Report on the International Conference CSD'98

From Prof. A. Taubin

Report on the International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design

CSD98 Conference was established with several objectives in mind. On the one hand there are researchers who have developed theory and algorithms to model, analyze, synthesize, verify and so on large, complex systems. On the other hand, there are researchers who have problems coping with the design issues of such systems every day.

One of the goals of the CSD'98 event was to promote the methodology of the theory of concurrency in research and industry centers inside Japan. Most Japanese electronic vendors (NEC, NTT, Mitsubishi, Fujitsu, etc.) sent their representatives to take part in the Conference. Their responses to the program were quite positive.

During the first day and half of the second day of the Conference, ten invited tutorials on advanced topics were given. The slides for invited talks were printed in the handouts separate from the main Proceedings.

The technical program included 23 papers selected for publication in the Proceedings out of 52 submitted papers. Each paper was anonymously reviewed by 4 or 5 members of the program committee or by reviewers recommended by a program committee member (we have a list of 67 reviewers in the CSD'98 Proceedings).

Although the technical program of the Conference was very intensive (10 hours per day) we also had a nice cultural program.

The total number of attendees was 80 (from North America -- 8, from Europe -- 18, from Japan -- 50, from industry -- 23).