AY 2024 Graduate School Course Catalog

Field of Study CS: Computer Science


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2024年度/Academic Year  1学期 /First Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year
LIU Yong
LIU Yong
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
PL02 C Programming
PL03 JAVA Programming I
PL04 C++ Programming
FU01 Algorithms and Data Structures I
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/24
/Course outline
An intelligent system must have at least the following means (手段):

1)  A means to access and acquire information.

2)  A means to integrate, abstract, and be aware of the information.

3)  A means to change and to adapt to the environment based on acquired information.

The goal of neural network research is to realize an intelligent system using the human brain as a single model to realize all of the above means. There are many research topics in this area, for example

1)  How to use neural networks to represent/acquire information/knowledge?

2)  How to use neural networks to integrate, abstract, and be aware of the information?

3)  How to change a neural network to adapt to the environment?

This course introduces the basic models, learning algorithms, and some applications of neural networks. After this course, we should be able to know how to use neural networks for solving some practical problems such as pattern recognition, pattern classification, function approximation, data visualization, and so on.
/Objectives and attainment
In this course, we will study the following topics:

1)  Basic neuron models: McCulloch-Pitts model, nearest neighbor model, radial basis function model, etc.

2)  Basic neural network models: multilayer neural network, self-organizing neural network, associative memory, radial basis function neural network, support vector machine, neural network tree, etc.

3)  Basic learning algorithms: delta learning rule, back propagation, winner take all, self-organizing feature map, learning vector quantization, etc.

4)  Applications: character recognition, function approximation, data visualization, etc.
/Class schedule
1)  Introduction: A brief introduction of this course.

2)  Fundamental concepts: Neuron models and the general learning rule.

3)  Multilayer neural networks: Structure and the back propagation learning algorithm for multilayer perceptron (MLP).

4)  Team project - I: Learning of MLP for solving simple problems.

5)  Associative memory: Hopfield neural network, energy function, and convergence.

6)  Team project II: Application of Hopfield neural network to image restoration.

7)  Self-organizing neural networks: Kohonen neural network, pattern clustering, and the winner-take-all learning algorithm.

8)  Team project III: Pattern classification using self-organizing neural networks.

9)  Self-organizing feature map: Dimensionality reduction and data visualization based on the self-organizing feature map algorithm.

10)  Team project IV: Visualization of high dimensional patterns.

11)  RBF neural networks: Radial basis neural network and support vector machines.

12)  Team project V: Pattern recognition based on SVM.

13)  Neural network trees: Hybridization of neural networks and the decision tree.

14)  Presentation of projects.
No textbook. Teaching materials will be available on the course page .
/Grading method/criteria
Projects: 75 (15 x 5)
Final presentation: 25
/Note for course registration
Students are required to do 5 team projects for implementing the taught neural network models by using C, or C++, or Java languages.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
1) Ian Goodfellow and Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville, Deep Learning, MIT Press, 2016.

2)  Jacek M. Zurada, Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems, PWS Publishing Company, 1995.

3)  Simon Haykin, Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation, Macmillan College Publishing Company, 1994.

4)  Mohamad H. Hassoun, Foundamentals of Artificial Neural Networks,The MIT Press, 1995.

5)  Laurene Fausett, Fundamentals of Neural Networks: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications, Prentice Hall International, Inc., 1994.

6)  B. D. Ripley, Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks, Cambridge University Press., 1996.

7)  URL of this course: http://web-ext.u-aizu.ac.jp/~qf-zhao/TEACHING/NN-I/nn1.html

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2024年度/Academic Year  2学期 /Second Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year
LIU Yong
LIU Yong
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
CSA01 Neural Networks  I: Fundamental Theory and Applications
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/24
/Course outline
The course starts from an overview of evolutionary computation, and a simple example of evolutionary optimization so that the students could quickly grasp the basic ideas of nature-inspired techniques. In the following lectures, design examples in game, learning systems, and intelligent systems will be given. The aim of this course is to let students learn nature-inspired design by examples.
/Objectives and attainment
1. To know what nature-inspired design techniques are and how they are applied to some real problems.

2. To understand the advantages and disadvantages of nature-inspired design techniques compared to other traditional design techniques.

3. To investigate potential applications of nature-inspired techniques to some real world problems.
/Class schedule
Lecture 01:   An Overview of Evolutionary Computation
Lecture 02:   Evolutionary Programming
Lecture 03 :  Fast Evolutionary Programming
Lecture 04 :  Evolutionary Game
Lecture 05 :  Search Operators and Representation
Lecture 06:   Project 1 on Evolutionary Optimization
Lecture 07 :  Selection and Recombination
Lecture 08 :  Evolutionary Robots
Lecture 09 :  Introduction to Neural Networks: Part 1
Lecture 10 :  Introduction to Neural Networks: Part 2
Lecture 11 :  Project 2 on Evolutionary Learning
Lecture 12 :  Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks
Lecture 13 :  Evolutionary Neural Network Ensembles
Lecture 14 :  Final Presentations and Discussions
No textbook. Lecture notes will be available on the course page.
/Grading method/criteria
The students will be asked to design and simulate an evolutionary system, and give presentations on their projects.

Projects: 60 (30x2, two projects)
Final presentation: 40
/Note for course registration
This course will also introduce genetic algorithms after the graduate school course on genetic algorithms was removed .
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
1. Some reference papers will be shown in lecture notes.

2. Ian Goodfellow and Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville, Deep Learning, MIT Press, 2016.

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2024年度/Academic Year  2学期 /Second Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year
MORI Kazuyoshi
MORI Kazuyoshi
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/24
/Course outline
This course is concerned with the multidimensional systems
theory. This theory includes multidimensional control system and image
processing, and so on. We will proceed precisely with mathematical
/Objectives and attainment
This course is concerned with the multidimensional systems
theory. This theory includes multidimensional control system and image
processing, and so on. We will proceed precisely with mathematical
/Class schedule
1. Scalar 2-D Input/Output Systems
2. Stability
3. Structural Stability
4. Multi-Input/Multi-Output Systems
5. Stabilization of Scalar Feedback Systems
6. Characterization of Stabilizers for Scalar Systems
7. Stabilization of Strictly Causal Transfer Matrices
8. Characterization of Stabilizers for MIMO Systems
9. Stabilization of Weakly Causal Systems
10. Stabilization of MIMO Weakly Causal Systems
To be distributed.
/Grading method/criteria
Final examination and/or Reports
/Note for course registration
The language is English.
If all students can understand Japanese, Japanese may be used in addtion.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
1. Multidimensional Systems Theory (2nd Ed). D.Reidel Publishing, 2003. (Reference)
2. Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Signals and Systems 3rd Ed.(Schaum's
Outlines) (Reference)

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2024年度/Academic Year  4学期 /Fourth Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year
HAMADA Mohamed
HAMADA Mohamed
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
Automata and Langauges
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/19
/Course outline

The models of computations will be introduced and the term rewriting
systems (TRS), as a universal model of computation, and its major
properties such as termination and confluence will be discussed. Term
rewriting is a branch of theoretical computer science which combines
elements of logic, universal algebra, automated theorem proving and
functional programming. Its foundation is equational logic. TRS
constitutes a Turing- complete computational model which is very close
to functional programming. It has applications in Algebra, recursion
theory, software engineering and programming languages. In general
TRSs apply in any context where efficient methods for reasoning with
equations are required.
/Objectives and attainment
This course gives students the fundamental concepts of the
computational models and the concept of rewriting systems and its
applications in many areas of theoretical computer science. It also
give the students more understanding of the major properties of term
rewriting systems.
/Class schedule
1. Introduction to models of computation
2. Finite automata as a model of computation for formal languages
3. Turing machines as a powerful model of computation
4. Rewriting systems as a general-purpose model of computation
5. Term rewriting systems
6. Unification, most general unifier and unification algorithm
7. Midterm Report/Exam/presentation
8. Church-Rosser property, Confluence, and Local confluence
9. Critical pairs (CP) and CP algorithm
10. Termination of rewriting systems
11. Completion and Knuth-Bendix algorithm
12. Other rewriting systems
13. General review
14. Final report presentation/Exam
1. F. Baader and T. Nipkow, Term Rewriting and All That, Cambridge
University Press, 1998.
2. Other materials related to the topics will be introduced in the
class. Various materials will be prepared
/Grading method/criteria
1. Class activities: 14%
2. Exercise: 26%
3. Midterm exam/report: 20%
4. Final exam/report: 40%
/Note for course registration
As this course is given to students who have not studied the
fundamentals of term rewriting systems, there is no prerequisites. But
we expect students have some basic courses such as discrete
mathematics and/or algebra.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Will be given during lectures.

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2024年度/Academic Year  1学期 /First Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year
ASAI Nobuyoshi
ASAI Nobuyoshi
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
Linear algebra 1, 2
Applied algebra
Numerical analysis
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/26
/Course outline
This is a topics course: several recent topics of numerical
computation will be selected and discussed in detail.
・Elements of the Hilbert space.
・The eigenvalue problem for infinite matrices.
・Application to the special function computation.
・Introduction to high-performance computing.
Case studies include introduction to important software packages and
the Internet usage.

/Objectives and attainment
Study some application of functional analysis to numerical computation.
/Class schedule
1. Elements of the Hilbert space(1)

2. Elements of the Hilbert space(2)

3. The eigenvalue problem for infinite matrices(1)

4. The eigenvalue problem for infinite matrices(2)

5. The eigenvalue problem for infinite matrices(3)

6. The eigenvalue problem for infinite matrices(4)

7. Application to the special function computation(1)

8. Application to the special function computation(2)

9. Application to the special function computation(3)

10. Application to the special function computation(4)

11. Visualization(1)

12. Visualization(2)

13. Introduction to high-performance computing(1)

14. Introduction to high-performance computing(2)
A. E. Taylor, D. C. Lay, Introduction to Functional Analysis, Kriger Pub., 1980

G. F. Simmons, Intruduction to Topology and MOdern Analysis, Mc-Graw Hill, 1963
/Grading method/criteria
Quizzes, activities and/or reports.

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2024年度/Academic Year  3学期 /Third Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year
HAMADA Mohamed
HAMADA Mohamed
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
Discrete Mathematics
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/19
/Course outline
This course gives students advanced topics in the theory of automata and languages. The characterization of language classes, which is one of the most important themes in the formal language theory, will be introduced. Especially, the homomorphic characterizations of language classes will be discussed in detail. Moreover, some applications of
formal language theory will be discussed.

/Objectives and attainment
Students can be familiar to the automata and languages and recognize the importance of the theory of automata and languages, and have enough knowledge to read and understand advanced papers in this field completely.

/Class schedule
1. Introduction and background
2. Review of the theory of automata and languages
3. Methods to describe infinite sets
4. Grammars as generating systems of infinite sets
5. Automata as recognizing systems of infinite sets
6. Chomsky hierarchy of language classes
7. Relation among grammars and automata
8. Midterm exam or report
9. Topics on the theory of automata and languages
10. Subclasses languages defined by automata with restrictions
11. Subclasses languages defined by grammars with restrictions
12. Operations on languages
13. Homomorphic characterization of language classes
14. Applications of the theory of automata and languages
We do not specify textbooks but introduce books related to the topics in the class. Various materials will be prepared.

/Grading method/criteria
1. Class activities: 14%
2. Exercise: 26%
3. Midterm exam/Report: 25%
4. Final exam: 35%
/Note for course registration
Automata theory
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
There are so many good textbooks in this field. Some of them will be introduced in the class and some are given here for students' convenience.

J. Hopcroft, J. Ullman: Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation, Addison-Wesley, 1979.

A. Meduna: Automata and Languages, Theory and Applications, Springer, 1999.

P. Linz: An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata(3 ed.),
Jones and Bartlett, 2001.

J. L. Hein: Theory of Computation, An Introduction,
Jones and Bartlett, 1996.

M. Sipser: Introduction to the Theory of Computation,
PWS Publishing Co., 1996.

N. Pippenger: Theories of Computability, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1997.

R. Greenlaw, H. J. Hoover: Fundamentals of the Theory of Computation,
Principles and Proctice, Morgan Kaufmann Pub. Inc., 1998.

A. Maruoka, Concise Guide to Computation Theory, Springer, 2011.

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2024年度/Academic Year  1学期 /First Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/11
/Course outline
The purpose of this course is to give ideas of advanced analysis
for students who have deep understanding for the undergraduate
level mathematics  (Fourier analysis, complex analysis, general
/Objectives and attainment
Students will be able to understand Fourier analysis as an introductory theory of function spaces.

Students will be able to understand an introduction to the theory of Hilbert spaces.

Students will be able to understand an introduction to special functions, and Fourier expansions by orthogonal polynomials.
/Class schedule
1-2. Reviews of undergraduate mathematics
3-6. Introductory theory of function spaces
7-10. Introduction to functional analysis
11-14. Fourier expansions by orthogonal polynomials
/Grading method/criteria
Reports 100%
/Note for course registration
Prerequisites: Fourier analysis, complex analysis, general topology

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2024年度/Academic Year  3学期 /Third Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year
ASAI Kazuto
ASAI Kazuto
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/19
/Course outline
Course implementation methods: Combination of face-to-face classes and remote classes

In this class, we deal with various topics arising from pure and applied mathematics concerning Algebraic Systems and Combinatorics. This year, we focus mainly on the theory of finite fields in the area of Algebraic Systems. The finite field F_q --- a field with finite (q) elements --- was first found by E. Galois, and so it is often called a Galois field GF(q). The structure of F_q as a field is uniquely determined by the number of elements q, and for the existence of F_q, it is necessary and sufficient for q to be a power of a prime p.

Beginning with polynomial rings, we overview the following: prime fields, finite polynomial fields, field extensions, splitting fields, structure of finite fields, primitive elements, Frobenius cycles, cyclotomic polynomials, and functions between finite fields. When we consider numbers, they are often supposed to be real or complex numbers. But here, we shall contact with more abstract numbers, rings, and fields, to develop the ability of mathematical and abstract thinking.

Finite fields are purely mathematical objects. For example, mathematicians often try to extend or modify the theory over real/complex numbers to the one over finite fields in their researches. Finite fields, however, have many application such as theory of experimental design, codes, and logical circuits, etc, which is the reason why the finite fields are very important objects for both of Scientists and Engineers.
/Objectives and attainment
Polynomial rings, Prime fields, Positive characteristic, Homomorphisms and isomorphisms, Field extension, Splitting fields, Uniqueness of the q-element field, Structure of finite fields, Primitive elements, Frobenius cycles, and Cyclotomic polynomials.

/Class schedule
1. Polynomial rings.
2. Prime fields F_p.
3. Homomorphisms and isomorphisms.
4. Finite polynomial fields and field extensions.
5--6. Finite fields.
7--8. Structure of finite fields.
9--10. Primitive elements.
11--12. Frobenius cycles.
13--14. Cyclotomic polynomials.
1. Handout: Algebraic systems and combinatorics: -- Finite fields --, by K. Asai

2. Introduction to Finite Fields and Their Applications, Revised ed. (1994), Cambridge University Press, by R. Lidl, H. Niederreiter

3. Finite Fields (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications) (1997), Cambridge University Press, by R. Lidl, H. Niederreiter

4. Kumiawaserironto Sonoouyou (1979), Iwanami Zensho 316, by I. Takahashi (in Japanese)
/Grading method/criteria
/Note for course registration
Related courses: Applied Algebra, Linear Algebra I,II.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Home page for the class: http://web-ext.u-aizu.ac.jp/~k-asai/classes/class-texts.html

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2024年度/Academic Year  3学期 /Third Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year
HONMA Michio
HONMA Michio
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/23
/Course outline
This course deals with several basic problems in natural sciences in order to show how the information theory and various computational methods are utilized in the analysis of practical systems.
/Objectives and attainment
At the end of the course the students should be able to:
(1) explain the importance and advantages of various numerical methods in the analysis of physical systems.
(2) design a suitable model and write a program for solving practical problems.
/Class schedule
(1) Introduction
- Numerical derivative, integral, and root finding
- Exercise 1
(2) Differential equation 1
- Initial value problem
- Exercise 2
(3) Differential equation 2
- Boundary value problem
- Exercise 3
(4) Matrix manipulation 1
- Matrix inversion
- Exercise 4
(5) Matrix manipulation 2
- Eigenvalue problem
- Exercise 5
(6) Monte Carlo method 1
Random numbers and sampling of random variables
- Exercise 6
(7) Monte Carlo method 2
Monte Carlo integrals and simulations
- Exercise 7
Lecture materials will be provided on the LMS.
/Grading method/criteria
Reports (100%)
Students should submit a report on the problem given in each exercise class.
/Note for course registration
Prerequisites: Students should have some experience and knowledge of basic physics (classical mechanics, electricity and magnetism, quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics) and programming.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
(1) An introduction to computer simulation methods : applications to physical systems 2nd ed.
Harvey Gould and Jan Tobochnik
Addison-Wesley, c1996
(2) Computational physics : FORTRAN version
Steven E. Koonin and Dawn C. Meredith
Addison-Wesley, c1990

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2024年度/Academic Year  3学期 /Third Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/11
/Course outline
This course provides recent developements
in high energy particle physics.
/Objectives and attainment
At the end of the course the students should:

1. have basic knowledge of high energy physics
2. know how to use computer to study theory of high energy physics
/Class schedule
1. Basic concepts of quantum field theory
2. Path integral formulation
3. Lattice field theory
4. Gauge field theory
5. Superstring theory
6. Quantum gravity
Hands out will be provided.
/Grading method/criteria
Reports 50%  and Examination 50%.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Office hour: Monday, Thursday 1,2,3,4 period

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2024年度/Academic Year  3学期 /Third Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year
NARUSE Keitaro
NARUSE Keitaro, TSUCHIYA Takahiro
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/25
/Course outline
This is a graduate school course on stochastic processes and applications. We focus on several classes of elementary stochastic processes which are often used in various applications: random walks, branching processes, discrete Markov chains and, time permitting, the Poisson process and Brownian motion.
/Objectives and attainment
The student will get acquainted with mathematical tools and techniques, as well as the probabilistic intuition necessary for understanding and successful use of stochastic models in a variety of applications within mathematics and in science, engineering, economics, etc. He/she will also learn how to build new models, in yet-unencountered situations and novel frameworks.
/Class schedule
1 Probability Review
2 Stochastic Processes
3 Simple Random Walk: Theory
4 Simple Random Walk: Implementation
5 Random Walks - Advanced Methods
6 Kalman Filter
7 Branching Processes
8 Markov Chains: Theory  
9 Markov Chains: Implementation
10 Classification of States
11 Absorption and reward
12 Stationary and Limiting Distributions
13 Robotic applications
14 Wrap up
None, lecture notes will be delivered in classes
/Grading method/criteria
By three assignments
/Note for course registration
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)

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2024年度/Academic Year  2学期 /Second Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year
YEN Neil Yuwen
YEN Neil Yuwen
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/26
/Course outline
Human-centered computing (HCC) is the science of decoding human behavior. It discusses a computational approaches to understand human behavior all aspects of human beings. However, the complexity of this new domain necessitates alterations to common data collection and modeling techniques. This course covers the techniques that underlie the state-of-the-art systems in this emerging field. Students will develop a critical understanding of human-centered computing including fundamentals, approaches and applications/services.
/Objectives and attainment
This course aims at instructing our students (especially master students) the fundamentals of human-centered computing. Through this course, students are expected to:

1) cultivate interdisplinary thinking skills;
2) be able to build systems that combine technologies with organizational designs;
3) understand the human, and translate the human needs to real-world systems.
/Class schedule
This course will give an introduction that covers a wide range of theories, techniques, applications to the well-designed human-computer systems.

Examples and academic papers on HCC researches (to each topics above) will be distributed to students who are enrolled in this class. Students will be grouped and make presentation on distributed research papers, and trained to ask questions and provide personal opinions on specific studies.

The schedule may be adjusted according to actual conditions. In that case, we will contact you separately. Remote / Online course may be conducted if necessary.
No specific textbook will be used for this course. Slides and handouts will be prepared by instructors, according to the references (see below), and available on the course website for download. Papers, news, and videos related to the theme will be selected from top-rank academic publications (e.g., IEEE/ACM/IEICE Transactions and SCI-indexed peer-reviewed journals), and the Internet (e.g., with copyright permission) will be taught during the classes.
/Grading method/criteria
Presentation: 30%
Report: 70%

Please note that the proportion of above grading criteria may be adjusted according to actual conditions.
/Note for course registration
All the topics will be taught through the reading of past high quality studies. Students are expected to cultivate independent reading ability. The reports and the attendance are also considered very important factors to evaluate the learning performance.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Witold Pedrycz, Fernando Gomide (2007). Fuzzy Systems Engineering: Toward Human-Centric Computing
Wiebe Bijker, Of Bicycles, Bakelites, and Bulbs: Toward a Theory of Sociotechnical Change (Inside Technology)
Clifford Geertz, The Interpretation Of Cultures (Basic Books Classics) The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life
Victor Kaptelinin and Bonnie Nardi, Acting with Technology: Activity Theory and Interaction Design
Guy A. Boy (2011). The Handbook of Human-machine Interaction: A Human-centered Design Approach

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2024年度/Academic Year  3学期 /Third Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/26
/Course outline
This course provides an introduction to parallel computing including
parallel architectures and parallel programming techniques.
/Objectives and attainment
The students will learn the basic parallel programming models including
memory and distributed memory models. Parallel programming using MPI and
OpenMP will be a main focus.  
The course will heavily involve coding projects and weekly assignments.
/Class schedule
1. Introduction to Parallel Architecture
2. Introduction to Parallel Programming
3. Performance considerations
4. Programming in MPI
5. Programming in OpenMP
Numerical Analysis for Engineers and Scientists, G. Miller, Cambridge University Press
Parallel Programming with MPI, P.S. Pachebo, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers
Parallel Programming in C with MPI and OpenMP, M. J. Quinn, McGraw-Hill
/Grading method/criteria
Assignments = 30%, Project = 20%, Exam = 50%
/Note for course registration
Computer architecture, mathematics, algorithms and programming
Students are expected to have good skills in C or Fortran programming to take this course.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)

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2024年度/Academic Year  1学期 /First Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year
SAMPE Takeaki
SAMPE Takeaki
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/11
/Course outline
This course provides fundamental knowledge of fluids, dynamics of a fluid flow and basic methods to obtain a numerical solution of the governing equations of fluid dynamics, for students studying fluid mechanics or related disciplines such as meteorology and physical oceanography.
(Note: This course does not deal with graphics or visualization of a fluid flow.)
/Objectives and attainment
In this course, students will gain a basic understanding of fluid properties and principles of fluid dynamics, and learn how to solve simple problems of fluid dynamics through numerical integration of the governing equations.
/Class schedule
1. Properties of fluids, Equation of state, Viscosity
2. Reynolds number, Similarity of flow, Fluid statics, Hydrostatic balance, Buoyancy
3. First law of thermodynamics, Potential temperature
4. Eulerian and Lagrangian descriptions of fluid motion, Equation of continuity
5. Euler's equation of motion, Bernoulli’s theorem and its applications
6. Vorticity and stream function, Divergence and velocity potential
7. Motion of viscous fluids, Navier-Stokes equation
8. Solutions of Navier-Stokes equation for some simple problems
9. Characteristics of 2nd-order partial differential equations, Discretization, Finite difference method
10. Accuracy and truncation error, Lax’s equivalence theorem, CFL condition, Numerical stability
11. von Neumann’s stability analysis, Amplification factor, Phase error
12. Numerical schemes for advection equation
13. Numerical schemes for diffusion equation
14. Numerical schemes for Laplace equation, Application of numerical methods to flow simulations
/Grading method/criteria
Assignments and reports. (100%)
/Note for course registration
Prerequisites (this course assumes understanding of the content of the following courses) are,
- MA03 & MA04 Calculus I & II (Undergraduate course)
- NS01 Dynamics (Undergraduate course)
- FU11 Numerical analysis (Undergraduate course)
Note: CSC08A “Numerical modeling and simulations” may be useful to understand the subject of this course.

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2024年度/Academic Year  3学期 /Third Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year
RAGE Uday Kiran
RAGE Uday Kiran
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/29
/Course outline
Pattern mining is an important knowledge discovery technique in big data analytics. It involves identifying all regularities that exist in a database. Several algorithms were described in the literature to find user interest-based patterns that exist in a database.

In this course, students will learn several algorithms to discover hidden patterns that exist in transactional databases, temporal databases, and spatiotemporal databases.
/Objectives and attainment
The main objective of this course is to empower the students with different pattern mining algorithms so that can select an appropriate algorithm to discover useful knowledge in large databases.  
/Class schedule
Lecture topics:
1. Introduction to Pattern Mining – 1
2. Discovering frequent patterns in big data-1
a. Frequent pattern model
b. Search space
c. Apriori property
d. Apriori algorithm
3. Discovering frequent patterns in big data-2
b. FP-growth
4. Discovering periodic-frequent patterns in big temporal databases
a. Periodic-frequent pattern model
b. Mining Algorithms
5. Discovering partial periodic patterns in big temporal databases
6. Discovering fuzzy frequent patterns in non-binary transactional databases
7. Discovering fuzzy periodic frequent patterns in non-binary temporal databases
8. High utility pattern mining
9. Spatial high utility pattern mining
10. Rare Item Problem
11. User interest-based pattern mining – 1
a. Top-k patterns
b. Closed patterns
c. Maximal patterns
12. User interest-based pattern mining – 2
a. Frequent pattern mining in uncertain data
13. Pattern mining in streams

Exercise topics:
1. Understand datasets and using the algorithms in SPMF and PAMI_PyKit
2. Using Apriori algorithms to find desired patterns in the data
3. Using ECLAT and FP-growth algorithm to find frequent patterns
4. Finding hidden temporal patterns in big data using PFP-growth algorithm
5. Finding hidden temporal patterns in big data using using 3P-growth algorithm
6. Discovering hidden fuzzy frequent patterns in non-binary transactional databases.
7. Discovering hidden fuzzy periodic-frequent patterns in non-binary temporal databases
8. Implementing HUIM algorithm
9. Implementing SHUIM algorithm
10. Implementing MSApriori algorithm
11. Implementing closed and maximal pattern mining algorithms
12. Implementing frequent pattern mining algorithm for uncertain data
13. Implementing FP-stream algorithm
Data Warehousing and Mining: Han and Kamber and
Research papers
/Grading method/criteria
Students will be graded based on exercises and final exam. Exercises carry 75% of weightage and final exam carries 25% of weightage.

/Note for course registration
Students must be good at programing. (Proficiency in Java/Python is preferable)

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2024年度/Academic Year  4学期 /Fourth Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year
SU Chunhua
SU Chunhua, KACHI Yasuyuki
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
MA01–2 Linear Algebra I, II (undergraduate), MA03–4 Calculus I, II (undergraduate), or equivalent.
更新日/Last updated on 2024/02/01
/Course outline
This is a unique course co-taught by a cryptographer and a pure-mathematician. Kachi (mathematician) teaches the first half and Su (cryptographer) teaches the second half.

From the mathematical side we cherry-pick topics that give a good account of themselves within pure-math (commensurate in quality to rival graduate schools’ math programs), with an eye towards its application to post-quantum cryptography. Jacobi sums proved to have applications in primality testing of large integers (à la Adleman–Pomerance–Rumely). The latter is of immense importance in RSA, albeit it is a ‘pre’-quantum public key algorithm. We are naturally prompted to recalibrate the theory of Jacobi sums in hope it might potentially yield an algorithm of cryptographic significance specifically in the ‘post’-quantum context. In that spirit we cover the theory of sums of roots of unity (Gauss sums, Jacobi sums), incorporating the ideas from discrete Fourier analysis.

From the cryptography side we gear the course towards post-quantum cryptography: Brief introduction to cryptography (encryption, security, public key cryptography, computational complexity); introduction to post-quantum cryptography; q-linear-code-based encryption scheme; multivariate quadratic cryptosystem; lattice-based cryptosystem; isogeny-based cryptography, and quantum Fourier analysis.
/Objectives and attainment
This is a unique course co-taught by a cryptographer and a pure-mathematician. Kachi (mathematician) teaches the first half and Su (cryptographer) teaches the second half.

From the mathematical side we cherry-pick topics that give a good account of themselves within pure-math (commensurate in quality to rival graduate schools’ math programs), with an eye towards its application to post-quantum cryptography. Jacobi sums proved to have applications in primality testing of large integers (à la Adleman–Pomerance–Rumely). The latter is of immense importance in RSA, albeit it is a ‘pre’-quantum public key algorithm. We are naturally prompted to recalibrate the theory of Jacobi sums in hope it might potentially yield an algorithm of cryptographic significance specifically in the ‘post’-quantum context. In that spirit we cover the theory of sums of roots of unity (Gauss sums, Jacobi sums), incorporating the ideas from discrete Fourier analysis.

From the cryptography side we gear the course towards post-quantum cryptography: Brief introduction to cryptography (encryption, security, public key cryptography, computational complexity); introduction to post-quantum cryptography; q-linear-code-based encryption scheme; multivariate quadratic cryptosystem; lattice-based cryptosystem; isogeny-based cryptography, and quantum Fourier analysis.
/Class schedule
Part I.

1. Introduction.

-Basic Number Theory and Public key encryption

2. Crash course on Fourier transforms and others (classical Fourier analysis).

-Revisiting the axiomatic definition of differentiations within the framework of Fourier transforms, with an eye towards fractional derivatives.

-General linear group acting on the polynomial ring.
-Invariant subring of the polynomial ring by a finite group action.
-Some nitty-gritty on Galois theory.
-Tensor representations (Kronecker’s tensor product).

-Finite abelian covers of the affine space An arising from Galois groups that mesh well with the theory of Gauss–Jacobi sums.

3. Quantum  Computing
– Basics of Quantum Computing
– Shor’s Algorithm
– Finite Field Operations
– Karatsuba and Number Theoretic Transformation Based Multiplication
– Montgomery Multiplication

Part II.

4. Lattice  Based Cryptography
– Basics of lattice based cryptpgraphy
– NewHope, Kyber and Saber (NIST post-quantum candidates)
– NTRU, NTRU Prime
– Digital Signature Algorithm:  Dilithium,  Falcon

5. Code Based Cryptography
– Classic McEliece

6. Isogeny Based Cryptography
– Supersigular Isogeny based Key Exchange (SIKE)
– Digital Signature Algorithm based on Isogeny
Post-Quantum Cryptography by Daniel J. Bernstein, Johannes Buchmann, Erik Dahmen
/Grading method/criteria
The grading is based on reports(50%) and final presentation(50%).
/Note for course registration
Prerequisite: MA01–2 Linear Algebra I, II (undergraduate), MA03–4 Calculus I, II (undergraduate), or equivalent.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Prerequisite: MA01–2 Linear Algebra I, II (undergraduate), MA03–4 Calculus I, II (undergraduate), or equivalent.

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2024年度/Academic Year  2学期 /Second Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year
NAKAMURA Akihito, WATANABE Yodai, SU Chunhua
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/25
/Course outline
Current computing environments include various kinds of endpoints like smart phones, portable/desktop PCs, server computers, IoT devices, and virtual machines on cloud computing platforms. To show the capabilities and performance of them and prevent accidents and cyberattacks, information security and management technologies for administrative work are must-have features.
    This course introduces concepts and mechanisms of computer and network security and management. We will also review several state-of-the-art real-world technologies and tools.
/Objectives and attainment
- Acquisition of fundamental knowledge of theoretical and practical security.
- Acquisition of basic skill and knowledge to administrate ICT systems security.
/Class schedule
1, 2. Fundamentals
- Goal of information security
- Risk, threat, vulnerability, and control
- Confidentiality, integrity, availability (C-I-A) triad
- Attack paradigm and protection paradigm
- Authentication and password

3, 4. Vulnerability
- Classes of vulnerabilities
- Trends of vulnerability
- Vulnerability management
- Open standards for vulnerability management

5, 6. Cryptography for IoT Security and Privacy
- Cryptography for IoT
- Side channel attacks
- Authentication by IoT

7, 8. System security
- OS security
- Password and access control
- FinTech security

9, 10. Security notions for public key encryption schemes
- Definition of public key encryption schemes
- Security goals: Semantic security (SS), Indistinguishability (IND), Non-malleability (NM)
- Attacking models: Chosen plaintext attack (CPA), Chosen ciphertext attack (CCA1, CCA2)

11, 12. Relation among security notions
- Equivalence between SS and IND
- NM implies IND, IND-CCA2 implies NM-CCA2

13, 14. Cyberattacks and controls
- DoS and DDoS attacks
- Password cracking
- Risks of Web applications
No text book.
Teaching materials will be distributed in the class.
/Grading method/criteria
Method: assignments (reports)

- Correctness for computational problems
- Relevance, quality, presentation and originality for essays
/Note for course registration
The course assumes a basic knowledge of mathematical logic and probability.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
The course instructor Akihito Nakamura has practical working experience: He worked for AIST (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) for 20 years where he was involved in R&D of information security and cloud computing. Based on his experience, he equips students with the advanced technical knowledge of information security.

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2024年度/Academic Year  4学期 /Fourth Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year
LI Xiang
LI Xiang, SU Chunhua
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
- Calculus I
- Probability and Statistics
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/26
/Course outline
Signal processing is one of the fundamental theories and techniques for constructing modern information systems. During the last half century, many theories and methods have been proposed and widely studied for signal processing. In this core course, first, we review the fundamentals of discrete-time signals and systems. The related content includes the concept and the classification of discrete-time signal, representations of signals in time, frequency, z- and discrete frequency domains, representations and analyses of systems, and filter designs. Then we focus more on stochastic signals/systems, besides of deterministic signals/systems, which is the main topic of the undergraduate course “Signal Processing and Linear System”. Topics include estimation theory, random signal modeling, characterization of stochastic signals and systems, nonparametric estimation, adaptive signal processing, and Kalman filtering.
/Objectives and attainment
This course is designed as a fundamental common core course for graduate school students studying in all the fields of information system. It presents a methodology for fundamental signal processing, and then introduce some advance topics, especially statistical features of the signal, and how to apply them for more sophisticated signal processing. Furthermore, the course presents implementation of the methods for signal processing with computer programming. Finally, the course provides some applications, such as noise canceling, system identification, Kalman filter etc.
/Class schedule
1. Introduction
2. Linear, time-invariant systems, impulse response and convolution sum
3. Fourier transform, frequency response and sampling theorem
4. The z-transform and its properties, the inverse z-transform
5. Differential equation, transfer function and system stability
6. Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), Fast Fourier transform (FFT)
7. Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters and Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters
8. Fundamentals of discrete-time signal processing
9. Random variables, sequences, and stochastic process
10. Spectrum estimation
11. Optimum linear filters, Wiener filter
12. Least-squares filtering and prediction, adaptive filters
13. Algorithms and structures for optimum linear filters
14. Kalman filter
Lecture notes prepared by the instructor.
/Grading method/criteria
- Homeworks (35%)
- Quizzes (15%)
- Final Report (50%)
/Note for course registration
Online Class: Available
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
[1] Applied Digital Signal Processing: Theory and Practice. Dimitris G Manolakis and Vinay K. Ingle. Cambridge University Press, 2011, ISBN: 9780521110020.
[2] Signals and Systems (2nd Edition), Alan V. Oppenheim, Alan S. Willsky and S. Hamid, Pearson, 1997, ISBN: 0138147574.
[3] Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing, Dimitris G. Manolakis et al. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2000, ISBN: 163081203X.

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2024年度/Academic Year  3学期 /Third Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/15
/Course outline
This course provides advanced contents of applied statistics. Most important statistical methods are explained with many examples of data. At the same time, their mathematical foundations are given.
/Objectives and attainment
Students can understand basic applied statistics such as estimation, test, regression, and analysis of variance by using Gaussian, t, F, and chi-square distributions. Moreover, they can learn knowledge on stochastic processes.
/Class schedule
The course contains following topics with 3-4 hours for each including lecture and practical exercises.

Topic 1. Basic Math:
- A fundamental set theory
- Improper integral

2. Events and Probabilities
- The intuitive meaning of Probability model;
Sample space, point of omega, Event as measurable set, the probability of an event.
- measurable and sigma algebra
- measure theory and probability triple

3. Random Variables and Probability Distributions
- Random variables
- Distribution functions; pmfs, pdfs
- A first transformation rule for pdfs
- Expectation \$ |mathbb $\{E\} \$$
- Variance and Covariance
- Integrable space $ L^ p $
- Correlation coefficient, MSE
- Variance of a sum

4. Conditioning and Independent
- Red and white balls
- sample space, prior probabilities likelihood
- Bayes' theorem
- Red and White ball example again*.
- Independence
- Law of large numbers
- Unbiased Estimator of Sample Variance.
- Using the sample median quantiles in statistics
- Strong Law of Large Numbers
- Empirical Distribution Function

5. Generating function and the central limit theorem
- Generating Functions (GFs)
- The central limit theorem
- Under a suitable moment conditions
- Statement of Central limit theorem
- Beyond the moment condition
- An application: Regression
- Linear least squares: ordinary least squares
- The true coefficient via Central limit theorem
- L2-norm Ridge and L1-norm Lasso
Class materials will be distributed.
/Grading method/criteria
Reports 50%, Quiz 50%.
/Note for course registration
Courses preferred to be learned prior to this course :
Calculus, Linear algebra, Probability, Information theory.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Weighing the Odds: A Course in Probability and Statistics (English Edition)
W. Feller, An Introduction to Probability Theory, Vol.1, (Wiley)

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2024年度/Academic Year  1学期 /First Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year
YAMAGAMI Masayuki, ASAI Nobuyoshi
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/14
/Course outline
This course provides basic knowledge of quantum information and quantum computations for graduate students who want to learn modern information and computational models.
/Objectives and attainment
At the end of the course, students can acquire
1) Basin knowledge of quantum mechanics for quantum information theory
2) Algorithms of quantum computers
3) Quantum cryptography.
/Class schedule
First part (Prof. YAMAGAMI Masayuki)
1: Introduction: Purpose of quantum information
2: Review of quantum mechanics 1 (Quantum systems)
3: Review of quantum mechanics 2 (Interference of quantum states)
4: Definition of quantum computer
5: Elementary quantum algorithm 1 (Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm)
6: Elementary quantum algorithm 2 (Grover's algorithm)
7: Summary and guidance for further study

Second part (Prof. ASAI Nobuyoshi)
8: Quantum state and vector expression
9: Quantum operation and Matrix Expression
10: Superposition, entanglement, and measurement
11: Quantum Fourier transform
12: Phase Estimation
13: Harrow-Hassidim-Lloyd(HHL) algorithm
14: Summary
No specific textbooks are designated, but the following are usefull books for beginners.
1. 量子コンピュータ ― 超並列計算のからくり(竹内 繁樹、講談社, in Japanese)
2j. 量子情報理論(佐川弘幸 / 吉田宣章, 丸善出版, 日本語版, in Japanese)
2e. Fundamentals of Quantum Information(H. Sagawa and N. Yoshida, World Scientific, in English)
3.j みんなの量子コンピュータ (クリス バーンハルト [(翻訳) 湊 雄一郎, 中田 真秀] 、翔泳社, in Japanese)
3.e Quantum Computing for Everyone (Chris Bernhardt, The MIT Press, in English)
/Grading method/criteria
Reports: 50 points (first part) and 50 points (second part)
/Note for course registration
A basic proficiency in linear algebra is desired.
It is recommended to have basic knowledge of quantum mechanics.
However, the course will accept students who do not have any knowledge of quantum mechanics but have strong desire to learn new knowledge.

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2024年度/Academic Year  1学期 /First Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/25
/Course outline
Computation is one of the most important concepts in computer science, and indicates the limit of the power of computers, which should be familiar to all people working in computer science or engineering field.
By this notion, the problems are classified into two classes, that is, the class consisting computable or solvable problems and one consisting incomputable or unsolvable problems.
This course provides the notion of computation and computability through several computation models as the rigorous concepts of computation and their equivalence, and the existence of non-computable problems and some concrete examples of non-computable problems.
/Objectives and attainment
Students can be familiar to the notion of computability defined by several computation models, such as Turing machines, register machines, recursive functions and While programs. Furthermore, they can understand the limit of the computers, that is, that there are problems which are not solved by any computer.
/Class schedule
Class 1.
1. Introduction to Computablity and Computation Models

Classes 2,3,4,5,6,7.
2. Computation Models
2.1 Turing Machine Model
2.2 Random Access Machine(RAM) Model
2.3 Recursive Function Model
2.4 While Program Model

Classes 8,9,10.
3. Church-Turing Thesis
3.1 The equivalence in the computation power among models
3.2 Church-Turing Thesis
3.3 Computation on data types other than natural numbers.

Classes 11,12.
4. Universal Programs
4.1 Coding of Programs
4.2 Construction of Universal Program

Classes 13,14.
5. Unsolvable Problems
5.1 Halting Problem
5.2 Reducibility

The correspondence between classes and topics described above may be changed according to the progress of the course.
The textbook is not specified. The course instructor proceeds according to the handouts distributed during the classes.
/Grading method/criteria
The evaluations will be done by the final assignment  distributed to the students by e-mail soon after the last class,. The students should submit answers to the final assignment by the specified date. Some exercises  will be given during almost every class, too. Though they are not included in the evaluation, the students should solve them during classes; otherwise it would be difficult to answer the questions in the final assignment.
/Note for course registration
Students enrolling this course had better to be familiar to the fundamental concepts studied in F3 Discrete Systems, F1 Algorithms and Data Structure, F8 Automata and languages, and M9 Mathematical Logic in the undergraduate program, although they are not mandatory.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
R. Sommerhalder, S.C. van Westrhenen. The theory of computability : programs, machines, effectiveness and feasibility. Addison-Wesley. 1988.

Martin D. Davis, Ron Sigal, Elaine J. Weyuker. Computability, complexity, and languages : fundamentals of theoretical computer science. Academic Press. 1994.

Douglas S. Bridges. Computability : a mathematical sketchbook. Springer. 1994.

Carl H. Smith. A recursive introduction to the theory of computation. Springer. 1994.

Tom Stuart. Understanding computation : from simple machines to impossible programs. O'Reilly.  2013.

Chris Hankin. Lambda calculi: a guide for computer scientists.
Oxford University Press. 1994.

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2024年度/Academic Year  3学期 /Third Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year
ZHAO Qiangfu
ZHAO Qiangfu, LIU Yong
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
(not absolutely needed) Artificial intelligence (under graduate course)
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/24
/Course outline
Most (if not all) engineering problems can be formulated as optimization problems. Even machine learning (e.g. training of a neural network, finding the best architecture of a deep neural network for image classification) is a special case of optimization. To solve optimization problems, different methods have been studied in mathematical programming, operations research, and so on. Conventional methods, however, are usually not efficient enough when the problem space is large and complex. Many problems faced in artificial intelligence are combinatorial optimization problems. These problems are NP-hard, and we may never find polynomial time solutions. To solve these problems efficiently, different "heuristics" have been used to "search for sub-optimal solutions".

Heuristics are search methods produced based on human intuition and creative thinking, or inspired by some natural phenomena. They are often useful for finding good local solutions quickly in a restricted area. Meta-heuristics are multi-level heuristics that can control the whole process of search, so that global optimal solutions can be obtained systematically and efficiently. Although meta-heuristics cannot always guarantee to obtain the true global optimal solution, they can provide very good results for many practical problems. Usually, meta-heuristics can enhance the computing power of a computer system greatly without increasing the hardware cost.

So far, many meta-heuristics have been proposed in the literature. In this course, we classify meta-heuristics into two categories. The first one is "single-point" (SP) search, and the second one is "multi-point" (MP) search. For the former, we study tabu search, simulated annealing, iterated local search, and so on. For the latter, we study evolutionary algorithms, including genetic algorithms, genetic programming, evolutionary strategy, and memetic algorithm; ant colony optimization, and particle swarm optimization. Although the efficiency and efficacy of these methods have been proved through experiments, because they were proposed based on human intuition, the theoretic foundation is still weak. Therefore, in this course, we will mainly introduce the basic idea of each method, and try to explain the physical meaning clearly. Mathematical proofs will be introduced very briefly when necessary.
/Objectives and attainment
In this course, we will study the following topics:
(1) Examples of important optimization problems.
(2) Conventional optimization methods.
(3) Single-point (SP) search methods:
* Tabu search.
* Simulated annealing.
* Iterated local search.
* Guided local search.
(4) Multi-point (MP) search methods
* Genetic algorithm (GA).
* Genetic programming (GP).
* Evolutionary programming (EP).
* Memetic algorithm (MA).
* Differential evolution (DE).
* Particle swarm optimization (PSO) and ant colony optimization (ACO).

After this course, students should be able to
(1) Understand the basic ideas of each meta-heuristics algorithm;
(2) know how to use meta-heuristics for solving different problems; and
(3) become more interested in developing new algorithms.
/Class schedule
(1) An Introduction to Optimization
- Classification and Case Study.

(2) An Introduction to Optimization
- An Brief Review of Conventional Search Algorithms.

(3) Tabu search
- Tabu list, intensification, and diversification.

(4) Simulated annealing
- Find the global optimum without remembering search history.

(5) Iterated local search and guided local search
- Strategies for repeated search.

(6) Team work I
- Solving problems using single point search algorithms.

(7) Presentation of team work I.

(8) Genetic algorithm
- Basic components and steps of GA.

(9) Other Evolutionary Algorithms
- Evolution strategies, evolutionary programming, and genetic programming.

(10) Differential evolution
- Evolve more efficiently, but why?

(11) Memetic algorithms
- Meme, memotype, memeplex, and memetic evolution.
- Combination of memetic algorithm and genetic algorithm.

(12) Swarm Intelligence
- Ant colony optimization
- Particle swarm optimization

(13) Team work II
- Solving problems using multi-point search algorithms

(14) Presentation of team work II.

IMPORTANT: Depends on the situation of the world pandemic, we may conduct the lectures online, to avoid spreading of coronavirus. The ID and PW for each lecture will be sent to the students before the lecture. Please do not forward them to anyone not related to this course.  

REMARK: You can also come to the class room to attend the face-to-face lecture ONLY IF you have difficulty to attend the online lectures.
There is no text book. Teaching materials will be distributed in the class.
/Grading method/criteria
- Quiz: 30 points.
- Team works: 70 (35 x 2) points.
- Active Participation will also be considered in evaluation
/Note for course registration
This course is related to "optimization" or "search". If you are interested in knowing how to find (search for) the "best" solution for any given problems, effciently and effectively, please take this course. Note that designing deep neural networks, electronic devices, and so on, are all "special cases" of optimization problems.

/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
1) M. Gendreau and J. Y. Potvin, Handbook of metaheuristics, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2010.

2) C. Cotta, M. Sevaux, and K. Sorensen, Adaptive and multilevel metaheuristics, Springer, 2010.

3) URL of this course: http://www.u-aizu.ac.jp/‾qf-zhao/TEACHING/MH/mh.html

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2024年度/Academic Year  2学期 /Second Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year
ASAI Kazuto
ASAI Kazuto, HASHIMOTO Yasuhiro, KACHI Yasuyuki, TSUCHIYA Takahiro, WATANABE Yodai
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/19
/Course outline
Course implementation methods: Remote classes

A graph, composed of vertices and edges, is one of the most fundamental objects in mathematics. In spite of its simple definition, tons of notions concerning graphs are introduced, and it is sometimes very laborious to perform complete introduction of graph theory. In this class, we first overview graph theory terminology to moderate extent, then we change the focus to carefully selected important topics, and advance our knowledge in that area. For example, we focus on vertex/edge connectivity, and introduce Menger's theorem and Mader's theorem; also focus on spanning trees and Kirchhoff's theorem, etc.

Graph theory, as a branch of mathematics, growing its branches like a tree, and even at present, contains many difficult open problems. As another aspect, it has a lot of applications to several areas. Graphs can be used to model many types of relations and processes in physical, biological, social and information systems. This is a reason why graph theory is important for many people in wide areas.
/Objectives and attainment
Graphs, Subgraphs, Isomorphic graphs, Degrees of vertices, Walks, Trails, Paths, Distance, Diameter, Coloring, Special graphs, Multigraphs and matrices, Eulerian/Hamiltonian multigraphs, Connectivity, Menger's theorem, Mader's theorem, Planarity (optional), Trees, Spanning trees, Kirchhoff's theorem, Deletion-contraction method, Cayley's formula, Minimum spanning trees, Decompositions of graphs.
/Class schedule
1--2. Definition and basics
3. Walks, trails, paths; Connectivity
4. Distance and diameter; Coloring
5. Special graphs, matrices
6. Eulerian/Hamiltonian multigraphs
7. Connectivity (revisited)
8. Menger's theorem, Mader's theorem
9. Trees, Spanning trees and Kirchhoff's theorem
10. Deletion-contraction method
11. Prufer's bijective proof of Cayley's formula
12. Minimum spanning trees
13. Decomposition of graphs
14. Gyarfas tree packing conjecture
1. Handout: A Graduate Text for the Core Course: -- Graph Theory --, by K. Asai

2. Graph Theory (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Vol. 173) (2012), Springer, by R. Diestel

3. Pearls in Graph Theory: A Comprehensive Introduction (Dover Books on Mathematics) (2003), Dover Publications, by N. Hartsfield, G. Ringel

/Grading method/criteria
/Note for course registration
Related courses: Discrete Systems, Algorithms and Data Structures

/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Home page for the class: http://web-ext.u-aizu.ac.jp/~k-asai/classes/class-texts.html

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2024年度/Academic Year  4学期 /Fourth Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year
NAKASATO Naohito, ASAI Nobuyoshi, FUJIMOTO Yusuke
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/25
/Course outline
This course mainly introduces

1. Ordinary and partial differential equations appear in science or engineering
2. Schemes to discretize the differential equations
3. Computational techniques to get numerical solutions.
4. Use of programming language and numerical libraries for solving differential equations and visualizing the results of simulation; main attention is focused on the use of C, Java, Python, or similar languages.

This course starts with the theory and mathematics of differential equations followed by hands-on style exercises as well as computer-related exercises on numerical techniques to solve various differential equations.
/Objectives and attainment
The main goal of this course is to introduce the basic theory of differential equations and several most important numerical techniques and schemes to get solutions to those equations.

To program numerical solutions in exercise, we encourage students to use
1. Python for obtaining preliminary results with its efficient visualization and
2. C or Java languages for high-performance programs
3. Or other programming languages as you choose.
/Class schedule
week 1 Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations (N.Nakasato)
week 2 Floating-point arithmetic operations (N.Nakasato)
week 3 Introduction to Partial Differential Equations (N.Nakasato & N.Asai)
week 4 Topics in Partial Differential Equations (1) (N.Nakasato, N.Asai & Y.Fujimoto)
week 5 Topics in Partial Differential Equations (2) (N.Nakasato, N.Asai & Y.Fujimoto)
week 6 Practical Applications of Numerical Modeling and Simulations (N.Asai)
week 7 Practical Applications of Numerical Modeling and Simulations (Y.Fujimoto)
Modeling with Differential Equations, by D.Burghes & M.Borrie, Ellis Horwood Ltd , 1981

Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers, Stanley J. Farlow, Dover Publications, 1993
/Grading method/criteria
Homework&Reports (100 points)

Open Competency Codes Table Back

2024年度/Academic Year  4学期 /Fourth Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year
KACHI Yasuyuki
KACHI Yasuyuki, VIGLIETTA Giovanni
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
Prerequisite: MA01–2 Linear Algebra I & II (undergraduate), MA03–4 Calculus I & II (undergraduate), or equivalent. MA05 Fourier Analysis (undergraduate) is not a prerequisite but conversance with that subject will be paramount.
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/31
/Course outline
The course focuses on rudiments on measure theory and Lebesgue integration. We are all familiar with integrals (who aren’t?) They are called Riemann integration to be precise. Lebesgue integration is a souped-up version of Riemann integration. What is it good for? Let’s let the cat out of the bag: In our undergraduate Fourier analysis course (MA05), we teach the subject based on Riemann integrals (for all the right reasons). However, one can see the full-picture of Fourier analysis only when one replaces them with Lebesgue integrals: Mathematically, the space of square-integrable functions, the main object of study in Fourier analysis, becomes a complete metric space, or a Hilbert space, with respect to the Lebesgue measure. Many useful facts and formulas in analysis ultimately boil down to it. To the extent that Fourier analysis is a sine qua non in data science (signal processing, image analysis, etc.), the course content is useful for aspiring data scientists, and more broadly anyone whose working realm has to do with computer science and engineering. The course is in proportion with what’s being taught as part of the standard curriculum at most universities that have math, science and engineering departments/schools nationwide.
/Objectives and attainment
We cover the rudiments of measure theory and Lebesgue integration, with emphasis on the completeness of the L^1- and the L^2-spaces.


1. Understand that the advent of measure theory and Lebesgue integration was a major paradigm shift in mathematics history. Understand that today measure theory and Lebesgue integration pervade computer science & engineering.

2. Understand the rudiments of measure theory: Borel σ-algebra, σ-additivity (σ-additive functions), Lebesgue measures on R^n, and measure zero sets.

3. Understand the rudiments of Lebesgue integration. Understand that the completeness of the L^1-space gives a boost to the raison d’être of the notion of Lebesgue integration. Likewise, understand the notion of square-integrability, and the completeness of the L^2-space (the Hilbert space).

4. Understand how the notion of Lebesgue integration gives the foundation of Fourier analysis a seamless makeover.
/Class schedule
  1. Revisiting the concepts of lengths, areas and limits. One-dimensional intervals.
  2. Cantor set. σ-additivity – I. The Peano–Jordan measure.
  3. Lebesgue outer/inner measure. Measure zero set.
  4. Caratheodory/Lebesgue–Stieltjes outer measure. Measurable set. Borel σ-algebra.
  5. σ-additivity – II. Completeness. Measure space, Fatou’s lemma.
  6. Lebesgue measure on R^n. Borel subset of R^n. Measurable covers/kernels.
  7. f^−1 (interval) for a continuous f. Borel’s normal number. Simple function.
  8. Measurable functions. Their sum, product and integrals. Egorov’s theorem.
  9. Lebesgue integral. Basic properties. Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem.
10. Luzin’s theorem. L^p-spaces. Reisz’s theorem. Hahn/Jordan decompositions.
11. Radon–Nikodym’s Theorem. Vitali lemma. Differentiation of σ-additive functions.
12. Fubini’s theorem. Haussforf measure/dimension.
13. Application to Fourier Analysis I.
14. Application to Fourier Analysis II.
Lecture Notes:

{Secondary references]
志賀浩二 『ルベーグ積分 30 講』数学 30 講シリーズ 9   朝倉書店
伊藤清三 『ルベーグ積分入門』 裳華房
/Grading method/criteria
Exam and Regular Homework
/Note for course registration
Prerequisite: MA01–2 Linear Algebra I & II (undergraduate), MA03–4 Calculus I & II (undergraduate), or equivalent. MA05 Fourier Analysis (undergraduate) is not a prerequisite but conversance with that subject will be paramount.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
志賀浩二 『ルベーグ積分 30 講』数学 30 講シリーズ 9   朝倉書店
伊藤清三 『ルベーグ積分入門』 裳華房

Open Competency Codes Table Back

2024年度/Academic Year  2学期 /Second Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/25
/Course outline
Data structures play a key role in computer science and engineering. They are essential components to implement many efficient algorithms. This graduate-level course covers advanced topics not studied in introductory courses on algorithms and data structures. This course focuses on not only theory but also on practice to implement the advanced data structures and algorithms.

/Objectives and attainment
The core course covers several advanced data structures related to balanced search trees, range queries, sets and persistent data structures as well as advanced algorithms for graphs, string, computational geometry and artificial intelligence.  Students should seek to develop a solid understanding of common and practical data structures as well as techniques used in their implementation to solve real world problems.
/Class schedule
1. Introduction: Review of fundamental data structures and algorithms as well as theory and techniques to analyze algorithms.
2. Balanced Tree: Basic Binary Search Trees, Treap, Red-Black Trees, Splay Trees, etc.
3. Range Query: Segment Trees, Range Minimum Query, Lazy Evaluation, Heavy-Light Decomposition, etc.
4. Sets: Union Find Trees, Merge Techniques, Persistent Data Structures, etc.
5. Algorithms on String: Suffix Arrays and Trees, Rolling Hash, Trie, etc.
6. Graph Algorithms: Bridges, Articulation Points, Max-Flow, Min-Cost-Flow, Bipartite Matching, etc.
7. Computational Geometry. Closest Pairs, Range Search, Sweep Algorithms, Segment Intersections, Voronoi Diagrams, etc.
8. Heuristic Search. Search Pruning, A*, Iterative Deepening, IDA*, etc.

It is subject to change, so some of these topics may be omitted and additional topics can be selected depending on the progress.
1. Introduction to Algorithms, Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein.
2. Algorithm Design Manual, Steven S Skiena.
3. Algorithm Design, J. Kleinberg, E. Tardos
/Grading method/criteria
Assignments 50 %
Examinations 50 %
/Note for course registration
• Reviewing undergraduate courses Algorithms and Dada Structures I and II is expected.
• The students should have basic skill of programming in C++ or Java.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)

Responsibility for the wording of this article lies with Student Affairs Division (Academic Affairs Section).

E-mail Address: sad-aas@u-aizu.ac.jp