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Professor |
Associate Professor |
Assistant Professor |
Visiting Researcher |
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Visiting Researcher |
Visiting Researcher |
Existing systems of symbols and notations are usually very abstract and there is a great gap between the form and meaning of data/knowledge. Our long-term education, in an essential part, is reduced to training our brain for being “encoding-decoding” machine bridging this gap. The abstractness mentioned and bridging operations are sources of serious mental and physical problems for a great variety of people and, especially for disabled and elderly. Our aging society is also becoming information society. So, the above-mentioned aspect of our environment is becoming crucial. That is why, our research is to develop a new environment with lesser level of abstraction and with the better quality of people life. Our general program is cyber-infrastructure including high-performance computing. We are also thinking about active knowledge being developed by humanity and undertaking research efforts in visual (multimedia) languages and tools, parallel and distributed systems. In a great part, our research and development are based on an idea of self-explanatory components in a cyberFilm format. A cyberFilm is a set of color stills supported, if necessary, by text, voice/sound and special links. Each still is to represent a view (some features) of objects or processes. Each cyberFilm is to represent a multiple view (an extended set of dynamic and/or static features) of objects or processes. Different views can be related to different moments of time, positions in space, levels of hierarchy, values of data attached to space points, etc. Different media can be used for different views. A self-explanatory cyberFilm means that the associated stills are organized and presented in such a way that the semantic richness is clearly brought out. The investment of meaning in the cyberFilm is reduced to developing a series of views watching (and hearing) in non-linear order. Usually, a still is self-evident and a cyberFilm is a result of special gathering of clues or hints. This result is a piece of knowledge. So, selfexplanatory adequacy depends on this knowledge. The more accurate and relevant views are used, the greater adequacy is reached. The idea of cyberFilms is used for the specification of information resources and programming operations with the resources, as well as for the representation of multimedia messages and implementation of human-computer interfaces. The idea of equal opportunities to all individuals in the use of information resources is used to create a right set of cyberFilms and methods of their adaptation. We lead four clusters of projects related to filmification of methods and data:
[nikmir-01:2008] |
Nikolay Mirenkov, Kamen Kanev, and Hiroshi Takezawa. Mobile music
therapy with multimedia quality of life supporters for elderly and disabled.
Journal of Mobile Multimedia, 5(1):29–44, 2009. |
Music therapy addresses physiological, cognitive, and social needs of individuals and
employs music to enhance quality of human lives through creation of positive changes.
In this paper, we consider applying music therapy to human-computer interfaces,
based on Quality of Life Supporters (QLS) of self-explanatory type, and oriented
to elderly and disabled people. QLS are multi-modal communicators for personenvironment
(P-E) fit adjustments that take into account individual emotions and
wellbeing. The ’Circumplex model’ published by Russell (1980) is employed for constructing
optimal sequences of steps allowing smooth transition between any current
and target emotional states in the course of computer assisted sessions. Findings regarding
optimal step sizes and preferable types of music applicable for each step, as
well as empirical methods of acquiring knowledge concerning relations between music
and emotions are reported in result. |
[nikmir-02:2008] |
Yutaka Watanobe, Nikolay Mirenkov, and Rentaro Yoshioka. Algorithm
Library based on Algorithmic CyberFilms. Journal of Knowledge-Based
Systems, 22(3):195–208, 2009. |
A library of algorithms developed as algorithmic cyberFilms is presented. Algorithmic
cyberFilms are a new type of software components for presentation, specification/
programming and automatic code generation of computational algorithms. The
algorithmic cyberFilm format is implemented as a set of multimedia frames (and
scenes), and each component is represented by frames of algorithmic skeletons representing
dynamical features of an algorithm, by frames of integrated view providing
static features of the algorithm in a compact format, and by corresponding template
codes supporting the program generation. We developed a library which is a collection
of basic and advanced algorithms taught at universities, including computation
on grids, trees and graphs. In this paper, we present basic constructs of visual languages
which are used for representing cyberFilms as well as for demonstrating the
library components. We also provide a general overview of the library and its features.
In addition, we discuss results of experiments which were conducted to verify
the usability of the library components and their usefulness in education. |
[nikmir-03:2008] |
S. Tsunoyama and N. Mirenkov. Innovative IT Education based on
Creative Factories and Arenas. In Proceedings of 7th International Conference
on Global Research and Education, pages 101–110, Pecs, Hungary, Sep.
2008. Inter-Academia. |
A basic concept of the Graduate School education at the University of Aizu specialized
in information technologies (IT) is presented. This concept was accepted
by the Japanese Ministry of Education as one of models for developing the university
education in Japan [1]. Organizational methods and implementation details
related to individual-based and team-based educations, curricula, faculty development,
student management, term-free studying, cooperation with industry, etc. are
provided. |
[nikmir-04:2008] |
P. Bottoni, N. Mirenkov, Y. Watanobe, and R. Yoshioka. Composing
control flow and formula rules for computing on grids. In Proceedings of
7th International Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling,
pages 1–15, European Association of Software Science and Technology,
vol.10, 2008. |
We define computation on grids as the composition, through pushout constructions,
of control flows, carried across adjacency relations between grid cells, with formulas
updating the value of some attribute. The approach is based on the identification
of a subcategory of attributed typed graphs suitable to the definition of pushouts
on grids, and is illustrated in the context of the Cyberfilm visual language. |
[nikmir-05:2008, rentaro-01:2008] |
R.Yoshioka, Y. Watanobe, and N. Mirenkov. Incorporating
Security into Software Development Process. In Proceedings of
7th International Conference on New Software Methodologies, Tools, and
Techniques, pages 99–109, Sharjah, UAE, October 2008. IOS Press. |
A general scheme of software development process is considered and some aspects
related to integrating security into this scheme are analyzed. In particular,
semantic-based, defense-in-depth techniques embedded into system/component defense
shields and data acquiring/monitoring kernels are considered. The defense
shields are to semantically check data of every input before a software component
may process them and also to check every output before sending it to other components.
The kernels are to regularly perform semantic analysis of the internal status
and local data of a component/system. Based on these two ideas, real-time discovery
of vulnerabilities and threats is possible even when various protective measures,
such as, passwords, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, access control lists, etc.
have been breached. Existing programming systems and possible new methods to
realize the shields and kernels are also considered. |
[nikmir-06:2008] |
K. Kanev, N. Mirenkov, and A. Hasegawa. Newsputers: Digitally Enhanced
Printouts Supporting PervasiveMultimodal Interactions. In Proceedings
of the First IEEE International Conference on Ubi-media Computing,
pages 1–7, Lanzhou, China, July 2008. |
In this work we introduce the concept of newsputers as digitally enhanced printouts,
allowing real-time access to computer-based multimedia information through
paper-based interfaces. Newsputers could serve as conventional newspapers, books,
magazines, etc. and in addition as clickable layouts and templates for invoking special
functions and for accessing complementary information in different pervasive
environments. We further propose a novel software system for providing newsputerenabling
support to publishers and readers, discuss its design and development, and
finally report the resulting reference implementation and experiments. |
[vazhenin-01:2008] |
Dmitry Vazhenin and Alexander Vazhenin. Movie-based Programming:
Visual References Specifications on Matrix Data. In Proc. of the 11-
th International Conference on Humans and Computers (HC-2008), pages
200–205, AizuWakamatsu, Japan, December 2008. University of Aizu. |
Effective and reliable programming often depends on a comfortable and understandable
access to structure data like matrices, trees, lists, etc. For text-oriented
programming, this problem becomes important because of the complexity of references
to elements of these data. Visual programming is devoted to simplifying and
improving the programming productivity. The goal of this research is to represent
methods of visual reference specifications in movie-based programming, which is a
type of visual programming technology. Visual reference specification is useful to
represent complex index expressions in compact and accessible forms. This paper
presents specifications and rules of visual index expressions, an icon language for
them as well as an interface to input/verify those references. |
[vazhenin-02:2008] |
Tosiaki Oka, Dmitry Vazhenin, and Alexander Vazhenin. WEB-based
task management tools in e-learning environment. In Proc. of the IEEE Region
8 International Conference on Computational Technologies in Electrical
and Electronics Engineering, (SIBIRCON 2008), pages 100–105. IEEE, July
2008. |
In the presented paper, we discuss an approach implementing comfortable task
management procedures for problems or exercises requiring processing of mathematical
expressions, and providing verifications procedures not only for numerical
answers but also formulas. An on-line Task Management teacher-student collaboration
scheme is proposed. e-Learning task management components are shown
including the system database structure, Formula Engine Architecture as well as
answers verification strategies. The verifications of formula answers are based on
transforming to a unified ordered form using standard symbolic algebraic conversions.
The human/computer interface features are demonstrated including HTMLand
GUI-interfaces. |
[vazhenin-03:2008] |
Dmitry Vazhenin and Alexander Vazhenin. WEB-based task management
tools in e-learning environment. In Proc. of the Japan-China Joint
Workshop on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology, (FCST ’08),
pages 67–74, Nagasaki, Japan, December 2008. IEEE. |
The movie-based representation of algorithms and programs is in showing their
features as a sequence of animation frames. Accordingly, any animation frame
should visualize/animate a corresponding stage of a program/algorithm execution.
Each movie-program frame (MP-frame) shows highlighted elements of parameterized
data structures defining operations on them and reflecting algorithm logic.
Each operation is tagged by a unique color. Special control lines allow referencing
these colored areas as well as changing dynamically their sizes and placement. The
key point is that elements in these areas are coloring not manually by a programmer,
but automatically using MP-templates each of which specifies a particular principle
depending on formal parameters.In this paper we describe an approach and tools
to create and use MP-templates for movie-based programs. An MP-template is
the major independent and self-sufficient component same as in conventional programming
languages. A special visual technique is proposed for development of an
optimal and correct MP-template for various possible parameters like placement
coordinates, shape, order of scanning, etc. in order to decrease difficulties and timeconsuming
userpsilas actions. Also, a various handling concepts are introduced to
manage the MP-templates library and use MP-templates in a movie-based programming
process. A software toolkit implementing proposed features as well as
usage examples will also be presented. |
[nikmir-07:2008] |
N. Mirenkov. Ministry of Education Scientific Research Fund, 2008-
2009. |
[rentaro-02:2008] |
R. Yoshioka. Grant-in-Aid for Scientic Research, Japanese Ministry
of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, 2006-2008. |
[nikmir-08:2008] |
Nikolay Mirenkov, 2008. Member, the IFIP Working Group 10.3 (Concurrent Systems) |
[nikmir-09:2008] |
Nikolay Mirenkov, 2008. Associate Editor, the Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, International Journal |
[nikmir-10:2008] |
Nikolay Mirenkov, 2008. Member of ACM and IEEE |
[nikmir-11:2008] |
Nikolay Mirenkov, October 2008. Member of the Program Committee of the 7th International Conference on New Software Methodologies, Tools, and Techniques (SoMET-08), Sharjah, UAE |
[nikmir-12:2008] |
Nikolay Mirenkov, 2008. Member of the Program Committee, Seventh International Workshop on Algorithms, Models and Tools for Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Networks, Japan |
[nikmir-13:2008] |
Nikolay Mirenkov, July 2008. Member of the Program Committee, International conference CIT-2008, Australia |
[nikmir-14:2008] |
Nikolay Mirenkov, September 2008. Member of the Program Committee, IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human Centric Computing |
[vazhenin-04:2008] |
A. Vazhenin, Jan. 2008. IEEE Member |
[vazhenin-05:2008] |
A. Vazhenin, Jan. 2008. ACM Member |
[vazhenin-06:2008] |
A. Vazhenin, April. 2008. IEICE Member |
[vazhenin-07:2008] |
A. Vazhenin, October.2008. Director of the The 2008 ACM/ICPC Regional Programming Contest, Aizu- Wakamatsu, Japan |
[nikmir-15:2008] |
Hiroshi Migiyama. Master Thesis: A New Type of English and
Japanese Picture-based Learning System for Children, University of Aizu,
2008. Thesis Advisor: Nikolay Mirenkov |
[nikmir-16:2008] |
Kazuhiro Mori. Master Thesis: Finger Moving Interface for Severely
Disabled People Communication, University of Aizu, 2008. Thesis Advisor: Nikolay Mirenkov |
[nikmir-17:2008] |
Kei Tsunogai. Graduation Thesis: Efficient Implementation of Convex
Hull Algorithm on IBM Cell Processor, University of Aizu, 2008. Thesis Advisor: Nikolay Mirenkov |
[nikmir-18:2008] |
Shuichira Tsukumoto. Graduation Thesis: Filmification of Methods:
Convex Hull Algorithms, University of Aizu, 2008. Thesis Advisor: Nikolay Mirenkov |
[nikmir-19:2008] |
Asahara Hiroki. Graduation Thesis: Designing 3D Kanji Sculptures,
University of Aizu, 2008. Thesis Advisor: Nikolay Mirenkov |
[nikmir-20:2008] |
Ueda Kazumasa. Graduation Thesis: Semantic MusicWord Dictionary,
University of Aizu, 2008. Thesis Advisor: Nikolay Mirenkov |
[rentaro-03:2008] |
Kazuki Shinagawa. Master Thesis: Program Generation based on
Computational Schemes and Code Templates, University of Aizu, 2008. Thesis Advisor: Yoshioka, R. |
[rentaro-04:2008] |
Hirofumi Kojiima. Graduation Thesis: Tangible Interface for Mixed
Reality based on Affordance and User Context, University of Aizu, 2008. Thesis Advisor: Yoshioka, R. |
[rentaro-05:2008] |
Yoshihiro Kawakami. Graduation Thesis: Concierge Functions to
Support Self-learning of Programming, University of Aizu, 2008. Thesis Advisor: Yoshioka, R. |
[rentaro-06:2008] |
Koichi Noda. Graduation Thesis: Structural Classification of Kanji
Characters for 3D Kanji Modeling, University of Aizu, 2008. Thesis Advisor: Yoshioka, R. |
[rentaro-07:2008] |
Ryutaro Tanaka. Graduation Thesis: Transformation of Algorithmic
Commands into Programming Language Code, University of Aizu, 2008. Thesis Advisor: Yoshioka, R. |
[rentaro-08:2008] |
Daisuke Yanagida. Graduation Thesis: Structure and Scheme Selection
Interface for Language of Algorithmic Text, University of Aizu, 2008. Thesis Advisor: Yoshioka, R. |
[vazhenin-08:2008] |
Yuuki Tsue. Master Thesis: The End-User’s Task Management
Workplace in the e-Learning Environment, University of Aizu, 2001. Thesis Advisor: A. Vazhenin |
[vazhenin-09:2008] |
Noriko Inomata. Graduation Thesis: The Teacher’s WorkPlaces in
e-Learning Task Management Environment, University of Aizu, 2008. Thesis Advisor: A. Vazhenin |
[vazhenin-10:2008] |
Sayuri Itou. Graduation Thesis: The Student’s WorkPlaces in e-
Learning Task Management Environment, University of Aizu, 2008. Thesis Advisor: A. Vazhenin |
[vazhenin-11:2008] |
Miku Anzai. Graduation Thesis: Global Search Operations in Moviebased
Programming, University of Aizu, 2008. Thesis Advisor: A. Vazhenin |
[vazhenin-12:2008] |
Asami Igarashi. Graduation Thesis: Local Group Operations in
Movie-based Programming, University of Aizu, 2008. Thesis Advisor: A. Vazhenin |
[vazhenin-13:2008] |
Masami Tasaki. Graduation Thesis: Movie-based Algorithms for
Image Signal Filtration, University of Aizu, 2008. Thesis Advisor: A. Vazhenin |
[vazhenin-14:2008] |
Fujito Nakajima. Graduation Thesis: Movie-based Algorithms for
Solving Systems of Linear Algebraic Equations with Standard Matrix Structures,
University of Aizu, 2008. Thesis Advisor: A. Vazhenin |
[vazhenin-15:2008] |
Kenichi Seino. Master Thesis: The Task Verification Subsystem in
the e-Learning Environment, University of Aizu, 2001. Thesis Advisor: A. Vazhenin |