AY 2024 Undergraduate School Course Catalog

Computer Fundamentals


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2024年度/Academic Year  1学期 /First Quarter
/Course for;
1st year
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/25
/Course outline
(ICTG class is held in Q3.)
The University of Aizu offers a UNIX-based computers and networking system to students in exercise rooms. Most lectures are designed to be held in this computing environment. In this course, students learn usage of the computing environment in the University of Aizu at first.  They then learn more generarized knowledge on computer and network systems, document preperation and handling, principal and mannar on communication via network, various tools for programming and data processing. The knowledge learned in the course is fundamental for professional activities after graduation from the university.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(A)Graduates are aware of their professional and ethical responsibilities as an engineer, and are able to analyze societal requirements, and set, solve, and evaluate technical problems using information science technologies in society.
(C)Graduates are able to apply their professional knowledge of mathematics, natural science, and information technology, as well as the scientific thinking skills such as logical thinking and objective judgment developed through the acquisition of said knowledge, towards problem solving.

[Competency Codes]
C-OS-005, C-SD-008, C-SP-008, C-SP-013-1

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:
- Know how an Unix/Unix-like computer system works in a network environment (C-OS-005).
- Know how to write, compile, and run simple programs with different languages (C-SD-008).
- Know how to operate UNIX/UNIX-like computer systems to create, print, and view documents, and to communicate with others via e-mail and other network media with care to security and ethics (C-SP-008).
- Express one's own thoughts and judgments effectively both inside and outside the nation and to communicate them to others through written, oral, and information media (C-SP-013-1).
- Know how to use the computer and network environment in the university
- Know how to communicate other via e-mails or other network media
- Basic ethics and manners in handling information on computers
- Know how to use tools available on the computing environment in the university
/Class schedule
Order of topics may change.
1: Introduction, UNIX, CUI environment, Commands, AINS environment, Remote access
2: AINS Email account, File and directory manipulation with UNIX commands
3: Text encoding, Regular expression, Pipe and Redirect, Process management
4: File management, Information search
5: Netiquette, Law, Text processing, File Compression
6: Shell, Shell script (1)
7: Review (1)
8: Shell, Shell script (2)
9: Programming languages
10: Database, SQL
11: HTML, CSS, File transfer
12: LaTeX (1)
13: LaTeX (2)
14: Review (2)
The course materials (PDF files) will be distributed via ELMS (https://elms.u-aizu.ac.jp).
It can be read using the computers in the exercise rooms.
/Grading method/criteria
Grades will be based on assignments given in classes and a final exam. In AY2023, there were 14 assignments in total, and each had 10 points. The final exam had 50 points. In AY2024, the number of assignments and allocations of points may be the same as in AY2023, and the details will be announced in the class. The overall grade will be determined by converting the total points into a 100-point scale.
/Note for course registration
Class attendance will be checked by submitting assignments.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
ELMS (https://elms.u-aizu.ac.jp)

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2024年度/Academic Year  1学期 /First Quarter
/Course for;
1st year
SAITO Hiroshi
BEN ABDALLAH Abderazek, SAITO Hiroshi
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/02/02
/Course outline
(ICTG class starts in Q3. Vice president and others are in charge of the class.)
In this lecture, we primarily provide stories from various perspectives by experts in various fields about computers, understand the contents of academic fields of computer science and engineering and the significance of learning computer science and engineering In an era when computers are used in society at large, we learned from various perspectives what computer science and engineering is expecting from computer science and engineering, such as what society expects for computers, the risk to society that computers bring, etc. Make it useful for course design. Unlike many other subjects, this lecture gives lectures to experts in various fields. Specifically, in addition to the president, department head, responsible professor of each field / track, we also have the opportunity to talk about external experts.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(A)Graduates are aware of their professional and ethical responsibilities as an engineer, and are able to analyze societal requirements, and set, solve, and evaluate technical problems using information science technologies in society.
(C)Graduates are able to apply their professional knowledge of mathematics, natural science, and information technology, as well as the scientific thinking skills such as logical thinking and objective judgment developed through the acquisition of said knowledge, towards problem solving.

[Competency code]

By listening to experts in many fields of computer science and engineering, it will be a guide for student's own course determination. As a concrete course, we will provide contents that will be helpful for choosing which field and track, research theme and laboratory's decision, direction of graduation research, graduation research, field decision at the time of employment etc. In addition, understand the position of each lesson planned to be learned or planned in the future, grasp the purpose of learning and improve motivation for learning.
/Class schedule
The schedule and details will be announced in the class.

1:Recommendation of science and engineering (President)
Understand the contents of the academic field of computer science and engineering and the significance of learning computer science and engineering.
2-6:Undergraduate Course Guide (Director, Dean, Representative Teacher in Each Field)
Understand the overall outline of the course guide and the contents of the 5 fields.
7-8, 10-14:Latest status of industry
Learn the latest situation of how computer science and engineering is used in society through lectures by lecturers invited from industry.
Also, learn about information security and learning / research examples from on-campus lecturers.
9:Graduate school introduction (major, current graduate student, graduate graduate)
Understand the outline of the graduate school and the contents of the educational program.

By adjusting the schedule of the instructors, we will interweave the times of on-campus and off-campus instructors.
All materials will be provided and delivered from the lectures.
/Grading method/criteria
Final report (100%)
/Note for course registration
Since we often call an outside instructor, be careful about taking a nap and taking private language.

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2024年度/Academic Year  3学期 /Third Quarter
/Course for;
1st year
OKUYAMA Yuichi, BEN ABDALLAH Abderazek, NITTA Koyo, SUZUKI Daisuke
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/26
/Course outline
Students who started learning computer science and engineering tend to understand their studies as "Computer science and engineering is like programming, processing with command line interface, web browsing," and so on.  Yet studies of computer science and engineering are broader and deeper than that.

To pursue students’ study efficiently, students must understand what topics they are going to learn in this university and exposure to the breadth of subjects of computer science and engineering early. This class introduces such subjects.

In this class, students can obtain a perspective of computer science and engineering, and the perspective helps to understand the relevance and inter-relationships of subjects students are going to learn in this university.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(A)Graduates are aware of their professional and ethical responsibilities as an engineer, and are able to analyze societal requirements, and set, solve, and evaluate technical problems using information science technologies in society.
(C)Graduates are able to apply their professional knowledge of mathematics, natural science, and information technology, as well as the scientific thinking skills such as logical thinking and objective judgment developed through the acquisition of said knowledge, towards problem solving.

[Competency Codes]
C-OS-006, C-PL-012, C-SD-009, C-CN-002、C-IS-006、C-GV-008

This course deals with the following topics. Students are expected to understand and can explain the topics in the class.

1. Communication Networks and Computer Systems
  Understanding what informatization is
2. Input/Output Devices
  Understanding the roles and functions of input/output devices
3. Storage Devices
  Understanding roles and functions of main memory and auxiliary memory
4. The Central Processing Unit (CPU)
  Understanding the internal operation of the CPU
5. Operating Systems
  Understnding the history, purpose, and functions of operating systems
6. Theory of Information Processing Technologies
  Understanding the connection between mathematics and electronics
7. File Organizations and Database
  Understanding how to store data
8. Computer Networks and Telecommunications
  Understanding the development history, basic knowledge, and future trends of communication networks.
9. Information Systems and RASIS
  Understanding how information systems work properly and how to minimize the effects of failures.
10. Development of Information Systems
  Understanding the overview of information system development and related knowledge

/Class schedule
Lecture #1 Chapter 1: Communication Networks and Computer Systems
Lecture #2 Chapter 2: Input/Output Devices
Lecture #3 Chapter 3: Storage Devices
Lecture #4 Chapter 4: The Central Processing Unit (CPU)
Lecture #5 Chapter 5: Operating Systems
Lecture #6 Chapter 6: Theory of Information Processing Technologies (Sections 1-3)
Lecture #7 Chapter 6: Theory of Information Processing Technologies (Sections 4-8)
Lecture #8 Mid-Term Examination
Lecture #9 Chapter 7: File Organizations and Database
Lecture #10 Chapter 8: Computer Networks and Telecommunications
Lecture #11 Chapter 10: Information Systems and RASIS
Lecture #12 Chapter 11: Development of Information Systems
Lecture #13 Exercise 1: Assembly Programming
Lecture #14 Exercise 2: Fandmentals of Machine Learning
This cource does not cover "Chapter 9: Information Security".
"Fundamentals of Computer Systems, 18th Edition (in Japanese)",
ITEC Human Resources Education Research Department,
ITEC inc, 2021
/Grading method/criteria
Students will be evaluated by the following aspects.
・Quiz in each lecture 30%
・Reports(2 reports in a term)20%
・Final examination 50%
/Note for course registration
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Dr. Yuichi Okuyama and Dr. Koyo Nitta have practical working experience. They worked for NTT labs where they ware involved in R&D of computer design and LSI chips for communication systems.
Based on their experience, they can teach the introduction of computer systems.
Course Web site:
[C1-C6] The site will be opened on Moodle
[ICTG] http://web-int.u-aizu.ac.jp/~benab/classes/ics/

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2024年度/Academic Year  3学期 /Third Quarter
/Course for;
1st year
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
Courses preferred to be learned prior to this course (This course assumes understanding of entire or partial content of the following courses.)
- LI01 Computer Literacy
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/25
/Course outline
Current computing environments include various kinds of endpoints like smart phones, portable/desktop PCs, server computers, IoT devices, and virtual machines on cloud computing platforms. To show the capabilities and performance of them and prevent accidents and cyberattacks, security and management technologies for administrative work are must-have features.
    This course introduces concepts and mechanisms of computer and network security and management. We will also review several state-of-the-art real-world technologies and tools.
/Objectives and attainment
[Competency Codes]
C-IA-003, C-IA-004, C-IA-005, C-IA-006

- Acquisition of fundamental knowledge of theoretical and practical security.
- Acquisition of basic skill and knowledge to administrate ICT systems.
/Class schedule
1. Fundamentals
- Goal of information security
- Risk, threat, vulnerability, and control
- Confidentiality, integrity, availability (C-I-A) triad
- Attack paradigm and protection paradigm

2. Cracking and legal issues
- Trends of cracking
- Controls for cracking
- Information security laws

3. Authentication and password
- Password management
- Password cracking
- Factors for authentication
- New authentication methods

4. Social engineering
- ICT security and fraud
- Methods and current events
- Phishing and business email compromise scam

5. Introduction to Modern Cryptography
- Elements of cryptography
- Demonstration of breaking simple substitution cipher
- From classical to modern cryptography

6. Public Key Encryptions
- Introduction to public key encryptions
- RSA encryption

7. Provable Security
- Information-theoretic security and computational security
- Security proof for Vernam cipher
- Security proof for Rabin encryption

8. Secret sharing schemes
- Introduction to secret sharing schemes
- Shamir's construction
- Visual secret sharing schemes

9. Security notions for public key encryption
- Security goals and attacking models
- Standard security notions

10. Cryptographic Protocols
- Introduction to cryptographic protocols
- Constructions and security proofs

11. Vulnerability
- Classes of vulnerabilities
- Trends of vulnerability
- Vulnerability management
- Open standards for vulnerability management

12. Attacks and controls 1: Denial-of-Service (DoS)
- Nature and types of DoS attacks
- Methods of DoS attacks
- Controls of DoS attacks

13. Attacks and controls 2: Host spoofing
- IP spoofing
- ARP spoofing
- DNS spoofing

14. Attacks and controls 3: Web applications
- Methods of Web application attacks
- Web application controls
The textbook will be notified separately.
/Grading method/criteria
- Term-end examination: 100%
- Optional report and quiz: point-addition scoring
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Cryptography part: http://web-int.u-aizu.ac.jp/~yodai/course/IS/welcome.html

The course instructor Akihito Nakamura has practical working experience: He worked for AIST (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) for 20 years where he was involved in R&D of information security and cloud computing. Based on his experience, he equips students with the technical knowledge of information security.

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2024年度/Academic Year  2学期集中 /2ndQuarter Intensive
/Course for;
4th year
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/26
/Course outline
Goals of this course is to consider,about how to work and how to live,  in the information society.
/Objectives and attainment
In the information society, we consider the occupation from a social point and personal point.
/Class schedule
(1)Social perspective (1) Involvement of information technology and information systems of society
(2)Social perspective (2) The industrial structure in the information society
(3)Social perspective (3)The business activities in the information society
(4)Social perspective (4) Occupation in the information society
(5)Social perspective (5) Occupation in the information industry
(6)Social perspective (6) Ethics of professionals in the information society
(7)Social perspective (7) Human resource development in the information society
(8)Personal perspective (1) Ways of working in the information society
(9)Personal perspective (2)  The working environment in the information society
(10)Personal perspective (3) And professional life in the information society
(11)Personal perspective (4) Way of professionals in the information society
(12)Personal perspective (5) And career development in the information society
(13)Personal perspective (6) Self-development and the e-Learning in information society
(14)Occupation of the challenges in information society Human Resources Development, connection of schools and society
It distributed the article
/Grading method/criteria
Evaluation by report
/Note for course registration
nothing special
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
nothing special

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2024年度/Academic Year  1学期 /First Quarter
/Course for;
1st year
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/25
/Course outline
As a computer engineering student and a professional in the field, it is essential to understand cultural issues, societal impacts, laws, and ethics related to this domain. Reflecting on past and present situations and considering the future, one must also contemplate one's role and philosophy as an engineer and the ethical challenges and values associated with technology.
Serious consideration must be given to the impact on society, and the consequences of introducing technology or products should be predicted. It involves contemplating whether the products will improve or worsen life and their effects on individuals, groups, and organizations.
Additionally, it is crucial to grasp the fundamental legal rights of providers and users of technological products, such as software and hardware, and understand the ethical values based on those rights. Engineers must recognize their responsibilities and consider the potential outcomes of their mistakes. Understanding the limits of technology and one's limitations is crucial, and cultivating a habit of staying informed and continuous self-improvement is necessary.
Furthermore, there is a need to heighten awareness about the societal impacts of computers and pay attention to inclusion (acceptance by everyone), diversity, fairness, and accessibility. Engineers are responsible for using their skills and knowledge ethically and professionally to contribute to society.

Keywords: Ethical philosophy, professional ethics, intellectual property, privacy and civil liberties, communication, sustainability, history, security policies, laws, computer crimes, equity, diversity, inclusion
- (ICTG class offered in Q3 is taught by Prof. Blake.)
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(A)Graduates are aware of their professional and ethical responsibilities as an engineer, and are able to analyze societal requirements, and set, solve, and evaluate technical problems using information science technologies in society.
(C)Graduates are able to apply their professional knowledge of mathematics, natural science, and information technology, as well as the scientific thinking skills such as logical thinking and objective judgment developed through the acquisition of said knowledge, towards problem solving.

[Competency Codes]
C-SP-005, C-SP-009, C-SP-011-1, C-SP-012, C-SP-013-2
The goal is to understand the societal and ethical issues related to computer engineering and the necessity of practical application rooted in professional responsibility and awareness. Acquiring fundamental knowledge and skills is the objective. Some specific learning goals include the following:
1. Identify developers’ assumptions and values embedded in hardware and software design, especially as they pertain to usability for diverse populations including under-represented populations and the disabled
2. Evaluate how and why ethics is so important in computing and how it relates to cultural norms, values, and law
3. Explain the ethical responsibility of ensuring software correctness, reliability and safety including from where this responsibility arises (e.g., ACM/IEEE/AAAI Codes of Ethics, laws and regulations, organizational policies)
4. Justify legal and ethical uses of copyrighted materials
5. Distinguish the concepts and goals of anonymity and pseudonymity
6. Understand how to effectively and appropriately communicate as a member of a team including conflict resolution techniques
7. Illustrate global social and environmental impacts of computer use and disposal (e-waste)
8. Understand the relevance and impact of computing history on recent events, present context, and possible future outcomes, ideally from more than one cultural perspective
9. Describe the motivation and ramifications of cyber terrorism, data theft, hacktivism (hacking as activism), ransomware, and other attacks
10. Define and distinguish equity, equality, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility
/Class schedule
1. Social Context
2. Social Context
3. Methods for Ethical Analysis
4. Methods for Ethical Analysis
5. Professional Ethics
6. Professional Ethics, Intellectual Property
7. Privacy and Civil Liberties
8. Privacy and Civil Liberties
9. Communication
10. Sustainability, History
11. Security Policies, Laws and Computer Crimes
12. Security Policies, Laws and Computer Crimes
13. Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility
14. Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility
None. Lecture material will be posted on Moodle.
/Grading method/criteria
Final exam 55%
Quizzes 15%
Report 30%
Class attendance will be checked by submission of quizzes.
/Note for course registration
Class materials will not be printed or distributed, so please prepare them individually and participate in the class.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
The course instructor has working experience (Shimamura): With over 40 years of practical and educational experience in the information industry, he will instruct information ethics.

The course instructor has working experience (Blake): With over 30 years of practical experience in the information industry, he will instruct information ethics.

For part-time lecturers, there are no office hours. If you wish to arrange a meeting, please contact the instructor via email.
Questions or opinions regarding the class are welcome at any time on the Moodle forum.

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2024年度/Academic Year  2学期 /Second Quarter
/Course for;
4th year
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/25
/Course outline
With the demand for digital transformation (DX), how should the DX / IT system required by users be realized, and the technology required to develop as planned at a given cost in a certain period of time is introduced. In this lecture, the basics of system development process and project management technologies practiced in global DX / IT companies is learned. It also introduces the business environment and technological trends such as DX, skills and careers required for DX / IT engineers, and provides guidelines for students aiming for employment utilizing DX / IT. The globalization of projects, the actual situation of failed project, and the factors behind them are introduced. The importance of competencies required of DX / IT engineers is learned. Classes are mainly lecture type, but exercises and assignment reports are fulfilled depending on the theme. Since this course is assumed that students will work in DX / IT related fields in a Japanese environment, the lecture materials will be written in Japanese with English key words, but the lectures will be delivered basically in Japanese.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(A)Graduates are aware of their professional and ethical responsibilities as an engineer, and are able to analyze societal requirements, and set, solve, and evaluate technical problems using information science technologies in society.
(C)Graduates are able to apply their professional knowledge of mathematics, natural science, and information technology, as well as the scientific thinking skills such as logical thinking and objective judgment developed through the acquisition of said knowledge, towards problem solving.

【Competency code】
C-SE-001, C-SE-002, C-SP-003, C-SP-006
Study software development, project management and DX/IT business trend as the base for DX/IT engineer.
1. Study software development process including requirement analysis, design, programming and test.
2. Study fundamental of project management
3. Study DX/IT business and technology trend, skill required, and career model.
/Class schedule
I. DX/IT business trend
1. DX/IT business and technology trend
2. Role of DX/IT engineer and project manager
II. DX/IT System Development Process
3. Software engineering
4. Development process
5. Requirement definition
6. System design I Architecture
7. System design II UI/UX, database
8. Software development and test
III. Project management
9. Project definition
10. Project planning
11. Project progress management
12. Project risk management
IV. Other
13. Project contract management and Data center
14. Intellectual property and wrap-up

None. Hands out (soft copy) will be provided.  
/Grading method/criteria
Final Examination (50%), Report ( 40%), Case study ( 10%)  
/Note for course registration
Programming and software & hardware development expertise helps the understanding of this course.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
The course instructor has working experience: Jiro Iwase worked for IBM where he was involved in system development, standard system development, quality management and project management. Based on his experience, he can teach the Fundamentals of System Development and Project Management. In addition, three engineers from IT company IBM, Deloitte, KPMG) will join as instructor.

Reference literature: 「ソフトウェアエンジニアリング講座1,2」(岩瀬、内藤他著 日経BP社)   

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2024年度/Academic Year  4学期 /Fourth Quarter
/Course for;
2nd year
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/24
/Course outline
(ICTG class starts in Q4. Prof. Villegas, J. is in charge of the class.)

In the recent era of advanced information society, we significantly rely on digital media such as interactive text, audio, and video. These media in turns relies on their broadcasting through the Internet, communication among mobile devices, online shopping services and digital currency (e-money). This course aims at understanding how our digital life is supported by a variety of media technologies, by learning the characteristics of multimedia, its components, the associated processing and communication techniques, together with expected future development of multimedia systems. Participating in this course will offer you a beneficial guideline to further study advanced courses related to digital information technology.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(A)Graduates are aware of their professional and ethical responsibilities as an engineer, and are able to analyze societal requirements, and set, solve, and evaluate technical problems using information science technologies in society.
(C)Graduates are able to apply their professional knowledge of mathematics, natural science, and information technology, as well as the scientific thinking skills such as logical thinking and objective judgment developed through the acquisition of said knowledge, towards problem solving.

[Competency Codes]
C-GV-001, C-HI-001, C-HI-002, C-HI-006, C-IM-004, C-NC-005, C-NC-006, C-PL-010, C-PL-011

The objectives of this course include understanding digital representation in multimedia, digital terminals and systems that constitute multimedia, including hardware and software layers, fundamental methods of editing multimedia contents, the role of multimedia on the Internet and its associated service, wireless and mobile communication technology along with resource allocation, reliable digital communication with redundancy, and multimedia technologies well fit into our daily life.
/Class schedule
Professor Takahashi and Professor Okudaira
* Guidance
* Fundamentals of Multimedia
* Digital Terminals (Hardware and software layers)
* Components of Multimedia
* Media Processing
* Internet
* Service on the Internet
* Web Design and Maintenance
* Frequency Analysis
* Fundamentals of Digital Coding (Huffman & Hamming)
* Internet Business
* Multimedia in Our Life
* Mobile Devices
* Security and Intellectual Property Rights

Professor Villegas
* Introductions
* Multimedia Overview
* Graphics and Image Representations (1)
* Graphics and Image Representations (2)
* Color in Image and Video (1)
* Color in Image and Video (2)
* Fundamentals in Video (1)
* Fundamentals in Video (2)
* Basics of Digital Audio (1)
* Basics of Digital Audio (2)
* Compressing Media
* Compression Standards
* Media Distribution and Protection
* Media Trends
Not specified
/Grading method/criteria
Final exam (50%), quizzes in class (50%)
/Note for course registration
No prerequisites

Sessions of the ICTG Class is given in English. Other classes are taught in Japanese in principle.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Introduction to Multimedia (in Japanese: Nyumon multimedia) edited by CG-ARTS society
(ISBN: 978-4903474601)

* Fundamentals of Multimedia, 2nd Edition (2014) By Ze-Nian Li, Mark S. Drew and Jiangchuan Liu
(eBook ISBN: 978-3-319-05290-8, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-05290-8, Softcover ISBN978-3-319-34678-6)

Please refer to the course pages maintained on the Learning Management System (LMS).

Note: Professor Villegas has practical working experience. He worked for the Productivity National Center in Colombia and as a private consultant for five years. He was involved in the development of web-based industry productivity solutions. His experience is relevant for teaching an introductory course in Multimedia.

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2024年度/Academic Year  3学期 /Third Quarter
/Course for;
2nd year
JING Lei, LE Doan Hoang
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/12
/Course outline
Introduction to Computer Networks is the first course about computer networks. It presents the design and operation of computer communication networks. Students will study basic principles of network architectures and protocols, as well as some network algorithms and applications. The largest and most typical computer communication network, the Internet, will be the subject of study.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(A)Graduates are aware of their professional and ethical responsibilities as an engineer, and are able to analyze societal requirements, and set, solve, and evaluate technical problems using information science technologies in society.
(C)Graduates are able to apply their professional knowledge of mathematics, natural science, and information technology, as well as the scientific thinking skills such as logical thinking and objective judgment developed through the acquisition of said knowledge, towards problem solving.

After taking this course, students will be able to understand the following items and be able to explain them.
 network architecture and explain hierarchical model and functions of each layer
 the roles of network protocols
 the Internet protocol such as TCP / IP
 network algorithms,  particularly routing algorithms.
 the role of protocols in network applications, as well as  the basic elements of the network, delay time, timeout mechanism, and so on.
/Class schedule
1. Introduction to the computer networks
2. Overview of the internet
3. Application layer (1)
4. Application layer (2)
5. Socket programming (1)
6. Socket programming (2)
7. Transport Layer: reliable transport, time out and retransmission etc.
8. Transport Layer: Overview and UDP
9. Transport Layer: Transmission Control Protocol (1)
10. Transport Layer: Transmission Control Protocol (2)
11. Network Layer
12. IP (Internet Protocol)
13. Link Layer and LAN: MAC addressing,
14. Review and summary

Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet, 7/E by Kurose (6/E, 5/E,4/E, or 3/E is also OK)

/Grading method/criteria
• Small tests and Homework 40%
• Final examination and Projects 60%
/Note for course registration
Remote Class on Zoom

* Depending on the situation of Covid-19, the course may be implemented  as remote online classes. If someone does not have available environment (PC or Wi-Fi) , she/he can come to exercise classroom (the room no will be informed later)  to attend the online  classes. Even for the face-to-face lecture in classrooms, we will use Zoom for tests and questions in the lectures. So please prepare the Zoom environment available.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)

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2024年度/Academic Year  2学期集中 /2ndQuarter Intensive
/Course for;
2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/24
/Course outline
*To enroll in this course, students must first register for the Creativity Development Program through the dedicated registration form.

Creativity is the ability to generate new and valuable things. It is incredibly indispensable in developing original and novel ideas. Each person has the talent to innovate. To demonstrate creativity, one must possess knowledge of the creative process and supporting methods. It is also required to practice the use of that knowledge regularly.
 In this course, beginners of creative activity will work on specially tailored themes to experience and understand the nature of creativity and its process through lectures and practical exercises. Students will work in groups while assisting each other in a collegial atmosphere. In the practical exercises, student groups will work on themes from existing practical problems and propose novel and valuable solutions/ideas.
This intensive course is offered for several consecutive days during the summer holidays. Depending on the theme of the exercise, the class will be held at an off-campus facility. Attendance on all days is required. Furthermore, capacity is limited depending on the theme and venue. If applicants exceed the capacity, lecturers will select students considering their enrollment in related courses, etc.
For AY2024, the course dates will be determined depending on the target field's requirements and other circumstances. The fixed schedule will be announced by the middle of July.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(A)Graduates are aware of their professional and ethical responsibilities as an engineer, and are able to analyze societal requirements, and set, solve, and evaluate technical problems using information science technologies in society.
(C)Graduates are able to apply their professional knowledge of mathematics, natural science, and information technology, as well as the scientific thinking skills such as logical thinking and objective judgment developed through the acquisition of said knowledge, towards problem solving.

[Competency Codes]
C-SP-005, C-SP-009, C-SP-011-1, C-SP-012, C-SP-013-1, C-SP-014

1. The student understands the activity required for a creative process and can explain its characteristics and necessary behavior to be successful.
2. The student understands the benefits of the knowledge of the creative process and can practice using that knowledge.
3. The student can apply the knowledge to generate creative ideas for a relatively simple theme.
/Class schedule
Unit 1: Project Kickoff and Planning
 Meet with group members and establish a collaborative work environment. Interview with customers to understand requirements and develop a project plan.
Unit 2: Fundamentals of Creativity
 Learn what facilitates creative activities and what inhibits them.
Unit 3: Practical Creativity
 Learn essential methods and techniques for creative activity.
Unit 4: Gathering
 Search for useful information to help understand the problem/issue.
Unit 5: Classification and Analysis
 Organize the collected information based on an idea of ‘good’ classification.
Unit 6: Gathering-Analysis Iteration
 Based on the classifications, identify areas that require further analysis and repeat the gather-analysis phase.
Unit 7: Generate Idea Candidates
 Based on the classification of information, generate as many ideas as possible.
Unit 8: Compare Idea Candidates
 Compare the many ideas and select the best idea.
Unit 9: Visualize Idea
 Transform the selected idea into some tangible form in order to evaluate it.
Unit 10: Evaluate the Idea
 Using the idea prototype, collect evaluations from actual users and/or simulations to obtain feedback on the idea.
Unit 11: Improve the Idea
 Create a plan to improve the idea based on the feedback and execute it.
Unit 12: Evaluate-Improve Iteration
 Repeat the activity of Units 10-12 as necessary to brush up the idea
Unit 13: Prepare for Presentation
 Plan how to present the idea and create the necessary materials.
Unit 14: Final Presentation
 Present the group’s idea and self-evaluate your idea through questions and comments from others.
Handouts will be provided as necessary.
/Grading method/criteria
There is no exam. Performance will be assessed by the following items.
1. Presentation of interim and final review 40%
2. Quality of deliverables (Classification of gathered information and ideas, prototype, presentation) 40%
3. Participation and attitude 20%
* Contribution of each student will be checked at each review
* Insights of customers and coaches will be taken into consideration for the assessment
/Note for course registration
・This course involves intensive activity that requires proactive participation by the students.
・The following courses are good places to practice the knowledge and skills obtained from this course. Each course requires creative effort in completing their projects.
・IE03 Integrated Exercise for Software I
・IE04 Integrated Exercise for Software II
・O06 Introduction to Development Projects (Venture Factory 6 part 1)
・O06 Practical Project Development (Venture Factory 6 part 2)
・SE05 Software Studio
・Understanding International Experiences for Engineering Students
・Understanding Innovations Education for Engineering Students
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)

The course instructor has working experience: Creative industry professionals and faculty with abundant project experiences will instruct the course.

Open Competency Codes Table Back

2024年度/Academic Year  前期 /First Semester
/Course for;
2nd year
KITAMICHI Junji, HONDA Chikatoshi, NAKAJIMA Yu, OFUJI Kenta, JING Lei, OHTAKE Makiko, SUZUKI Daisuke
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/23
/Course outline
This exercise covers "Electrical Circuits," which is a required subject in science universities. Students will have a valuable opportunity to experience actual electrical phenomena. They will understand circuit theory and build resistance measurements, high-pass/low-pass filters, resonant circuits, etc, and measure the behavior of circuits using measurement equipment and understand the agreement and differences with circuit theory.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(A)Graduates are aware of their professional and ethical responsibilities as an engineer, and are able to analyze societal requirements, and set, solve, and evaluate technical problems using information science technologies in society.
(B)Graduates are able to apply their professional knowledge of mathematics, natural science, and information technology, as well as the scientific thinking skills such as logical thinking and objective judgment developed through the acquisition of said knowledge, towards problem solving.

[Competency Codes]

Basic knowledge and skills students can learn are as follows:
・Dimension analysis, Statistic treatment of data, and Quantitative data analysis through drawing graphs.
・Passive circuit elements, Circuit equations such as Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s law, and Principle of superposition.
・High-pass and low-pass filters, LC-resonant circuits, and Germanium-diode radio receivers.
・Note taking in experiments and technical report writing.
・Solving basic DC and AC circuit equations.
・Basic handling of measurement apparatuses.
/Class schedule
The 1st Unit: DC circuit basics and related experiments
1st week: Evaluation method of grades, SI unit, Dimension analysis, Basic statistic parameters
2nd week: Passive elements (R, L, C), Breadboard and circuit tester handling, Ohm’s law, Series and parallel connections
3rd week: Statistical treatment of errors, Drawing graphs including log-log and semi-log plots, Kirchhoff’s law, Principle of superposition
4th week: What is experiment?, Note taking in experiments and technical report writing, Measuring resistor values
5th week: Measuring resistor values (continued)

The 2nd Unit: AC circuit basics and related experiments
  6th week: Complex numbers and AC signal expressions
  7th week: Complex impedance, Oscilloscope and Function generator handling
  8th week: Voltage divider measurement, Waveform observation and measurement using passive elements

The 3rd Unit: Frequency response measurement of RC circuits (filters)
  9th week: High-pass and low-pass filters using RC elements, Bode diagram
10th week: Frequency response measurement: High-pass filter
11th week: Frequency response measurement: Low-pass filter

The 4th Unit: LCR circuit basics and related experiments
12th week: LCR circuits, Series resonance, Reactance diagram, Parasitic resistor
13th week: Series resonant circuit measurement

The 5th Unit: RC circuit transient phenomenon
14th week: Transient phenomenon, RC circuit transient phenomenon
・Profs Suzuki, Kitamichi, Ofuji, Honda, and Otake classes (5 classes)
エッセンシャル電気回路 - 工学のための基礎演習 第2版、森北出版、ISBN 978-4-627-73562-0

・Prof. Jing/Nakajima class (1 class)
Japanese students: エッセンシャル電気回路 - 工学のための基礎演習 第2版、森北出版、ISBN 978-4-627-73562-0
ICTG students: 英日対照 工学基礎テキストシリーズ 電気電子回路、森北出版、ISBN 978-4-627-63041-3
/Grading method/criteria
Technical reports for each unit, Quiz, and Term-end examination are weighted as follows: approximately 40%, 10%, 50%
Although basically experiments are carried out by two students, each student must submit technical reports.
A student who was absent from the term-end exam, and/or did not submit more than two reports, and/or did not attend for more than 10 weeks cannot get the credit.
Official absence approved by the Academic Affair Committee will be allowed.
/Note for course registration
Prerequisite: NS02 Electromagnetism, MA03 Calculus I, MA04 Calculus II

Related courses: MA04 Fourier Analysis, NS04 Semiconductor Devices, MA07 Probability and Statistic, SY02 Electronics, IT05 Robotics and Automatic Control, IT08 Signal Processing and Linear System
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
・Handouts and others (internal access only)
・Useful site (PDF files available):https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/textbook/

The course instructor Kenta Ofuji has practical working experience in a private energy company and a think tank in related research field. Based on this professional experience, he is capable of teaching the basics of electric circuit theory and experiments.

Open Competency Codes Table Back

2024年度/Academic Year  後期 /Second Semester
/Course for;
2nd year
DEMURA Hirohide
TEI Dogun, DEMURA Hirohide, HUANG Jie, OGAWA Yoshiko, CHEN Wenxi, NASSANI Alaeddin
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
Courses preferred to be learned prior to this course (This course assumes understanding of entire or partial content of the following courses)
MA05 Fourier Analysis
FU01 Algorithms and Data Structures I
更新日/Last updated on 2024/02/06
/Course outline
Students learn about Mathematica/MATLAB as fundamental tools for Science and Engineering. This course is composed of lectures and exercise for quantitative/statistical analysis with the tools, and writing technical reports. Finally, they experience machine learning as a up-to-date topic.
/Objectives and attainment
[Competency Codes]
C-AL-010, C-CN-002, C-IS-006, C-SP-008, C-SP-010, C-SP-011-1, C-SP-011-2

[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(A)Graduates are aware of their professional and ethical responsibilities as an engineer, and are able to analyze societal requirements, and set, solve, and evaluate technical problems using information science technologies in society.
(C)Graduates are able to apply their professional knowledge of mathematics, natural science, and information technology, as well as the scientific thinking skills such as logical thinking and objective judgment developed through the acquisition of said knowledge, towards problem solving.

Basic knowledge and skills students can learn are as follows:
・Mathematica and MATLAB
・Quantitative / Statistical Data Analysis
・Way of preparation, Premeditated and effective action, and note taking
・The scientific quality and manner for examining experiments reasonably
・Handling Mathematica and MATLAB as fundamental tools in Computer Science and Engineering
・Technical report writing
/Class schedule
#1 Unit 1 Guidance, MATLAB activation, etc.
#2 Unit 1 Introduction of MATLAB
#3 Unit 1 Introduction of MATLAB

#4 Unit 2 MATLAB Data Analysis 1 : Acoustic Signal Processing
#5 Unit 2 MATLAB Data Analysis 2 : Image Processing
#6 Unit 2 MATLAB Data Analysis 3 : Computer Vision
#7 Unit 2 MATLAB Data Analysis 4 : Reporting

#8 Unit 3 MATLAB Machine Learning 1
#9 Unit 3 MATLAB Machine Learning 2
#10 Unit 3 MATLAB Machine Learning 3

#11 Unit4 Mathematica 1 : Activation and Introduction
#12 Unit4 Mathematica 2 : Data Analysis
#13 Unit4 Mathematica 3 :  Machine Learning, etc.

#14 Unit5 Integrated exercise
/Grading method/criteria
Grading of this course is combination of quizzes (2nd-14th lectures) and technical reports (Unit 1-5), whose ratio are weighted as 40% and 60%.
Although group exercises are OK, each student must submit technical reports in Japanese or English. Contents would be different from each other (The same contents would be regarded as copied reports.)
Own PC is also available.

Quizzes to check understanding the last exercise (13 quizzes)
Reports in Exercise for Unit 1-5 (4 reports and on-the-fly scoring in Unit 5)
/Note for course registration
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
The course instructors have working experiences: Instructors are familiar with Data Processing and Analysis, Machine Learning, Technical reports , etc.

Responsibility for the wording of this article lies with Student Affairs Division (Academic Affairs Section).

E-mail Address: sad-aas@u-aizu.ac.jp