![]() Shigeru Kanemoto Professor |
![]() Incheon Paik Associate Professor |
![]() Kenta Ofuji Assistant Professor |
Research by faculties and students in the Computer Industry Laboratory has been carried out in the fields of both basic computer science and industrial applications, such as Semantic Web Services, Web Data Mining and Security, Semantic e-Business, Situation Awareness, Signal processing, Simulation engineering, and Functional Safety, and environmental impact analysis of energy industry. Several articles were published as book chapters, journal-contributions, proceedings-contributions in conferences, and technical reports.
The research activities of the Computer Industry Laboratory include the following topics:
[Shigeru KANEMOTO]
Signal processing for plant monitoring and control
Dynamical system identification and analysis
Inverse problem solving for Non-destructive evaluation Multi-Agent Simulation
Functional safety of embedded system
[Incheon PAIK]
Semantic Web Service
Web Data Mining and Security
Semantic e-Business Application and Workflow
Situation Awareness
Software Engineering on Smart Moible Device
[Kenta OFUJI]
Environmental impact of energy industry
Environmental economics and computer simulation
Assessment of new technologies in electric power generation and consumption
Kenta Ofuji and Naoki Tatsumi. An Econometric Analysis on Determinants and their Impacts on the Profitabliy of CDM Projects. Journal of Environmental Research, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 67(5):I 171I 176, 2011.
This article empirically studies the determinants of profitability of CDM(Clean Development Mechanism) projects, and their impacts on the profitability. In particular, attention was paid to which project type, which investing country, and which host country are likely to yield higher (or lower) profit. The profitability dealt with here is limited to credit-induced profit, or the profit from the sale of CER credits derived from projects. Based on Ordinary Least Squares and Quantile Regression estimations, it was estimated that the project type, particularly methane recovery and utilization, and biogas projects, tend to yield higher incremental profit to the credit-induced profit by about 10%, expressed in internal return rate (IRR). This effect supercedes those from host country and investing country, in this order, that do not exceed 1%.
Kenta Ofuji, Nobuyuki Yamaguchi, Kazumi Hoshino, and Masaaki Sakamoto. Hydropower output forecast with tank models combined with Kalman filter estimation. Electrical Engineering in Japan, 173(2):33-41, 2010.
In this paper, we study how to forecast the next-day expected output of hydropower energy based on the past rainfall record in the reference area. The Tank Model, which has been conventionally applied to this type of forecast, has been improved by employing Kalman filter stepwise estimation in order to accommodate seasonal and yearly variations of rainfall water runoff conditions. Our Kalman Filter Tank Model (KF-Tank Model) yielded a broader choice of parameters while maintaining an acceptable average forecast error level of about ± 0.05 PU per forecast period. It is also shown that the error correction mechanism of the KF Tank Model can remain robust to snowfall and snowmelt seasons without requiring parameter revisions of the model. 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 173(2): 33-41, 2010; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/eej.20995
Kenta Ofuji and Naoki Tatsumi. Comparison of smart grid technologies between U.S. and Japan based on innovation theories: Technological and Business Model innovations. Journal of Public Utility Economics, 63(3):39-47, 2012.
In this paper, we attempted a theoretical interpretation of smart grid technologies, viewed from innovation theories. In particular, we tried to classify various technical components of smart grid into three innovation types: Sustained Technical Innovation (STI), Destructive Technical Innovation (DTI), and Business Model Innovation (BMI). Then we discussed implications on business strategy, in light of different technology environment between U.S. and Japan, as to which layer in the electric grid the BMI can most be expected. The following four points summarize our findings: (a) Based on the innovation classification, many of the smart grid technologies, in particular the ones in the supply side, or the "physical layer", belong to STI. (b) Contrarily, the technologies included in the "logic layer" and the "application layer" can have potentials for DTI and BMI, though care must be taken as to what kind of customer needs will be met in those layers. (c) With regard to different technical environment between U.S. and Japan, U.S. has a relatively higher degree of possibility in DTI and BMI in the logic and application layers. This is due to the relative advances in the U.S. information technology industry. In addition, STI in the physical layer is to a higher extent desired than in Japan, given the inferior supply reliability in the U.S.; (d) The implied business strategy is that the entry barrier is relatively lower in the U.S. distribution grid, providing more room for DTI and BMI.
Incheon Paik abd Eigo Fujikawa. Web Service Matchmaking Using Web Search Engine and Machine Learning. International Journal of Web Engineering, 1(1):1-5, 2012.
Web Services discovery that locates adequate services, has been studied very actively for better quality of service retrieval. Starting from conventional keyword matching, logic-based matching and combination of the methods with information retrieval approach have been proposed to enable better discovery performance. The combining method using term-similarity can overcome the decision failure when the keyword or the logic-based methods were applied, and it was shown that the methods outperform the existing methods. And researches to aggregate matchmaking variants by machine learning has been attempted, and it also improves the discovery performance. The approaches still suffer from fixed corpus set for term similarity calculation. In this research, we attempted to calculate the similarity based on search engine to reflect the current Web context. Tokenized terms are used for the matchmaking degree. Variants for the matchmaking from ontology and term similarity are aggregated using Support Vector Machine (SVM) with non-linear kernel function. Matchmaking test on the trip domain service discovery was conducted. Experimental result based on the standard measure of precision and recall rate for the top 1-20 services of matched result on the trip domain test set are shown.
Jian-Sen Wang, Fuw-Yi Yang, and Incheon Paik. A Novel E-cash Payment Protocol Using Trapdoor hash Function on Smart Mobile Device. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 11(6):12-19, 2011.
Electronic commerce is becoming more important along with fast progress of the Internet and information technology, many customers use e-cash instead of real cash in wide. An e-cash is issued by a bank with a fixed face-value. The face-value of the e-cash is usually not fitted with actual amount, and it is inconvenient for customers to use. Moreover, it consumes huge amounts of computing resources and difficult to engage in electronic commerce with mobile devices for limited computing capability. This paper proposes a novel payment system with smart mobile devices, wherein customers are not limited to purchase e-cash with the fixed face-value. The amount of every transaction is deducted directly from the customer's account, eliminating the inconvenience of fixed face-value of the e-cash, and reducing online computation cost of a bank. Using a technique of trapdoor hash function to mitigate the computational cost, our system can be used with the mobile devices effectively.
Sun Wei1, Kageyama Makoto, and Kanemoto Shigeru. Proposal of integrated safety assessment methodology for embedded system. In ICI2011 (ISOFIC, CSEPC, ISSNP 2011) ”,, Daejeon, Korea, August 2011.
To do risk analysis and risk evaluation for complicated safety critical embedded systems, there are three things should be paid a good attention: 1) an efficient and integrated model expression of embedded systems; 2) systematic risk analysis based on integrated system model; 3) quantitative risk evaluation for software and hardware integrated system. In this paper, taken electric water boiler as a target system, a proposal of risk analysis and risk evaluation for the embedded system is presented to meet these three purposes. In risk analysis, MFM is used and FT is generated automatically from MFM following some rules; And in risk evaluation, GO-FLOW is used to evaluate the reliability of sensors. And furthermore, FIT is applied to evaluate the safety software logic based on the diversity design concept. Although the electric water boiler is a simple example, it includes the key components of the embedded system like sensors, actuators, and software component. So, the process of modeling, analysis, and evaluation could be applied to other kinds of complicated embedded systems.
Kenta Ofuji and Naoki Tatsumi. An Econometric Analysis on the CER Issuance Rates of CDM Projects. In Proceedings for IAEE(International Association for Energy Economics) 3rd Asian Conference, pages Session 26-2, Tokyo, February, 2012. IAEE(International Association for Energy Economics), Institute of Energy Economics, Japan.
This paper econometrically analyses the CER(Certified Emissions Reduction) issuance rates of CDM(Clean Development Mechanism) projects. The CER issuance rate is important because it contributes much to the overall profitability of the CDM projects, without which the projects will not be considered as investable. It is known that the issuance of CER generally must follow detailed verification and other processes. Seen from the investors' side, these processes add uncertainty to the project profitability, and hence deserve a careful examination. In this paper, we examine the factors that affect the issuance rate by undertaking a regression analysis. Available at http://eneken.ieej.or.jp/3rd_IAEE_Asia/
Ryohei Komiya, Incheon Paik, and Masayuki Hisada. Classification of Malicious Web Code by Machine Learning. In iCAST 2011 Publication Committee, editor, Proceedings of IEEE 3rd International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology, page Online Version, Dalian China, September 2011. iCAST 2011 Organizing Committee, IEEE CPS.
Web applications make life more convenient through on the activities. Many web applications have several kind of user input (e.g. personal information, a user's comment of commercial goods, etc.) for the activities. However, there are various vulnerabilities in input functions of web applications. It is possible to try malicious actions using free accessibility of the web applications. The attacks by exploitation of these input vulnerabilities enable to be performed by injecting malicious web code; it enables one to perform various illegal actions, such as SQL Injection Attacks (SQLIAs) and Cross Site Scripting (XSS). These actions come down to theft, replacing personal information, or phishing. Many solutions have devised for the malicious web code, such as AMNESIA [1] and SQL Check [2], etc. The methods use parser for the code, and limited to fixed and very small patterns, and are difficult to adapt to variations. Machine learning method can give leverage to cover far broader range of malicious web code and is easy to adapt to variations and changes. Therefore, we suggests adaptable classification of malicious web code by machine learning approach such as Support Vector Machine (SVM)[3], Nave-Bays[4], and k-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm[5] for detecting the exploitation user inputs.
Incheon Paik, Kyubo Kim, Wonhee Park, and Ryohei Komiya. Information Infrastructure for Innovative Product Design in SCM Using Semantic TRIZ. In iCAST 2011 Publication Committee, editor, Proceedings of IEEE 3rd International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology, page Online Version, Dalian China, September 2011. iCAST 2011 Organizing Committee, IEEE CPS.
Supply chain management (SCM) is a promising management strategy in enterprises for knowledge management, electronic (e-) business and commerce. In the supply chain process, the initial product planning and design stages play a crucial role in saving money and time in the production process. In particular, innovative design for improving a product makes enterprises more competitive. Innovation can be enhanced by constructing the information infrastructure to consider four attributes of the product: cost, quality, function and technology [10]. Extracting innovative design considerations for a product from the information infrastructure requires large knowledge bases and solutions to technical contradictions. The theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ) supports designers for innovative product design, but can require machine searching of large databases. We describe the construction of the TRIZ ontology and its application to the information infrastructure for product design in the SCM process. We show that TRIZ can automatically treat and share enormous amounts of information through its ontology. We can therefore deduce and suggest versatile alternatives to produce innovative products in the SCM process. This may open up new possibilities to design innovative products.
Incheon Paik, Wuhui Chen, and Ryohei Komiya. A FunctionalScalable Architecture for Automatic Service Composition. In IEEE SCC Orgainizing Committee, editor, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Service Computing, page Online version, Washington D.C. USA, July 2011. IEEE SCC Orgainizing Committee, IEEE Publishing Service.
New value-added services are created by automatic service composition (ASC) dynamically and automatically from existing services at the user’s request. Complete ASC system requests solving very large and complex realistic problems require consistent architecture. Most studies of service composition are based on four stages (planning, discovery, selection, and execution) and their variations such as integration of the stages or divergence in a stage. However, previous studies have not considered the functional scalability of ASC involving nested dynamic services in which the ASC calls inner ASCs internally during composition. In practice, there are many situations where dynamic services and existing services are combined in ASC. We present a blueprint for a modified four-stage composition architecture to allow for scalability in managing the nested composition flow. A general model for the composition architecture is described and a complete and detailed composition framework is introduced using our model. Finally, we analyze the proposed architecture to show its efficacy.
Incheon Paik, Wuhui Chen, and Ryohei Komiya. Identification of Semistructured Abstract Nonfunctional Properties for Automatic Service Composition. In IEEE ICWS Orgainizing Committee, editor, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference Web Service, page Online version, Washington D.C. USA, July 2011. IEEE ICWS Orgainizing Committee, IEEE Publishing Service.
Automatic Service Composition (ASC) provides a new value-added service from existing services by user’s request dynamically and automatically. User’s requests consist of functional and nonfunctional requirements. During service composition, services that fulfill the functional requirements are located at the discovery stage. Abstract nonfunctional requirements should be identified mainly before the selection stage for service execution. Our research was motivated by the identification of abstract nonfunctional properties (NFPs) for a seamless ASC and proposes transformation from the abstract NFPs to intermediate-level NFPs based on the model of three levels of abstractness of NFPs. To solve the vagueness of the abstractness, we adapt approaches based not only on ontology but also on term similarity. The transformation between the intermediate and the concrete levels is carried out by a deterministic algorithm based on mapping of domain ontology. To evaluate the effectiveness of term similarity metrics for nonterminal terms, vector-based and large corpus-based approaches were investigated. The transformation performance based on precision over our test data set and ontology was evaluated.
Kenta Ofuji and Naoki Tatsumi. The Determinants and their Impact on the Profitability and Credit Issuance Rates of CDM Projects. In Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Energy, Economy, and Environment, pages 8-3. Japan Society of Energy and Resources, January 2012.
This article empirically studies the determinants and their impacts on the profitability and CER issuance rates of CDM projects. In particular, attention was paid to which project type, which investing country, and which host country are likely to yield higher (or lower) profit and/or issuance rates. The profitability dealt with here is limited to credit-induced profit, or the profit from the sale of CER credits derived from the projects. Based on an empirical regression analysis, it was estimated that the project type, particularly methane recovery and utilization(MRU), and biogas projects, tend to yield higher incremental credit-induced profit by about 10(IRR). This effect supersedes those from host country and investing country, in this order, either of which not exceeding 1issuance rate seems to be least earned (-45project types. Chapters in Book
Kenta Ofuji. Asset Management for Electric Power Equipment based on Insulation Diagnosis, pages 30-32. IEEJ(The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan), Tokyo, 2011.
Kenta Ofuji. Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, 20092011.
K. Ofuji, March 2009-2011.
Member, Asset Management Survey committee, Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
Incheon Paik, 2010 - 2011.
Steering Committee Member, IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT11)
Incheon Paik, 2011.
PC Chair, International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology
Incheon Paik, May 2011.
Editorial Borad, Journal of Information Processing Systems of Korea Information Processing Society
Incheon Paik, 2012.
Industry and Academic Track Chair, International Conference on Web Services
Takashi Honma. Temperature-compensated Power Saving Effect in Tohoku in the summer of 2011.
Graduation thesis, School of Computer Science and Engineering, 2012.
Thesis Adviser: K. Ofuji
Yohei Sasagawa. Review and future prospects of local government's electricity conservation activities -Accomplishment of electricity conservation and importance of facility management-. Graduation thesis, School of Computer Science and Engineering, 2012.
Thesis Adviser: K. Ofuji
Shoutarou Takeda. Analysis of Factors that Impacted Household Electricity Savings in Summer 2011.
Graduation thesis, School of Computer Science and Engineering, 2012.
Thesis Adviser: K. Ofuji
Kensuke Tandai. Serivce Similarity Using Term Clustering on Web of Service by Association Rule. Graduation thesis, School of Computer Science and Engineering, 2012.
Thesis Adviser: I. Paik
Fumiya Hanafusa. Service Discovery Based on Tree Structure. Graduation thesis, School of Computer Science and Engineering, 2012.
Thesis Adviser: I. Paik
Yuudai Satou. Adaptable Service Composition with Exception Handling from Disaste. Graduation thesis, School of Computer Science and Engineering, 2012.
Thesis Adviser: I. Paik
Yoshimitsu Ogawa. Improving Malicious Code Classification Considering Sequence by Machine Learning. Graduation thesis, School of Computer Science and Engineering, 2012.
Thesis Adviser: I. Paik
Ryo Tanaka. Linked Social Service : Providing Workflow As a Service. Graduation thesis, School of Computer Science and Engineering, 2012.
Thesis Adviser: I. Paik
Takahiro Yoshino. Linked Social Service For Link-As-You-Gog. Graduation thesis, School of Computer Science and Engineering, 2012.
Thesis Adviser: I. Paik
Wuhui Chen. Linked Social Service: Evolving Isolated Service into a Global Social Service Network. Master thesis, Graduate School of Computer Science and Engineering, 2011.
Thesis Adviser: I. Paik
Kenta Ofuji. Invited Speech: One way to interpret Smart Grid rollout across Europe and U.S., prepared for Kendenkyo Hokuriku Branch, Niigata, April 2011