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Professor |
Assistant Professor |
Assistant Professor |
The research and education activities in this laboratory focus on the theoretical and practical aspects related to language processing and language processing systems. In particular, our work covers the following areas. The research in this laboratory is divided into two parts: The first part consists of the work that follows the research in the above areas. One of the most important goal of it is to provide the foundations for the education of language processing systems, programming languages, and formal language theory. The second part is the creative study in some specific areas related to language processing systems. The research activities of this part are based on the voluntary work of each faculty member. Currently, we are working on Functional languages based on reduction have several properties such as deterministic and lazy evaluation and higher order definitions, but they lack other useful properties such as partial data structure and logical variables. On contrary logic languages based on unification allow partial data structure and logical variables but lack deterministic and lazy evaluation as well as higher order definitions. From this point of view it seems natural to unify both languages into one paradigm in order to obtain a language, called a functional logic language, with more expressive power than both functional and logic languages. The members of this laboratory engage to develop an efficient operational semantics for such unified model. It is recognized that narrowing is one of the most important mechanisms of computation, especially in functional-logic programming languages. The members of this laboratory study theoretical aspects of narrowing, extension of the notion of narrowing to higher-order narrowing, and others. The recent parallel/distributed computation environment requires the development of a new language model and its processing model/system for such environment. To design new languages and language processing systems is the key work for the next development of the computer society and it is considered to be one of the most important subjects for this laboratory to study for establishing such models and implementing as real systems for evaluation. Random walk model has many useful applications such as modeling the transport of molecules in physics, the locomotion of organisms in biology, and the ants behavior in its foraging. Furthermore, study of visual simulation of such systems is also conducted by the member of this laboratory. The education on the subjects related to languages and language processing systems is also the important mission of this laboratory. The courses for undergraduate students given by the members of this laboratory include Computer Literacy II, Advanced Algorithm, Automata and Languages, Language Processing Systems, and Logics. Those for graduate students include Automata and Languages and Compilers, Advanced Automata and Languages, Computation Models, Term Rewriting Systems, and Declarative Processing. |
[hamada-01:2008] |
Mohamed Hamada. An Example of Virtual Environment and Webbased
Application in Learning. International Journal of Virtual Reality,
Chinese Academy of Science, Vol. 7(No. 3):pp. 1–9, 2008. |
Due to its importance as a model for several software and hardware applications,
automata theory is a core topic in computer science and engineering education. But
because of its abstract mathematical nature automata is used to be taught by traditional
lecture-driven style. Virtual reality and web-based learning can provide automata
learners with a unique experience such as interactive learning, simulation
opportunities,visualizations of abstract concepts, etc. In this paper a web-based virtual
environment for automata theory, as an example, is introduced in addition to
an evaluation of its use in context. |
[hamada-02:2008] |
Mohamed Hamada. An Integrated Virtual Environment for Active
and Collaborative e-Learning in Theory of Computation. IEEE Transactions
on Learning Technologies, Vol. 1(No. 2):pp. 1–14, 2008. |
ctive and collaborative learning provides a powerful mechanism to enhance depth
of learning, increase material retention, and get students involved with the material
instead of passively listening to a lecture. In this paper, a research using web-based
active and collaborative learning in the theory of computation and related fields is
presented. The twofold contribution of this work is a novel use of existing technology
to improve learning and a longitudinal quasi-experimental evaluation of its use
in context. As a first contribution, we introduce an integrated environment that is
designed to meet the active learning preferences of computer engineering learners, in
addition to a support for collaborative learning. For the second contribution: several
classroom experiments are carried out. The analysis of the experiments’ outcomes
and the students feed back show that our integrated environment is useful as a learning
tool, in addition to enhancing learners’ motivation to seek more knowledge and
information on their own. |
[taro-01:2008] |
Taro Suzuki and Satoshi Okui. Product Derivatives of Regular Expressions.
IPSJ Online Transactions (1), pages 53–65, 2009. |
We propose a novel extension of Brzozowski’s derivative of regular expressions, called
product derivatives. It takes two regular expressions and the meaning of its result is
stated as follows: a product derivative of R with respect to S is a regular expression
obtained by the consumption of all the sequences in the first regular expression by the
second, i.e, the result is the product of Brzozowski’s derivatives of R with respect to
sequences in S. We develop an algorithm for our derivatives in coinductive manner.
The termination of the algorithm is shown based on the proof method by Brandt
and Henglein. We expect the derivative proposed in this talk is an important step
to the development of the derivatives of a regular hedge expression taking a regular
hedge expression as input, which is useful for transformation of XML documents with
function terms typed with regular hedge expressions. The situation, for example,
occurs in the transformation of XML documents with the links to the other Web
services, such as Active XML documents. |
[okawa-01:2008] |
K. Yamashita, M. Sakai, S. Hirose, S. Okawa, N. Osato, and Y. Nishitan.
The Firing Squad Synchronization Problems for English Character Patterns on
Sixteen-Segment Display. IPSJ SIG Technical Reports, 2008-AL:17–24, 2008. |
The firing squad syncronization problem, one of the most famous problems on cellular
automata, was originally proposed by J. Myhill in 1957 and became famous through E.
F. Moore. The first solution to this problem was given by M. Minsky and J. McCarthy
and a minimal time solution was given by E. Goto. Researches to reduce the number
of the states of the minimal time solution and some variants of this problem have been
studied. Recently, K. Yamashita and others defined the firing squad syncronization
problems for number patterns on seven-segment display and gave solutions to these
problems. In this paper, we extend these problems to English character patterns on
sixteen-segment display and give solutions to these problems for twenty-six English
character patterns. |
[hamada-03:2008] |
Hazem El-Bakry and Mohamed Hamada. A New Implementation
for High Speed Normalized Neural Networks in Frequency Space. In KES
2008, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), Vol. 5177, pp. 121–132.
Springer-Verlag, 2008. |
Neural networks have shown good results for detection of a certain pattern in a
given image. In our previous work, a fast algorithm for object/face detection was
presented. Such algorithm was designed based on cross correlation in the frequency
domain between the input image and the weights of neural networks. In this paper, a
simple design for solving the problem of local subimage normalization in the frequency
domain is presented. This is done by normalizing the weights in the spatial domain
off line. Furthermore, it is proved that local subimage normalization by normalizing
the weights is faster than subimage normalization in the spatial domain. Moreover,
the overall speed up ratio of the detection process is increased as the normalization
of weights is done off line. |
[hamada-04:2008] |
Mohamed Hamada. Web-based Environment for Active Computing
Learners. In ICCSA’08, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol.
5072, pp. 516–529. Springer-Verlag, 2008. |
Web-based learning is currently a hot research and development area. The benefits
of web-based learning are clear at hand: learners can overcome the constraints of
time, distance, and boundaries. On the other hand active learning provides a powerful
mechanism to enhance depth of learning, increase material retention, and get learners
involved with the material instead of passively participate in the learning process. In
this paper, a research using Java2D as an example of web-based active learning tools
in computing courses will be given. In addition, an evaluation of the tools in practice
is given, which shows an improvement in the learners performance in classes. |
[hamada-05:2008] |
Mohamed Hamada. Supporting Materials for Active e-Learning in
Computational Models. In ICCS’08, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS), Vol. 5102, pp. 678–687. Springer-Verlag, 2008. |
In traditional lecture-driven learning, material to be learned is often transmitted to
students by teachers. That is, learning is passive. In active learning, students are much
more actively engaged in their own learning while educators take a more guiding
role. This approach is thought to promote processing of skills and knowledge to a
much deeper level than passive learning. In this paper, a research using supporting
materials for active e-learning in computational models and related fields is presented.
The contributions of this paper are supporting active tools to improve learning and
an evaluation of its use in context. |
[hamada-06:2008] |
Mohamed Hamada. Communication Model Simulator: Tools for Active
Learners. In Proc. Of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced
Learning Technologies, pp. 283-288, July 2008. |
The theory of communication and information has fundamental applications in our
daily life activities. Examples of such applications are: lossless data compression
(e.g. ZIP files), lossy data compression (e.g. MP3s), and channel coding (e.g. DSL
lines). In this paper we introduce an interactive communication model simulator to
facilitate teaching and learning of the basic concepts of the theory of information and
communication and related topics. |
[hamada-07:2008] |
H. Bakry and M. Hamada. New Fast Decision Tree Classifier for
Identifying Protein Coding Regions. In ISICA’08, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS), Vol. 5370, pp. 499–509. Springer-Verlag, 2008. |
In this paper, a fast tool for finding protein coding regions is presented. Such tool
relies on performing cross correlation in the frequency domain and decision Tree. In
addition, a modified trust region method is used to find the closet (optimized) DNA
nucleotide. Moreover, a Sequential PRM-based protein folding algorithm for finding
the point where these proteins add to the ladder is introduced. Furthermore, standard
parallel scan algorithm is used to provide parallel processing of the strides and
its transitions. This proposed tool produces more accurate results, than that have
previously been obtained for a range of different sequence lengths. Experimental results
confirm the scalability of the proposed classifying tool to handle large volume
of datasets irrespective of the number of classes, tuples and attributes. High classification
accuracy is achieved. The main achievement in this paper is the fast decision
tree algorithm. Such algorithm relies on performing cross correlation in the frequency
domain between the input data at each node and the input weights of neural networks.
It is proved mathematically and practically that the number of computation
steps required for the presented FNNs is less than that needed by conventional neural
networks (CNNs). Simulation results using MATLAB confirm the theoretical computations. |
[hamada-08:2008] |
Mohamed Hamada. An Interactive Simulator for Information Communication
Models. In EDUTAINMENT08, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS), Vol. 5093, pp. 88–99. Springer-Verlag, 2008. |
Information theory is the science which deals with the concept‘ information ’, its
measurement and its applications. In common practice information is used in terms of
a CommunicationModel in which the emphasis lies on the transport of information, as
generated by a source, to a destination. The communication system should transmit
the information generated by the source to the destination as fast and accurately
as possible. To achieve this goal several coding techniques were developed based on
mathematical concepts. Due to this mathematical nature, information theory course
is used to be taught by a traditional lecture-driven style. Studies showed that lecturedriven
style is not effective with computer engineering students due to their active
learning preferences. In this paper we introduce an interactive communication model
simulator to facilitate teaching and learning of the basic concepts of information
theory course. We also show the effectiveness of using the simulator in classroom. |
[hamada-09:2008] |
Mohamed Hamada. Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and
Engineering, (B. Wah, Edit.): Computer Engineering Education, pp. 997–1012.
John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2008. |
[okawa-02:2008] |
S. Okawa and T. Suzuki. Compiler – From the Foundation of Language
Processing Systems to yacc/lex –(in Japanese), chapter 1–5. Kindai kagakusha,
Tokyo, 2008. |
[taro-02:2008] |
Satoshi Okawa and Taro Suzuki. Compiler – From the Foundation of
Language Processing Systems to yacc/lex –(in Japanese), chapter 6–8. Kindai
Kagakusha, Tokyo 2008. |
[okawa-03:2008] |
S. Okawa, 2008. Reviewer of IEICE Transaction |
[okawa-04:2008] |
S. Okawa, 2008. Reviewer of proposals for JST Fund |
[taro-03:2008] |
Taro Suzuki, 2008. Reviewer of Journal of Symbolic Computation |
[taro-04:2008] |
Taro Suzuki, 2008. Reviewer of 2 papers subimitted to Journal of IEICE transaction D(1) |
[taro-05:2008] |
Taro Suzuki, 2008. Member, ACM |
[taro-06:2008] |
Taro Suzuki, 2008. Member, JSSST |
[taro-07:2008] |
Taro Suzuki, 2008. Member, IPSJ |
[taro-08:2008] |
Keisuke Wada. Graduation Thesis: An abstraction of Solving Functions
for Puzzle Games using Haskell, University of Aizu, 2008. Thesis Advisor: Taro Suzuki |
[taro-09:2008] |
Koji Horaguchi. Graduation Thesis: Integration of Level Design into
Functional Reactive Programming, University of Aizu, 2008. Thesis Advisor: Taro Suzuki |