◆ Annual Review 2002

Technical Reports List 2002

2002-1-001Takafumi Hayashi, A class of exponential-like sequence with zero-correlation zone, January 17, 2002. 5pgs.
2002-1-002Tomoya Narita, Masahide Sugiyama, Construction of Music 100 Database, April 19, 2002. 22 pgs.
2002-1-003Pal Domosi and Satoshi Okawa, On Remarkon Homomorphically Characterization of Recursively Enumerable Languages, Mar. 26 2002. 9pgs.
2002-1-004Pal Domosi and Satoshi Okawa, A New Form of Homomorphic Characterization of Context-Free Languages, Mar. 26 2002. 7pgs.
2002-1-009Takafumi Hayashi, A class of two-dimensionalbinary arrays with cross-shaped zero correlation zone, May 14, 2002. 7pgs.
2002-1-010Takafumi Hayashi, A sequence set with cross-shaped zero correlation zone, June 26, 2002. 3pgs.
2002-1-011Takafumi Hayashi, A ternary sequence set with zero-correlation zone, July 5, 2002. 4pgs.
2002-1-012Takafumi Hayashi, A class of two-dimensionalbinary arrays with cross-shaped zero correlation zone based on two-dimensional binary white noise zone, May 27, 2002. 3pgs.
2002-1-013Takafumi Hayashi, Limits of the correlation function of zero-correlation-zone sequences, June 6, 2002. 8pgs.
2002-1-014Takafumi Hayashi, Aperformance improved ternary sequence set with zero correlation zone, Aug. 2, 2002. 4pgs.
2002-1-015N. Mirenkov, R. Yoshioka, T. Hirotomi, T. Ebihara, O. Monakhov, R. Roxas, M. Sabei, Y. Tsuchida, and Y.Watanabe, Self-explanatory software components in a "film" format, August, 2002. 128 pgs.
2002-1-016Takafumi Hayashi, A performance improved ternary sequence set with zero correlation zone, Aug. 27, 2002. 4pgs.
2002-1-017Takafumi Hayashi, A class of two-dimensionalbinary arrays with cross-shaped zero correlation zone, Aug. 27, 2002. 5pgs.
2002-1-018Takafumi Hayashi, 2D binary arrays with cross-shaped zero correlation zone, Aug. 27, 2002. 7pgs.
2002-2-001Kazuyuki Saito, Experimental Study on VLSI Device/Process Technology (in Japanese), April 5, 2002. 74pgs.
2002-2-002Lothar M. Schmitt, Theory of Genetic Algorithms II -Convergence to optima for arbitrary fitness function-, April 18, 2002. 40pgs.
2002-2-003Lothar M. Schmitt, Theoretical Aspects of Genetic Algorithms, April 19, 2002. 16pgs.
2002-2-004Jie Huang, Alan Beretta, Carrie Campbell, Thomas H. Carr, Kiel Christianson, Lothar M. Schmitt and Yue Cao, Comparing Cortical Activation of Regular and Irregular Inflection in German, June 13, 2002. 2pgs.
2002-2-005Alan Beretta, Carrie Campbell, Thomas H. Carr, Jie Huang, Lothar M. Schmitt, Kiel Christianson and Yue Cao, An ER-fMRI investigation of morphological inflection in German reveals that the brain makes a distinction between regular and irregular forms, June 13, 2002. 28pgs.
2002-2-006Asymptotic Convergence of Scaled Genetic Algorithms to Global Optima, Lothar M. Schmitt, December 26, 2002. 24 pgs.
2002-5-001Kenneth J. Cranker, What Happens When Japanese Freshman EFL Computer Science Students Receive Reading Homework, August 26, 2002. 12pgs.