, a late assignment will receive a mark of 0%. Not participating in class activities will result in -2%. Being late 3 times will be equivalent to 1 absence. Being more than 30 minutes late will equal 1 absence. |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2021年度/Academic Year 2学期 /Second Quarter |
対象学年 /Course for; |
3rd year |
単位数 /Credits |
2.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2021/02/22 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
In this course, open-source acoustic analysis software ("Praat") will be mastered so that students have skills to analyze speech/pronunciation beyond the classroom. Students will be taught about properties of the acoustic signal and they will be taught how to write Praat scripts to automate acoustic analysis. Students will sometimes be required to submit voice recordings demonstrating their pronunciation. This course provides basic phonetic knowledge that is necessary for work in fields such as speech recognition and speech synthesis. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
By the end of the course, students will: (a) have learned the English vocabulary for acoustics concepts (b) have acquired detailed knowledge of how to use Praat software, including writing scripts to automate acoustic measurements and to manipulate sounds (c) know how to use waveforms and spectrograms to analyze properties of speech such as formant patterns, duration, intensity, pitch (including sentence intonation), voice onset time (VOT), etc. (d) know the acoustic properties of English vowels, including schwa (e) have had much practice pronouncing English words and sentences |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
Class 1: Introduction to the course and to Praat software; initial recording Class 2: Acoustics glossary; English vowel acoustics Class 3: Using TextGrid files to label sounds in Praat Class 4: Praat script writing 1 Class 5: Praat script writing 2; homework assignment Class 6: Manipulation of Pitch and Duration Class 7: Intonation and rhythm in English Class 8: Midterm exam Class 9: English schwa - acoustic properties Class 10: Praat environments; acoustics of /r/ and /l/ Class 11: Praat script writing 3; Form...Endform Class 12: Reading speed; Pausing during speech; voice onset time (VOT) Class 13: World Englishes (different types of English around the world) Class 14: Final recording and course review Final exam |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
Materials will be distributed in class or on the class website. This course will be organized in Moodle. Students will use Praat open-source software in class on iMac computers, make recordings, and analyze their pronunciation. Note that Praat is free to download from Praat website, if you want to download it to your own computer. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Participation and quizzes: 20% Homework assignments: 20% Midterm exam: 30% Final exam: 30% |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
The course instructor Ian Wilson has practical working experience. He worked for GEOS Corporation for 8 years, where he was involved in teaching English-as-a-Foreign-Language (EFL) and training EFL teachers. Based on his experience, he can teach all 4 skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing) of EFL. Praat website here: Praat website Prof. Ian Wilson's YouTube channel: Ian Wilson - YouTube CLR Phonetics Lab website: CLR Phonetics Lab Class:Lecture |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2021年度/Academic Year 1学期 /First Quarter |
対象学年 /Course for; |
3rd year |
単位数 /Credits |
2.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
BLAKE John |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
BLAKE John |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
English |
更新日/Last updated on | 2021/01/29 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
Newspaper articles, research articles and advertisements are written to persuade readers of something, such as the veracity of the story, the validity of the conclusions or the benefits of a product. This course aims to provide students with tools to evaluate such texts critically and not fall victim to persuasive arguments. Students are shown how to use logic to understand and evaluate written language. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
By the end of the course students will be able to: (a) identify texts containing arguments (b) identify the conclusions within arguments (c) identify the type of reasoning used (d) identify common formal and informal fallacies (e) evaluate whether arguments are sound or cogent |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
Identifying arguments Session 1 Introduction and course orientation Session 2 Identifying arguments in texts I Session 3 Identifying arguments in texts II Session 4 Identifying arguments in texts III Session 5 Review and consolidation Identifying fallacies Session 6 Fallacies I: formal fallacies Session 7 Fallacies II: informal fallacies Session 8 Fallacies III: rhetorical ploys Session 9 Fallacies IV: mixed fallacies Session 10 Review and consolidation Evaluating arguments Session 11 Evaluating arguments in texts I Session 12 Evaluating arguments in texts II Session 13 Evaluating arguments in texts III Session 14 Review and consolidation Session 15 Final exam |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
No textbook. Materials will be provided. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Active participation: 30% Quizzes: 30% Final exam: 40% |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
None |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
None |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2021年度/Academic Year 4学期 /Fourth Quarter |
対象学年 /Course for; |
3rd year |
単位数 /Credits |
2.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
LINGLE William |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
LINGLE William |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
English |
更新日/Last updated on | 2021/01/29 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
This course aims to provide students with the cognitive tools to distinguish between statements of fact and opinion, between strong and weak logical arguments, and to identify how emotions and cultural values can influence the ways in which arguments are constructed, expressed, and understood. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
By the end of the course students will be able to: 1) distinguish statements of fact from statements of opinion 2) identify sources of information by which statements of fact may be evaluated as correct or incorrect 3) identify logical arguments 4) identify appeals to cultural values and emotions within arguments 5) identify logical fallacies within arguments 6) evaluate arguments as strong or weak 7) recognize strengths and weaknesses of their own arguments and of those they disagree with |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
Facts vs. Opinions Session 1: Facts vs. Opinions 1 Session 2: Facts vs. Opinions 2 Session 3: Facts vs. Opinions 3 Session 4: Review and Quiz Arguments Session 5: Structure of Arguments Session 6: Logical Reasoning / Venn Diagrams Session 7: Fallacies 1 Session 8: Fallacies 2 Session 9: Evaluating Strength of Arguments Session 10: Review and Quiz Emotions and Values Session 11: Logic and Morals Session 12: Cultural Values Session 13: Critical Media Literacy Session 14: Final Review and Exam |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
No textbook. Materials will be provided by instructor. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Participation activities: 25% Exercises: 20% Quizzes: 30% Final exam: 25% |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
None |
参考(授業ホームページ、図書など) /Reference (course website, literature, etc.) |
All materials will be available on the course Moodle page. |
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開講学期 /Semester |
2021年度/Academic Year 4学期 /Fourth Quarter |
対象学年 /Course for; |
3rd year , 4th year |
単位数 /Credits |
2.0 |
責任者 /Coordinator |
BENSON Stuart |
担当教員名 /Instructor |
BENSON Stuart |
推奨トラック /Recommended track |
- |
履修規程上の先修条件 /Prerequisites |
- |
使用言語 /Language |
- |
更新日/Last updated on | 2021/02/02 |
授業の概要 /Course outline |
In addition to knowing general vocabulary, knowledge of specific vocabulary related to the field of Computer Science is critical. Comprehension of texts, articles, presentations, lectures, and classes is critical to your success in the field. In this Computer Science vocabulary course, we will learn the most important words in the field through numerous activities of reading, writing, listening, and speaking. In addition, a computer science word list will be the focus of the course, with the goal of learning and actively using these words on context. |
授業の目的と到達目標 /Objectives and attainment goals |
The goal of this course is to learn the most frequent Computer Science vocabulary and use these words, receptively and productively. By the end of the course, learners will: a) have knowledge of several vocabulary learning strategies b) have an understanding of the most frequent vocabulary in Computer Science c) be able to comprehend these words in reading and listening activities d) be able to use these words in speaking and writing activities |
授業スケジュール /Class schedule |
Class 1: Introduction to the course Class 2-4: vocabulary strategies to learn CS vocabulary Class 5-9: Learning CS vocabulary through speaking/listening activities Class 7: Mid-term vocabulary test Class 10-13: Learning CS vocabulary through reading/writing Class 14: End-term vocabulary test |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
All materials will be provided by the professor via Moodle and in-class |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading method/criteria |
Active participation: 15% Weekly vocabulary quizzes: 30% Mid-term vocabulary test: 25% End-term vocabulary test: 30% Student obligations It is the responsibility of students to read the syllabus and complete all assignments, quizzes, and tests on time. If you do not bring the materials you need to class, you will be considered ‘absent.’ If you are exceed the maximum number of absences allowed, the final grade will be an F regardless of your final score for the course. Academic integrity Cheating/plagiarizing other’s work is not allowed. Sometimes the instructor will ask you to complete work in pairs or small groups, and sometimes individually. When working by yourself, you are not allowed to copy other students’ work. |
履修上の留意点 /Note for course registration |
You will need to spend time learning the vocabulary outside of class time. |