Operating Systems: 2nd Semester, 2006

Course No.#0924
Instructor: Dr. Hitoshi Oi
(Assistant Professor, Operating Systems Lab.)
office: 242-C
office hours: Friday 1400 to 1700 or by appointment
email: hitoshi©u-aizu.ac.jp
phone: 2580
Course Web Page: http://www.u-aizu.ac.jp/~hitoshi/COURSES/OS06/
Lecture Mo, 1040 to 1210 at Classroom M7
Exercise Tue, 0900 to 1210 at Lab std3
Course Assistant Takayuki Hatori
email: s1110173©u-aizu.ac.jp


(from University Syllabus)

Grading Scheme and Policies


Modern Operating Systems (2nd Edition) by Andrew Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0-13-092641-8.

Lecture Slides

We utilize the lecture slides provided by the textbook authors which are available here However, we have found some small problems (such as typos) in the slides and we are not collecting these problems. You can find these altered lecture slides here.

Tentative Schedule

The schedule will be adjusted based on progress and understanding of the class. Please check the course web page for any update.

1Course Introduction
Operating System Overview
Please download lectures slides for Ch.1 and read them before coming to the class. Order your copy of the textbook ASAP.
2Introduction to Processes and Threads Since no class on Monday, both lecture and exercises will be given on Tuesday. Please read the slides and textbook for Ch.2.
3Interprocess Communication Continued from the week 2
4Process Scheduling Ch.2
5Deadlocks Ch.3
6Deadlock Detection, Recovery and Prevention Ch.3
7Midterm Exam Ch.1 to 3
8Review of the Midterm Exam Ch.1 to 3
9Memory Management Ch.4
10Virtual Memory Ch.4
11I/O Devices Ch.5
12 File System Ch.6
13Review for the Final Exam All sections covered in the class