Lecture given by Ambassador Blagovest Sendov of the Republic of Bulgaria in Japan

The 6th forum for University-Business Cooperation of 2006 was held at the University-Business Innovation Center(UBIC) of the University of Aizu from 10:30am to 11:30am on Tuesday, February 6, 2007.
Ambassador Blagovest Sendov of the Republic of Bulgaria in Japan gave a lecture titled "Education in Science in Bulgaria - Science and Industry - " and approximately 50 people attended the forum. At the lecture, he talked about the history and geography of Bulgaria, in addition some topics often associated to Bulgaria by Japanese people, such as yogurt and the sumo wrestler, Kotooshu, and also introduced an interesting fact that the first electonic digital computer was invented by a Bulgarian.
After the lecture, Professor Noriaki Kamiya of the Center for Mathematical Sciences of the University, Associate Professor Kamen Kanev of the Department of Computer Software, a former student of Ambassador Sendov, and the audience joined in a discussion.

Ambassador Sendov at the lecture.

Scene from the discussion
(Associate Prof. Kanev, Prof. Kamiya, and Ambassador Sendov from the left)