![]() Nikolay N. Mirenkov Special Honorary Professor |
![]() Alexander P. Vazhenin Associate Professor |
![]() Rentaro Yoshioka Assistant Professor |
![]() Maxim Mozgovoy Assistant Professor |
The Active Knowledge Engineering Lab activities include investigations that are about discovering, externalizing, expressing, representing, sharing, exploring, configuring, activating, growing and managing enterprise knowledge as well as designing new programming platforms based on mentioned above principles. This year we have been focused on the following topics.
Filmfications of Methods and Data
Existing systems of symbols and notations are usually very abstract and there is a great gap between the form and meaning of data/knowledge. Our long-term education, in an essential part, is reduced to training our brain for being 'encodingdecoding' machine bridging this gap. The abstractness mentioned and bridging operations are sources of serious mental and physical problems for a great variety of people and, especially for disabled and elderly. Our aging society is also becoming information society. So, the above-mentioned aspect of our environment is becoming crucial. That is why, our research is to develop a new environment with lesser level of abstraction and with the better quality of people life.
Our general program is cyber-infrastructure including high-performance computing. We are also thinking about active knowledge being developed by humanity and undertaking research efforts in visual (multimedia) languages and tools, parallel and distributed systems. In a great part, our research and development are based on an idea of self-explanatory components in a cyberFilm format. A cyberFilm is a set of color stills supported, if necessary, by text, voice/sound and special links. Each still is to represent a view (some features) of objects or processes. Each cyberFilm is to represent a multiple view (an extended set of dynamic and/or static features) of objects or processes. The more accurate and relevant views are used, the greater adequacy is reached. The idea of cyberFilms is used for the specification of information resources and programming operations with the resources, as well as for the representation of multimedia messages and implementation of human-computer interfaces. The idea of equal opportunities to all individuals in the use of information resources is used to create a right set of cyberFilms and methods of their adaptation. We lead four clusters of projects related to filmification of methods and data: 1) Active Knowledge Studio for teachers, students, and programmers, 2) Semantic Surfaces in Ambient Living Environments for elderly, 3) Virtual objects, haptic interface and 3D printers for people doing fast prototyping, and 4) WWW-based software for users involved in multimedia programming and distance learning.
Human-Computer Interaction and Natural Language Parsing
Experimenting with human behavior via human-computer interaction is challenging and interesting topic with many possible problems. Our research interests include:
Artificial intelligence systems for computer games;
Virtual experiments based on human-computer interaction;
Understanding and modeling human behavior.
Natural language processing is a challenging branch of modern artificial intelligence. Its applications include text analysis, machine translation, computerassisted language learning, grammar checking, and information retrieval. Our current research is mostly focused at parsing, i.e. at analysis of language sentences in order to discover dependencies between individual words.
WWW-based Ubiquitous Environment for e-Learning and High-Performance Computing
The main goal of the project is in research and development of the multi-purposed Distributed Heterogeneous Environment that can easily be adapted to the different application areas. The system will allow integration of program and information components designed by different groups of developers. Accordingly, we are developed the virtual Model-View-Controller (MVC) design patterns in order to explore the other composite patterns for an efficient integration of the applications and services. Application-oriented systems were prototyped including Service-Oriented Tsunami Wave Propagation Modeling Tool and e-Learning Computational Cloud (eLC2). Main components of the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) for the Tsunami Wave Propagation Modeling are developing by adaptation of the MOST (Method of Splitting Tsunami) software package. A software tool developed allows implementing calculations remotely on the server by choosing the available computational resources via an ordinary WEB browser. The eLC2 is based on proposed a Task Management approach for e-Learning software components. We are exploring the strategy to collaborate components for automatic Task assignment, Problem generation and the Verification based on a Formula and Verification Engines that encapsulate the strategy. Wikipedia Miner services were prototyped as an Application Engine that wraps the logic of the Wikipedia Miner API in order to re-use it for different types of applications. This supports an Intelligent Hints service for a Task Management Environment by providing explanatory links from relevant Wikipedia articles related to topics of the e-Learning task.
M. Mozgovoy and I. Umarov. Behavior Capture: Building Believable and Effective AI Agents for Video Games. International Journal of Arts and Sciences, 4(20):, 2011.
Rapid development of complex video games introduces new challenges for the creation of AI agents. Two important problems in this area are believability and effectiveness of agents' behavior, i.e. human-likeness of the characters and their high ability to achieve own goals. In this paper, we shortly examine the concepts of believability and effectiveness, and show how the combination of learning by observation and case-based reasoning (“behavior capture”) can be used to create a believable and effective AI, suitable for practical systems.
M. Mozgovoy and I. Umarov. Behavior Capture with Acting Graph: a Knowledgebase for a Game AI System. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7108:68-77, 2011.
Behavior capture is a popular experimental approach used to obtain human-like AI-controlled game characters through learning by observation and case-based reasoning. One of the challenges related to the development of behavior capture-based AI is the choice of appropriate data structure for agents’memory. In this paper, we consider the advantages of acting graph as a memory model and discuss related techniques, successfully applied in several experimental projects, dedicated to the creation of human-like behavior.
Dmitry Vazhenin, Nikolay Mirenkov, and Alexander Vazhenin. Movie-based representation of reduction operations in numerical computing. Journal of Knowledge-Based Systems, 24(7):977-988, 2011.
Movie-based visual programming is an approach for creating computational programs utilizing animation frames of space structure scanning correlated with arithmetic and logical operations. The assignment of the operations on the frame structure nodes is implemented by coloring corresponding structure areas and specifying appropriate formulas on those areas. This programming is based on special acquisition of data/knowledge to generate executable code and to help application programmers in decision making. In this paper, an approach is considered for representing group reduction procedures (reduction and prefix sums, products, maximum/minimum search, etc.) that are widely used in various applications and libraries oriented to parallel and distributed computations. Within a process, new visual constructs and symbols including their syntax and semantics are introduced to define the procedures. In addition, a method of automatic production of template programs supporting the code generation is presented. The applicability of the procedures for high-level visual programming is demonstrated by an algorithm implementing the least-squares fitting method.
S. Rajam, R. Cortez, A. Vazhenin, and S. Bhalla. Modified MVCdesign Patterns for Service Oriented Applications. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 231:977-988, 2011.
The modern software environment has huge number of disparate applications and services that can be exposed over a ubiquitous media, such as the Internet, to the various kinds of end users. Therefore, the Enterprise Application Integration is an important aspect of Software Engineering in order to increase the high reusability and application decoupling factors. Pattern based design is an effective way to avoid an expensive process of reinventing, rediscovering and revalidating agnostic software artifacts. In this paper, we are imitating the Model- View-Controller (MVC) design patterns in order to explore the other composite patterns for an efficient integration of the applications and services. The demarcation of a Functional (View) and an Implementation (Model) task can be achieved deliberately by inducing an Integrator (Controller). The Controller can be further enriched to encapsulate certain NonFunctional activities such as security, reliability, scalability, and routing of request. This enables the separation of Integration Logic from that of Functional Logic (Client Application) and Implementation Logic (Service). In the proposed approach, the Controller can be considered as the compound design pattern of the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). This paper discusses the peculiarities of the modified MVC design patterns, main components of system architecture as well as how integration of the software components is realized by using the Dependency Injection pattern.
M. Mozgovoy. Dependency-Based Rules for Grammar Checking with LanguageTool. In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Advances in Semantic Information Retrieval, pages 209-212, 2011.
This paper describes a possible extension of well-known open source grammar checking software LanguageTool. The proposed extension allows the developers to write grammar rules that rely on natural language parser-supplied dependency trees. Such rules are indispensable for the analysis of word-word links in order to handle a variety of grammar errors, including improper use of articles, incorrect verb government, and wrong word form agreement.
M. Mozgovoy and I. Umarov. Believable Team Behavior: Towards Behavior Capture AI for the Game of Soccer. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Complex Systems, pages 1554-1564, 2011.
This paper describes our approach used to build a practical AI solution for a simplified 2D soccer simulation game. The two main features of the designed AI-controlled team are believability (human-likeness of players' behavior) and effectiveness (capability of players to reach own goals). We show how learning by observation and case-based reasoning techniques are applied to create believable behavior. The key feature of our experiment is team behavior: individual agents (soccer players) are independent but aware of their partners' actions, and thus exhibit synchronized behavioral patterns.
Yutaka Watanobe, Rentaro Yoshioka, and Nikolay Mirenkov. Cognitive aspects of programming in pictures. In Proceedings of of IEA/AIE-2011 conference, LNAI 6704, Springer, pages 11-20, 2011.
Programming in pictures is an approach supported by a special programming environment where pictures and moving pictures are systematically used for direct representation of features of computational algorithms and data structures. Within this approach some data space is traversed by a front of computation and necessary operations are performed during this traversal process. There are compound pictures to define algorithmic steps (called Algorithmic CyberFrames) and generic pictures to define the contents of compound pictures. Compound pictures are assembled into special series to represent some predefined algorithmic features. A number of the series is assembled into an Algorithmic CyberFilm. The environment helps to follow a cognitive model where success of users’perception, comprehension and cognition depend on interaction with, at least, a few different but mutually supplementing features of a picture or a set of pictures. In this paper, we survey a number of techniques that are used with programming in pictures to enhance perception and cognition of people working on developing computational application models and corresponding algorithms.
Yutaka Watanobe, Rentaro Yoshioka, and Nikolay Mirenkov. Programming in pictures: a way toward reliable software. In New Trends in Software Methodologies, Tools, and Technologies, IOS Press, pages 183-197, Sep. 2011.
Programming in pictures is an approach where pictures and moving pictures are used as an algorithmic alphabet to represent algorithms. Super-characters of this alphabet are used to represent algorithmic steps (called Algorithmic CyberFrames) which are assembled into special series to represent algorithmic features. A number of the series is assembled into an Algorithmic CyberFilm. The filmification of methods has been applied to a large variety of algorithms to test expressive features of the pictures for representing computation. In addition, cognitive aspects of programming in pictures and embedded clarity annotations supporting the approach and visual inspections by other people have also been analyzed. In this paper we focus on features of the algorithmic picture language and the filmification modeling environment which can be used for automatic and/or interactive checking of application model correctness. An overview of different sources of information about the same features of the application model is considered and concrete examples of automatic checking are provided.
Yutaka Watanobe, Nikolay Mirenkov, and Yuya Watanabe. AIDA Compiler: a Code Synthesizer from Programs in Pictures. In Proceedings of The Joint International Conference on Human-Centered Computer Environments HCCE 2012, pages 76-83, Aizu-Wakamatsu, March 2012.
AIDA is a language for programming (modeling and documenting) in pictures within F-modeling environment where pictures and moving pictures are used as super-characters for representing features of computational algorithms, corresponding application models and possible related documentation. Generic pictures of the algorithmic super-characters are used to compose compound pictures defining algorithmic steps. The generic and compound pictures, as well as their series are acquired in special galleries of an open type where supportive pictures of various annotations are also included. These acquisitions allow very compact algorithmic specifications from which a set of program slices with different levels of details are synthesized. The lowest level slice is a C++ program. The F-modeling environment provides a set of editors for different views and annotations. In this paper, a structure of the synthesizer is presented and a distribution of its functions among the environment subsystems is provided. A special attention is payed to internal objects, template programs and algorithms supporting the C++ program generation.
K. Kanev, I. Oido, R. Yoshioka, and N. Mirenkov. Employment of 3D Printing for Enhanced Kanji Learning. In Proceedings of The Joint International Conference on Human-Centered Computer Environments HCCE 2012, pages 165-170, March 2012.
We propose a combination of technologies for information encoding and for multimedia annotation to enrich interaction with paper documents and object labels, both in desktop and mobile settings. We argue that combining immediate access to online information from physical support with creation and retrieval of annotations, while keeping in focus the context of their creation, would increase awareness about products, processes and situations, and provide new ways of interaction based on tangible objects.
Yutaka Watanobe, Lin Gu, Rentaro Yoshioka, and Nikolay Mirenkov. PROGRAMS IN PICTURES: A NEW FORM OF EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS. In Proceedings of EDULEARN11(International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies), pages 6436 6444, Barcelona, July 2011.
Programming in algorithmic pictures is an approach where pictures and moving pictures are used as super-characters for representing features of computational algorithms. Within this approach some multidimensional data spaces are traversed by fronts of computation and necessary operations are performed during these traversal processes. Generic pictures of the algorithmic super-characters are used to compose compound pictures defining algorithmic steps. The generic and compound pictures are developed and acquired in special libraries (galleries) where supportive pictures of embedded clarity annotations are also included. In this paper, we consider examples of pictures from the above mentioned galleries and present a program in pictures for the sparse matrix-vector multiplications. Through this example we show how the system of pictures can be used for teaching courses on algorithms and on programming in conventional languages.
Yutaka Watanobe, Rentaro Yoshioka, and Nikolay N. Mirenkov. Programming in Pictures within Filmification Modeling Environment. In Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing, pages 267-268. IEEE, Sept. 2011.
"Programming in pictures," or "filmification of methods" is an approach where pictures and moving pictures are used as super-characters for representing features of computational algorithms. A Filmification Modeling environment supporting the approach is based on a set of generic pictures and related editors/browsers allowing the development of compound pictures of algorithmic steps. The compound pictures are assembled into special series representing different views of algorithmic features. These views are employed to split the programming process into special stages and to support understandability of the programs within the framework of visual debugging or external inspection. In this paper, a brief introduction of the approach and the environment are presented to prepare a basis for the demonstration.
Nobuhiko Hishinuma, Jun Igari, and Rentaro Yoshioka. A Method to Annotate Programs with High-Level Knowledge of Computation. In Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Computer Science and Applications (ICCSA 2012), pages 469-476. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Feb. 2012.
A legacy system is an information system that is running on outdated technology. Traditionally, Japan can be viewed as a mainframe dependent country. Since the late 1990s, modernization of legacy systems has been under serious considerations. Various approaches for modernizing legacy systems have been presented over the years. However, more than 60% of Japanese companies still possess legacy systems. In this research, the current situation of legacy modernization in Japan is investigated by analyzing actual legacy system. From this study, technical issues and also some non-technical issues have been found which hinders legacy modernization. The fundamental challenge is, managements' lack of long-term vision in maintaining software systems. This paper presents these issues with relation to our model system. Furthermore, technology is always dynamic and any system can become legacy system in the future. Thus, we also propose how organizations can prepare for future migrations through concrete software documentation and establishment of internal policies to govern management of software systems.
D. Vazhenin and A. Vazhenin. Implementation of Movie-based Matrix Algorithms on OpenMP Platform. In M. Paprzycki Editors M. Ganzha, L. Maciaszek, editor, Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, FedCSIS 2011, pages 491-494, Szczecin, Poland, September 2011. Naukowe Towarzystwo Informatyki Ekonomicznej, IEEE Conference Publications.
The convenience and programmer'ss productivity are the main point of visual programming systems and languages. From the other side, the parallel programming is mainly focused on reaching the high performance by optimization of executable code. The Movie-based Programming is based not only on the introduction of special symbols and images with semantic support, but also on a series of images that can present dynamical features of algorithms. The presented paper describes a technique of OpenMP parallelization of Movie-based algorithms in order to obtain the suitable program performance. The results of nu- merical experiments are also pre sented showing applicability of the proposed technique including implementation, code validity checking and performance testing.
R. Cortez, A. Vazhenin, and K. Sato. Task Management Principles for e-Learning Environments. In K. Miura Editors A. Vazhenin, J. Herder, editor, Proceedings of the Joint International Conference on HumanCentered Computer Environments (HCCE'12), pages 32-38, Aizuwakamatsu, Japan, March 2012. ACM, The International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS) published by ACM.
This paper proposes the definition of a Task Management approach for e-Learning software components. The Task Management approach primary deals with subjects that require processing of mathematical expressions. We are exploring the strategy to collaborate components for automatic Task assignment with automatic Problem generation and the verification method. The support of the Task Management strategies in the framework of current systems, has limitations handling automatic verification of mathematical expressions. Therefore, our proposal is to elaborate the strategy for an enhanced Task Management system based on a Formula and Verification Engines that encapsulate the strategy; moreover, that can be integrated within a distributed development platform and exposed under Business-to-Client mode of communication. We describe the components and strategy to follow in further implementation for numerical and formula based Task Management e-Learning systems.
A. Vazhenin, K. Hayashi, and A. Romanenko. Service-oriented tsunami wave propagation modeling tools. In K. Miura Editors A. Vazhenin, J. Herder, editor, Proceedings of the Joint International Conference on Human-Centered Computer Environments (HCCE 2012), pages 131-136, Aizuwakamatsu, Japan, March 2012. ACM, The International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS) published by ACM.
A big variety of methods and services for Tsunami Modeling require developing special approaches supporting integration of these heterogeneous components with respect to the various development platforms and architectures. In this paper, we are considering a way of transforming the Tsunami Wave Propagation Modeling Software to a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). The transformation was implemented based on the original Virtual MVC-design pattern (VMVC-pattern) that is demarcating a Functional (View) and an Implementation (Model) task by inducing an Integrator (Controller). The paper describes basic features of the MOST (Method of Splitting Tsunami) software package that was used as an initial Propagation Software Engine. It also includes an analysis the initial and output tsunami data and the description of a VMVC-based prototype in which control and resource management operations can be implemented via WEB-interface.
Yutaka Watanobe, Nikolay Mirenkov, Haruo Terasaka, Rentaro Yoshioka, Shigeaki Tsunoyama, Hiroshi Endo, and Isao Tatewaki. Programming in AIDA within F-Modeling Environment. In 2012 Annual Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan, page 428, Fukui, Mar. 2012.
Atomic Energy Society of Japan, AESJ.
N. Mirenkov. Ministry of Education Scientific Research Fund, 20092011.
R. Yoshioka. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, 2009-2011.
R. Yoshioka. Research and development of self-explanatory programming language for nuclear energy safety analysis , Japanese Nuclear Energy Safety, 2010-2011.
A. Vazhenin. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research: 21500948, Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, 2009-2011.
Nikolay Mirenkov, September 2011.
Member of the Program Committee of the 10th International Conference on New Software Methodologies, Tools, and Techniques (SoMET-11)
Nikolay Mirenkov, 2011.
Member, the IFIP Working Group 10.3 (Concurrent Systems)
Nikolay Mirenkov, 2011.
Associate Editor, the Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, International Journal
Nikolay Mirenkov, 2011.
Member of ACM and IEEE
Nikolay Mirenkov, March 2011.
Member of the Program Committee, Multimedia and Social Networking, AINA 2012
A. Vazhenin, March 2012.
General Chair, the Joint International Conference on Human-Centered Computer Environments (HCCE2012)
A. Vazhenin, 2011.
Member of IEEE, ACM and IEICE
A. Vazhenin, 2011.
Reviewer of the International Journals: PARCO, Elcevier and the International Journal of Computers and Applications, ACTA Press
A. Vazhenin, March 2012.
Program Committee Member of the 26th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2012)
A. Vazhenin, September 2011.
Program Committee Member of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS2011)
Satoru Yamaguchi. Structural functionality and artistry of 3D Kanji. Master thesis, Graduate School of Computer Science and Engineering, 2012.
Thesis Adviser: Nikolay Mirenkov
Katsushige Asahara. Method to Validate Correctness of Computation Through Data Checking at Predefined Checkpoints. Graduation thesis, School of Computer Science and Engineering, 2012.
Thesis Adviser: R. Yoshioka
Miki Nakayama. Support of Multiple Languages in Generating Program Code from Templates. Graduation thesis, School of Computer Science and Engineering, 2012.
Thesis Adviser: R. Yoshioka
Ryou Kuroda. Explanatory Attributes to Support Understanding of Symbols in a Visual Programming Language. Graduation thesis, School of Computer Science and Engineering, 2012.
Thesis Adviser: R. Yoshioka
Nobuhiko Hishinuma. A Method to Annotate Programs with HighLevel Knowledge of Computation. Graduation thesis, School of Computer Science and Engineering, 2012.
Thesis Adviser: R. Yoshioka
Jun Igari. A Method to Annotate Programs with High-Level Knowledge of Computation. Graduation thesis, School of Computer Science and Engineering, 2012.
Thesis Adviser: R. Yoshioka
Ruth Patricia Cortez. E-Learning Distributed Cloud Built on MVC Design Patterns for Service Task Management. Master thesis, Graduate School of Computer Science and Engineering, 2011.
Thesis Adviser: A. Vazhenin
Kensaku Hayashi. Service-Oriented Tsunami Wave Propagation Modeling Tools. Graduation thesis, School of Computer Science and Engineering, 2012.
Thesis Adviser: A. Vazhenin