◆ Annual Review 2001


Projects Supported by Fukushima Prefectural Foundation 2001

1.Principal Investigator: Michael Cohen
The Internet Chair: anovel user interface featuring force-feedback and transaural audio Amount: 1,000,000Y
2.Principal Investigator: Takahumi Hayashi
Fukushima Regional Networking Academy Amount: 3,800,000Y
3.Principal Investigator: Yasuhiko Ikebe
Design of Interactive Multimedia Internet Content for the study of English Words Amount: 1,100,000Y
4.Principal Investigator: Tomoko Izumita
Spatial Database for Environmental Planning and Design in Aizu-Wakamatsu Amount: 900,000Y
5.Principal Investigator: Hidesada Kanda
Study of Information Technology Engineers Examination Amount: 600,000Y
6.Principal Investigator: Nikolay N. Mirenkov
Human-Computer interface for handicaps, children and elderly people Amount: 1,200,000Y
7.Principal Investigator: Hisako Murakawa
Developing a Computerized English-Japanese and Japanese-English Dictionary for Elementary and Junior High School Students of Fukushima Prefecture Amount: 1,500,000Y
8.Principal Investigator: Stanislav G. Sedukhin
Interactive High-Performance Terrain Visualization for Fukushima Prefecture Amount: 1,000,000Y
9.Principal Investigator: Masahide Sugiyama
Computer Aided Education for Disabled People Amount: 1,500,000Y
10.Principal Investigator: Shigaku Tei
Development of Learning Contents And Support System for Cooperative Education Between High School and University Amount: 1,300,000Y
11.Principal Investigator: Carl W. Vilbrandt
Shape Modeling Education and Entertainment Amount: 1,100,000Y

Research Projects Supported by the Competitive Research Funding 2001

General Research
1.Principal Investigator: Nobuyoshi Asai
Technical Writing Paradigm and Screenplay Writing Paradigm Amount: 1,500,000Y
2.Principal Investigator: Jerold A. DeHart
PSI Personalized System of Instruction (Study Buddy Project) Amount:500,000Y
3.Principal Investigator: Robert Fujii
Design,Analysis, and Applications of Analog/Digital Neural Networks Amount:1,500,000Y
4.Principal Investigator: Jie-Huang
Realtime implementation of auditory functions for a multimodal telerobot Amount:1,500,000Y
5.Principal Investigator: Hisako Murakawa
Theoretical identification of Formants of Japanese Vowels from Spoken Data Produced by Children Aged 5 to 15 through Measurement of their Pitch Levels Amount:1,200,000Y
6.Principal Investigator: Victor Ryzhii
Electron phenomena in quantum heterostructures for optoelectronic applications: Development ofmodelsand analysis Amount:1,700,000Y
7.Principal Investigator: Alexander Vazhenin
WWW-oriented Multimedia Tools for Applied Programming Amount: 1,500,000Y
8.Principal Investigator: Qun Jin
Knowledge Communication Support for Community-Based Collaborative Virtual Universities Amount:2,100,000Y
9.Principal Investigator: Masahide Sugiyama
Speaker Recognition/Indexingunder BGM Environment Amount: 900,000Y
10.Principal Investigator: Daming Wei
An innovative technology for clinical telemonitoring Amount: 2,800,000Y
11.Principal Investigator: Nadia Berthouze
Affectively-capable Personal Digital Assistants Amount:1,000,000Y
12.Principal Investigator: Roman Durikovic
Physical based animation of thin film surfaces,bubble formation and coalescence Amount:900,000Y
13.Principal Investigator: Takafumi Hayashi
Zero/low-correlation one/two-dimensional binary sequence:its applications and its theoretical aspects Amount:1,800,000Y
14.Principal Investigator: Stephen Lambacher
Technical Writing/Graduation Thesis Support Project Amount: 1,000,000Y
15.Principal Investigator: Kazuyoshi Mori
Algebraic Approach to Optimization of Information Systems Amount: 600,000Y
16.Principal Investigator: Jung-pil Shin
On-line Handwriting Recognition Amount:600,000Y
17.Principal Investigator: Hidesada Kanda
Numerical Grid Generation for the Simulation of Reynold's GolorDye Experiments Amount:1,900,000Y
18.Principal Investigator: Hiroyuki Sagawa
Effective Teaching Method of Physics for Students in Computer Sciences Amount:600,000Y
19.Principal Investigator: Masatoshi Shima
Project of Research and Education for Computer Engineering Amount: 3,800,000Y
20.Principal Investigator: Yasushi Kikuchi
Matrix Algorithm Software Package for Special Functions Amount: 600,000Y
Gigbit Network Research
1.Principal Investigator: Atsushi Kara
Real-time Remote Diagnosis of the Utsukushima Future-Expo Network Amount:540,000Y
2.Principal Investigator: Michael Cohen
Multimodal Groupware Amount:1,450,000Y
3.Principal Investigator: Incheon Paik
Directory Service Component for Multi-Level Information Sharing on B2B e-Business Amount:2,000,000Y
4.Principal Investigator: Yasuhiko Ikebe
The Development of the Second Edition of the Interactive Multimedia Education at a Distance - Linear Algebra (IMED-LA) Amount:2,700,000Y