My son's pictures, he was born on Sep. 03, 02 !

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Being inside his mom (when he was 04 months old) - Sam Son beach (Thanh Hoa, Vietnam, 04/02)

With mom at Hanoi French Hospital (Sep. 07, 02) - 04 days

With grandma at Hanoi French Hospital (Sep, 07, 02) - 04 days

Fed by dad at home (Sep. 08, 02) - 05 days

Alone (Sep. 12, 02) - 09 days

Sleeping at home (Sep. 26, 02) - 23 days

Playing at home - Hanoi, Vietnam (Oct. 08, 02) - one month and 05 days

With mom - Hanoi, Vietnam (Jan. 21, 03) - four months and 18 days

The newest picture - playing at home (Jan 23, 03) - four months and 20 days

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