![]() Shigaku Tei Professor |
![]() Hirokuni Kurokawa Associate Professor |
![]() Lei Jing Special Researcher |
![]() Junbo Wang Visiting Researcher |
Transparent Network
Prof. Zhang proposed a novel network architecture named Transparent network. It advertises to decouple the connection between the software (service) and hardware (client). We further extend the client terminal from PC to wearable embedded devices with heterogeneous structure. Specifically, two key problems are discussed: how to seamlessly select proper service from the service pool; how to unobtrusively load the selected service onto target device. In this paper, Transparent Service Selecting and Loading Architecture (TSSLA) is proposed to select the proper service from the service pool using dynamic contextmatching method. Moreover, a new wireless on-demand program loading method is proposed to load the ready-to-run program onto the specific client, such as wearable embedded devices. The wireless program loading method of TSSLA is implemented to indicate the feasibility of the proposal. Finally, several challenging problems through the primitive research are discussed, which should be approached through multidisciplinary effort.
Delay Guaranteed MAC Protocol for Wireless Home Automation Networks
We propose UA-MAC, a user adaptive MAC protocol for Wireless Home Automation Network (WHAN) to take tradeoff between energy consumption and user tolerable end to end delay. At first, a relationship between collision rate and number of users is given based on the probability theory and random process. Then, a user adaptive distributed algorithm by adjustment of active window is presented, which can adjust according to the number of users and collision rate. Moreover, a hybrid media access protocol combining with contention-base (Alohalike) and contention-free (TDMA-like) method is adopted. When there is little collision, the active window is set to a small period and a pure ALOHA protocol is used for saving the energy. When collision rate is increased, active window will be enlarged and contention free transmission is employed to guarantee tolerable end to end delay. The simulation results show that the rate of collision can be controlled, though the number of users is increased, and end to end delay can be guaranteed less than three beacon intervals even in the worst case, which is hard to be realized in existing protocols.
From U-tile to Indoor-tracer: An Indoor Location Sensing Platform Based on Passive RFID
One key technique in Internet of Things(IoT) is localization, which has been an indispensable context for most of the applications in IoT. In this paper, we introduce an indoor location detecting platform based on the passive RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology. The major advantage of our platform is that it can be adopted to meet different detection granularity requirement based on the flexible RFID antenna design. Second, the only thing for a user to carry with is a tiny RFID tag on his/her shoes which is light weight and no charging power problems. Thirdly it will be shown that our design is easy to be augmented into normal artifacts in an unobtrusive way for the indoor environment. Two versions of the RFID-based location detection systems are introduced. One is called U-tile (Ubiquitous tile), in which passive RFID reader is embedded into the tiles. Another improved version is called Indoor-tracer, which adopts anti-collision RFID and more light weight comparing with the previous version U-tile so that it can embedded into various artifacts like bags and drawers. The performances of both two prototype systems were evaluated and the mutual-aware applications for remote family based on IoT were developed by using the platform.
Analysis and Selection of Features for Gesture Recognition Based on a Micro Wearable Device
More and More researchers concerned about designing a health supporting system for elders that is light weight, no disturbing to user, and low computing complexity. In the paper, we introduced a micro wearable device based on a tri-axis accelerometer, which can detect acceleration change of human body based on the position of the device being set. Considering the flexibility of human finger, we put it on a finger to detect the finger gestures. 12 kinds of one-stroke finger gestures are defined according to the sensing characteristic of the accelerometer.
Feature is a paramount factor in the recognition task. In the paper, gestures features both in time domain and frequency domain are described since features decide the recognition accuracy directly. Feature generation method and selection process is analyzed in detail to get the optimal feature subset from the candidate feature set. Experiment results indicate the feature subset can get satisfactory classification results of 90.08 accuracy using 12 features considering the recognition accuracy and dimension of feature set.
Separator Design of Gesture Signals Based on Adaptive Threshold Using Wearable Sensors
Gesture, especially finger gestures, can reflect various intentions of users in daily behaviors. Therefore, more and more researches are performed on recognition of finger gestures based on wearable sensors. Segmentation, detecting the Start and End of a gesture, is crucial for accurate recognition of the gesture. However it is hard to extract signal of each finger gesture timely and correctly from continuous signals of the sensor, since they are transient, noise sensitive, and with individual difference. In this paper, we design an adaptive separator employing Bayes theory and distribution statistic technology to overcome the difficulties. The separator can detect each segmentation from a series of gestures timely, correctly, and adaptive to each user.
A Unified Method for Multiple Home Appliances Control through Static Finger Gestures
Various electrical appliances have penetrated into people daily life including televisions, video and audio equipment, and other household appliances. Many of them provide an infrared Remote Controller (RC) for appliance control. But as the number of controllers increased, it becomes not so convenient to access different controllers to control different devices, especially for the senior citizens with diminished physical and mental ability. In this paper, a one-for-all gesture-based remote control system is proposed by which consumers can control different appliances in a nature and unified way. Firstly, two kinds of fundamental devices for the physical layer of the novel control method is presented, which including a compact wearable sensing mote called Magic Ring (MR) and its command receiver and executer called Electrical Appliance Node (EA-Node). Moreover, a unified control protocol for application layer is defined to solve the problems of effective target selection and function navigation. A comparative study is performed between the proposed MR-based method and traditional RC-based method on three aspects: operation effectiveness, learning curve, and fatigue degree. The results of experiment show that MR-based method can achieve a competitive performance by as much as 88% of RC-based method ( in general for a beginner, the completed tasks using MR is about 40% as many as using RC. And after several minutes of practice, that ratio can raise to about 60%).
A Spiral Step-by-Step Educational Method for Cultivating Competent Embedded System Engineers to Meet Industry Demands
Embedded system technologies are undergoing dramatic change. Competent embedded system engineers are becoming a scarce resource in the industry. Given this, universities should revise their specialist education to meet industry demands. In this paper, a spirally tight-coupled step-by-step educational method, based on an analysis of industry requirements, is proposed. The learning process consists of multiple learning circles piled up in a spiral. Each learning circle consists of three steps: lecture, demo, and hands-on practice, which are tight-coupled to enable students to readily revisit essential knowledge. The circle currently being studied is directly based on the previous circle, so as to maintain a smooth learning curve. Since students can quickly see the result of their work, their motivation to learn remains high. Since a learning circle takes only a short period to complete, the core knowledge and skills can be repeated in different forms across the three types of educational step so that students can master them. The studentsachievement and performance using the proposed method show that it can enable them to master the requisite knowledge and effectively transform this into skills.
Computer Programming Language Education Support
C language is a major computer programming language, being widely used in software system development and education of computer science. However, comparing with other computer languages, C language is difficult to the beginners and it will take more time to learn or teach. To give those beginners an interesting and comprehensible way to learn C language, we proposed a technique to make C language program visible. By this technique, the change of program status such as variable value in each step can be displayed in a graphical way.
A C language learning support system has been developed based on the above idea, In AY2011, the system has been used in off-campus lectures, SCCP, Open lab and public lectures.
Automated Quantitative Skill Evaluation Technique for Nuclear Power Plant Operator Training
Aiguo He, Shigeru Kanemoto, Takenobu Kazuma, Yusuke Watanabe, Ryota Nagayama, and Yo-ichi Kawai: "NPP Operator's Standing Points Detection from Image Sequence"
Abstract: We are carrying out a research to support operator skill evaluation in nuclear power plant BWR operator training facilities. In each training room of the facilities, the video of trainees who are NPP field operators and NPP events are recorded by a multi-media recording system. The video then is utilized for evaluating trainee's skills at training review meetings where the instructors and the trainees check such as whether every operator approaches to the target panel in appropriate timing corresponding to the plant event or alarm occurrence. However, the view from these cameras is not a so comfortable interface and it is difficult for them to estimate trainee's real world position from the video. Our approach is to automatically extract necessary trainee's information from the recorded video sequence for the instructors and trainees to check trainee's behaviors, such as their position and posture. By now, we have proposed a method for automatically extracting trainee's moving path from the video sequence. The moving path is a data sequence of trainee's location in the training room extracted from each video frame. And here we focus on the extraction of trainee's standing points from the extracted moving path data. A standing point is a special location on the moving path where the trainee stops moving for a short period of time. Standing points can give basic information for checking whether a trainee has reached necessary location points and checked the information on the control panel near that location. First of all, we devise the method for removing noise from the moving path data since it is extracted automatically by a tracking system. Kalman filter will be useful for this purpose. For extracting standing points from the smoothed moving path data, we devise the algorithm based on such as the number of frames in which the location of target trainee is not out of a limited area. This paper reports the experimental results such as the location accuracy of the estimated standing points and gives the future works.
Computer Programming Contest Support
PC Kosien, a nationwide high school student personal computer programming contest, is an important educational activity organized by the University of Aizu
The goal of this research is to support the programming contest, not only for the contest players, but also for the spectators, especially providing services to the spectators; making them more exciting, giving them more enjoyment, so that they will have more interests in computer, programming, and our university. As the result, a programming contest management support system, PCSS, has been used in PC Kosien every year.
New functions such as Web based contest progress and score viewer were added to PCSS in AY2011.
Members of our laboratory taught the following courses in AY2011.
Undergraduate courses
Communication and Networks I
Communication and Networks II
Computer Languages
Programming Java II (Only exercise class)
Graduate courses
Computer Communications and Networking (801)
Distributed Algorithms (808)
Fundamentals and Practices of Functional Safety Related Systems (964)
Ubiquitous network systems and its applications (956)
Fundamentals and Practices of High Quality and Safety-Critical Embedded Systems (963)
Creative Factory Seminars: Investigation of Safely and Quality Management in Companies and Experiencing Development of Systems/products though internship
Supervising students
Two Ph.D students, 9 master students, 19 seniors was doing their research work in AY2011 in the laboratory, under the supervision of the professors in the lab.
One doctor students, and 6 masters students, and 10 seniors finished their theses in AY2011, and graduated, under the supervision of the professors in the laboratory.
Aizu IT Nisshikan factory
A factory for experiencing venture starting up is continued, as a part of Good Practice program supported by MEXT. Every week, there is an activity time, when the students discussed with professors and/of engineers in companies on how to develop new systems and product for business.
Contribution to local region
Professors of this laboratory helped for preparation and operation of U. Aizu Computer Science Summer Camp.
Professor Aiguo He made big contribution to the PC KOSHIEN (PC contest sponsored by the Fukushima prefecture).
Professor Aiguo He gave a off-campus lecture to Aizugakuho Junior High School and a public lecture to local high-school students and citizens.
J. Wang, Z. Cheng, L. Jing, K. Ota, and M. Kansen. A Smart-gate Based Composition Method to Provide Services By Solving Conflict Using Priorities and Lowest Toleration of Users. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 7(5(B)):2987-3005, 2011.
This paper proposes a new method for composition of situations for context-aware service, with solution for context conflict.
L. Jing, Y. Zhou, Z. Cheng, and J. Wang. A Recognition Method for One-stroke Finger Gestures Using a MEMS 3D Accelerometer. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E94-D(5):1062-1072, 2011.
This paper presents a new method for accurate recongnition of figner gestures. Automatic recognition of finger gestures can be used for promotion of life quality. For example, a senior citizen can control the home appliance, call for help in emergency, or even communicate with others through simple finger gestures. Here, we focus on one-stroke finger gesture, which are intuitive to be remembered and performed. In this paper, we proposed and evaluated an accelerometer-based method for detecting the predefined one-stroke finger gestures from the data collected using a MEMS 3D accelerometer worn on the index finger. As alternative to the optoelectronic, sonic and ultrasonic approaches, the accelerometer-based method is featured as self-contained, cost-effective, and can be used in noisy or private space. A compact wireless sensing mote integrated with the accelerometer, called MagicRing, is developed to be worn on the finger for real data collection. A general definition on one-stroke gesture is given out, and 12 kinds of one-stroke finger gestures are selected from human daily activities. A set of features is extracted among the candidate feature set including both traditional features like standard deviation, energy, entropy, and frequency of acceleration and a new type of feature called relative feature. Both subject-independent and subject-dependent experiment methods were evaluated on three kinds of representative classifiers. In the subject-independent experiment among 20 subjects, the decision tree classifier shows the best performance recognizing the finger gestures with an average accuracy rate for 86.92%. In the subject-dependent experiment, the nearest neighbor classifier got the highest accuracy rate for 97.55%.
J. Wang, Z. Cheng, Y. Chen, and L. Jing. A Flexible and Accurate Reasoning Method for Danger-aware Services based on Context Similarity from Feature Point of View. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E94.D(9):1755-1767, 2011.
This paper describes a new method for reasoning similar context for context-aware services. Context awareness is viewed as one of the most important goals in the pervasive computing paradigm. As one kind of context awareness, danger awareness describes and detects dangerous situations around a user, and provides services such as warning to protect the user from dangers. One important problem arising in danger-aware systems is that the description/definition of dangerous situations becomes more and more complex, since many factors have to be considered in such description, which brings a big burden to the developers/users and thereby reduces the reliability of the system. It is necessary to develop a flexible reasoning method, which can ease the description/definition of dangerous situations by reasoning dangers using limited specified/predefined contexts/rules, and increase system reliability by detecting unspecified dangerous situations. Some reasoning mechanisms based on context similarity were proposed to address the above problems. However, the current mechanisms are not so accurate in some cases, since the similarity is computed from only basic knowledge, e.g. nature property, such as material, size etc, and category information, i.e. they may cause false positive and false negative problems. To solve the above problems, in this paper we propose a new flexible and accurate method from feature point of view. Firstly, a new ontology explicitly integrating basic knowledge and danger feature is designed for computing similarity in dangeraware systems. Then a new method is proposed to compute object similarity from both basic knowledge and danger feature point of views when calculating context similarity. The method is implemented in an indoor ubiquitous test bed and evaluated through experiments. The experiment result shows that the accuracy of system can be effectively increased based on the comparison between system decision and estimation of human observers, comparing with the existing methods. And the burden of defining dangerous situations can be decreased by evaluating trade-off between the system's accuracy and burden of defining dangerous situations.
L. Jing, Z. Cheng, J. Wang, and Y. Zhou. A Spirally Step-by-Step Educational Method for Cultivating Competent Embedded System Engineers on Demands of Industry,. IEEE Transactions on Education, 54(3):356-365, 2011.
This paper gives a new method for cultivating embedded system engineers efficiently and effectively Embedded system technologies are undergoing dramatic change. Competent embedded system engineers are becoming a scarce resource in the industry. Given this, universities should revise their specialist education to meet industry demands. In this paper, a spirally tight-coupled step-by-step educational method, based on an analysis of industry requirements, is proposed. The learning process consists of multiple learning circles piled up in a spiral. Each learning circle consists of three steps: lecture, demo, and hands-on practice, which are tight-coupled to enable students to readily revisit essential knowledge. The circle currently being studied is directly based on the previous circle, so as to maintain a smooth learning curve. Since students can quickly see the result of their work, their motivation to learn remains high. Since a learning circle takes only a short period to complete, the core knowledge and skills can be repeated in different forms across the three types of educational step so that students can master them. The students' achievement and performance using the proposed method show that it can enable them to master the requisite knowledge and effectively transform this into skills.
Aiguo He, Shigeru Kanemoto, Takenobu Kazuma, Yusuke Watanabe, Ryota Nagayama, and Yo ichi Kawai. NPP Operator's Standing Points Detection from Image Sequence. In Proceedings of ICI2011, pages 1-4, 2011.
We are carrying out a research to support operator skill evaluation in nuclear power plant BWR operator training facilities. In each training room of the facilities, the video of trainees who are NNP field operators and NPP events are recorded by a multi-media recording system. The video then is utilized for evaluating trainee's skills at training review meetings where the instructors and the trainees check such as whether every operator approaches to the target panel in appropriate timing corresponding to the plant event or alarm occurrence. However, the view from these cameras is not a so comfortable interface and it is difficult for them to estimate trainee's real world position from the video. Our approach is to automatically extract necessary trainee's information from the recorded video sequence for the instructors and trainees to check trainee's behaviors, such as their position and posture. By now, we have proposed a method for automatically extracting trainee's moving path from the video sequence. The moving path is a data sequence of trainee's location in the training room extracted from each video frame. And here we focus on the extraction of trainee's standing points from the extracted moving path data. A standing point is a special location on the moving path where the trainee stops moving for a short period of time. Standing points can give basic information for checking whether a trainee has reached necessary location points and checked the information on the control panel near that location. First of all, we devise the method for removing noise from the moving path data since it is extracted automatically by a tracking system. Kalman filter will be useful for this purpose. For extracting standing points from the smoothed moving path data, we devise the algorithm based on such as the number of frames in which the location of target trainee is not out of a limited area. This paper reports the experimental results such as the location accuracy of the estimated standing points and gives the future works.
M. Zhang, J. Wang, Z. Cheng, L. Jing, Y. Chen, K. Yamagishi, S. Guo, and Anh T. Pham. A Remote Mutual Situation-aware Model by Detecting Entrance and Exit Behaviors in Smart Home. In Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering entitled Advances in Electric and Electronics Volume 155, pages 179-187, Macau, Mar 2012.
Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming a hot topic in the research field recently. Smart home, which provides comfortable living environment to users with advanced technologies, is an important application field in IoT. With a large number of people who live remotely from family members, smart homes should provide not only convenient and comfortable services in a single house, but also mutual communication services to enhance interaction between family members. Unlike usual communication methods such as phone call, email, and chatting tools with human intentions, we propose a remote mutual situation-aware model between smart homes to let users contact with other family members in an unintended way. A prototype system has been implemented by detecting entrance and exit behaviors in smart homes. Through a feasibility confirmation evaluation of the system, the system worked well and could correctly reflect the entrance and exit behaviors in a remote smart home.
Y. Li, J. Wangand L. Jing, Z. Cheng, H. Oki, and X. Ye. A Cooperative Training Support System Balancing Mutual Encourage and Burden of two Learners. In CISIS-2011, pages 93-100, Korea, Jun 2011.
With the progress of sensing, computing, communication technologies, ubiquitous computing becomes a hot topic in the research field, by which various kinds of services can be provided to satisfy users. Ubiquitous learning as one application of ubiquitous computing is playing a very important role in our daily life. Training is a kind of learning in ubiquitous environment. During the whole training process, the performance of a learner in a series of units may change with patterns: progress, plateau, and decline. Therefore, it is necessary to apply different support strategies to adapt to different states of the learner. In the previous work, a mutual adaptive support based on one learner model was proposed. However one learner model may sometime make the learner lose his/her motivation easily, since each learner does the training independently. There is a need to propose support for group training which is used to let learners do training and improve themselves together. But in the current models for group training, most of them focus on cooperative and competitive training but ignore balance feeling of connection and burden of learners. Feeling of connection is very important in group training since it can give learners continuing motivation by exchanging information. However it also may bring burden to learners due to frequency, volume and content of exchanged information. So an effective mechanism is needed to balance the feeling of burden and connection of multiple learners. To this end, we propose a new support method for a pair of learners to solve the problem. In this paper, firstly, we calculate how much a learner affects the other learner. Then we design an algorithm to judge the feeling of connection and burden from the other leaner. Finally, due to different feeling of connection and burden, various support strategies are designed to support learners. We have implemented our support method in a typing game and shown the method can balance the feeling of c- - onnection and burden.
J. Wang, Z. Cheng, L. Jing, and T. Yoshida. Design of a 3D Localization Method for Searching Survivors after an Earthquake Based on WSN. In 3rd International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology, pages 221-226, Dalian China, Sep 2011.
Localization is one of key technologies in Internet of Things (IoT) and Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). Various applications have been proposed based on it, e.g. location-aware services. Currently, there are many approaches to locate a person, e.g. based on GPS, RFID, ultrasonic signal etc based on various methods, e.g. TOA, TDOA, AOA, RSSI etc. However, when an earthquake happens, the localization devices in building may be damaged and how to quickly locate the survivors buried in the collapse regional is a key issue, which can save many lives. In the paper, we propose a new method to locate a 3D location of the survivors, i.e. also computing the depth of the buried survivors based on WSN. The method mainly consists of two stages. In the first stage, a draft location of the survivors is computed based on mobile base stations. And then the accurate location of the survivor, i.e. the 3D location, is calculated by an equilateral triangle device with a mobile beacon node.
L. Jing, K. Yamagishi, J. Wang, Y. Zhou, T. Huang, and Z. Cheng. A Unified Method for Multiple Home Appliances Control through Static Figure Gestures. In SAINT2011, pages 82-90, Munich,Germany, Jul 2011.
Various electrical appliances have penetrated into people's daily life including televisions, video and audio equipment, and other household appliances. Many of them provide an infrared Remote Controller (RC) for appliance control. But as the number of controllers increased, it becomes not so convenient to access different controllers to control different devices, especially for the senior citizens with diminished physical and mental ability. In this paper, a one-for-all gesture-based remote control system is proposed by which consumers can control different appliances in a nature and unified way. Firstly, two kinds of fundamental devices for the physical layer of the novel control method is presented, which including a compact wearable sensing mote called Magic Ring (MR) and its command receiver and executer called Electrical Appliance Node (EA-Node). Moreover, a unified control protocol for application layer is defined to solve the problems of effective target selection and function navigation. A comparative study is performed between the proposed MR-based method and traditional RC-based method on three aspects: operation effectiveness, learning curve, and fatigue degree. The results of experiment show that MR-based method can achieve a competitive performance by as much as 88% of RC-based method (in general for a beginner, the completed tasks using MR is about 40% as many as using RC. And after several minutes of practice, that ratio can raise to about 60%).
M. Zhang, J. Wang, Z. Cheng, Y. Chen, and Lei Jing. Design of a Mutual Situation Awareness Control Protocol Between Smart Homes by Using Location Transition Model. In 2011 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications Vol.1, pages 274 279, Las Vegas, USA, July 2011.
Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming one of the hottest research topics. Smart home, traditionally providing comfortable living conditions or warning services to users, can also be combined with each other to provide mutual situation-awareness service which can enhance interactions between remote families. As many closely related people are separated by distance, we propose a mutual situationawareness protocol between smart homes by using a locationoriented transition model. Based on this model, the system can detect user's location behaviors, including indoor location transition, room-stay duration, and room-entrance frequency, and finally let remote family be aware of such information. When the user's behaviors don't look normal, warning message will be sent to remote family. We focus on the protocol format and use Event-Condition-Action (ECA) rules to define message sending rules. A prototype system has been built and it can detect user's location behaviors correctly, and control sending messages for awareness properly.
T. Yoshida, J. Wang, and Z. Cheng. A Position Correction Method for RSSI based Indoor Localization. In the workshop on Databases in Networked Information Systems (DNIS2012), pages 286-295, Aizu-wakamatsu, Japan, Dec 2011.
Thanks to the development of wireless communication and sensor technology, a smart object that is embedded sensors and/or communication equipment in objects that we use in daily lives is researched. Also the Internet of Things (IoT) is a networking technology by using the smart objects and attracts high attention. Furthermore, a smart home which consists of these technologies is expected to be spread widely. In the smart home, it is important to get the information of location/position accurately in order to provide services based on the information of person or object. One of the most popular methods for estimating the position of person or object, the Receive Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) method is used for many systems. RSSI method uses a behavior that strength of a signal from beacon node is inversely proportional to distance. However, the location of the wireless nodes which receive a signal has to fix and be discovered in advance. Therefore if the nodes are moved from an original position, the person or object cannot be detected accurately. Accordingly, we propose a method that estimating the positions of moved nodes and updating the position information by adding node for the RSSI positioning method. Currently, we have performed preliminary implementation of the system. In the future we will finish the implementation of the methods designed in the paper and evaluate the methods in details.
Lei Jing, Zixue Cheng, Yinghui Zhou, and Junbo Wang. From U-tile to Indoor-tracer: An Indoor Location Sensing Platform Based on Passive RFID. In IEEE iThings 2011, pages 89-93, Dalian, China, Oct 2011.
One key technique in Internet of Things(IoT) is localization, which has been an indispensable context for most of the applications in IoT. In this paper, we introduce an indoor location detecting platform based on the passive RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology. The major advantage of our platform is that it can be adopted to meet different detection granularity requirement based on the flexible RFID antenna design. Second, the only thing for a user to carry with is a tiny RFID tag on his/her shoes which is light weight and no charging power problems. Thirdly it will be shown that our design is easy to be augmented into normal artifacts in an unobtrusive way for the indoor environment. Two versions of the RFID-based location detection systems are introduced. One is called U-tile (Ubiquitous tile), in which passive RFID reader is embedded into the tiles. Another improved version is called Indoor-tracer, which adopts anti-collision RFID and more light weight comparing with the previous version U-tile so that it can embedded into various artifacts like bags and drawers. The performances of both two prototype systems were evaluated and the mutual-aware applications for remote family based on IoT were developed by using the platform.
Lei Jing, Zixue Cheng, and Yinghui Zhou. Delay Guaranteed Media Access Control for Wireless Home Automation Networks. In 26th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking, AINA 2012, pages 846-853, Fukuoka, Japan, Mar 2012.
In this paper, we propose UA-MAC, a user adaptive MAC protocol for Wireless Home Automation Network (WHAN) to take tradeoff between energy consumption and user tolerable end to end delay. At first, a relationship between collision rate and number of users is given based on the probability theory and random process. Then, a user adaptive distributed algorithm by adjustment of active window is presented, which can adjust according to the number of users and collision rate. Moreover, a hybrid media access protocol combining with contention-base (Aloha-like) and contention-free (TDMA-like) method is adopted. When there is little collision, the active window is set to a small period and a pure ALOHA protocol is used for saving the energy. When collision rate is increased, active window will be enlarged and contention free transmission is employed to guarantee tolerable end to end delay. The simulation results show that the rate of collision can be controlled, though the number of users is increased, and end to end delay can be guaranteed less than three beacon intervals even in the worst case, which is hard to be realized in existing protocols.
Yinghui Zhou, Lei Jing, Junbo Wang, and Zixue Cheng. Separator Design of Gesture Signals Based on Adaptive Threshold Using Wearable Sensors. In 26th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking, Workshops, pages 7-12, Fukuoka, Japan, Mar 2012.
Gesture, especially finger gestures, can reflect various intentions of users in daily behaviors. Therefore, more and more researches are performed on recognition of finger gestures based on wearable sensors. Segmentation, detecting the Start and End of a gesture, is crucial for accurate recognition of the gesture. However it is hard to extract signal of each finger gesture timely and correctly from continuous signals of the sensor, since they are transient, noise sensitive, and with individual difference. In this paper, we design an adaptive separator employing Bayes theory and distribution statistic technology to overcome the difficulties. The separator can detect each segmentation from a series of gestures timely, correctly, and adaptive to each user.
Zixue Cheng (Shigaku Tei), Mizuo Kansen, Shengguo Sun, and Tongjun Huang. Automatic Support Systems and Antomatic Support Methods, Sep 2011.
Yusuke Watanabe. NPP Operator's Posture Detection Using Depth Information and Time-varying Features. Master thesis, Graduate School of Computer Science and Engineering, 2012.
Thesis Adviser: Aiguo He
Li Tianfu. A Search Method for Travelers with Disabilities to Find Convenient and Safe Routes. Master thesis, Graduate School of Computer Science and Engineering, Sept. 2011.
Thesis Adviser: Zixue Cheng
Yanlong Liu. An Information Collection System for Disabled Travelers by Considering Difficulty Levels of Roads. Master thesis, Graduate School of Computer Science and Engineering, Sept. 2011.
Thesis Adviser: Zixue Cheng
Taishi Yoshida. An RSSI-based Method for Correcting Position of Reference Nodes in Indoor-Localization. Master thesis, Graduate School of Computer Science and Engineering, March 2012.
Thesis Adviser : Zixue Cheng
Tatsuya Hasegawa. A System for Detection of Elder’s Daily Activities through Finger Movements. Master thesis, Graduate School of Computer Science and Engineering, March 2012.
Thesis Adviser : Zixue Cheng
Mengqiao Zhang. A Support Method for Mutual Situation-Aware of Remote Family’s Daily Life. Master thesis, Graduate School of Computer Science and Engineering, March 2012.
Thesis Adviser : Zixue Cheng
Yota Ozawa. A Lifestyle Improvement System based on the User’ s Location to Save Energy in a Smart-Home. Graduation thesis, School of Computer Science and Engineering, March 2012.
Thesis Adviser : Zixue Cheng
Yasuhiro Kiyota. Availability Evaluation on Ubi-command Human Interface for Electrical Appliances Control Systems. Graduation thesis, School of Computer Science and Engineering, March 2012.
Thesis Adviser : Zixue Cheng
Isao Nishiyama. A System Integrating Wireless Sensor Networks and Smart Phones for Communication in a Disaster Area. Graduation thesis, School of Computer Science and Engineering, March 2012.
Thesis Adviser : Zixue Cheng
Yoshio Asano. A Children-oriented Supporting System for Proper Safety Education Based on Smart Phone Platform. Graduation thesis, School of Computer Science and Engineering, March 2012.
Thesis Adviser : Zixue Cheng
Kaoru Ota. Application-driven Algorithms in Mobile Sensor Networks. Ph.d. thesis, Graduate School of Computer Science and Engineering, March 2012.
Thesis Adviser : Zixue Cheng
Yuki Takamiya. Middleware for Development of Smart Phone Application based on Ubiquitous-pet Algorithms. Graduation thesis, School of Computer Science and Engineering, March 2012.
Thesis Adviser : Zixue Cheng