
It's just a line...

A continuous line illustration is a type of drawing consisting of a single line. Although relatively simple, these illustrations possess a unique charm that captures the heart of whoever sees them.

Input image Continuous line illustration
An input image of a plane and its corresponding continuous line illustration version.

In this project we introduce a method for automatically generating a continuous line illustration from an input image by making use of image processing techniques and concepts in graph theory.

Our approach essentially consists in inferring a graph based on a set of extracted image contours and finding a path that traverses through all edges of a Semi-Eulerized version of the graph.

Moreover, our approach also allows us to control the amount of detail shown in the final illustration to some degree.

Plane - Detail Level 1 Plane - Detail Level 2 Plane - Detail Level 3
A set of three continuous line illustrations of the same image generated at different levels of detail

Please refer to the paper for more details on how to generate this type of illustrations.


Additional Examples

Arc de Triomphe Detail Level 1 Detail Level 2 Detail Level 3
Motorcycle Detail Level 1 Detail Level 2 Detail Level 3
Ukiyoe Painting Detail Level 1 Detail Level 2 Detail Level 3