Timetable of the Graduate School, 2016 Academic Year (Quarter: 1)

Quarter: 1
  Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
1 ITC08 Remote Sensing (M12) Noriaki Asada,Hirohide Demura,Naru Hirata
ITA07 Advanced Signal Processing (std5) Jie Huang
SEA01 Parallel Distributed & Internet Computing (S12) Alexander P. Vazhenin
SYC04 Advanced Computer Organization (S10) Abderazek Ben Abdallah,Hiroshi Saito
ITC03 Advanced Robotics (S9) Keitaro Naruse,Yutaka Watanobe
SYA02 Reconfigurable Computing (M11) Toshiaki Miyazaki
SEA02 Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms (S12) Subhash Bhalla
- CSA01 Neural Networks I: Fundamental Theory and Applications (M12) Yong Liu
SYC04 Advanced Computer Organization (S10) Abderazek Ben Abdallah,Hiroshi Saito
ITA28 Introduction to Big Data Science (S12) Incheon Paik
2 ITC02 Introduction to Sound and Audio (M11,std6) Michael Cohen,Julian Villegas
ITC08 Remote Sensing (M12) Noriaki Asada,Hirohide Demura,Naru Hirata
SEA01 Parallel Distributed & Internet Computing (S12) Alexander P. Vazhenin
ITC03 Advanced Robotics (S9) Keitaro Naruse,Noriaki Asada
ITC06 Introduction to Bioinformatics (S10) Xin Zhu,Wenxi Chen
SEC03 Software Engineering for Internet Applications (S11) Vitaly V. Klyuev,Maxim Mozgovoy
SYA02 Reconfigurable Computing (M11) Toshiaki Miyazaki
ITA11 Computer-assisted Language Learning (iLab1) John Brine
SEA02 Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms (S12) Subhash Bhalla
CSA11 Advanced Analysis (S1) Shigeru Watanabe CSA01 Neural Networks I: Fundamental Theory and Applications (M12) Yong Liu
ITC06 Introduction to Bioinformatics (S10) Xin Zhu,Wenxi Chen
ITA11 Computer-assisted Language Learning (iLab1) John Brine
3 - CNC03 Selected Topics of Future Internet (S10) Shigaku Tei,Song Guo,Anh T. Pham,Hirokuni Kurokawa (Aiguo HE),Cong-Thang Truong,Lei Jing
ITA09 Document Analysis and Recognition (M12) Jung-pil Shin
- CSA11 Advanced Analysis (S1) Shigeru Watanabe
SYC01 MOS Device Modeling for VLSI Design (S2) Tsuneo Tsukahara,Yukihide Kohira
ITA04 Finite Element Modeling and Visualization (S9) Yohei Nishidate
SEC03 Software Engineering for Internet Applications (S11) Vitaly V. Klyuev,Maxim Mozgovoy
CSA05 Formal Specifications of Processing (M12) Kazuyoshi Mori
ITC02 Introduction to Sound and Audio (M11,std6) Michael Cohen,Julian Villegas
PMA09 Fundamentals and Practices of Functional Safety Related Systems (S9) Lei Jing,Shigaku Tei,Shigeru Kanemoto,Junji Kitamichi
4 CSC05 Computation Theory (S11) Taro Suzuki,Takafumi Hayashi
CNC02 Network Management (NRLA) Kara A.,Hirokuni Kurokawa (Aiguo HE),Cong-Thang Truong
ITC07 Introduction to Biosignal Detection (M11) Wenxi Chen,Xin Zhu
SYA08 Electronic Design Automation for System-level Design (S11) Hiroshi Saito
CNC03 Selected Topics of Future Internet (S10) Shigaku Tei,Song Guo,Anh T. Pham,Hirokuni Kurokawa (Aiguo HE),Cong-Thang Truong,Lei Jing
ITA09 Document Analysis and Recognition (M12) Jung-pil Shin
ITA28 Introduction to Big Data Science (S12) Incheon Paik
- SYC01 MOS Device Modeling for VLSI Design (S2) Tsuneo Tsukahara,Yukihide Kohira
CNC04 Distributed Algorithms for Networks (S12) Shigaku Tei,Lei Jing
ITA04 Finite Element Modeling and Visualization (S9) Yohei Nishidate
CSA05 Formal Specifications of Processing (M12) Kazuyoshi Mori
ITC02 Introduction to Sound and Audio (M11,std6) Michael Cohen,Julian Villegas
PMA09 Fundamentals and Practices of Functional Safety Related Systems (S9) Lei Jing,Shigaku Tei,Shigeru Kanemoto,Junji Kitamichi
5 CSC05 Computation Theory (S11) Taro Suzuki,Takafumi Hayashi
CNC02 Network Management (NRLA) Kara A.,Hirokuni Kurokawa (Aiguo HE),Cong-Thang Truong
ITC07 Introduction to Biosignal Detection (M11) Wenxi Chen,Xin Zhu
SYA08 Electronic Design Automation for System-level Design (S11) Hiroshi Saito
ITA07 Advanced Signal Processing (std5) Jie Huang
- CNC04 Distributed Algorithms for Networks (S12) Shigaku Tei,Lei Jing -
LTh=Lecture Hall, M=Lecture Room, S=Lecture Room
std=Computer Exercise Room, hdw=Hardware Workshop
CALL=CLR CALL Lab, iLab=CLR instructional Lab
NRL=Network and Remote Lecture Room
UBIC=University-Business Innovation Center

Responsibility for the wording of this article lies with Student Affairs Division (Academic Affairs Section).

E-mail Address: sad-aas@u-aizu.ac.jp