Seminar Instructions

For your seminar, please plan on a formal presentation. The format of the presentation is up to you: often "slideware" such as Powerpoint (Google Slides, Keynote, Libre Office, NeoOffice, Apache OpenOffice Impress, Prezi, StarOffice, QuickOffice, etc.) or Google Docs is used as a presentation manager (optionally exporting html or pdf), but you may also use the whiteboard, or whatever other display modes.

The exact structure of each presentation depends on its themes, but in general, tell us what you learned. What's interesting? What's difficult? What's the theory and what's the practice?

Ben Shneiderman, Professor of Human-Computer Interaction at the University of Maryland, promotes a mantra that neatly summarizes a well-structured session: “Overview first; zoom and filter; details on demand.” This suggested organization applies equally well to computer-mediated information visualization, scientific seminars, and written (or hypermedia) documents.

Clearly and explicitly state the goal of your research during your introduction.

Live demonstrations and multimedia examples are especially encouraged. Show us sections of source code. Play audio samples and movies. Be as creative as you dare!

If you want to do a practice talk or have someone check your slides, naturally i am all pleased to help you with such preparation.

For public rehearsal, hard (paper) copies of not only your presentation but also your thesis to share with the attendees at the practice. Everyone should bring a red pen to indicate suggestions on both the shibai slides and also the ronbun. Resolve to “hit the ground running,” starting promptly at the designated time, having dutifully prepared all the computers, power cables, audio cables, lights, curtains, whiteboard, projector, screen, etc. _in advance_ (so arrive early to confirm arrangements).

Here are some supplemental hints for public speaking (from the Powerpoint Help files).

Michael Cohen