Principal Investigator: Igor Lubashevsky
Title: Emergent Phenomena and Complex Dynamics caused by Human Cognition and Behavior. Theory, Computer Modeling, and Virtual Experiments
Amount: Y=1,339,000
Goal: The project was aimed at developing the appropriate software for several specific tasks in human-computer virtual experiments with the basic properties of human decision-making. The main attention was focused on the perception thresholds and finding the efficient solutions under the normal conditions and in emergency.
Results: The appropriate software was created to conduct three types of hybrid human-computer experiments: Shape recognition;Virtual stick balancing, Driving simulator.
Among the obtained results we note the following.
In addition, the team of 10 undergraduate students participated in the virtual experiments and their analysis has been created under the supervision by Prof. Lubashevsky, Prof. Kanemoto, and Prof. Mozgovoy. At least 5 of them will continue this research and write their undergraduate theses in this field. One doctoral student was engaged in conducting these experiments and his PhD thesis will be devoted to the characteristic features of social system dynamics caused by the bounded capacity of human cognition.
Five publications were stimulated by the conducted research.
Principal Investigator: Takafumi Hayashi
Title: Regional e-healthcare platform using green-IT infrastructure
Amount: Y=1,795,000
This project studied an intelligent infrastructure for regional e-healthcare platform. The proposed infrastructure using messaging network, which is constructed as a structured overlay network.
The proposed infrastructure
The proposed scheme can integrate various kinds of sensor network using message mediation and content-aware routing. For example, the data collected from weather sensors are more useful when the sensor data collected at various locations are combined with geographical information to produce a weather map. The integration of health-care sensor data and environmental sensor data will help to ensure health care.
Principal Investigator: Yodai Watanabe
Title: Research on cryptographic technologies whose computation is partially performed by human
Amount: Y=640,000
To assist the learning of cryptography, this project considers the visual and audio secret sharing, which are cryptographic technologies whose decryption is performed by human eyes and ears.