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Professor |
Associate Professor |
Associate Professor |
Visiting Researcher |
The research activity of the Computational Nano-Electronics Laboratory (former Computer Solid State Physics Laboratory) is focused on theoretical studies and computer modeling of physical processes in semiconductor micro- and nanostructures and in novel electronic and optoelectronic classical and quantum devices based on such structures. Since the laboratory establishment in 1993, its members have published more than 180 journal articles and made more than 190 presentations at international conferences. One of the members of the laboratory is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Fellow of the American Physical Society, and Corresponding member of the Russian (national) Academy of Sciences. Two professors are the IEEE Senior Members. The research efforts of the laboratory members are now centered on theory and computer modeling of:
The Computational Nano-Electronics Laboratory conducts research in cooperation with leading research groups at:
[khmyrova-01:2008] |
T. Nishimura, N. Magome, I. Khmyrova, T. Suemitsu, W. Knap,
and T. Otsuji. Analysis of fringing effect on resonant plasma frequency in
plasma wave devices. Jpn.J.Appl.Phys., 48:04C096 (4), 2009. |
We investigate influence of fringing effects due to nonideality of the gate-2DEG
channel capacitance on fundamental frequency of plasma oscillations excited in the
high-electron mobility transistor (HEMT) channel. Spatial distribution of sheet electron
density in the fringed region of the 2DEG channel is calculated. In the equivalent
circuit model developed gated and fringed regions of the 2DEG channel have
been represented by cascaded distributed circuit. Estimate of fundamental plasma
frequency and results of IsSpice simulation based on cascaded distributed circuit
model show that reduction of the fundamental frequency of plasma oscillations can
be attributed to the impact of fringing effects. The results obtained are in rather
good agreement with experimental data. |
[m-ryzhii-01:2008, v-ryzhii-01:2008] |
V. Ryzhii and M. Ryzhii. Graphene bilayer fieldeffect
phototransistor for terahertz and infrared detection. Phys. Rev. B,
79:245311(8), 2009. |
A graphene bilayer phototransistor (GBL-PT) is proposed and analyzed. The GBLPT
under consideration has the structure of a field-effect transistor with a GBL as the
channel and the back and top gates. The positive bias of the back gate results in the
formation of conducting source and drain sections in the channel, while the negatively
biased top gate provides the potential barrier which is controlled by the charge of the
photogenerated holes. The features of the GBL-PT operation are associated with the
variations of both the potential distribution and the energy gap in different sections
of the channel when the gate voltages change. Using the developed GBL-PT device
model, the spectral characteristics, dark current, responsivity and detectivity are
calculated as functions of the applied voltages, energy of incident photons, intensity
of electron and hole scattering, and geometrical parameters. It is shown that the
GBL-PT spectral characteristics are voltage tuned. The GBL-PT performance as
photodetector in the terahertz and infrared photodetectors can markedly exceed the
performance of other photodetectors. |
[m-ryzhii-01:2008, v-ryzhii-01:2008] |
V. Ryzhii and M. Ryzhii. Graphene bilayer fieldeffect
phototransistor for terahertz and infrared detection. Phys. Rev. B,
79:245311(8), 2009. |
A graphene bilayer phototransistor (GBL-PT) is proposed and analyzed. The GBLPT
under consideration has the structure of a field-effect transistor with a GBL as the
channel and the back and top gates. The positive bias of the back gate results in the
formation of conducting source and drain sections in the channel, while the negatively
biased top gate provides the potential barrier which is controlled by the charge of the
photogenerated holes. The features of the GBL-PT operation are associated with the
variations of both the potential distribution and the energy gap in different sections
of the channel when the gate voltages change. Using the developed GBL-PT device
model, the spectral characteristics, dark current, responsivity and detectivity are
calculated as functions of the applied voltages, energy of incident photons, intensity
of electron and hole scattering, and geometrical parameters. It is shown that the
GBL-PT spectral characteristics are voltage tuned. The GBL-PT performance as
photodetector in the terahertz and infrared photodetectors can markedly exceed the
performance of other photodetectors. |
[m-ryzhii-02:2008, v-ryzhii-02:2008] |
V. Ryzhii, M. Ryzhii, A. Satou, T. Otsuji, and
N. Kirova. Device model for graphene bilayer field-effect transistor. J. Appl.
Phys., 105:104510 (9), 2009. |
We present an analytical device model for a graphene bilayer field-effect transistor
(GBL-FET) with a graphene bilayer as a channel and with back and top gates. The
model accounts for the dependences of the electron and hole Fermi energies as well
as energy gap in different sections of the channel on the bias back-gate and top-gate
voltages. Using this model, we calculate the dc and ac source-drain currents and the
transconductance of GBL-FETs with both ballistic and collision dominated electron
transport as functions of structural parameters, the bias back-gate and top-gate
voltages, and the signal frequency. It is shown that there are two threshold voltages,
Vth,1 and Vth,2, so that the dc current versus the top-gate voltage relation markedly
changes depending on whether the section of the channel beneath the top gate gated
section is filled with electrons, depleted, or filled with holes. The electron scattering
leads to a decrease in the dc and ac currents and transconductances, whereas it
weakly affects the threshold frequency. As demonstrated, the transient recharging
of the gated section by holes can pronouncedly influence the ac transconductance
resulting in its nonmonotonic frequency dependence with a maximum at fairly high
frequencies. |
[m-ryzhii-03:2008, v-ryzhii-03:2008] |
V. Ryzhii, M. Ryzhii, V. Mitin, and M.S. Shur.
Graphene tunneling transit-time terahertz oscillator based on electrically induced
p-i-n junction. Appl. Phys. Express, 2:034503 (3), 2009. |
We propose and analyze a graphene tunneling transit time device based on a heterostructure
with a lateral p-i-n junction electrically induced in the graphene layer by
the applied gate voltages of different polarity. The depleted i-section of the graphene
layer (between the gates) serves as both the tunneling injector and the transit region.
Using the developed device model, we demonstrate that the ballistic transit of
electrons and holes generated due to interband tunneling in the i-section results in
the negative ac conductance in the terahertz frequency range, so that the device can
serve as a terahertz oscillator. |
[m-ryzhii-04:2008, v-ryzhii-04:2008] |
V. Ryzhii, M. Ryzhii, N. Ryabova, V. Mitin, and
T. Otsuji. Graphene nanoribbon phototransistor: proposal and analysis.
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 48:04C144 (5), 2009. |
We consider a concept of a graphene nanoribbon phototransistor (GNR-PT) based
on an array of GNRs operating as a photodetector of far-infrared (FIR) and terahertz
(THz) radiation. The photodetector has the structure of a GNR field effect
transistor with the back and relatively short top gates. To calculate the GNR-PT
characteristics, we develop an analytical model of the device. This model generalizes
the model we proposed previously by accounting for the possibility of not only the
thermionic regime but also the tunneling regime of the GNR-PT operation. Using
the developed model, we derive analytical formulas for the source-drain current as
a function of the intensity and frequency of the incident radiation and bias voltages,
and estimate the detector responsivity. The obtained formulas can be used for
detector optimization by varying the dark current, photoelectric current gain, and
voltage control of the spectral properties. The dependences of the absorption edge
on GNR width and bias voltages can be utilized for the development of multicolor
voltage tunable FIR/THz photodetectors. |
[m-ryzhii-05:2008, v-ryzhii-05:2008] |
M. Ryzhii, A. Satou, V. Ryzhii, and T. Otsuji. Highfrequency
properties of graphene nanoribbon field-effect transistor. J. AppL.
Phys., 104(11):114505 (6), 2008. |
We propose an analytical device model for a graphene nanoribbon field-effect transistor
(GNR-FET). The GNR-FET under consideration is based on a heterostructure
which consists of an array of nanoribbons clad between the highly conducting
substrate (the back gate) and the top gate controlling the dc and ac source-drain
currents. Using the model developed, we derive explicit analytical formulas for the
GNR-FET transconductance as a function of the signal frequency, collision frequency
of electrons, and the top gate length. The transition from the ballistic and to strongly
collisional electron transport is considered. |
[m-ryzhii-06:2008, v-ryzhii-06:2008] |
V. Ryzhii, A. Satou, M. Ryzhii, T. Otsuji, and M.S.
Shur. Mechanism of self-excitation of terahertz plasma oscillations in periodically
double-gated electron channels. J. Phys.: Condensed Matter, 20:384207
(6), 2008. |
We develop a device model for a heterostructure device with an electron channel
and with a periodic system of interdigitated gates. Using this model, we find the
conditions of the self-excitation of plasma oscillations in portions of the channel.
It is shown that the self-excitation of plasma oscillations in these devices and the
terahertz emission observed in the experiments might be attributed to the electrontransit-
time effect in the barrier regions. |
[m-ryzhii-07:2008, v-ryzhii-07:2008] |
V. Ryzhii, V. Mitin, M. Ryzhii, N. Ryabova, and
T. Otsuji. Device model for graphene nanoribbon phototransistor,. Appl.
Phys. Express, 1:063002 (3), 2008. |
An analytical device model for a graphene nanoribbon phototransistor (GNR-PT)
is presented. GNR-PT is based on an array of graphene nanoribbons with the side
source and drain contacts, which is sandwiched between the highly conducting substrate
and the top gate. Using the developed model, we derive the explicit analytical
relationships for the source-drain current as a function of the intensity and frequency
of the incident radiation and find the detector responsivity. It is shown that
GNR-PTs can be rather effective photodetectors in infrared and terahertz ranges of
spectrum. |
[m-ryzhii-08:2008, v-ryzhii-08:2008] |
V.G. Leiman, M. Ryzhii, A. Satou, N. Ryabova,
V. Ryzhii, T. Otsuji, and M.S. Shur. Analysis of resonant detection of terahertz
radiation in high-electron mobility transistor with a nanostring/carbon
nanotube as mechanically floating gate. J. Appl. Phys., 104:024514 (7), 2008. |
We develop a device model for a resonant detector of electromagnetic radiation
with a frequency in the terahertz (THz) range modulated by a Gigahertz (GHz)
signal based on a micromachined high-electron mobility transistor (HEMT) with
a metallized nanostring (NS) or metallic carbon nanotube (CNT) as mechanically
floating gate and analyze the detector operation. The device model describes both
the NS/CNT mechanical motion and plasma effects in the HEMT two-dimensional
electron channel. Using this model, we calculate the output gate ac current and the
detector responsivity as functions of the carrier (in the THz range) and modulation
(in the GHz range) frequencies. It is shown that the THz detector responsivity
exhibits sharp and high maxima under the conditions of both mechanical and plasma
resonances. |
[m-ryzhii-09:2008, v-ryzhii-09:2008] |
V. Ryzhii, M. Ryzhii, and T. Otsuji. Thermionic
and tunneling transport mechanisms in graphene field-effect transistors.
Physica Status Solidi (a), 205:1527–1533, 2008. |
We present an analytical device model for a graphene field-effect transistor (GFET)
on a highly conducting substrate, playing the role of the back gate, with relatively
short top gate which controls the source-drain current. The equations of the GFET
device model include the Poisson equation in the weak nonlocality approximation.
Using this model, we find explicit analytical formulae for the spatial distributions
of the electric potential along the channel and for the voltage dependences of the
thermionic and tunneling currents. |
[m-ryzhii-10:2008, v-ryzhii-10:2008] |
V. Ryzhii, M. Ryzhii, A. Satou, and T. Otsuji.
Current-voltage characteristics of a graphene nanoribbon field-effect transistor.
J. Appl. Phys., 103:094510 (8), 2008. |
We calculate the high-frequency response of a graphene nanoribbon field-effect transistor
(GNR-FET) using the developed analytical model. The GNR-FET under consideration
is based on a heterostructure which consists of an array of nanoribbons
clad between the highly conducting substrate (the back gate) and the top gate controlling
the dc and ac source-drain currents. We derive explicit analytical formulas
for the GNR-FET transconductance as a function of the signal frequency, collision
frequency of electrons, and the top gate length. The transition from the ballistic and
to strongly collisional electron transport is considered. |
[v-ryzhii-11:2008] |
V.Ya. Aleshkin, A.A. Dubinov, and V. Ryzhii. Terahertz laser based
on optically pumped graphene: model and feasibility of realization. JETP
Lett., 89(2):63–67, 2009. |
We consider a terahertz laser based on optically pumped graphene layer and bilayer
as the active media and suggested waveguide structure. Using the developed model,
we calculate the spectral dependences the dynamic conductivity of the optically
pumped graphene layer and bilayer associated with the interband and intraband
transitions, estimate the pumping optical power required for lasing, and demonstrate
the feasibility of realization of such a laser. |
[v-ryzhii-12:2008] |
A.A. Ivanov, V.I. Ryzhii, E.A. Vostrikova, V.M. Chechetkin, and A.M.
Oparin. Model of terahertz radiation source on the base of field-effect transistor.
Radioengineering and Electronics, 53:1, 2008. |
/in Russian/ |
[v-ryzhii-013:2008] |
O.G. Balev, .F.T. Vasko, and V. Ryzhii. Carrier heating in intrinsic
graphene by a strong dc electric field. Phys. Rev. B, 79:165432 (8), 2009. |
We consider the heating of carriers in an intrinsic graphene in a strong dc electric
field. The intraband energy relaxation due to acoustic phonon scattering and the interband
generation-recombination transitions due to thermal radiation are taken into
account. The distributions of nonequilibrium carriers are obtained for the cases when
the carrier-carrier scattering is unessential and when the intercarrier Coulomb scattering
effectively establishes the quasiequilibrium distribution with the temperature
and the density of carriers determined by the balance equations. Due to an interplay
between weak energy relaxation and generation-recombination processes, the nonlinear
response is characterized by a very low threshold electric field. The nonlinear
current-voltage characteristics as well as the field-dependent carrier concentration
are calculated for the case of the momentum relaxation associated with the elastic
scattering. The obtained current-voltage characteristics exhibit a low threshold of
nonlinearity and an appearance of the second ohmic region, for strong fields. |
[v-ryzhii-14:2008] |
A. Satou, F.T. Vasko, and V. Ryzhii. Nonequilibrium carriers in intrinsic
graphene under interband photoexcitation. Phys. Rev. B, 78:115431
(6), 2008. |
We study nonequilibrium carriers (electrons and holes) in intrinsic graphene at low
temperatures under far-infrared (IR) and midinfrared radiation in a wide range of its
intensities. The energy distributions of carriers are calculated using a quasiclassical
kinetic equation which accounts for the energy relaxation due to acoustic phonons
and the radiative generation-recombination processes associated with thermal radiation
and the carrier photoexcitation by incident radiation. It is found that the
nonequilibrium distributions are determined by an interplay between weak energy
relaxation on acoustic phonons and generation-recombination processes as well as
by the effect of pumping saturation. Due to the effect of saturation, the carrier distribution
functions can exhibit plateaus around the pumping region at elevated intensities.
As shown, at sufficiently strong mid-IR pumping, the population inversion
can occur below the pumping energy. The graphene dc conductivity as a function of
the pumping intensity exhibits a pronounced nonlinearity with a sublinear region at
fairly low intensities and a saturation at a strong pumping. However, an increase in
the pumping intensity in very wide range leads only to a modest increase in the carrier
concentration and, particularly, the dc conductivity. The graphene conductivity
at mid-IR irradiation exhibit strong sensitivity to mechanisms of carrier momentum
relaxation. |
[v-ryzhii-15:2008] |
V. Vyurkov and V. Ryzhii. Effect of Coulomb scattering on graphene
conductivity. JEPT Lett., 88(5):322–325, 2008. |
The effect of the Coulomb scattering on graphene conductivity in field-effect transistor
structures is discussed. Interparticle scattering (electron-electron, hole-hole,
and electron-hole) and scattering on charged defects are taken into account in a
wide range of gate voltages. It is shown that an intrinsic conductivity of graphene
(purely ambipolar system, where both electron and hole densities exactly coincide)
is defined by a strong electron-hole scattering. It has a universal value independent
of the temperature. We give an explicit derivation based on the scaling theory. When
there is even a small discrepancy in the electron and hole densities caused by the
applied gate voltage, the conductivity is determined by both a strong electron-hole
scattering and a weak external scattering: on the defects or phonons. We suggest
that the density of the charged defects (occupancy of defects) depends on the Fermi
energy to explain the sublinear dependence of conductivity on a fairly high gate
voltage observed in the experiments. We also eliminate the contradictions between
the experimental data obtained in the deposited and suspended graphene structures
regarding the graphene conductivity. |
[v-ryzhii-16:2008] |
F. Vasko and V. Ryzhii. Photoconductivity of an intrinsic graphene.
Phys. Rev. B, 77:195433 (8), 2008. |
We examine the photoconductivity of an intrinsic graphene associated with farand
midinfrared irradiation at low temperatures. The model under consideration
accounts for the excitation of the electron-hole pairs by incident radiation, the interband
generation-recombination transitions due to thermal radiation, and the intraband
energy relaxation due to acoustic phonon scattering. The momentum relax-
ation is assumed to be caused by elastic scattering. The pertinent collision integrals
are adapted for the case of the massless energy spectrum of carriers that interact
with the longitudinal acoustic mode and the thermal radiation. It is found that the
photoconductivity is determined by interplay between weak energy relaxation and
generation-recombination processes. Due to this, the threshold of nonlinear response
is fairly low. |
[khmyrova-02:2008] |
N. Magome, T. Nishimura, I. Khmyrova, T. Suemitsu, W. Knap,
and T.Otsuji. Effect of parasitic gate fringing capacitance on the terahertz
plasma resonance in HEMT’s. IEICE Techn. Report, 108(369):ED2008–195,
pp.53–58, 2008. |
Influence of fringing electric field due to nonideality of the gate-two-dimensional electron
gas (2DEG) channel capacitance on fundamental resonant frequency of plasma
waves in HEMT channel was investigated. Cascaded transmission line (TL) equivalent
circuit model was developed to represent the gated and ungatedfringed regions of the
2DEG channel. Results of calculation and IsSpice simulation based on cascaded TL
model show that plasma frequency reduction can be caused by the fringing effects. |
[khmyrova-03:2008] |
T. Nishimura, N. Magome, I. Khmyrova, T. Suemitsu, W. Knap,
and T. Otsuji. Effect of nonideality of the gate-2DEG channel capacitance
on the frequency of plasma oscillations in the plasma wave devices. In Ext.
Abstr. 2008 Int. Conf. on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM08),
Tsukuba, Japan, Sept. 2008. |
In this paper we focus on the contribution of the nonideality of the gate–2DEG
channel capacitance and demonstrate that its neglection results in the overestimate
of the fundamental frequency of plasma oscillations excited in the 2DEG channel. |
[khmyrova-04:2008] |
I. Khmyrova, T. Nishimura, N. Magome, T. Suemitsu, and T. Otsuji.
Frequency performance of plasma wave devices for THz applications
and the role of fringing effects. In Proc. 2008 IEEE 25th Convention of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel (IEEEI 2008, Eilat, Israel,
Dec. 2008. |
Paper is focused on the model in which reduction of resonant frequency of plasma
oscillations in the HEMT channel experimentally observed is associated with the
gate contact fringing effects. Sheet electron density distribution in the fringed ungated
channel region and expression for the resonant plasma frequency are obtained.
Cascaded transmission line equivalent circuit model accounting for both
gated and fringed ungated channel regions has been developed and used for simulation
of HEMT frequency performance with IsSpice software. |
[khmyrova-05:2008] |
I. Khmyrova. Model and simulation of resonant MEMS based on
high- electron-mobility transistor. In 3rd Int. Conf. Smart materials, structures
and systems, Acireale, Sicily, Italy, Jun. 2008. |
Model of resonant MEMS based on high-electron mobility transistor (HEMT) with
suspended cantilever serving as a gate is developed and used for characterisation implementing
SPICE simulation. Resonant MEMS under consideration can be used
as a sensor for detection of small forces, masses. Developed model accounts for
transduction of mechanical oscillations of the cantilever driven by bias voltage into
variation of electric field and electron density in the HEMT channel directly beneath
the cantilever which, in turn, results in the variation of source-drain current
flowing along the channel. Simulated output characteristics reveal peak at a frequency
corresponding to that of cantilever mechanical resonance. |
[m-ryzhii-11:2008, v-ryzhii-17:2008] |
V. Ryzhii, M. Ryzhii, A. Satou, N. Ryabova,
V. Mitin, and T. Otsuji. Some concepts of graphene-based electron and
optoelectron devices. In 13th Advanced Heterostructures and Nanostructures
Workshop, page 7, Hawaii, USA, Dec. 2008. |
We overview and analyze several proposals and concepts of graphene-based electronic
and optoelectronic devices. |
[m-ryzhii-12:2008, v-ryzhii-18:2008] |
V. Ryzhii, M. Ryzhii, V. Mitin, and M.S. Shur. Negative
dynamic conductivity in graphene tunneling transit-time device. In
14th Int. Conf. on Narrow Gap Semiconductors and Systems, (accepted for
presentation), Sendai, Japan, July 2009. |
In this paper, we analyze the proposed graphene tunneling transit-time (GTUNNETT)
device. This device is based on a graphene layer with the source
and drain contacts and two gates. The bias voltages of different polarity applied to
the gates result in the formation of a lateral p-i-n junction. The depleted i-section
serves as the interband tunneling injector of electron-hole pairs as well as the transit
region. As demonstrated using the developed device model, owing to a strong sensitivity
of the tunneling rate to the electric field and relatively short electron and hole
transit times across the i-section, the real part of the G-TUNNETT source-drain
dynamic conductivity can be negative in the terahertz range of frequencies. |
[m-ryzhii-13:2008, v-ryzhii-19:2008] |
V. Mitin, M. Ryzhii, T. Otsuji, N. Kirova, and
V. Ryzhii. Device models for graphene nanoribbon and graphene bilayer
phototransistors. In Int. Symp. ’Graphene: Technology, Physics and Modeling’,
pages 46–47, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan, Nov. 2008. |
We propose device model for a graphene nanoribbon (GNR) phototransistor with
the structure similar to that of a GNR field-effect transistor and evaluate its characteristics
as a FIR/THz photodetector using this model. Using the developed
model, we calculate the dependences of the detector responsivity as a function of
the structural parameters. |
[m-ryzhii-14:2008, v-ryzhii-20:2008] |
V. Ryzhii, M. Ryzhii, N. Ryabova, V. Mitin, and
T. Otsuji. Graphene nanoribbon phototransistor: proposal and analysis.
In Int. Conf. on Solid State Device and Materials (SSDM2008), page 190,
Tsukuba, Japan, Sep. 2008. |
We consider a concept of a graphene nanoribbon phototransistor (GNR-PT) based
on an array of GNRs operating as a photodetector of far-infrared (FIR) and terahertz
(THz) radiation. The photodetector has the structure of a GNR field effect
transistor with the back and relatively short top gates. To calculate the GNR-PT
characteristics, we develop an analytical model of the device. This model generalizes
the model we proposed previously by accounting for the possibility of not only
the thermionic regime but also the tunneling regime of the GNR-PT operation. Using
the developed model, we derive analytical formulas for the source-drain current
as a function of the intensity and frequency of the incident radiation and bias voltages,
and estimate the detector responsivity. The obtained formulas can be used for
detector optimization by varying the dark current, photoelectric current gain, and
voltage control of the spectral properties. The dependences of the absorption edge
on GNR width and bias voltages can be utilized for the development of multicolor
voltage tunable FIR/THz photodetectors. |
[m-ryzhii-15:2008,v-ryzhii-21:2008] |
M. Ryzhii, A. Satou, T. Otsuji, and V. Ryzhii. Dynamic
characteristics of graphene nanoribbon field-effect transistors. In Int.
Conf. on Solid State Device and Materials (SSDM2008), page 598, Tsukuba,
Japan, Sep. 2008. |
We calculate and analyze the dynamic characteristics of a graphene nanoribbon
field-effect transistor (GNR-FET), which consists of an array of nanoribbons clad
between the highly conducting substrate (the back gate) and the top gate controlling
the dc and ac source-drain currents, using the proposed analytical device
model. The model is based on the semiclassic Boltzman kinetic equation with the
collision term adopted for the specifics of the one-dimensional electron transport
along GNRs. Using the model, we derive explicit analytical formulas for the GNRFET
transconductance as a function of the signal frequency, collision frequency of
electrons, and the top gate length for different electron transport conditions (from
the ballistic and to strongly collisional electron transport). |
[m-ryzhii-16:2008,v-ryzhii-22:2008] |
V. Ryzhii, M. Ryzhii, N. Ryabova, V. Mitin, and
T. Otsuji. Far infrared and terahertz devices based on graphene heterostructures.
In Int. Symp. on Nanostructures: Physics and Technology, pages 1–4,
Vladivostok, Russia, July 2008. |
We demonstrate that the effect of the negative dynamic conductivity can occur in
optically pumped gated graphene heterostructures and the heterostructures with
patterned graphene layer (array of graphene nanoribbons). We also consider principle
of operation of graphene nanoribbon phototransistor and calculate its responsivity
as a function of energy of incident photons. |
[m-ryzhii-17:2008] |
E. Ryzhii, M. Ryzhii, and D. Wei. Computer simulation study of
gender differences in cardiac repolarization: normal case and the Brugada
syndrome. In 13th Int. Congress of the Int. Society for Holter and Noninvasive
Electrocardiology (ISHNE 2009), (accepted for presentation), Yokohama,
Japan, June 2009. |
We included gender differences in the ten Tusscher human ventricular cell model
adjusting densities of the L-type Ca current (ICal), transient outward K (Ito),
and rapid delayed rectifier K current (IKr) according to experimental data. The
simulated action potentials for male and female cases were inputted into a state-ofthe-
art 3D whole-heart model and corresponding ECG waveforms were calculated. |
[m-ryzhii-18:2008, v-ryzhii-23:2008] |
V. Vyurkov, I. Semenikhin, M. Ryzhii, T. Otsuji,
and V. Ryzhii. Hydrodynamic model of graphene field-effect transistor. In
Int. Symp. ’Graphene: Technology, Physics and Modeling’, pages 32–33,
Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan, Nov. 2008. |
We have developed a hydrodynamic model of a graphene field-effect transistor
(GFET) using equations derived via a regular procedure from kinetic equations
and calculated the transistor’s current-voltage characteristics. |
[m-ryzhii-19:2008, v-ryzhii-24:2008] |
V. Ryzhii, M. Ryzhii, A. Satou, and T. Otsuji.
Graphene nanoribbon field-effect transistor: device model and characteristics.
In 2nd Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conf., page 62, Kyoto,
Japan, Oct. 2008. IEEE. |
In this communication, we report on the device model of a graphene nanoribbons
field-effect transistor (GNR-FET). The model accounts for the self-consistent
electric potential and the electron transport along GNRs. It is assumed that the
scattering of electrons in the essential portion of the channel is associated with
their interaction with the GNR imperfections and acoustic phonons. The model
provides an opportunity to follow the electron transport phenomena from ballistic
to strongly collisional regimes. Using the developed model, we calculated the GNRFET
dc current as a function of the back and top gate voltages, the source-drain
voltage, as well as the device structural parameters, in particular, the top gate
length. |
[m-ryzhii-20:2008, v-ryzhii-25:2008] |
M. Ryzhii, V. Ryzhii, T. Otsuji, and V. Mitin.
Graphene nanoribbon and graphene bilayer photodetectors: models and
characteristics. In 14th Int. Conf. on Narrow Gap Semiconductors and Systems,
(accepted for presentation), Sendai, Japan, July 2009. |
Using the proposed device models for graphene nanoribbon photodetectors (GNRPD)
and graphene bilayer photodetectors (GBL-PD), we calculate the dark current,
responsivity, and dark current limited detectivity. The similarity and distinctions
of the characteristics of GNR-PDs and GBL-PDs are discussed. |
[m-ryzhii-21:2008] |
E. Ryzhii, M. Ryzhii, and D. Wei. Extension of whole-heart model
by coupling with human ventricular cell model. In Progress in Electromagnetics
Research Symp. (PIERS 2009), (accepted for presentation), Moscow,
Russia, Aug. 2009. |
In this work, we extend the 3D Wei-Harumi whole-heart model by coupling with
ion channel human ventricular cell model developed by ten Tusscher et al. We
adopted the model of the action potential of human ventricular cells to simulate
sex differences in accordance to experimental data for male and female hearts of
different species. Using the extended model the surface 12-lead electro-cardiogram
(ECG) waveforms were simulated. |
[m-ryzhii-22:2008, v-ryzhii-26:2008] |
V. Ryzhii, M. Ryzhii, M.S. Shur, and V. Mitin. Negative
terahertz dynamic conductivity in electrically induced lateral p-i-n
junction in graphene. In 18th Int. Conf. Electronic Properties of Two-
Dimensional Systems (EP2DS), (accepted for presentation), Kobe, Japan,
July 2009. |
We propose a device based on a gated graphene structure with electrically induced
lateral p-i-n junction graphene tunneling transit-time diode (GT-diode) and study
its high-frequency characteristics. |
[m-ryzhii-23:2008, v-ryzhii-27:2008] |
V. Ryzhii, M. Ryzhii, M.S. Shur, and V. Mitin.
Graphene tunneling transit-time diode for terahertz generation: proposal,
model, and analysis. In Int. Meeting for Future of Electron Devices Kansai
(IMFEDK 2009), (accepted for presentation), Osaka, Japan, May 2009. |
Using developed model, we calculated the graphene tunneling transit-time diode
(G-TUNNETT) ac conductance (admittance) as a function of the signal frequency
and applied bias voltages. It is demonstrated that the ballistic transit of electrons
and holes generated owing to interband tunneling leads to the negative ac conductivity
in the terahertz frequency range. |
[m-ryzhii-24:2008, v-ryzhii-28:2008] |
M. Ryzhii, A. Satou, V. Ryzhii, V. Mitin, F.T.
Vasko, V.Ya. Aleshkin, A.A. Dubinov, and T. Otsuji. Graphene-based
terahertz lasers and detectors: Physics and feasibility of realization. In
ESF-FWF Int. Conf. ’Graphene Week 2009’, Obergurgl, Austria, March
2009. European Physical Society. |
We consider and analyze terahertz lasers based on graphene and graphene bilayer
heterostructures with optical pumping. We show that the optical pumping followed
by emission of a cascade of optical phonons can result in the population inversion
between the low energy states. The latter implies the negative contribution of the
interband transitions to the graphene (or graphene bilayer) dynamic conductivity
in the THz frequency range. Analytical estimates and numerical simulations
demonstrate that despite the intraband (Drude) absorption and the loses in the
device waveguide structure, this can result in the negative net dynamic conductivity
and, hence, provide an opportunity of creating graphene-based THz /FIR lasers.
We also present concepts of THz/FIR detectors with the structure of a field-effect
transistor (THz/FIR phototransistors) made of graphene nanoribbon arrays as well
as of a graphene bilayer and analyze their characteristics (spectral characteristics,
responsivity, and detectivity) as functions of the structural parameters and applied
voltages. |
[m-ryzhii-25:2008, v-ryzhii-29:2008] |
A. Satou, M. Ryzhii, F.T. Vasko, T. Otsuji, and
V. Ryzhii. Graphene under optical pumping: nonequilibrium distributions,
population inversion, and terahertz lasing. In Proceedings of SPIE Photonics
West (PW09), page 721119, San Jose, USA, Jan. 2009. SPIE. |
We study nonequilibrium carriers (electrons and holes) in an intrinsic graphene
at low temperatures under farand mid-infrared optical pumping in a wide range
of its power densities. The energy distributions of carriers are calculated using a
quasiclassic kinetic equation which accounts for the energy relaxation due to acoustic
phonons and the radiative generation-recombination processes associated with
thermal radiation and the carrier photoexcitation by incident radiation. It is found
that the nonequilibrium distributions are determined by interplay between weak
energy relaxation on acoustic phonons and generation-recombination processes as
well as by the effect of pumping saturation. Due to the effect of pumping saturation,
the carrier distribution functions can exhibit plateaus whose width increases
with increasing pumping power density. The graphene steady-state conductivity as
a function of the pumping power density exhibits a pronounced nonlinearity with a
sub-linear region at fairly low power densities. As shown, at certain pumping power
density the population inversion as well as the dynamic negative conductivity can
take place in terahertz and far-infrared frequencies, suggesting the possibility of
utilization of graphene under optical pumping for optoelectronic applications, in
particular, lasing at such frequencies. |
[v-ryzhii-30:2008] |
V. Ryzhii. Graphene-based infrared and terahertz devices: concepts
and characteristics,. In 2009 Advanced Research Workshop ’Future Trends
in Microelectronics: Unmapped Roads’, page (invited), Sardinia, Italy, June
2009. |
In this paper, the features of the physical processes responsible for the device operation
(specifics of the energy spectra of electrons and holes, photogeneration and
tunneling injection, energy relaxation and recombination, plasma properties), the
device characteristics (threshold of lasing, spectral dependences, detector responsivity
and detectivity, and voltage tuning) limiting performance, and the feasibility
of their realization are considered and discussed. |
[v-ryzhii-31:2008] |
V.Ya. Aleshkin, A.A. Dubinov, and V. Ryzhii. Graphene terahertz
laser. In 17th Int. Symp. ’Nanostructures: Physics and Modeling’, (accepted
for presentation), Minsk, Belarus, June 2009. |
We consider a terahertz laser based on optically pumped graphene layer and bilayer
as the active media and suggested waveguide structure. Using the developed
model, we calculate the spectral dependences the dynamic conductivity of the
optically pumped graphene layer and bilayer associated with the interband and
intraband transitions, estimate the pumping optical power required for lasing, and
demonstrate the feasibility of realization of such a laser. |
[v-ryzhii-32:2008] |
H. Karasawa, T. Komori, T. Watanabe, M. Suemitsu, V. Ryzhii, and
T. Otsuji. Observation of carrier relaxation and recombination dynamics in
optically pumped epitaxial graphene heterostructures using terahertz emission
spectroscopy. In Photonics Europe 2009, (accepted for presentation),
Brussels, Belgium, May 2009. |
[v-ryzhii-33:2008] |
A. Satou, F.T. Vasko, T. Otsuji, and V. Ryzhii. Population inversion
and negative dynamic conductivity in optically pumped graphene. In 2009
Int. Conf. on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices, page
(accepted for presentation), San Diego, USA, Sep. 2009. |
[v-ryzhii-34:2008] |
T. Otsuji, Y. Tsuda, H. Karasawa, T. Suemitsu, M. Suemitsu, E. Sano,
and V. Ryzhii. Emission of terahertz radiation from two-dimensional electron
systems in semiconductor nano-heterostructures. In 17th Int. Symp.
’Nanostructures: Physics and Modeling’, page (invited), Minsk, Belarus,
June 2009. |
This paper reviews recent advances in emission of terahertz radiation from twodimensional
(2D) electron systems in semiconductor nano-heterostructures. 2D
plasmon resonance is first presented to demonstrate intense broadband terahertz
emission from InGaP/InGaAs/GaAs material systems. The device structure is
based on a high-electron mobility transistor and incorporates authors 弛riginal
doubly interdigitated grating gates. Second topic focuses on graphene, a monolayer
carbon-atomic honeycomb lattice crystal, having attracted attention due to
its peculiar carrier transport and optical properties holding massless and gapless
energy spectrum. Stimulated terahertz emission from femtosecond laser pumped
epitaxial graphene is experimentally observed, reflecting the occurrence of population
inversion. |
[m-ryzhii-26:2008,v-ryzhii-35:2008] |
M. Ryzhii and V. Ryzhii. Physics and modeling of
tera- and nano-devices. Number 47 in Selected Topics In Electronics And Systems.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd., Singapore, 2008. |
[v-ryzhii-36:2008] |
V. Ryzhii. Grant-in-Aid (S) from the Japan Society for Promotion of
Science (JSPS): Terahertz plasma wave nanoelectronic devices, 2006-2010.
[v-ryzhii-37:2008] |
V. Ryzhii. Grant from the Japan Science and Technology Agency,
CREST: Development of Graphene on Silicon (GOS) device modeling technology,
[v-ryzhii-38:2008] |
V. Ryzhii. Nation-wide Research Grant from RIEC, 2006-2008.
[khmyrova-06:2008] |
Irina Khmyrova, 2008. Senior Member, IEEE |
[khmyrova-07:2008] |
M. Ryzhii. Reviewer for International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism |
[m-ryzhii-27:2008 |
M. Ryzhii. Reviewer for International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism |
[m-ryzhii-28:2008] |
M. Ryzhii. Reviewer for Semiconductor Science and Technology Journal |
[m-ryzhii-29:2008] |
M. Ryzhii, July 1995-. Member (lifelong), American Physical Society |
[m-ryzhii-30:2008] |
M. Ryzhii, Nov. 2008. Organizing Committee member of International Symposium on Graphene Devices: Technology, Physics, and Modeling, University of Aizu, Nov. 17-19, 2008. |
[m-ryzhii-31:2008] |
M. Ryzhii, Dec. 2002-. Senior Member, IEEE |
[m-ryzhii-32:2008] |
M. Ryzhii. Reviewer for The Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics |
[v-ryzhii-39:2008] |
V. Ryzhii. Fellow (1994-present), IEEE |
[v-ryzhii-40:2008] |
V. Ryzhii. Corresponding Member (1987, lifelong), Russian Academy of Sciences (Branch of Nanotechnology and Information Technologies) |
[v-ryzhii-41:2008] |
V. Ryzhii. Reviewer for Journal of Applied Physics |
[v-ryzhii-42:2008] |
V. Ryzhii. Reviewer for Journal of Physics Condensed Matter |
[v-ryzhii-43:2008] |
V. Ryzhii. Reviewer for Physical Review B Journal |
[v-ryzhii-44:2008] |
V. Ryzhii. Fellow (1995, lifelong), American Physical Society |
[v-ryzhii-45:2008] |
V. Ryzhii Reviewer for Applied Physics Letters Journal |
[v-ryzhii-46:2008] |
V. Ryzhii Reviewer for Physical Review Letters Journal |
[v-ryzhii-47:2008] |
V. Ryzhii Reviewer for Semiconductor Science and Technology Journal |
[v-ryzhii-48:2008] |
V. Ryzhii. Reviewer for Nanotechnology Journal |
[v-ryzhii-49:2008] |
V. Ryzhii. Reviewer for Solid-State Electronics Journal |
[v-ryzhii-50:2008] |
V. Ryzhii, Jan. 2009. Member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Applied Physics |
[v-ryzhii-51:2008] |
V. Ryzhii, Jan. 2009. Member of the Editorial Board of Applied Physics Letters |
[v-ryzhii-52:2008] |
V. Ryzhii, 2006–2009. Member of the Int. Advisory Committee and the Editorial Board of Optoelectronics Review Int. Journal |
[v-ryzhii-53:2008] |
V. Ryzhii, Nov. 2008. Organizer of International Symposium on Graphene Devices: Technology, Physics, and Modeling, University of Aizu, Nov. 17-19, 2008. |
[v-ryzhii-54:2008] |
V. Ryzhii, June 2008. Program Committee member of SPIE International Conference ’Defense, Security, Sensing’, Orlando, USA, Apr. 13-17, 2009. |
[khmyrova-08:2008] |
Yusuke Fukuda. Graduation Thesis: Models and IsSPICE simulation
of HEMT-based plasma wave devices in the presence of fringing effects,
University of Aizu, 2008. |
Thesis Advisor: I. Khmyrova |
[m-ryzhii-33:2008] |
Koji Yamada. Graduation Thesis: Developing mobile phone software
for physics education, University of Aizu, 2009. |
Thesis Advisor: Ryzhii, M. |
[m-ryzhii-34:2008] |
Atsushi Suzuki. Graduation Thesis: Monte Carlo Simulation of
Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Photodetectors, University of Aizu, 2009. |
Thesis Advisor: Ryzhii, M. |
[m-ryzhii-35:2008] |
Yuu Fukushima. Graduation Thesis: Development of educational
Venturi effect simulator for mobile phones, University of Aizu, 2009. |
Thesis Advisor: Ryzhii, M. |