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  Name: Truong, Cong Thang

Contact Information

Cong-Thang Truong, Senior Associate Professor

The University of Aizu

Tsuruga, Ikki-Machi, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan 965-8580

Office: 306-B Research Quad.

Tel:  +81-242-37-2560    Fax: +81-242-37-2750

Email: thang[a], tcthang[a]


§         Ph.D., Feb. 2006, KAIST, Korea (Advisor: Prof. Yong Man Ro)

§         B.E., May 1997, Hanoi University of Science & Technology, Vietnam.  

Brief History

§         2011~now: Associate Professor, The University of Aizu, Japan

§         2002~now: Member of Korea&Japan delegations, also coordinator/reviewer/editor in standardizations of ISO/IEC/ITU-T (attended >50 meetings worldwide)

§         2006~2011: Researcher of Korea Electronics and Telecom. Research Institute (ETRI), Korea

§         2001~2006: Research Assistant and Postdoc of IVYLab, KAIST, Korea

§         1997~2000: Engineer of Vietnam Post & Telecom Corp. (VNPT), Vietnam

Research Interests

§         Multimedia communication & networking, video streaming, image/video processing, content adaptation, MPEG/JVT/ITU-T Standardization

[NOTE for undergraduate students, here are possible topics for your thesis]