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- 99-2-001, Lothar M. Schmitt and Chrystopher L. Nehaniv.
The Linear Geometry of Genetic Operators with Applications
to the Analysis of Genetic Drift and Genetic Algorithms using
Tournament Selection. January 21, 1999. 20pgs.
- 99-2-002, Lothar M. Schmitt.
The Effect of Non-Constant Effective Tunneling Mass and
Asymmetry for Resonant Tunneling in Double-Barrier Structures.
January 21, 1999.
- 99-2-003, Lothar M. Schmitt and Toshio Kondoh.
Optimization of Mass Distribution in Articulated Figures
for High Jump with a Genetic Algorithm.
June 28, 1999. 8pgs.
- 99-2-004, Lothar M. Schmitt.
Theory of Genetic Algorithms.
March 22, 1999. 28pgs.
- 99-1-001,
Luca Aceto, Zoltan Esik and Anna Ingolfsdottir.
The Max-Sum Algebra of the Natural Numbers has no
Finite Equational Basis. February 15, 1999. 25pgs.
- 99-1-002, Vladimir Volevich, Karol Myszkowski,
Andrei Khodulev and Edward A. Kopylov.
Perceptually-Informed Progressive Global Illumination Solution.
February 19, 1999. 38pgs.
- 99-1-003, Zoltan Esik and Satoshi Okawa.
Series and Parallel Operations on Pomsets.
April 2, 1999. 29pgs.
- 99-4-001, Noriaki Kamiya.
A Characterization of Baric Algebras from Triple Systems.
April 21, 1999. 5pgs.
- 99-1-004, Jintae Lee.
Simulation of Oriental Black Ink Painting by a Soft Brush Method
with Diffusion Effects. May 1, 1999. 17pgs.
- 99-5-001, Hisako Murakawa and Stephen Lambacher.
English Pronunciation Courseware Project: Part I.
May 7, 1999. 91pgs.
- 99-5-002, Hisako Murakawa and Stephen Lambacher.
English Pronunciation Courseware Project: Part II.
May 7, 1999. 100pgs.
- 99-5-003, Hisako Murakawa and Stephen Lambacher.
English Pronunciation Courseware Project: Part III.
May 7, 1999. 72pgs.
- 96-1-015, Michael Cohen. (Re-printed, see the 1996 Index)
Multimedia is for Everyone: Virtual Reality and Telecommunication
Conferences, Concerts, and Cocktail Parties.
April 22, 1999. 27pgs.
- 99-1-005, Zoltan Esik.
Axiomatizing the Subsumption Order on Finite and Infinite
Partial Words. May 26, 1999. 17pgs.
- 99-1-006, Zoltan Esik.
Iteration theories of boolean functions.
June 9, 1999. 17pgs.
- 99-1-007, V. Adzhiev, M. Beynon, R. Cartwright, E. Fausett,
A. Osipov, A. Pasko, S. Russ, V. Savchenko, B. Schmitt.
Empirical and Geometric Modeling Proceedings of the
International Workshop, University of Aizu, Japan, 25-26 May,
1999. June 26, 1999. 75pgs.
- 99-1-008, V. Adzhiev, M. Beynon, A. Rykhlinski.
Empirical Modelling of Multi-Agent Systems with Inherent
Concurrency. June 26, 1999. 64pgs.
- 99-1-009, Zoltan Esik and Werner Kuich.
A Kleene Theorem for Lindenmayerian Algebraic Power Series.
June 29, 1999. 13pgs.
- 99-1-010, Karol Myszkowski, Przemyslaw Rokita and
Takehiro Tawara. Perception-Based Fast Rendering and Antialiasing of
Walkthrough Sequences. August 9, 1999. 29pgs.
- 99-2-005, Lothar M. Schmitt.
Theory of Genetic Algorithms (Enlarged and Revised 2nd Edition).
December 4, 1999. 41pgs.
- 99-2-006, Lothar M. Schmitt and Kiel T. Christianson.
Combining the Bourne-shell, sed and awk in the UNIX
Environment for Language Analysis.
December 4, 1999. 71pgs.
- 99-1-011, Masahide Sugiyama.
Construction of Campus Wave Database.
November 4, 1999. 48pgs.
- 99-1-012, Tiemi Christine Sakata and Masahide Sugiyama.
Study on Shiritori Game on the Internet.
February 17, 2000.
- 99-1-013, Yutaka Ohtake, Alexander Belyaev, Ilia Bogaevski.
Polyhedral Surface Smoothing with Simultaneous Mesh
Regularization. November 10, 1999. 11pgs.
- 99-1-014, S. Yukita, Y. Ohtake, and K. Watanabe.
Visual Legacy Basic - A platform independent intuitive
programming environment for learners.
November 17, 1999. 6pgs.
- 99-1-015, K. Watanabe and S. Yukita.
A Knot Diagram Editor and Reidemeister Moves.
November 17, 1999. 6pgs.
- 99-1-016, A. G. Belyaev, G. A. Chechkin and A. L. Piatnitski.
Homogenization of a Second-Order Elliptic Operator
in a Perforated Domain with Oscillating Fourier Boundary
Conditions. November 17, 1999.
- 99-1-017, Satoshi Nishimura.
Ray-Flow: A Pipelined Architecture for Real-Time Ray Tracing.
December 27, 1999. 23pgs.