AY 2025 Graduate School Course Catalog

Field of Study CN: Computer Network Systems


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2025年度/Academic Year  3学期 /Third Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year
TRUONG Cong Thang
TRUONG Cong Thang, PHAM Tuan Anh
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2025/01/22
/Course outline
Multimedia services (with auditory and visual media) and data services are increasingly converging onto the IP infrastructure. However, the delivery of multimedia over the networks poses many challenges to developers and researchers. This course covers various issues of an end-to-end multimedia delivery chain, including digital media coding, compression and resiliency, transport protocols (RTSP/RTP, SIP), and Quality of Service (QOS).
/Objectives and attainment
This class will provide the background and latest developments of multimedia services, protocols to transport multimedia over IP, multimedia network architectures. Also, recent standards for multimedia networking and their importance are discussed.
/Class schedule
1 Introduction to Multimedia Networking
2 Multimedia Coding
3 Multimedia Coding (cont.)
4 Multimedia Quality of Service of IP Networks
5 Multimedia Quality of Service of IP Networks (cont.)
6 QoS Issues in Streaming Architectures
7 QoS Issues in Streaming Architectures (cont.)
8 Final project presentation

Note: for projects, students should select a topic and present weekly.
Required: “Multimedia Networking: From Theory to Practice” by Jenq-Neng Hwang, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0521882044

Other reference:
Other references will be provided by professors
/Grading method/criteria
-  Assignments and Presentations: 50%
-  Final project report: 50%
/Note for course registration
It is recommended to take CNC01 before this course, but most of the content in this course will be self-contained.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Course website: http://web-int.u-aizu.ac.jp/~thang/mn/

Instructor information: The course instructor C.T. Truong has practical working experiences in multimedia networking. He worked for Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) of South Korea for 5 years where he was involved in R&D of multimedia communications and networking. He also actively contributed in ISO/IEC & ITU-T standards related to IPTV and video streaming for more than 10 years.

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2025年度/Academic Year  2学期 /Second Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year
PHAM Tuan Anh
PHAM Tuan Anh, LE Doan Hoang
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2025/01/24
/Course outline
Optical networks using optical fibre play an important role in today communication networks, including the Internet.  The aim of this course is to provide students an introduction to optical communication engineering and optical networks. After the course, students are expected to have basic knowledge about the fundamentals of optical communications and networks, including system analysis techniques, architecture, implementation and performance issues, limitations and possibilities of different optical communication technologies.
/Objectives and attainment
The course starts with reviews and brief introduction of probability theory and communication engineering. The theory of optical technologies, including components of optical systems and networks, and fundamentals of optical transmission engineering are then discussed. We also discuss about the essential design, architecture and performance issues of optical networks.
/Class schedule
• Lecture 1: Introduction
• Lecture 2: Signal, Spectral and Fourier theory
• Lecture 3: Intro to communication engineering
• Lecture 4: Performance of baseband comm. systems
• Lecture 5: Monte-Carlo Simulation of communication systems
• Lecture 6: Optics and optical fiber channel
• Lecture 7: Light source and optical modulator
• Lecture 8: Photo detectors and optical receiver
• Lecture 9: Signal recovery & noises
• Lecture 10: Optical system evaluation, BER
• Lecture 11: Optical amplifier
• Lecture 12: Optical components (couplers, filter, isolator, FBGs, circulator, optical switches, etc.)
• Lecture 13-14: Optical wireless systems
A) Communication engineering & probability
- MIT Intro. to Probability Theory (free, available online)
- Digital Communications: Fundamentals and Applications by Bernard Sklar (updated on Jan 29, 2009), Japanese version of this text is also available
- Contemporary Communication Systems using Matlab and Simulink by John G. Proakis, Masoud Salehi, Gerhard Bauch

B) Optical comm. and networks
- Optical Fiber Communications 2/E by Gerd Keiser
Fiber-optic Communication Systems 2/E by Govind P. Agrawal
- Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective 1/E or 2/Eby R. Ramaswami & K. N. Sivarajan
- Understanding Optical communications, IBM Redbooks  (free, available online)

Note: all textbooks are available at the Univ. Lib & the Lab's bookshelf, in 305E.
/Grading method/criteria
- HW assignments (H, 100-band): every week: H = arithmetic mean of all HWs
- Project (P, 100-band): P
- Final grade is geometric mean of H and P
/Note for course registration
No, however, students are expected to review basic knowledge of Physics, Maths.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Course websites: Moodle

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2025年度/Academic Year  3学期 /Third Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year
PHAM Tuan Anh
PHAM Tuan Anh, LE Doan Hoang
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2025/01/24
/Course outline
Computer and communication have merged with each other. This has had a profound influence on the way computer systems are organized. The concept of computer center is now totally obsolete. The model of a single computer serving all of the organization's computational works has been replaced by Grid Computing or Cloud Computing, in which a large number of separate but interconnected computers work together. These systems are called computer networks.
This course offers fundamental knowledge about the design and organization of computer networks. We start with a review of computer network software's layered structure. Then we will discuss one or more typical protocols in each layer. After a lecture, you will have time to complete a Java program that is an implementation of the protocols you have just leaned. Your program will run on a network simulator which can check your program, show you a graphical demonstration of communication or communicate your implementation to help you to completely understand the protocol.
/Objectives and attainment
Our students will learn the following in detail:
(1) Layered architecture of computer network software;
(2) Basic concepts such as packet, frame, addressing, routing, congestion control, QoS, error control, and flow control;
(3) Basic protocols in each layer.
/Class schedule
• Lec. 1 – Course Introduction
• Lec. 2 – Application layer
• Lec. 3 - Lab 1 lecture: Wireshark
• Lec. 4 – Transport layer
• Lec. 5 – TCP: Reliable Transmission
• Lec. 6 - Lab 2 lecture: Socket Programming
• Lec. 7 – TCP Congestion control
• Lec. 8 – Internet Protocol
• Lec. 9 – Routing Algorithms & Protocols
• Lec. 10 - Lab 3 lecture: Reliable Data Transfer Protocol
• Lec. 11 – Link layer
• Lec. 12 – Ethernet
• Lec. 13 – Wireless Network
• Lec. 14 – CSMA/CD in Wifi
Computer Networks (4th or 5th Edition), by Andrew S. Tanenbaum
You can order this book in our book store or at:
/Grading method/criteria
- Weekly homework: 30%
- Labs: 30% (10% each)
- Course Project: 20%
- Final exam: 20%
/Note for course registration
You should have BS in CS or EE: i.e., should be familiar with introductory courses in engineering (Math, Introduction to Computer etc.)
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Work experience: The instructor has 5 years of industry career in communication network design. A part of this course is based on the experience.

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2025年度/Academic Year  1学期 /First Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year
TRUONG Cong Thang
TRUONG Cong Thang, - -
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2025/01/22
/Course outline
This course aims at advanced topics of networking technologies. Various solutions to improve the QoS of networking such as Software Defined Network (SDN), Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), etc. will be discussed. Also, another focus is on the recent technologies for data delivery and distribution (e.g. datacenter, cloud, CDN) over the Internet. In addition, the new trends the future Internet will be highlighted.     

(*The number of students is limited to 18. In case it is more than 18, CN field students will be accepted preferentially, the other students will be selected by drawing)
/Objectives and attainment
- Understand the key technologies to improve the QoS of networks (SDN, MPLS, Virtualization, etc.)
- Understand the key technologies for multimedia communication and content distribution
- Identify the problems and solutions of delivering data and managing networks
- Discuss the future trends of Internet
/Class schedule
- Classes 1-2:   Overview of Networks
- Classes 3-4:   Addressing and Packet Switching
- Classes 5-6:   Network QoS
- Classes 7-8:   Network QoS (continued)
- Classes 9-10: Multimedia Communication
- Classes 11-12: Content Distribution Networks
- Classes 13-14: Future Internet
“Computer Networking: Top Down Approach Featuring Network”, 7th Ed. by J. F. Kurose and K. W. Ross

Additional materials will be distributed during the course.
/Grading method/criteria
- Assignments and Presentations 60%
- Final Project 40%
/Note for course registration
It is recommended to have knowledge of L11/CN03/CNC01 before taking this course. Yet, most of the material in this course will be self-contained.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Work experience:  The course instructor C.T. Truong has practical working experiences in networking. He worked for Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) of South Korea for 5 years where he was involved in R&D of multimedia communications and networking. He also actively contributed in ISO/IEC & ITU-T standards related to IPTV networks and video streaming for more than 10 years.

Website: http://web-int.u-aizu.ac.jp/~thang/cnc02/cnc02.html

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2025年度/Academic Year  4学期 /Fourth Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year
LE Doan Hoang
LE Doan Hoang, PHAM Tuan Anh
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
Prerequisite: CNC01F, lectured in Q3, is strongly recommended.
更新日/Last updated on 2025/01/24
/Course outline
This course helps to develop an understanding of the various aspects of wireless and mobile networks. Following the first course in the CNS FoS on fundamentals of computer networking (CNC01F) which covers basic concepts the Internet, including applications, transport, network and a part of data-link layers, the CNC05A course provides a solid conceptual understanding of the fundamentals of the most popular transmission media today: the wireless transmission. Secondly, the course covers design and architecture of wireless networks (Wi-Fi). Finally, it will discuss the design and evolution of mobile networks, from 1G to 5G with a focus on 4G and recent 5G technologies.
/Objectives and attainment
This course aims to cover many aspects of mobile communications from a computer science and engineering point of view, so that students can have a deeper understanding of wireless and mobile networks. It points out common properties of different technical solutions and shows the integration of services and applications.
/Class schedule
Part 1: Wireless Transmission
- Lecture 1: Course Introduction
- Lecture 2: Wireless Transmission Fundamentals
- Lecture 3: Transmission Media and Channel Capacity
- Lecture 4: Wireless Signal Propagation, Signal Fading
- Lecture 5: Signal Encoding and Modulation  
- Lecture 6: Multiplexing and OFDM

Part 2: Wireless Networks
- Lecture 7: WLAN basic
- Lecture 8: PHY/MAC in WLAN
- Lecture 9: WLAN Security
- Lecture 10: IoT and Bluetooth  

Part 3: Mobile Networks
- Lecture 11: Cellular Network: Concept and Evolution (1G/2G/3G)
- Lecture 12: 4G LTE/LTE-A- specifications and architectures
- Lecture 13: 5G specifications, architectures
- Lecture 14: 5G key technologies
1. [Main] Wireless Communications Networks & Systems, by William Stallings (Kindle version is also available) – any edition is OK
2. [Reference] 5G Wireless: A Comprehensive Introduction, by William Stallings (Kindle version is also available): for further study on 5G technologies
3. [Reference] Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice (2nd Edition) by Theodore S. Rappaport -Prentice Hall (2002): for further study on wireless transmission
/Grading method/criteria
- Weekly Homework assignments (H, 100-band). H = arithmetic mean of all homeworks
- Project (P, 100-band). The project is evaluated in 4 stages, equally (each stage is due in about 2 weeks)
- Final grade: geometric mean of H and P

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2025年度/Academic Year  4学期 /Fourth Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year
PHAM Tuan Anh
PHAM Tuan Anh, LE Doan Hoang
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2025/01/24
/Course outline
As computer network systems can be modeled as queuing systems, queuing theory serves as the key for performance analysis. This course illustrates the applications of the queuing theory in modeling and performance analysis of computer networks.
/Objectives and attainment
The objectives of the course include fundamental of data networks, network modeling and performance analysis. After the course, students are expected to understand  what and how to model and evaluate the performance of a network. To take the course, students are expected to have a basic mathematical background, basic knowledge of computer networks and the probability theory. Students are strongly recommended to take either CNC01 (grad. school) or N1 (undergrad school) prior (or at least, in parallel) to this course.
/Class schedule
Lecture 1: Performance analysis methods (mathematical model, simulation, emulation, practical implementation) and metrics (capacity, throughput, goodput, Loss probability, delay, queue length)
Lecture 2: Network review, layering architecture.
Lecture 3: Point to point protocols and methods: Error detection/correction, ARQ.
Lecture 4: Multiple access networks: Aloha, Carrier Sensing
Lecture 5: MAC in Wireless networks
Lecture 6: Probability theory recap
Lecture 7: Bernoulli & Poisson process
Lecture 8: Markov chains
Lecture 9: Queuing model and Little’s theorem
Lecture 10-11: Basic queuing systems - M/M/1, M/M/m
Lecture 12: Loss systems: M/M/∞, M/M/m/m and M/M/m/m/m
Lecture 13: MG1 variants and Priority Queue
Lecture 14: Network models: Loss network vs. queuing network
1. "Data networks" 2/E by D. Bertsekas and R. Gallager.
Note: You can borrow this textbook from the Univ. Lib. Each chapter is downloadable (legal, shared by authors) from the course website.
High performance TCP/IP Networking by M. Hassan and R. Jain

2. “Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet”, by Kurose (any edition is OK)

3. “Computer Networks” (4th ed.) by A. S. Tanenbaum

4. “MIT Intro. to Probability Theory” (free, available online)

5. Network Simulation Experiments Manual by E. Aboelela
/Grading method/criteria
(1) Weekly HW assignments (H, 100-band). H = arithmetic mean of all HWs
(2) Project (P, 100-band). The project is evaluated in 4 stages, equally (each stage is due in about 2 weeks)

No mid-term or final examination
Final grade is geometric mean of H and P
/Note for course registration
Students are expected to have fundamental knowledge on (1) Computer Networks and (2) Probability Theory.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Course website: course websites: Moodle

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2025年度/Academic Year  2学期 /Second Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year
JING Lei, Idnin Pasya Bin Ibrahim
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2025/01/17
/Course outline
This course provides an in-depth understanding of IoT, especially Body Area Networks (BAN), focusing on the principles, design, and applications of wearable and implantable sensor networks. Topics include sensor and communication technologies, protocols, security and privacy concerns, signal processing for BAN data, and real-world applications in healthcare, fitness, and rehabilitation.
/Objectives and attainment
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
• Understand the fundamental concepts of Body Area Networks and their applications.
• Analyze the communication protocols and standards for BAN.
• Address key challenges such as energy efficiency, security, and privacy.
• Apply signal processing techniques for BAN data.
• Evaluate the future trends and research areas in BAN technology.
/Class schedule
Unit 1 (Lei Jing)
Lecture 1: Introduction to IoT and BAN
• Course orientation
• Overview of BAN and its importance in modern healthcare and fitness.
• Relationship between BAN, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), and Internet of Things (IoT).
• Applications and use cases: human informalization, industry 4.0, smart agriculture, Healthcare monitoring.
Lecture 2: Fundamentals of Human Biomechanics for BAN
• Basic concept, definition, and principles on human Biomechanics.
• Placement and significance of sensors on different body parts.
• Homework 1: paper reading and submit the summary on the reading
Lecture 3: BAN Sensor Technologies
• Types of sensors used in BAN: biosensors, motion sensors, and environmental sensors.
• Wearable vs. implantable sensors.
Lecture 4: BAN Sensor Technologies (Cont.)
• Challenges in sensor design: size, accuracy, power consumption, and signal reliability.
• Advances in BAN technology: flexible electronics, nanotechnology, and smart textiles.
• Emerging standards and interoperability challenges.
• Potential for BAN integration with broader IoT systems and 5G networks.
• Homework 2: Paper reading and submit the summary on the reading

Unit 2 (Lei Jing)
Lecture 5: Communication Technologies and Protocols for BAN
• Short-range communication standards: Bluetooth, Zigbee, and Near-Field Communication (NFC), RF-ID.
• Overview of IEEE 802.15.6 BAN standard.
• Trade-offs between data rate, range, energy efficiency, and latency.
Lecture 6: Network Architecture and Topologies in BAN
• Basic topologies: Star, mesh, and hybrid networks.
• Role of gateways and access points in BAN.
• Data flow and hierarchy in multi-sensor BAN.
• Homework 3: Paper reading and submit the summary on the reading
Lecture 7: Signal Processing for BAN Data
• Introduction to digital signal processing relevant to BAN data.
• Noise reduction techniques, filtering, and data fusion.
• Feature extraction and data analysis for health metrics.
Lecture 8: Energy Efficiency, Security and Privacy in BAN
• Battery management and energy harvesting techniques.
• Low-power communication strategies.
• Duty cycling and power-saving modes.
• Overview of security issues specific to BAN.
• Encryption and authentication methods for BAN.
• Privacy concerns related to wearable and implantable devices.
• Homework 4: Paper reading and submit the summary on the reading

Unit 3 (Idnin Pasya bin Ibrahim)
Lecture 9: Wireless Technologies for Wireless-Body Area Network (WBAN)
• Definition, scope and fundamentals of WBAN
• Free-space vs. body-centric wave propagation.
• Unique challenges in wireless communication for body-centric networks.
• Overview of human body effects on wireless signal propagation.

Lecture 10: Wave Propagation in WBAN  
• Electromagnetic wave interaction with tissues: reflection, absorption, and scattering.
• Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) and regulatory considerations.
• Propagation Models for WBAN
- On-body, off-body, and in-body communication.
- Impact of body movements and posture changes on signal performance.
• Homework 5: Paper reading and submit the summary on the reading

Lecture 11: Antennas and devices for WBAN
• Wearable wireless devices for WBAN.
• Overview of WBAN antennas: Types, Size, shape, and material considerations for body-centric antennas.
• Design Challenges
• Impacts of proximity to the human body (detuning, loss).
• Flexible and conformal antenna designs for wearables.

Lecture 12: Future Research Topics for BAN and WBAN
• Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning integration in BAN and WBAN
• Role of 6G and beyond in WBAN systems
• Ethical considerations and regulatory compliance
• Homework 6: Paper reading and submit the summary on the reading

Final Presentation (2 times lecture)
• Each student needs to design an IoT application system using the learned knowledge on this course.

Lecture Handout
/Grading method/criteria
• Assignments (60%): Weekly assignments on topics covered.
• Final Project (40%): Presentation performance

Responsibility for the wording of this article lies with Student Affairs Division (Academic Affairs Section).

E-mail Address: sad-aas@u-aizu.ac.jp