AY 2025 Undergraduate School Course Catalog



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2025年度/Academic Year  1学期・2学期 /1st & 2nd Quarter
/Course for;
1st year
ASAI Kazuto, WATANABE Shigeru, KACHI Yasuyuki, VIGLIETTA Giovanni, MORIYA Shunji
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2025/01/13
/Course outline
In the basic course, there are two subjects in mathematics: one is linear algebra
and the other is differential and integral calculus. In this class, the basic part
of linear algebra will be taught. Students are required to study this class with
differential and integral calculus, because these subjects are closely
connected each other.
Linear algebra is a field of mathematics that is based on both addition and scalar
multiple, and vectors in high school mathematics are its basic parts. The main
theme of linear algebra is eigenvalue problem that arose from the theory of
simultaneous linear differential equations, while its historical origin is in
solving simultaneous linear equations. The purpose of this class is to learn
necessary notions and techniques to consider eigenvalue problem.
Exercises will be also given side by side with the lectures. Students are expected
to participate subjectively and positively.
Linear algebra has many applications to computer science and engineering. For example,
it is impossible to understand mechanisms of computer graphics without linear algebra.
Further, some fields of mathematics arose from engineering and physics, and developed
under the influences of them. These are the essential reasons why mathematics is
required to learn.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(C)Graduates are able to apply their professional knowledge of mathematics, natural science, and information technology, as well as the scientific thinking skills such as logical thinking and objective judgment developed through the acquisition of said knowledge, towards problem solving.

[Competency Codes]
C-MS-001, C-MS-002

The purpose of this class is to learn necessary notions and techniques to consider
eigenvalue problem, and the following contents will be dealt with.
vectors in plane, vectors in space, matrices of (2,2)-type, matrices of (3,3)-type,
general definition of matrix, elementary transformations, simultaneous linear
equations, inverse matrices, determinants, linear spaces, dimension and basis,
subspaces, linear mappings

Attainment targets

Students will be able to understand rank and solve simultaneous linear equations.
Students will be able to understand base and dimension of linear space and deal with
linear subspaces.
/Class schedule
1 Introduction to matrices (1)
2 Introduction to matrices (2)
3 Matrices and linear transformations (1)
4 Matrices and linear transformations (2)
5 Definition of matrix and operations - general theory
6 Square matrices, regular matrices and linear mappings
7 Elementary transformations and rank
8 Simultaneous linear equations
9 Definition of determinant
10 Properties of determinant
11 Expansions of determinant
12 Definition and properties of linear space
13 Basis and dimension
14 Linear subspaces, linear mappings
Masahiko Saito Introduction to linear algebra (in Japanese) University of Tokyo Press
Yoshihiro Mizuta Linear algebra (in Japanese) Saiensu-sha

Viglietta (ICTG) class
Lipschutz-Lipson, Schaum's Outlines Linear Algebra (sixth edition), McGraw-Hill Education
/Grading method/criteria
Asai class
Final exam. 100%

Watanabe class
Final 100%

Kachi class
Final exam. 100%

Viglietta (ICTG) class
Final exam. 100%

Re-take class
Exercise 7%,Midterm exam. 13%,Final exam. 80%
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Course website for Asai's class: http://web-ext.u-aizu.ac.jp/~k-asai/classes/class-texts.html

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2025年度/Academic Year  3学期・4学期 /3rd & 4th Quarter
/Course for;
1st year
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
Courses preferred to be learned prior to this course (This course assumes understanding of entire or partial content of the following courses)
MA01 Linear algebra I
更新日/Last updated on 2025/01/09
/Course outline
Linear algebra II is a continuation of linear algebra I and deals with eigenvalue problem.
Students are required to study this class with differential and integral
calculus because of the same reason that is described in the syllabus of linear algebra I.
For example, matrices and determinants play important roles in differential and integral
calculus of several variables. And eigenvalue problem gives a strong way to solve recurrence
formulae of sequences. Students must know importance of understanding organic connection
between linear algebra and differential and integral calculus. They will also learn bases of
vector analysis that is necessary to learn electromagnetism. Besides, the fundamental policy
does not change from the case of linear algebra I.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(C)Graduates are able to apply their professional knowledge of mathematics, natural science, and information technology, as well as the scientific thinking skills such as logical thinking and objective judgment developed through the acquisition of said knowledge, towards problem solving.

[Competency Codes]

Eigenvalue problem of matrices
eigenvalues, eigenvectors, diagonalization

Attainment targets

Students will be able to solve eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
Students will be able to deal with diagonalization.
Students will be able to deal with diagonalization of normal matrices by unitary matrices.
/Class schedule
1 Inner products
2 Metric linear spaces
3 Orthogonalization
4 Introduction to eigenvalue problem --- meaning of diagonalization
5 Eigenvalues and eigenvectors (1)
6 Eigenvalues and eigenvectors (2)
7 Diagonalization (1)
8 Diagonalization (2)
9 Diagonalization of normal matrices by unitary matrices (1)
10 Diagonalization of normal matrices by unitary matrices (2)
11 Diagonalization of normal matrices by unitary matrices (3)
12 Diagonalization of real symmetric matrices by orthogonal matrices
13 Quadratic forms
14 Quadratic curves

The order of classes may be changed.
Masahiko Saito Introduction to linear algebra (in Japanese) University of Tokyo Press
Yoshihiro Mizuta Linear algebra (in Japanese) Saiensu-sha
/Grading method/criteria
Watanabe class
Final 100%

Kachi class
Final exam. 100%

Hashimoto class
Final exam. 100%

Re-take class
Midterm exam. : Final exam. = 1 : 2

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2025年度/Academic Year  1学期・2学期 /1st & 2nd Quarter
/Course for;
1st year
KIHARA Hiroshi
KIHARA Hiroshi, OGAWA Yoshiko, FUJIMOTO Yusuke, SU Chunhua
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2025/01/27
/Course outline
(ICTG class starts in Q4.And Prof. Li, P. is in charge of the class.)
Calculus I is devoted to the former half of (differential and integral) calculus. Calculus and linear algebra are essential in the study of mathematical sciences. Since even the vector calculus is needed in the course of physics, the student should get familiar with calculus and linear algebra and understand the relation between them as soon as possible.

Differential and integral calculus started from an understanding of basic objects such as areas of figures and tangent lines to curves, and was based on the Newton's mechanical investigations. Of course, the basic notions in calculus are constructed using that of a limit.

Calculus I deals with calculus of one variable. The basic calculatioal techniques are reviwed and new notions and results are introduced; the rigorous treatment (epsilon definition) of a limit is also (partly) introduced.

Exercises are also offered.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(C)Graduates are able to apply their professional knowledge of mathematics, natural science, and information technology, as well as the scientific thinking skills such as logical thinking and objective judgment developed through the acquisition of said knowledge, towards problem solving.

[Competency Codes]
C-MS-007, C-MS-008

Establishing the foundation of the basic calculational techniques studied in high school, we introduce advanced notions and results such as inverse trigonometric functions, expansion of a function, and recurrence relation of integrals.

Calculus I is foundation for an understanding of Calculus II, Probability and Statistics, Fourier analysis, Complex function theory, Physics, and all fields of computer sciences.
/Class schedule
1. Set of real numbers

2. Limit of a sequence

3. Limit of a function and continuous functions

4. Derivative, exponential function, and logarithmic function

5. Trigonometric functions, inverse trigonometric functions, and higher derivatives

6. Euler's formula

7. Derivative, the mean-value theorem, and increase or decrease of a function

8. Taylor's theorem and expansion of a function

9. Indefinite integral and rerecurrence relation

10. Integral of rational functions

11. First and second order linear differential equations

12. Definition and properties of a definite integral

13. Calculation of definite integrals, extention of the definition of a definite integral, and measurement of figures

14. Review of the course
Minoru Kurita, Shinkou bisekibungaku, Gakujutsutosho, 1442 yen

Gen Yoneda, Rikoukeinotameno bibunsekibun nyuumon, Science sha, 1890 yen
/Grading method/criteria
Test : Report = 8 : 2
/Note for course registration
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Instructed in the lectures

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2025年度/Academic Year  3学期・4学期 /3rd & 4th Quarter
/Course for;
1st year
KIHARA Hiroshi
KIHARA Hiroshi, SAMPE Takeaki, TSUCHIYA Takahiro, LI Xiang, KACHI Yasuyuki, OFUJI Kenta, MORIYA Shunji
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
Courses preferred to be learned prior to this course (This course assumes understanding of entire or partial content of the following courses)
MA03 Calculus I
更新日/Last updated on 2025/01/27
/Course outline
(ICTG class starts in Q2. And Prof. Li, X. is in charge of the class.)
Calculus II deals with calculus of several variables.

Differential and integral calculus of several variables reduces to calculus of one variable. If you understand it, you can easily master the main part of Calculus II.

See also the syllabuses of Calculus I and Linear algebra II.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(C)Graduates are able to apply their professional knowledge of mathematics, natural science, and information technology, as well as the scientific thinking skills such as logical thinking and objective judgment developed through the acquisition of said knowledge, towards problem solving.

[Competency Codes]
C-MS-009, C-MS-010

The main objective of this course is to master differential and integral calculus of several variables.

The notion of derivative of a function of one variable is extended to that of partial derivative of a function of several variables. It is applied to solve problems of local minimun/maximum.

The notion of definite integral of a function of one variable is extended to that of multiple integral of a function of several variables. Especially, the technique of transformation of variables, which corresponds to that of substitution integral, is important.

You also study the basics of series. Especially, the notion and results of series of functions are foundation of Fourier analysis and Complex function theory.
/Class schedule
1. Parametrized curves

2. Spatial curves and polar equations

3. Partial differential coefficients

4. Differentiation of composite functions

5. Total differential and expansion of a function

6. Local minimum/maximum of a function

7. Multiple integrals and their calculations

8. Technique of transformation of variables

9. Areas and volumes

10. Differential 1-forms and integrals

11. Convergence and absolute convergence of a series

12. Sum and product of series and limit of a sequence of functions

13. Power series

14. Review of the course
Minoru Kurita, Shinkou bisekibungaku, Gakujutsutosho, 1442 yen

Gen Yoneda, Rikoukeinotameno bibunsekibun nyuumon, Science sha, 1890 yen
/Grading method/criteria
Test : Report = 8 : 2
/Note for course registration
Calculus I, Linear Algebra I
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Instructed in the lectures

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2025年度/Academic Year  1学期 /First Quarter
/Course for;
2nd year
KACHI Yasuyuki
KACHI Yasuyuki, TSUCHIYA Takahiro, LI Xiang
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
MA01 Linear algebra I,  MA02 Linear algebra II, MA03 Calculus I, MA04 Calculus II
更新日/Last updated on 2025/01/24
/Course outline
The origin of Fourier analysis goes back to the study of heat transmission (mathematically, "the heat equation") by Joseph Fourier in the early 19th century. Fourier's idea was to “express an arbitrary function using trigonometric functions”. This very school of thought has led to a cornucopia of useful results in applied science, with one major caveat: Whether one can justify the conclusions as Fourier's method dictates has long remained murky, as it hinged on the notion of convergence (limits), which mathematicians in Fourier's time fell short of understanding in rigorous terms (if judged retrospectively by today's standards). Today, mathematically sound mathematical theories are available that underpin the rigor of those applied science fields in which Fourier's theory plays a part. Fourier analysis has earned an enduring status as one of the most important (as in indispensable) and basic mathematical theories. Fourier analysis is a sine qua non not only in studying differential equations, but also in modern applications, e.g., signal processing (including, but not limited to, image information and sound information).

Emphasis will be on practical skills. We may not necessarily dwell too much on mathematical proofs. We thoroughly teach you how to convert a given function into a sum of trigonometric/exponential functions - as a starter. Through solving exercise problems, students will become conversant with calculations and basic theorems of Fourier analysis.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(C)Graduates are able to apply their professional knowledge of mathematics, natural science, and information technology, as well as the scientific thinking skills such as logical thinking and objective judgment developed through the acquisition of said knowledge, towards problem solving.

[Competency code]

Part1. Fourier series expansion
Students will understand what an orthonormal system of the space of functions over finite intervals are. Bessel's inequality.    
Students will understand the notion of Fourier series. Students will learn how to calculate Fourier series for polynomials, exponential/trigonometric functions, etc.

Part2. Properties of Fourier series
Students will learn sufficient conditions for a Fourier series to converge, as well as the relationship between a given function and the Fourier series derived from it. Parseval’s theorem and applications. Weierstrass' theorem.  

Part3. Fourier integral
Students will understand that the notion of Fourier integrals naturally comes to the fore through a heuristic observation, i.e., by way of shifting gears from functions over a finite interval to functions over (-∞, +∞). Students will learn how to calculate Fourier transforms and Fourier inverse transforms of a given function. Some of the more archetypal examples involve an antiderivative of $e^{-x^2})$ and the like. Students will also understand the notion of convolutions (of the functions), as well as the relationship between the convolutions and the Fourier transforms of the functions. Students will learn how to calculate them.

Part4. Laplace transform
Students will understand that Laplace transforms arise as a special case of Fourier transforms. Students will learn how to apply the notion of Laplace transforms to solve a certain type of ordinary differential equations. The case the solution is expressed by a convolution of Laplace transforms will be addressed.

Part5. Discrete Fourier transform
Students will understand that, through some heuristic observation on step functions, paired with a scrupulous use of the theory of Fourier series, one naturally arrives at the theory of discrete Fourier transforms (DFT). Students will understand the similarity between DFT and the theory introduced in Part 2.  Students will also understand that fast Fourier transforms (FFT) are a souped-up version of DFT. Students will appreciate how fast FFTs are.
/Class schedule
1: Part1. Fourier series expansion (Orthogonal system of the function space)
2: Part1. Fourier series expansion (Fourier series of trigonometric functions)
3: Part1. Fourier series expansion (Exercise)
4: Part2. Properties of Fourier series (Convergence condition of Fourier series)
5: Part2. Properties of Fourier series (Parseval's theorem, Weierstrass' theorem)
6: Part2. Properties of Fourier series (Exercise)
7: Part3. Fourier integral (Introduction, Fourier transform)
8: Part3. Fourier integral (Parseval's theorem, convolution)
9: Part3. Fourier integral (Exercise)
10: Part4. Laplace transform (Introduction)
11: Part4. Laplace transform (Ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients)
12: Part4. Laplace transform (Exercise)
13: Part5. Discrete Fourier transform (Introduction)
14: Part5. Discrete Fourier transform (FFT(Fast Fourier Transform))
[Tsuchiya's section, Kachi's section]
Gen-ichiro Sunouchi; Fourier analysis and its applications (Science-sha) and Handouts
[Li's section]
/Grading method/criteria
Regular quizzes,* homework ** and the final exam.

* ** Whether these are given is up to the instructor.
/Note for course registration
MA01 Linear algebra I,  MA02 Linear algebra II, MA03 Calculus I, MA04 Calculus II

Important related courses:
MA06 Complex analysis, IT03 Image processing, IT08 Signal processing and linear system,  IT09 Sound and audio processing
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
[Tsuchiya's section, Kachi's section]
Transnational college of Lex (ed.), “Adventure of Fourier” Hippo family club
Ken-ichi Kanaya, “Applied mathematics”, Kyoritsu Syuppan
Nakhle H. Asmar; Partial Differential Equations with Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems: Third Edition (Dover Books on Mathematics)

[Tsuchiya's section, Kachi's section, Li's section]
Gen-ichiro Sunouchi; Fourier analysis and its applications (Science-sha)

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2025年度/Academic Year  4学期 /Fourth Quarter
/Course for;
2nd year
ASAI Kazuto
ASAI Kazuto, LI Xiang, MORIYA Shunji
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
Courses preferred to be learned prior to this course (This course assumes understanding of entire or partial content of the following courses)
MA03 Calculus I
更新日/Last updated on 2025/01/18
/Course outline
Although complex functions, in the wider sense, are mappings from complex numbers to themselves, i.e. complex-valued functions of a complex variable, the main objects of Complex Analysis are functions satisfying analyticity. The analyticity is a property of local representability of a function as convergent power series, which is equivalent to the condition that a function is holomorphic (differentiable with respect to a complex variable) in the corresponding domain.

In this course, we introduce complex functions, and learn holomorphy of functions and the Cauchy--Riemann equations. Next we define complex integration along a curve on the complex plane, and learn Cauchy's integral theorem/formula, etc. In virtue of this result, we have the Taylor series expansion and the Laurent series expansion of functions. The former is power series expansion of functions, which is the most fundamental result in Complex Analysis. The latter is applied to the study of singularities and the residue theorem. In addition, we derive many techniques useful for direct applications such as the maximum modulus principle, calculation of solutions to differential equations using the method of power series, and determination of the number of zeros of functions by Rouche's theorem.

When we study Complex Analysis, we are impressed that all of the needed theorems are derived very naturally one after another. Hence it is said that this theory has a beautiful system of mathematics. In particular, the most amazing fact is that every analytic function is completely determined by the behavior in a very small domain. This is similar to the fact that every life can be completely regenerated from a cell.

Analyticity is a property that our familiar many real functions have -- polynomials, rational functions, exponent functions, logarithm functions, trigonometric functions, and all combinations of them have analyticity. Therefore, Complex Analysis is easy to apply to many areas. The knowledge of Complex Analysis is very important for various application areas such as electromagnetism, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, computer system theory, signal processing, etc.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(C) Graduates are able to apply their professional knowledge of mathematics, natural science, and information technology, as well as the scientific thinking skills such as logical thinking and objective judgment developed through the acquisition of said knowledge, towards problem solving.

[Competency Codes]
C-DS-001-1, C-DS-001-2, C-DS-001-3, C-DS-002-1, C-DS-002-2

Objectives: Students understand what is a "holomorphic function", and can apply Cauchy's integral theorem/formula to several problems. They learn analytic functions are expanded by Taylor/Laurent series. Also, they use residue theorem to some integral calculation.

Attainment goals: holomorphic functions, Cauchy--Riemann equations, complex integrals, Cauchy's integral theorem, Cauchy's integral formula, Taylor series, Laurent series, singularities, residue theorem.
/Class schedule
1. complex plane, point at infinity
2. holomorphic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations
3. harmonic functions
4. polynomials, rational functions, exponent functions, trigonometric functions, logarithm functions, roots, complex powers of complex numbers
5. complex integrals
6. Cauchy's integral theorem, integrals of holomorphic functions
7. Cauchy's integral formula, Liouville's theorem, maximum modulus principle
8. complex sequence and series
9. sequence and series of functions, uniform convergence
10. power series and its convergence domain
11. Taylor series expansion
12. Laurent series expansion, zero points, singularities
13. residue theorem
14. application to several (real) definite integrals
(Details depend on each class.)
Asai's class: A textbook is given as a handout. All necessary materials can be downloaded. Although not necessary for the class, famous side readers are as follows:
Functional Analysis: Introduction to Further Topics in Analysis (Princeton Lectures in Analysis), Elias M. Stein, Rami Shakarchi, Princeton University Press, 2011.
Sinban Fukusokaiseki (Kisosuugaku 8), Reiji Takahashi, University of Tokyo Press, 1990.
Complex Analysis: An Introduction to the Theory of Analytic Functions of One Complex Variable, Lars Ahlfors, AMS Chelsea Publishing, 385, 2021.

Li's class: A first course in Complex Analysis with application, Dennis G. Zill and Patrick D. Shanahan, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc, 2003.

Moriya's class: Textbook: Kisokaisekigaku course, Fukusokaiseki, Kentaro Yano, Shigeru Ishihara, Shokabo, 1995.
Side reader: Gijutsusha no tameno koutousuugaku 4, Fukusokansuuron, Erwin Kreyszig, Keishiro Niu (Translator), Baifukan, 2003.
/Grading method/criteria
Asai's class: Final Exam. 100%. (More than 80% of homework assignments should be done.)

Li's class: Homework 26% (2 x 13 Assignments, Attendance > 2/3), Quiz 6%, Final Exam. 68%.

Moriya's class: Exercise 7%, Quiz 10%, Final Exam. 83%.
/Note for course registration
Preferably prerequisite courses: Differential and Integral Calculus II.

Other related courses: Fourier analysis, Electromagnetism.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Home page for Asai's class: http://web-ext.u-aizu.ac.jp/~k-asai/classes/class-texts.html

Open Competency Codes Table Back

2025年度/Academic Year  1学期 /First Quarter
/Course for;
2nd year
TSUCHIYA Takahiro, SU Chunhua, HASHIMOTO Yasuhiro, ASAI Nobuyoshi
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2025/01/14
/Course outline
Probability and Statistics is the most useful area in mathematics. We present an introduction to Probability and Statistics for 2nd year students.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(C)Graduates are able to apply their professional knowledge of mathematics, natural science, and information technology, as well as the scientific thinking skills such as logical thinking and objective judgment developed through the acquisition of said knowledge, towards problem solving.

As a study of random variation and statistical inference, Probability and Statistics are important in computer science and other wide areas of Mathematical sciences. The words of error, mean, variance, correlation, estimation are used most often. But, their definitions are not well known and
badly understood. In this course, we explicitly explain these words and concepts of Probability and Statistics. They are useful knowledge for students. Moreover, statistical analysis is the basis on solve statistic problems in research and business.

C-DS-001-1,C-DS-002-1, C-DS-007, C-MS-013, C-MS-014
/Class schedule
1. basis of statistics
2. 1-dim data
3. 2-dim data
4. probability
5. random variable
6. probability distribution
7. multi-dimensional probability distribution
8. Law of large number
9. sample distribution
10. sample from Gaussian distribution
11. estimation 1(mean)
12. estimation 2(variance)
13. hypothesis test 1 (mean)
14. hypothesis test 2(variance)
Tokei kaiseki Nyumon ( Tokyo Univ Press )
/Grading method/criteria
Mini-Tests 60 and reports 40
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
An Introductiion to Probability Theory and its Application, Vol 1
Tokeigaku Nyumon (Tokyo Univ Press)

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2025年度/Academic Year  2学期 /Second Quarter
/Course for;
3rd year
ASAI Nobuyoshi
ASAI Nobuyoshi, LI Xiang
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
Courses preferred to be learned prior to this course (This course assumes understanding of entire or partial content of the following courses)
MA01 Linear algebras I
FU03 Discrete Systems
更新日/Last updated on 2025/01/22
/Course outline
In this course students study properties of sets which have algebraic operations on two elements. According to the condition of operations, the set is called as group, ring and field. Treating abstract algebraic operations derives general properties for these algebraic objects. As fundamentals in computer science students have already studied ``Algorithms and Data Structures''and ``Discrete Systems''. In these courses abstract algorithms, data structures and discrete systems have been introduced and these abstract thinking can be applied to solve many practical problems. These esprits of algebraic systems are the same, and one of basis of the powerful tools to describe, think and solve many practical problems. Using abstract algebraic discussions, coding theory, public key encryption, random number generation and other interesting applications will be introduced. In this lectures proofs of the theorems will be explained simply and the meaning of the theorems and their applications will be enhanced. Furthermore, abstract thinking and deductive thinking will be taught. In order to make students understand the paper exercises and programming exercises will be given. Also quizzes and homework will be carried out to confirm students understanding.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(C)Graduates are able to apply their professional knowledge of mathematics, natural science, and information technology, as well as the scientific thinking skills such as logical thinking and objective judgment developed through the acquisition of said knowledge, towards problem solving.

Understand algebraic structures and their applications
In this course, we will mainly study the following topics: algebraic operation and structure, semi-group, group, normal subgroup, quotient group, homomorphism theorem, finite group, direct product(direct sum) decomposition, symmetric group, general linear group, ring, matrix ring, ideal and quotient ring, Chinese Remainder theorem, prime and maximal ideal, localization, principal ideal ring, unique factorization ring, Euclidean domain, polynomial ring, field, field extension, algebraic extension, minimal decomposition field, finite field, constructable, M random sequence, coding theory.
/Class schedule
Class schedules and topics might be different by lecturers. The following is a tentative example. For detailed information, please refer to the web page of each class.
01 promenade to algebraic system
02 remainder of integer and polynomial
03 group(1): Lagrange theorem
04 group(2): quotient group and homomorphism theorem
05 group(3): analysis of group structure
06 applications of group
07 Mid-exam
08 ring and field(1): ideal, quotient ring
09 ring and field(2): polynomial ring
10 ring and field(3): reversible
11 application(1): quotient field and operator theory
12 ring and field(4): extension of field
13 application(2): M-sequence random number generation
14 application(3): error correct coding
N. Asai class
杉原,今井,工学のための応用代数,共立出版 (1999).

X. Li class
Mainly uses hand out.
/Grading method/criteria
N. Asai class: Mid-term Exam. 30%, Final Exam. 40%, Quiz 10%, Homework 20%
X. Li class: Final Exam 60%, Quiz 15%, Homework 25%
/Note for course registration
Related course: FU02 Information Theory
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
N.Asai class homepage is under LMS:

X. Li class homepage:
Will be announced  in the class

N. Asai's practical work experience:
1997-2000  Researcher, WaveFront Co. Ltd.
2002-2003 Guest researcher, National Institute of Environmental Study
2001-2010 Collaborative Research with Asahi Glass Company

He has practical work experience at Wave Front Co. Ltd for numerical simulations, modelings and high performance computings from 1997 to 2000. After joined to U. of Aizu, he has continued with companies on the mentioned topics.
These experiences of designing models, data structure and algorithms are deeply related with this class topics especially on designing model and algorithms.

Open Competency Codes Table Back

2025年度/Academic Year  1学期 /First Quarter
/Course for;
3rd year
MORI Kazuyoshi
MORI Kazuyoshi
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2025/01/23
/Course outline
This course consists of logic, deduction of logic, and formalization
of mathematical objects by logic.  This course has four parts as follows:

(i) Review: We first review basic set theory and its related topics
such as binary relations and functions.  We then review Boolean logic.
They are to bring students with different prerequisites to the same

(ii) Basic logics: We introduce two different level logics:
Propositional Logic and First-Order Logic.  Propositional logic is a
classical logic with fundamental operations.  First-order logic is the
fundamental tool to describe many mathematically theoretical

(iii) Resolution Principle: Resolution Principle is a deduction method
of the first-order logic.  We also study Skolem standard forms,
Herbrand universe, and Herbrand's theorem.

(iv) Logical Formalization of Natural Number Theory: We formalize the
natural number theory under Peano axioms by using first-order logic.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(C)Graduates are able to apply their professional knowledge of mathematics, natural science, and information technology, as well as the scientific thinking skills such as logical thinking and objective judgment developed through the acquisition of said knowledge, towards problem solving.

[Competency Codes]
C-AL-004-4. C-AL-005-5, C-CN-001-2, C-DS-001-3, C-DS-002-2, C-MS-005

Logic is considered the language of mathematics.  This leads that, in
computer science and engineering, the logic is the foundation and an
important tool.  In this course, we study mathematical logic and also
symbolic logic.  The first objective is to understand both
propositional logic and first-order logic.  The second objective is to
understand the Resolution Principle of propositional logic and
first-order logic.  This is mechanical reasoning.  The third objective
is to formalize a mathematical object by the first-order logic.  To do
so, we, in this course, employ the Natural number theory with Peano
/Class schedule
Each class has a lecture and may have exercises and homework.

1-2 Review (Set Theory and its related topics, Boolean Logic)
3-6 Basic Logics (Propositional Logic, First-Order Logic)
7-10 Resolution Principle
(Skolem Standard Forms, Herbrand Universe, Herbrand's Theorem, Resolution Principle)
11-14 Logical Formalization of Natural Number Theory under Peano Axioms
Class materials will be distributed.
/Grading method/criteria
40% Final Examination
30% Midterm Examination
30% Exercises/Homeworks/Others
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Japanese References:
福山 克 「数理論理学」(培風館)
前原 昭二 「記号論理入門」(日本評論社)
山田 俊行「はじめての数理論理学」(森北出版)
鈴木 登志雄 「ろんりの相談室 」(日本評論社)
鈴木 登志雄 「例題で学ぶ集合と論理」(森北出版)
小島 寛之 「証明と論理に強くなる」(日本評論社)

English References:
H. Enderton, H.B. Enderton, "A Mathematical Introduction to Logic (2nd  Ed)," Academic Press, 2000.
J.R. Shoenfield, "Mathematical Logic," Routledge, 2001.

Open Competency Codes Table Back

2025年度/Academic Year  3学期 /Third Quarter
/Course for;
3rd year
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
Courses preferred to be learned prior to this course (This course assumes understanding of entire or partial content of the following courses)
MA01 Linear Algebra I
更新日/Last updated on 2025/01/16
/Course outline
The contents of this course include the fundamental concepts on topology, which serves as the foundation of modern mathematics, and its applications.
In topology, also known as "geometry for soft materials," two shapes can be considered as the same if we can transform one to the other smoothly while maintaining the underlying connectivity within the shapes. This idea leads to a new approach to characterizing the global features of shapes and has promoted the development of computer science and engineering so far. Specifically, its contribution ranges from the fundamental representations of graphs and surfaces to the state-of-the-art techniques for extracting features in data analysis. This course will facilitate to study various important concepts for classifying shapes from a topological viewpoint, by employing specific one and two-dimensional shapes as examples.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(C)Graduates are able to apply their professional knowledge of mathematics, natural science, and information technology, as well as the scientific thinking skills such as logical thinking and objective judgment developed through the acquisition of said knowledge, towards problem solving.

[Competency Codes]
C-DS-003, C-DS-006-1, C-MS-002, C-MS-004, C-MS-006

The objectives of this course are to study several topological invariants or characteristics that describe the global structures of geometric objects, such as the Euler characteristic and the Betti number, together with the topological classification of closed surfaces using their opened ones along boundaries. This will be followed by understanding the relationship between the geometric objects (e.g., the topological space) and algebraic objects (e.g., the Homology group), which allows us to classify the geometric objects by calculating the associated Homology groups.
/Class schedule
01) Guidance
02) 1-dimensional topology: Seven Bridges of Königsberg and Eulerian paths
03) 1-dimensional topology: Connectivity and Euler-Poincare theorem
04) 1-dimensional topology: Embedding into Euclidean space
05) 2-dimensional topology: Closed surfaces
06) 2-dimensional topology: Development of Closed Surfaces
07) 2-dimensional topology: Classification of closed surfaces
08) 2-dimensional topology: Connectivity and Euler-Poincare theorem
09) n-dimensional topology: Complexes and polyhedra
10) Homology: Groups and homomorphism
11) Homology: Chain complexes
12) Homology: Homology groups
13) Homology: 0-dimensional and 1-dimensional homology groups
14) Homology: Connectivity and Euler-Poincare theorem
"Topology: Yawarakai Kikagaku" by Shiro Seyama
Nippon-Hyouron Publisher
(The text book is written in Japanese)
(ISBN 978-4-535-78405-5)

The course basically follows the contents of the textbook above while you can find almost the same contents in the following book in English:
A Combinatorial Introduction to Topology" by Michael Henle Dover Books on Mathematics
(ISBN 978-0-486-67966-2)
/Grading method/criteria
Final exam (60%) + quizzes in class (40%)

Only those who take the final exam are eligible for credit. Cheating (including proxy attendance and proxy submission of quiz reports) will be strictly penalized.
(We will provide a make-up exam according to the guidelines of absence prepared by the Student Affairs Section.)
/Note for course registration
Note: Mastering the content of "M08 Applied Algebra" will help you understand this class.

Even if answers to all quizzes are submitted during the classes, the credit may not be granted if the final exam score is inferior.

This class is conducted in Japanese, but we will consider conducting it in English if any special requests are raised (for example, from ICTG students). If you wish to participate in the class in English, please be sure to ask the professor in charge before registering for the class.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Stephen Barr, "Experiments in Topology," Dover Publications, INC
Michael Henle, "A Combinatorial Introduction to Topology", Dover Books on Mathematics

Please refer to the course page maintained on the Learning Management System (LMS).

Office hours will be announced during the first class.

Open Competency Codes Table Back

2025年度/Academic Year  4学期 /Fourth Quarter
/Course for;
3rd year
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
Courses preferred to be learned prior to this course (This course assumes understanding of entire or partial content of the following courses):
PL01 Intro. Programming, FU03 Discrete Systems, MA01 Linear Algebra I, MA10 Introduction to Topology
更新日/Last updated on 2025/01/21
/Course outline
This course covers a selection of modern applications of geometry and topology to computer science, with particular emphasis on computer graphics and data analysis.

In the first part of the course, we explore some fundamental techniques revolving around the concepts of "Ray Marching" and "Signed-Distance Field", which are standard in both real-time and pre-processed 3D rendering. As an application of these techniques, we learn how to "paint with math" and create high-quality graphics with purely mathematical formulas, using shadertoy.com as our main platform. A sophisticated example is found here: https://www.shadertoy.com/view/ld3Gz2

In the second part of the course, we cover an emerging technique in topological data analysis called "Persistent Homology". This technique extracts information from a data set by viewing it as an approximation of a topological space and studying its topological properties that remain persistent across several levels of approximation. We begin by reviewing homology's basic definitions and properties, then delve into algorithms for calculating homology groups of simplicial complexes. As a practical application, we construct a simple software tool to perform Persistent Homology on reasonably sized datasets.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(C)Graduates are able to apply their professional knowledge of mathematics, natural science, and information technology, as well as the scientific thinking skills such as logical thinking and objective judgment developed through the acquisition of said knowledge, towards problem solving.


Part 1. Students will learn applications of linear algebra and analytic geometry to real-time and pre-processed 3D rendering. Students will understand the concepts of "Ray Marching" and "Signed-Distance Field" and apply them to create original demos on shadertoy.com.

Part 2. Students will learn Persistent Homology as an application of topology to data analysis. Students will understand how to represent a simplicial complex as a data structure and how to compute its homology groups. Students will also be able to implement a rudimentary software tool to perform Persistent Homology on data sets.
/Class schedule
Part 1:
Lesson 1) Introduction to GLSL and shadertoy.com
Lesson 2) Signed-Distance Fields
Lesson 3) Winding and crossing number
Lesson 4) Fractals and domain repetition
Lesson 5) Ray Marching
Lesson 6) Lighting and shading
Lesson 7) Painting with math

Part 2:
Lesson 8) Groups and modules
Lesson 9) Smith Normal Form
Lesson 10) Complexes and boundaries
Lesson 11) Computing homology
Lesson 12) Filtrations
Lesson 13) Persistent Homology

Lesson 14) Review and exercises
Lecture notes and other study materials will be provided by the teacher.
/Grading method/criteria
Typically, the exam consists of a Written Test: In a classroom setting, students will answer written comprehension questions about the theories covered in Part 1 and Part 2 of the course. Additionally, there will be exercises designed to assess their practical understanding of the concepts learned.

Optional Programming Project:
Students may choose to create an original shader on shadertoy.com by applying the theoretical knowledge gained during the course and incorporating features from other shaders. They must be able to explain the purpose of each line of code in their project. The project is individual, can be started at any time during the course, and must be completed by the end of the term.

Students who opt for the Programming Project are exempt from the Part 1 section of the Written Exam but must still complete the Part 2 section.
/Note for course registration
Students are expected to have a working knowledge of at least one programming language, simple data structures, discrete mathematics, and basic linear algebra. Some familiarity with computer graphics, elementary group theory, basic topology and homology is preferred but not required.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Most of Part 1 is based on articles and tutorials by Inigo Quilez, a software engineer and 3D artist who worked for Pixar, Oculus and Adobe: https://iquilezles.org/articles/
Some study materials will also be taken directly from https://www.shadertoy.com

For Part 2, a good reference are the two articles
A good introduction to homology theory is Hatcher's book:

Responsibility for the wording of this article lies with Student Affairs Division (Academic Affairs Section).

E-mail Address: sad-aas@u-aizu.ac.jp