AY 2024 Undergraduate School Course Catalog

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2024年度/Academic Year  1学期 /First Quarter
/Course for;
2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
HATA Keisuke
HATA Keisuke, IGASHIMA Shizuka, TEI Shigaku
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/24
/Course outline
This course is the lecture of the school form to be offered as a part of the "Venture experience workshop "Aizu IT Nisshinkan". In the "Aizu IT Nisshinkan", University of Aizu offers the several kinds of themes, such as latest trends and technology challenges in the field of business area and communities, in cooperation with IT-related companies, local ventures, and local governments. As a result, it aims to foster highly motivated young human resources with the entrepreneurship and technical capabilities to challenge the innovation. This course consists of the knowledge part lectures which aim to acquire the technology needed for venture spirit development, and lectures by outside instructors who are active in various fields. These two parts are configured to be able to learn the practical business knowledge for students.
/Objectives and attainment
In the knowledge part lectures, we will learn the basic knowledge of the latest IT technologies and business trends. This part aims to improve the basic skills and the application force to challenge the creative innovation. In the lectures by outside instructors, we provide timely topic on the latest technologies and business trends. We aim to obtain hints for innovation from actual experiences of instructors active in various fields.
/Class schedule
In the lecture on basic knowledge, we will provide the latest IT technology and business basics once or multiple times. In addition to these themes, lectures will be given on how to create business ideas. In the lectures by outside instructors, we are planning the various themes (ex. latest ICT trend, business mind, and introduction of venture business) as timely topic from the business and technical point of view.

- Overview and introduction (1 time)
- (knowledge part) How to create business ideas (1 time)
- (knowledge part) Business idea report presentation (1 time)
- (knowledge part) Basic knowledge for business and IT skills (total 4 times)
- (outside instructors) Lectures by outside instructors from various fields (total 7 times)
Materials will be provided in the classroom.
/Grading method/criteria
To evaluate on the basis of the following items.
- Submission of issues paper in each class 50%
- Business idea report 25%
- Final report 25%
/Note for course registration
Formal prerequisites: None
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
The course instructors (Hata and Igashima) have practical working experiences. They worked in private companies where they were involved in system development and business promotion activities. Based on their experiences, they can teach innovation creation together with other external lecturers.

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2024年度/Academic Year  3学期 /Third Quarter
/Course for;
2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
HATA Keisuke
HATA Keisuke, IGASHIMA Shizuka, TEI Shigaku
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/24
/Course outline
This course is the lecture of the school form to be offered as a part of the "Venture experience workshop "Aizu IT Nisshinkan". In the "Aizu IT Nisshinkan", University of Aizu offers the several kinds of themes, such as latest trends and technology challenges in the field of business area and communities, in cooperation with IT-related companies, local ventures, and local governments. As a result, it aims to foster highly motivated young human resources with the entrepreneurship and technical capabilities to challenge the innovation. This course consists of the knowledge part lectures which aim to acquire the technology needed for venture spirit development, and lectures by outside instructors who are active in various fields. These two parts are configured to be able to learn the practical business knowledge for students.
/Objectives and attainment
In the knowledge part lectures, we will learn the basic knowledge of the latest IT technologies and business trends. This part aims to improve the basic skills and the application force to challenge the creative innovation. In the lectures by outside instructors, we provide timely topic on the latest technologies and business trends. We aim to obtain hints for innovation from actual experiences of instructors active in various fields.
/Class schedule
In the lecture on basic knowledge, we will provide the latest IT technology and business basics once or multiple times. In the lectures by outside instructors, we are planning the various themes (ex. latest ICT trend, business mind, and introduction of venture business) as timely topic from the business and technical point of view.

- Overview and introduction (1 time)
- (knowledge part) Project management workshop (1 time)
- (knowledge part) Problem solving workshop (1 time)
- (knowledge part) Business strategy formulation workshop (1 time)
- (knowledge part) Basic knowledge for business and IT skills (total 3 times)
- (outside instructors) Lectures by outside instructors from various fields (total 7 times)

Materials will be provided in the classroom.
/Grading method/criteria
To evaluate on the basis of the following items.
- Submission of issues paper in each class 50%
- Business skill report 25%
- Final report 25%
/Note for course registration
Formal prerequisites: None
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
The course instructors (Hata and Igashima) have practical working experiences. They worked in private companies where they were involved in system development and business promotion activities. Based on their experiences, they can teach innovation creation together with other external lecturers.

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2024年度/Academic Year  前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester
/Course for;
2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/12
/Course outline
テーマ: モノのネットワーク化で安全・安心・便利な生活環境の実現

- 屋内追跡:WondeStepの足圧データを利用し、屋内の移動軌跡を記録してみよう。センサの原理や計測手法を学べる。
- 日常動作認識:WondeStepの足圧分布の時系列データから、日常動作を認識してみよう。センサを利用したデータ処理、特徴値選択、パッタン認識などのことをプロジェクトより学べる
- データ可視化アプリ:屋内の軌跡とライフログのデータを可視化するスマホアプリやWebサイトを作ってみよう。
/Objectives and attainment
G1 計測
• 内容:ロボットの自律走行などに欠かせない距離計測手法の実装
• 習得できること
o 開発用言語Python基本文法
o 加速度、超音波など、を利用した追跡の原理
o 平均移動法、LPFなど、センサデータ処理の手法
o カルマンフィルタなどのデータ融合手法
o 計測精度の評価手法
o Arduino関連の電子工学の基本知識
G2 認識
• 内容:加速度センサを利用した日常動作認識手法の実装
• 取得できること
o 開発用言語Python基本文法
o Pythonデータ処理用パケージの使い方
o 時系列データ処理手法ーーslide windowなど
o 特徴値の計算方法ーー平均、分散など
o パッタン認識手法ーー近傍法など
o 認識結果の分析ーー認識率、Confusion Matrixなど
G3 アプリ開発
• 内容:ライフログ共有のためのアプリを実装
• 取得できること
o Googleのアプリ開発フレームワークFlutter
o 開発用言語Dart
o スマホ上に利用されるフロントエンドの開発
/Class schedule
times date G1計測 G2認識 G3アプリ
1 10.10 Orientation Orientation Orientation
2 10.16 Python基本文法の勉強 Python基本文法の勉強 開発環境インストール
3 10.23 Python基本文法の勉強 Python基本文法の勉強 Layoutの勉強
4 10.30 Pythonさらに勉強 Pythonさらに勉強 Layoutの勉強
5 11.13 Pythonさらに勉強 Pythonさらに勉強 Layoutの勉強
6 11.20 予備知識 & KF website 生データ観察 アプリ実例
7 12.11 予備知識 生データ観察 アプリ実例
8 12.18 最小二乗法 特徴値 1 アプリ実例
9 1.4 実例 特徴値 2 独自アプリの設計、実装とテスト
10 1.15 実例 認識 1 独自アプリの設計、実装とテスト
11 1.22 LKF 認識 2 独自アプリの設計、実装とテスト
12 1.29 実例 分析 1 独自アプリの設計、実装とテスト
13 2.5 実例 分析 2 独自アプリの設計、実装とテスト
14 2.12 発表会 発表会 発表会
/Grading method/criteria
/Note for course registration
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)

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2024年度/Academic Year  前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester
/Course for;
2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
DEMURA Hirohide
DEMURA Hirohide, OHTAKE Makiko, OKUDAIRA Kyoko, HIRATA Naru, OGAWA Yoshiko, HONDA Chikatoshi, KITAZATO Kohei
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/02/06
/Course outline
Theme: Utilization of Space Remote Sensing Data
Project-based learning (PBL) for utilizing remote sensing data from space will be conducted.
It will also be conducted as a PBL for the "AI/Digitization x Space" human resource development program for technological innovation "Construction of a foundation for the development of space information-related human resources through the Moon and Mars Garden for Education Program" funded by the AY2022-24 Coordination Funds for Promoting AeroSpace Utilization MEXT, Japan.

Open data and services provided by space agencies in various countries will be used as a starting point. Students will be divided into two groups, one for data curation and the other for software development.
The target data will include deep space exploration data, earth observation data, and positioning information, to use the data for Hayabusa/Hayabusa2 (asteroid), KAGUYA (the Moon), International Space Station Tampopo, and future missions such as Mars satellite exploration. The program aims to add and distribute new value, to experience the entire process from giving shape to an idea to actual software development, and to brand the software produced by the University of Aizu.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(A)Graduates are aware of their professional and ethical responsibilities as an engineer, and are able to analyze societal requirements, and set, solve, and evaluate technical problems using information science technologies in society.

Develop professional human resources who will become the core of a knowledge-based society and support industry.
Students must curate data or develop software and present the results.
/Class schedule
This course will have the same structure as the first and second semesters, but the software to be covered will be different.
#1 Overview, group assignment
#2-6 Lecture on basic knowledge, preparation of development environment, design, and prototyping, preparation for data curation
#7 Mid-term Presentation
#8-13 Development/practice
#14 Final Presentation

In addition, a tour to a space agency will be held once throughout the year. (This tour inAY2024 is scheduled at the Extra Day for Q2 final exam.)
Participation to the Space Hackathon is recommended.
/Grading method/criteria
No examination. Your activities and the final presentation will be used for grading.

/Note for course registration
Students are welcome to bring their own PC (Mac) as a development environment. Those who do not have any PC will be lent a MacBookAir during the semester.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
This course is given by those with experience in JAXA space development projects.


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2024年度/Academic Year  前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester
/Course for;
2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
RAGE Uday Kiran
RAGE Uday Kiran
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/29
/Course outline
JApan Road Transportation and Information Center (JARTIC) has set up a nationwide sensor network to monitor traffic congestion. This network generates traffic congestion data at 5-minute intervals (in some cases at 1-minute intervals). The generated data   represents noisy and irregular spatiotemporal big data.

We have purchased traffic congestion data for the entire Fukushima prefecture for the time duration April-2019 to March-2020.   Analyzing the data of this time is important because it covers the key events constituting of Typhoon Hagibis and Covid emergence.

      In the Ventures Experience Workshops 2022, we have developed an efficient data warehouse schema and necessary Python libraries to store traffic congestion data. In the Ventures Experience Workshops 2023, we will focus on developing a novel pattern mining model to discover hidden patterns in traffic congestion big data.

Briefly, this venture experience workshop covers the following topics:

1. Understanding the process employed by JARTIC to collect traffic congestion data
2. Identifying different entities and their relations in the congestion data
3. Developing Python libraries for ETL (Extract, Transformation, and Load) process.
4. Designing imputation techniques to fill the missing data
5. Studying the existing pattern mining techniques and exploring the new models to discover traffic congestion patterns.  

Other material:

In collaboration with the University of Tokyo and NICT, our lab has developed a state-of-the-art traffic congestion prediction system. The system was successfully demonstrated on the traffic congestion data of the Kobe prefecture. Currently, this system is deployed in various ASEAN countries by NICT.  Our works on this topic were published in the following top conferences:

1. Pamalla Veena, Penugonda Ravikumar, Kundai Kwangwari, R. Uday Kiran, Kazuo Goda, Yutaka Watanobe, Koji Zettsu: Discovering Fuzzy Geo-referenced Periodic-Frequent Patterns in Geo-referenced Time Series Databases. FUZZ-IEEE 2022: 1-8
2. Palla Likhitha, Rage Uday Kiran: Towards developing energy efficient algorithms to discover partial periodic patterns in big temporal databases. SIGSPATIAL/GIS 2022: 110:1-110:2
3. R. Uday Kiran, Vipul Chhabra, Saideep Chennupati, P. Krishna Reddy, Minh-Son Dao, Koji Zettsu: A Novel Null-Invariant Temporal Measure to Discover Partial Periodic Patterns in Non-uniform Temporal Databases. DASFAA (1) 2022: 569-577

/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(A)Graduates are aware of their professional and ethical responsibilities as an engineer, and are able to analyze societal requirements, and set, solve, and evaluate technical problems using information science technologies in society.

Data warehouse is a key component in Big Data analytics (or deep learning). It is because the success any analytical technique depends on how the data is being stored, cleaned, and extracted for analytical purposes. This venture experience workshop covers the following topics:

1. Understanding the traffic congestion data generated by JARTIC
2. Developing relational schema and star schema to store the voluminous data in a data warehouse
3. Designing preprocessing techniques to handle noise and missing data
4. Developing Extract, Transformation, and Load (ETL) Python libraries to load traffic congestion data
5. Implementing a novel deep learning technique developed by our lab to predict traffic congestion at different road segments in Fukushima prefecture
/Class schedule
Classes 1 to 3: Understanding the JARTIC system and its data
Classes 4 to 6: Understanding the different data types of JARTIC system
Classes 7 to 10: Understanding HBASE and creating databases to store the data
Classes 11 to 13: Writing programs to store the big and analytics
Class 14: Evaluation
No text book.

Only research papers and web pages
/Grading method/criteria
50% class interaction and 50% final project work
/Note for course registration
The students MUST have profound knowledge on Python.

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2024年度/Academic Year  前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester
/Course for;
2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
ZHU Xin, PEI Yan
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/25
/Course outline
Colorectal cancer has the first incidence rate and the second mortality rate among Japanese. In the aging society, these values will continue increase. 80-90% of colorectal cancer develops from colorectal polyps. Therefore, it is reported that the incidence rate of colorectal cancer is reduced half if colorectal polyps can be early detected and removed.
Colonoscopy examinations are the golden standard for the detection of colorectal cancer and polyps. However, previous researches found 25% colorectal polyps are missed in colonoscopy examinations. In addition, colonoscopy examinations bring about heavy mental and physical burdens on physicians. To date, computer-aided diagnosis systems have been developed to reduce the burden of colonoscopy physicians. However, these systems were not put to practical use.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(A)Graduates are aware of their professional and ethical responsibilities as an engineer, and are able to analyze societal requirements, and set, solve, and evaluate technical problems using information science technologies in society.

In this project, we will use large quantities of colorectal polyp images to train deep neural networks for realtime detection of colorectal polyps. Furthermore, this system will also recognize malignant Sessile Serrated Polyp/adenoma (SSAP). We will realize this computer-aided diagnosis system through tight collaboration between doctors and engineers.
/Class schedule
(1) April. 2024~June. 2024
With the aim of building technology venture, we will collect documents and visit Division of Proctology to confirm the needs of the computer-aided diagnosis system for colorectal polyps.
1.1 Collect documents in view of building technology venture
1.2 Visit Division of Proctology to confirm the needs of the computer-aided diagnosis system for colorectal polyps.
1.3 Confirm the current situation of our clinical trial.
1.4 Investigate our clinical trial
(2) July. 2024~
Investigate the problems of previous products and the requirement of the new system including functions and service. Perform the function design of the new product.
2.1 Investigate the problems of previous products and the requirement of the new system
2.2 Perform the function design
2.3 Plan for building prototype and testing.
(3) Oct. 2024-Feb. 2025
Construct a platform for the development of this system. Realize a prototype of this system based on colorectal polyp detection and recognition algorithms.
Investigate the rules and format of patents, specification documents, and instructions for use. Prepare the draft of the above documents.
3.1 Construct a platform for the development of this system
3.2 Confirm colorectal polyp detection and recognition algorithms
3.3 Construct the prototype of new products
3.4 Test the prototype of new products.
(4) To be determined later
Learning how to write patents and related documents. Participate exhibitions to appeal the system and collect comments from visitors.
4.1 Investigate how to write patents and documents of products.
4.2 Prepare the draft of patents and documents of products.
4.3 Attend exhibitions.
/Grading method/criteria
No final examination. Scores will be determined by middle presentations, final presentations, and achievements.
/Note for course registration
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)

Practial working experinces

The course instructor Xin Zhu has practical working experiences. He had performed biomedical image processing at Tianjin University for 5 years, and has performed biomedical image processing at the University of Aizu for 15 years with the financial support from universities and JSPS. Based on his experiences, he can teach this course.

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2024年度/Academic Year  前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester
/Course for;
2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
YOSHIOKA Rentaro, YOSHINO Yoshinari
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
Courses preferred to be learned prior to this course (This course assumes understanding of entire or partial content of the following courses)
FU14 Introduction to Software Engineering
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/24
/Course outline
*To enroll in this course, students must first register for the Creativity Development Program through the dedicated registration form.

In Venture Factory 6, software development beginners will experience project planning and execution on a relatively easy and simple software development problem. A professional engineer experienced in practical software development and project management will support designing project themes and performing coaching throughout the project activity.
 This course consists of “Introduction to Development Projects” and “Practical Development Projects”. “Introduction to Development Projects” is an intensive course for several consecutive days during the summer holidays. “Practical Development Projects” is offered as a semester course during the second semester.
Introduction to Development Projects targets beginners in research and development activities and focuses on a basic understanding of the research and development process.
Practical Development Projects targets students who have understood the basics of development processes and focus on applying that knowledge to a practical development project.
[Class schedule for AY2024]
The “Introduction to Development Projects” dates will be determined by negotiations with the companies/local governments. The fixed dates will be announced by mid-July. “Practical Development Projects” is offered during the Second Semester (October to January).
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(A)Graduates are aware of their professional and ethical responsibilities as an engineer, and are able to analyze societal requirements, and set, solve, and evaluate technical problems using information science technologies in society.

1. Understand the research/development process, and can plan a project for a relatively simple theme
2. Can carry out the research/development according to the project plan (with support of an advisor)
3. Can adjust the project plan according to the actual environment (with support of an advisor)
/Class schedule
Week 1 : Introduction
Week 2: Planning the project
Week 3: Planning the project (obtain consent of customer)
Week 4: Requirements Definition
Week 5: Requirements Definition
Week 6: Requirements Definition – Review by customer
Week 7: Analysis
Week 8: Analysis
Week 9: Analysis – Review by customer
Week 10: Design
Week 11: Design
Week 12: Programming
Week 13: Programming & Test
Week 14: Final Review
Materials will be prepared and handed out in class as necessary.
/Grading method/criteria
The project output will be evaluated on how well they satisfy the requirements agreed upon with the customer, such as specifications given in the project plan, requirements, etc.
/Note for course registration
・LI12 Creativity Development Studio must be taken before this course in the same year.
・The primary target students are 3rd year and above based on required knowledge/skills. 2nd-year students must obtain permission from the instructor prior to registration.
・The development will be performed in groups.
・Extra-curricular activity is requested under the circumstances, including:
- Necessity to obtain specific technologies and skills required to complete the project
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)

The course instructor has working experiences: Company employees working on development projects will review, evaluate, and provide advice to student development activity and work throughout the course.
A currently active software engineer (with more than 30 years’ experience) and faculty with previous software development experience will jointly provide lectures and exercises.

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2024年度/Academic Year  前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester
/Course for;
2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
CHEN Wenxi
CHEN Wenxi
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/16
/Course outline
"Cozy Bath (Kaifu)" refers to a system that automatically measures, accumulates, analyzes, and displays electrocardiogram signals during bathing by means of a plurality of electrodes embedded on a bathtub wall.
In this workshop, students will learn how to measures the electrocardiogram (ECG) signal without disturbing the bather while taking a bath, accumulates ECG data over a long period via network automatically, develops algorithms for processing and analyzing biosignal, such as noise removal, feature extraction, clustering and classification. Through a series of processes, students will develop practical skills in application of the latest technologies such as Big Data analytics and AI algorithms,  embedded software and IoT.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(A) Graduates are aware of their professional and ethical responsibilities as an engineer, and are able to analyze societal requirements, and set, solve, and evaluate technical problems using information science technologies in society.
(B) Project-based learning from biosignal detection electrodes, measurement equipment, signal processing and data analysis algorithms.
/Class schedule
1. Introduction to the "Cozy Bath" system
2. Introduction to the experiment with "Cozy Bath" system
3. Setup for "Cozy Bath" system
4. Experiment with "Cozy Bath" system
5. Devise data collection protocol
6. Data collection
7. Data collection
8. Data collection
9. Introduction to biosignal processing and analysis methods
10. Software development
11. Data analysis
12. Data analysis
13. Data analysis
14. Evaluation of results and performance
No specific textbook
Reference materials will be provided accordingly
/Grading method/criteria
Grade will be evaluated by weekly activities and final outcomes.
/Note for course registration
1. Time and Place for weekly activity: 9 - 10th periods, Monday, 325F.
2. We will promote step-by-step workshop activities from basic theory to practical application, from implementation of measurement methods and processing algorithms to system construction, and from physiological significance analysis to daily application.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
The course instructor has practical working experience and has worked for 5 years at Nihon Kohden Industrial Corp., a professional manufacturer of world famous medical equipment, and has been engaged in R & D for bioinstrumentation, signal processing and data analysis. Based on this experience, he will teach the basic knowledge and latest technology of biomedical information technology through a process from biosignal measurement to signal processing / data mining.

Moodle for course handouts, data, programs and other related information

Related website: https://bitlab.u-aizu.ac.jp
See also the exhibition posters on the wall of BIE Lab. 325-326 corridor in Research Quadrangles

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2024年度/Academic Year  2学期集中 /2ndQuarter Intensive
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
WATANOBE Yutaka, KOHIRA Yukihide, OKUYAMA Yuichi
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/26
/Course outline
This intensive course is for preparation of Information Technology Passport Examination. The preparation course will be conducted based on lectures and exercises with past problems (see questions range specified by IPA).
/Objectives and attainment
Students will obtain basic knowledge to solve problems given in Information Technology Passport Examination. In addition, the student will acquire ability which can be applied to information processing.
/Class schedule
Basic Theory of Information
Algorithms and Data Structures
System Development
Computer System
Security and Standardization
Information and Administration
Programming in C
Online exercises. Other lecture materials and handouts for homework and exercises will be distributed as needed.
/Grading method/criteria
The goal is to path the examination. So, the evaluation is based on submission ratio of the assignments.
/Note for course registration
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
The course coordinator Yutaka Watanobe has practical work experience. He collaborated with Givery Inc. to develop the programming skill check tool and materials which can be useful for personnel assessment, training and education. He has provided a number of problems and related test data as one of main contents. He also has experience in developing large scale software in practical use, such as development environments and educational support systems. Based on his experience, he can teach software engineering as well as a wide range of algorithms and data structures.

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2024年度/Academic Year  前期 /First Semester
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/25
/Course outline
“Career” is the way of life itself, including the way of working. "Career design" is a word that means a sketch to describe the life.
This course will provide an opportunity for each individual to become aware of how to spend their college days in order to develop a fulfilling career.
The first half of the course will be for fundamentals. Focusing on " Self-awareness " and "knowing society" ,students deepen their thoughts on their careers through lectures and work (individuals / pairs / groups)
The second half is the practical application. Work on Project Based Learning (PBL) and experience practically what you learned in the fundamentals.
This course is positioned as the gateway to “Career Design II,” which aims at helping students with job-hunting activities and deciding on a career path.
/Objectives and attainment
1. Students are expected to be able to think about and express the following in their
own way: the future lifestyle and work-style they desire, what they wish to learn at
the UoA from now on.
2. Students will acquire the power that is practically needed in society by working as a team to solve problems.
/Class schedule
(1) Introduction to Careers
(2) Self-awareness 1: strengths and weaknesses,what should be learned at the university
(3) Self-awareness 2: Abilities required in society  
(4) The importance of communication
(5) Think about what you can do now to keep working exciting(Guest lecturer)
(6) Understanding society 1:Thinking about your career in the AI era
(7) Understanding society 2:Understanding social issues from the news you care about  

<Practical Application>
(8) Presentation of issues
Guest lecturers from industry will explain various problems related to industry, region, and modern society and their backgrounds, and introduce issues to be tackled in group work.
(9) Group work 1: Group formation and scheduling
(10) Group work 2: Decide the theme as a team
(11) Group work 3: Delve into the issue, Collect materials
(12) Group work 4: Delve into the issue, Collect materials
(13) Group work 5: Creating presentation materials
(14)Presentation and commentary
Handouts will be distributed as necessary.
/Grading method/criteria
Students will be evaluated comprehensively based on the review sheets and achievement reports submitted, and their attitude during group work. The allocation of marks will be as follows.
(1) Review sheets submitted at the end of every class (50%)
(2) Attitude during group work and the content of achievement reports (50%)

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2024年度/Academic Year  後期 /Second Semester
/Course for;
3rd year
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/25
/Course outline
1 Students will learn about the meaning of working society ,their strengths and weakness, the trends of society and industry, the relationship between computer science and engineering and the industrial world , skills required in society, through discussion with individual from the industry.
2  Students will learn what is necessary for job hunting, such as self-analysis, preparation of application documents , written exams, interviews, and other procedures related to career decisions.
/Objectives and attainment
1 Students will be able to explain the meaning of working in society, the axis of job selection.
2  Students will be able to explain their strengths and weakness.
3  Students will be able to learn about trends in industry and their relationship with computer science and engineering, and utilize them in their career choices.
4  Students can understand the flow of job hunting and important points, and can lead to attractive career choices.
/Class schedule
1. For starting job hunting  
2. Practice session 1 Self-Analysis
3. Discussion with upperclassmen who have received informal job offerings
4. Practice session 2 Job application form writing
5. Practice session 3 Career-tasu UC  system/Preparation for written examinations
6. Industry Analysis 1 Importans  of industry analysis/ System Integrator
7. Practice session 4  Basics of online job hunting / Communication in job hunting
8. Industry Analysis 2 Game/ Web
9. Industry Analysis 3 Manufacturers/ Communication
10. Industry Analysis 4 Opportunities for new success of IT human resources
11. Industry Analysis 5 Seminar on industries with UoA alumni
12. Practice session 5 Group Discussion
13. Practice session 6 Mock interviews  
14. Highlights of job hunting tips and manner
Handouts will be distributed in each class .  
/Grading method/criteria
A comprehensive evaluation will be conducted based on the review sheets (attendance) and achievement reports. The score weights shall be as follows.
(1) Number of review sheet submissions (50%)
(2) Review sheet contents and approach attitude (50%)
/Note for course registration
Please be sure to attend a student who wants to get a job.

Open Competency Codes Table Back

2024年度/Academic Year  前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
CHEN Tzu-Yin
CHEN Tzu-Yin
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/23
/Course outline
The course is designed to enhance students’ English proficiency through learning expressions commonly found in the TOEIC test. We will review crucial vocabulary and grammar concepts from the TOEIC textbook (most of which are learned in high school), as well as acquire the format of questions that are asked in the test. After the whole training program, you are expected to score over 450 on the TOEIC test.
/Objectives and attainment
What I will provide in this course:
1) explication of important differences between Japanese and English on pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar
2) mock tests to familiarize you with the format of the TOEIC test
3) extensive practice to improve your reading and listening skills

When finished with the one-year training, you are expected to:
1) be comfortable with the format of the TOEIC test
1) to not be afraid of listening to fast conversations or reading long sentences in English
/Class schedule
[First Semester]
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: Photographs
Week 3: Question-Response
Week 4: Conversations (1)
Week 5: Conversations (2)
Week 6: Talks
Week 7: Incomplete Sentences
Week 8: Text Completion
Week 9: Single Passages (1)
Week 10: Single Passages (2)
Week 11: Mock Test (Listening)
Week 12: Mock Test review
Week 13: Mock Test (Reading)
Week 14: Mock Test review

[Second Semester]
Week 1:  present and past
Week 2:  present perfect and past
Week 3:  future
Week 4:  modals
Week 5: if and wish
Week 6: passive
Week 7: reported speech
Week 8: questions and auxiliary verbs
Week 9: -ing and to
Week 10: article and nouns
Week 11: Mock Test(Listening)
Week 12: Mock Test review
Week 13: Mock Test(Reading)
Week 14: Mock Test review
「公式TOEIC Listening & Reading 問題集10」
著者   Educational Testing Service
発行元  一般財団法人 国際ビジネスコミュニケーション協会
/Grading method/criteria
[First Semester (前期)]
Class quiz 30%, assignment 30%, active participation 40%

[Second Semester (後期)]
Class quiz 30%, assignment 30%, active participation 40%
/Note for course registration
Please purchase the textbook before the first class.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Raymond Murphy. (2019). English Grammar in Use (5th ed.). Cambridge

Open Competency Codes Table Back

2024年度/Academic Year  前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
CHEN Tzu-Yin
CHEN Tzu-Yin
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/23
/Course outline
The course is designed to enhance students’ English proficiency through learning expressions commonly found in the TOEIC test. We will review crucial vocabulary and grammar concepts from the TOEIC textbook (most of which are learned in high school), as well as acquire the format of questions that are asked in the test. After the whole training program, you are expected to score over 525 on the TOEIC test.
/Objectives and attainment
What I will provide in this course:
1) explication of important differences between Japanese and English on pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar
2) mock tests to familiarize you with the format of the TOEIC test
3) extensive practice to improve your reading and listening skills

When finished with the one-year training, you are expected to:
1) be comfortable with the format of the TOEIC test
2) to not be afraid of listening to fast conversations or reading long sentences in English
/Class schedule
[First Semester]
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: Photographs
Week 3: Question-Response
Week 4: Conversations (1)
Week 5: Conversations (2)
Week 6: Talks
Week 7: Incomplete Sentences
Week 8: Text Completion
Week 9: Single Passages (1)
Week 10: Single Passages (2)
Week 11: Mock Test (Listening)
Week 12: Mock Test review
Week 13: Mock Test (Reading)
Week 14: Mock Test review

[Second Semester]
Week 1:  present and past
Week 2:  present perfect and past
Week 3:  future
Week 4:  modals
Week 5: if and wish
Week 6: passive
Week 7: reported speech
Week 8: questions and auxiliary verbs
Week 9: -ing and to
Week 10: article and nouns
Week 11: Mock Test(Listening)
Week 12: Mock Test review
Week 13: Mock Test(Reading)
Week 14: Mock Test review
「公式TOEIC Listening & Reading 問題集10」
著者   Educational Testing Service
発行元  一般財団法人 国際ビジネスコミュニケーション協会
/Grading method/criteria
[First Semester (前期)]
Class quiz 30%, assignment 30%, active participation 40%

[Second Semester (後期)]
Class quiz 30%, assignment 30%, active participation 40%
/Note for course registration
Please purchase the textbook before the first class.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Raymond Murphy. (2019). English Grammar in Use (5th ed.). Cambridge

Open Competency Codes Table Back

2024年度/Academic Year  4学期集中 /4thQuarter Intensive
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
MITSUNAGA Yuji, KAWAGUCHI Tatsuki, Hiroaki Ishizaka
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/24
/Course outline
"Internship courses" aim to learn the sophistication to be active in a global world through the field experience both at home and abroad. As a result, they realize the efforts goal of the top global university project, that is, "the development of innovative ICT human resources who are active in the world". According to their contents, "internship courses" provide the following three types of courses.
 Internship I (regional company)
   A course to do an internship in regional companies and ventures
 Internship II (domestic company)
   A course to do an internship in domestic companies
 Internship III (overseas)
   A course to do an overseas training and an internship in overseas companies
Each course consists of three parts, that is, "pre-training", "training", and "post-training".  "Pre-training" and "post-training" are carried out in lectures and exercises form in the campus. "Training" is performed in the field of each training destination between the period or pre- and post-training. For the "training", students select the execution content (training place) from the menu that has been prepared in each course.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(A)Graduates are aware of their professional and ethical responsibilities as an engineer, and are able to analyze societal requirements, and set, solve, and evaluate technical problems using information science technologies in society.

Through the experience of the "training" in the training centers or companies overseas, "internship III (overseas)" aims to obtain sophistication as a global ICT human resources.

(1) Acquisition of global entrepreneurship
In the ICT field where globalization progresses, students aim to become human resources that can develop the business with the international perspective
(2) Acquisition of the corresponding skills to international business
Students should acquire the skills of problem identification and solving, interpersonal relationships, and communication which are required in international business.
(3) Understanding of diversity and acquisition of adaptability
For diverse cultures and business practices, students should acquire the ability that can be applied while maintaining the self-identity

This program is implemented with tripartite agreement for the internship program among the University of Aizu, Dalian Neusoft University of Information, and Alpine Electronics, Inc. This program aims to develop experts who have skills of computer science, knowledge of different cultures and business sense, and become a bridge between Japan and China.

<Attainment goals>
In the "internship III (overseas)", students will target the acquisition of the following skills.

(1) Understanding of different cultures
Students understand the diversity of culture and the way of thinking by experiencing the product development and business in the field of overseas.
(2) Understanding of stakeholder
Students learn applicability and adaptability through the direct experience with overseas stakeholders such as corporate persons and users.
(3) Understanding of the mechanism of overseas business
Students understand the way of overseas business which is different from that in Japan through the experience of business rules and customs in foreign countries.
(4) Grasp of overseas issues
Students understand the diversity and the differences of the issues in overseas society by knowing the local unique issues abroad.
(5) Acquisition of analysis and problem solving skills
Students learn the international standard of problem solving approach and its difference with Japan through the experience in foreign countries.
(6) Acquisition of the international team work force
Students learn the collaboration ability in the international community through the experience of team work in the field of business.
(7) Acquisition of communication skills as an international person
Students obtain the appropriate communication skills as an international person through field work.
/Class schedule
In “Internship III (overseas Dalian)” consists of “Training” in Dalian, “Pre-training” and “Post-training” in Japan.

Lecture (Pre-training):
1 Orientation
2 Cross-Cultural Understanding
3 China Business
4 Chinese Culture,  International Joint Venture
5 Cutting-edge Technology in Car Navigation Systems
6 Introduction to ICT Business
7 ICT Business Planning ①  Introduction to Business Analysis
8 ICT Business Planning ②  Business Research
9 ICT Business Planning ③  Planning
10 History of Dalian and Japan (Before 1945) ①
11 History of Dalian and Japan (Before 1945) ②
12 History of Dalian and Japan (Present)
13 Introduction to Chinese Language ①
14 Introduction to Chinese Language ②

Exercise (Training in Dalian)
1 Explanation of planning and development - Alpine Dalian R&D -
2 Growth of Chinese Internet Economy - DNUI -
3 How to Marketing Research - DNUI -
4 Education of Evaluating OEM Products - Alpine Dalian R&D -
5 Planning of Marketing Research - DNUI -
6 Factory Tour - Alpine Dalian R&D -
7 Understanding of Manufacturing Process - Alpine Dalian R&D -
8 Exercise on Marketing Research - DNUI -
9 Introduction to Quality Assurance Service - Alpine Dalian R&D -
10 Report on Marketing Research - DNUI -
11 Manufacturing Process - Alpine Dalian R&D -
12 Survey and Research ① - DNUI - Business Analysis, Planning
13 Survey and Research ② - DNUI - Display Design, Development of Prototype System
14 Final Presentation - DNUI -

Final Presentation
Not specified.
/Grading method/criteria
The grading is carried out in consideration with the following items.
-- Efforts in pre-training and post-training
(submission of a course plan, submission of a final report)  50%
-- Efforts in the training period
(submission of reports during the training period)  50%
It should be noted that evaluation by accepted destination staff is also taken into account with respect to the efforts in the training period,
/Note for course registration
By taking all the “pre-training”, ”training”, and ”post-training”, students can obtain 2 credits. Since the “Internship III” is one of the curriculum of ““Extra-curricular activity course”, up to maximum of 4 credits can be admitted as graduation credits combined with other “Extra-curricular activity course”.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Not specified.

Open Competency Codes Table Back

2024年度/Academic Year  2学期集中 /2ndQuarter Intensive
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/24
/Course outline
"Internship courses" aim to learn the sophistication to be active in a global world through the field experience both at home and abroad. As a result, they realize the efforts goal of the top global university project, that is, "the development of innovative ICT human resources who are active in the world". According to their contents, "internship courses" provide the following three types of courses.
 Internship I (regional company)
   A course to do an internship in regional companies and ventures
 Internship II (domestic company)
   A course to do an internship in domestic companies
 Internship III (overseas)
   A course to do an overseas training and an internship in overseas companies
Each course consists of three parts, that is, "pre-training", "training", and "post-training".  "Pre-training" and "post-training" are carried out in lectures and exercises form in the campus. "Training" is performed in the field of each training destination between the period or pre- and post-training. For the "training", students select the execution content (training place) from the menu that has been prepared in each course.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(A)Graduates are aware of their professional and ethical responsibilities as an engineer, and are able to analyze societal requirements, and set, solve, and evaluate technical problems using information science technologies in society.

In "Internship II," students aims to acquire an understanding of corporate culture and the practical skills needed to work independently by undergoing "practical training" at a large domestic company.
(1) Acquisition of the ability to solve problems through getting involved in activities within a company organization
Students will acquire the ability to grasp the issues in each industry and develop a business through organized activities.
(2) Acquisition of the abilities required to develop a business as an intra-organizational team
Students will acquire the ability to grasp their own role within a team, as well as the expertise of its other members, and cooperatively carry out a mission.
(3) Acquisition of the ability to design one's own career through the domestic business scene
Students will acquire the ability to grasp the knowledge and competencies required for a job, design their own future career, and work toward their career goals systematically.

<Attainment goals>
In the "Internship II", students will target the acquisition of the following skills.
(1) Understanding company organizations
Through practical training, students will understand the organizational structure of companies by understanding the roles of and relationship between each department.
(2) Understanding stakeholders
Students will learn adaptability through direct experiences with domestic stakeholders such as corporate personnel and users.
(3) How businesses work
By experiencing the realities business-to-business (B to B) and the business-to-customer (B to C) businesses, students will understand how businesses work and how they earn revenue.  
(4) Understanding internal issues
Through practical training, students will understand company's business structures and organization structure, experience the company's issues, and cultivate their ability to handle issues within an organization.
(5) Problem analysis and resolution
By experiencing the approaches to solving real-world business challenges, students will learn the business knowledge and competencies demanded in the real world, and cultivate their ability to independently design own career.
(6) Intra organizational teamwork
By experiencing teamwork in a real-world business scenario, students will cultivate the ability to understand the roles of team members and make decisions based on their own thinking.
(7) Expression as a member of society
Through the internship (practical training), students will cultivate the ability to effectively convey their own ideas to team members and stakeholders.
/Class schedule
In“Internship II (Domestic program A) ”, students carry out "pre-training" and “post-training” on campus in the form of lectures and exercises before and after the internship (practical training) conducted in the company, respectively. In the training, students gain an understanding of the manufacturing industry and learn about how businesses work through the theme of car navigation system development. Before joining, you must have acquired a basic knowledge of the C language, and have Japanese communication skills sufficiently for everyday life.
Internship host: ALPS ALPINE

-- Pre-training:
1   Introduction
2   Business structure
3   Business culture and hospitality
4   Enterprise managements and program fo the year
5   Project Management
6   Introduction to career design
7   Career design exercise
8   Confidentiality obligation, legal affairs in company
9   Business document preparation
10  Survey of Corporation: Basic information
11  Survey of Corporation: Management Planning
12  Survey of Corporation: Business
13  Survey of Corporation: Summarization
14  Notes on Training

1   Orientation
2   Business sites in China
3   Reading specification sheets
4   System checking
5   Specification change
6   Requirement analysis
7   Design structure
8   Test Specification
9   Creating test specification
10  Testing
11  Maintain test specification
12  Comparison between System Specification and Test Specification
13  Reflection
14  Summary of the training

-- Post-training:
Achievement presentations
Not specified.
Some materials are distributed during the lecture.
/Grading method/criteria
The grading is carried out in consideration with the following items.
-- Efforts in pre-training and post-training 50%
-- Efforts in the training period
(submission of reports during the training period) 50%
It should be noted that evaluation by accepted destination staff is also taken into account with respect to the efforts in the training period.
/Note for course registration
By taking all the “pre-training”, ”training”, and ”post-training”, students can obtain 2 credits. Since the “Internship II” is one of the curriculum of ““Extra-curricular activity course”, up to maximum of 4 credits can be admitted as graduation credits combined with other “Extra-curricular activity course”.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Not specified.

Open Competency Codes Table Back

2024年度/Academic Year  2学期集中 /2ndQuarter Intensive
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/24
/Course outline
Internship courses" aim to learn the sophistication to be active in a global world through the field experience both at home and abroad. As a result, they realize the efforts goal of the top global university project, that is, "the development of innovative ICT human resources who are active in the world". According to their contents, "internship courses" provide the following three types of courses.
 Internship I (regional company)
   A course to do an internship in regional companies and ventures
 Internship II (domestic company)
   A course to do an internship in domestic companies
 Internship III (overseas)
   A course to do an overseas training and an internship in overseas companies
Each course consists of three parts, that is, "pre-training", "training", and "post-training".  "Pre-training" and "post-training" are carried out in lectures and exercises form in the campus. "Training" is performed in the field of each training destination between the period or pre- and post-training. For the "training", students select the execution content (training place) from the menu that has been prepared in each course.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(A)Graduates are aware of their professional and ethical responsibilities as an engineer, and are able to analyze societal requirements, and set, solve, and evaluate technical problems using information science technologies in society.

In "Internship II," students aims to acquire an understanding of corporate culture and the practical skills needed to work independently by undergoing "practical training" at a large domestic company.
(1) Acquisition of the ability to solve problems through getting involved in activities within a company organization
Students will acquire the ability to grasp the issues in each industry and develop a business through organized activities.
(2) Acquisition of the abilities required to develop a business as an intra-organizational team
Students will acquire the ability to grasp their own role within a team, as well as the expertise of its other members, and cooperatively carry out a mission.
(3) Acquisition of the ability to design one's own career through the domestic business scene
Students will acquire the ability to grasp the knowledge and competencies required for a job, design their own future career, and work toward their career goals systematically.

<Attainment goals>
In the "Internship II", students will target the acquisition of the following skills.
(1) Understanding company organizations
Through practical training, students will understand the organizational structure of companies by understanding the roles of and relationship between each department.
(2) Understanding stakeholders
Students will learn adaptability through direct experiences with domestic stakeholders such as corporate personnel and users.
(3) How businesses work
By experiencing the realities business-to-business (BtoB) and the business-to-customer (BtoC) businesses, students will understand how businesses work and how they earn revenue.  
(4) Understanding internal issues
Through practical training, students will understand company's business structures and organization structure, experience the company's issues, and cultivate their ability to handle issues within an organization.
(5) Problem analysis and resolution
By experiencing the approaches to solving real-world business challenges, students will learn the business knowledge and competencies demanded in the real world, and cultivate their ability to independently design own career.
(6) Intra organizational teamwork
By experiencing teamwork in a real-world business scenario, students will cultivate the ability to understand the roles of team members and make decisions based on their own thinking.
(7) Expression as a member of society
Through the internship (practical training), students will cultivate the ability to effectively convey their own ideas to team members and stakeholders.
/Class schedule
In “Internship II (Domestic Program C) ”, students carry out "pre-training" and “post-training” on campus in the form of lectures and exercises before and after the internship (practical training) conducted in the company, respectively. In the training, students gain an understanding of the cloud services and their infrastructure in the company and learn how to develop cloud services through the working. Before joining, you must have acquired a basic knowledge of the C language, and have Japanese communication skills.

Internship host: ALPS Alpine

-- Pre-training:
o Introduction
o Business structure
o Business culture and hospitality
o Enterprise managements and program for the year
o Project Management
o Introduction to career design
o Career design exercise
o Confidentiality obligation, legal affairs in company
o Business document preparation
o Survey of Corporation: Basic information
o Survey of Corporation: Management Planning
o Survey of Corporation: Business
o Survey of Corporation: Summarization
o Notes on Training

1 Orientation
2 Introduction to ALPS Alpine business
3 Introduction to embedded systems
4 Understanding of hardware specification
5 System architecture and interface
6 Firmware
7 Development planning
8 Software specification
9 Software specification design
10 Making products
11 Unit testing
12 Integration testing
13 Preparation of presentation
14 Presentation
Not specified.
Some materials are distributed during the lecture.
/Grading method/criteria
The grading is carried out in consideration with the following items.
-- Efforts in pre-training and post-training  50%
-- Efforts in the training period
(submission of reports during the training period)  50%
It should be noted that evaluation by accepted destination staff is also taken into account with respect to the efforts in the training period
/Note for course registration
By taking all the “pre-training”, ”training”, and ”post-training”, students can obtain 2 credits. Since the “Internship II” is one of the curriculum of ““Extra-curricular activity course”, up to maximum of 4 credits can be admitted as graduation credits combined with other “Extra-curricular activity course”.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Not specified.

Open Competency Codes Table Back

2024年度/Academic Year  2学期集中 /2ndQuarter Intensive
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/24
/Course outline
"Internship courses" aim to learn the sophistication to be active in a global world through the field experience both at home and abroad. As a result, they realize the efforts goal of the top global university project, that is, "the development of innovative ICT human resources who are active in the world". According to their contents, "internship courses" provide the following three types of courses.
 Internship I (regional company)
   A course to do an internship in regional companies and ventures
 Internship II (domestic company)
   A course to do an internship in domestic companies
 Internship III (overseas)
   A course to do an overseas training and an internship in overseas companies
Each course consists of three parts, that is, "pre-training", "training", and "post-training".  "Pre-training" and "post-training" are carried out in lectures and exercises form in the campus. "Training" is performed in the field of each training destination between the period or pre- and post-training. For the "training", students select the execution content (training place) from the menu that has been prepared in each course.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(A)Graduates are aware of their professional and ethical responsibilities as an engineer, and are able to analyze societal requirements, and set, solve, and evaluate technical problems using information science technologies in society.

In "Internship II," students aims to acquire an understanding of corporate culture and the practical skills needed to work independently by undergoing "practical training" at a large domestic company.
(1) Acquisition of the ability to solve problems through getting involved in activities within a company organization
Students will acquire the ability to grasp the issues in each industry and develop a business through organized activities.
(2) Acquisition of the abilities required to develop a business as an intra-organizational team
Students will acquire the ability to grasp their own role within a team, as well as the expertise of its other members, and cooperatively carry out a mission.
(3) Acquisition of the ability to design one's own career through the domestic business scene
Students will acquire the ability to grasp the knowledge and competencies required for a job, design their own future career, and work toward their career goals systematically.

<Attainment goals>
In the "Internship II", students will target the acquisition of the following skills.
(1) Understanding company organizations
Through practical training, students will understand the organizational structure of companies by understanding the roles of and relationship between each department.
(2) Understanding stakeholders
Students will learn adaptability through direct experiences with domestic stakeholders such as corporate personnel and users.
(3) How businesses work
By experiencing the realities business-to-business (BtoB) and the business-to-customer (BtoC) businesses, students will understand how businesses work and how they earn revenue.  
(4) Understanding internal issues
Through practical training, students will understand company's business structures and organization structure, experience the company's issues, and cultivate their ability to handle issues within an organization.
(5) Problem analysis and resolution
By experiencing the approaches to solving real-world business challenges, students will learn the business knowledge and competencies demanded in the real world, and cultivate their ability to independently design own career.
(6) Intra organizational teamwork
By experiencing teamwork in a real-world business scenario, students will cultivate the ability to understand the roles of team members and make decisions based on their own thinking.
(7) Expression as a member of society
Through the internship (practical training), students will cultivate the ability to effectively convey their own ideas to team members and stakeholders.
/Class schedule
In “Internship II (Domestic Program D) ”, students carry out "pre-training" and “post-training” on campus in the form of lectures and exercises before and after the internship (practical training) conducted in the company, respectively. In the training, students gain an understanding of operating system and network system and OSS services through the working. Before joining, you must have acquired a basic knowledge of the C language, and have Japanese communication skills.

Internship host: Cyber Trust Japan Inc.

-- Pre-training:
o Introduction
o Business structure
o Business culture and hospitality
o Enterprise managements and program for the year
o Project Management
o Introduction to career design
o Career design exercise
o Confidentiality obligation, legal affairs in company
o Business document preparation
o Survey of Corporation: Basic information
o Survey of Corporation: Management Planning
o Survey of Corporation: Business
o Survey of Corporation: Summarization
o Notes on Training

o Orientation
o Operating system concepts
o CentOS
o RPM package
o Make repository
o Edit specification file of Nginx
o Customize
o Authorization of client and issue the certificate
o Exercise to customize
o Reverse proxy
o Make reverse proxy
o Make presentation materials
o Presentation

-- Post-training:
Achievement presentations
Not specified.
Some materials are distributed during the lecture.
/Grading method/criteria
The grading is carried out in consideration with the following items.
-- Efforts in pre-training and post-training
(submission of a course plan, submission of a final report)  50%
-- Efforts in the training period
(submission of reports during the training period)  50%
It should be noted that evaluation by accepted destination staff is also taken into account with respect to the efforts in the training period
/Note for course registration
By taking all the “pre-training”, ”training”, and ”post-training”, students can obtain 2 credits. Since the “Internship II” is one of the curriculum of ““Extra-curricular activity course”, up to maximum of 4 credits can be admitted as graduation credits combined with other “Extra-curricular activity course”.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Not specified.

Open Competency Codes Table Back

2024年度/Academic Year  4学期集中 /4thQuarter Intensive
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/24
/Course outline
"Internship courses" aim to learn the sophistication to be active in a global world through the field experience both at home and abroad. As a result, they realize the efforts goal of the top global university project, that is, "the development of innovative ICT human resources who are active in the world". According to their contents, "internship courses" provide the following three types of courses.
 Internship I (regional company)
   A course to do an internship in regional companies and ventures
 Internship II (domestic company)
   A course to do an internship in domestic companies
 Internship III (overseas)
   A course to do an overseas training and an internship in overseas companies
Each course consists of three parts, that is, "pre-training", "training", and "post-training".  "Pre-training" and "post-training" are carried out in lectures and exercises form in the campus. "Training" is performed in the field of each training destination between the period or pre- and post-training. For the "training", students select the execution content (training place) from the menu that has been prepared in each course.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(A)Graduates are aware of their professional and ethical responsibilities as an engineer, and are able to analyze societal requirements, and set, solve, and evaluate technical problems using information science technologies in society.

In "Internship I," students aims to acquire an understanding of entrepreneurship spirits and flat enterprise structure, and obtain the practical skills needed to work independently by undergoing "practical training" at a small and medium‐sized enterprises or a start-up company.
(1) Acquisition of problems solving skills through tackling region-specific issues
Students will acquire the ability to understand and solve regional issues as business through activities.
(2) Understanding entrepreneurship spirits through regional company internship
Students will understand that entrepreneurship sprits which are sources of every activity of small and medium sized company or a start-up company penetrates in everywhere of enterprise activities.
(3) Acquisition of the ability to design one's own career through the regional business scene
Students will acquire the ability to grasp the knowledge and competencies required for a job, design their own future career, and work toward their career goals systematically.

<Attainment goals>
In the "Internship I", students will target the acquisition of the following skills.
(1) Understanding Regional structure
Through practical training of concrete regional issues, students will acquire a temperament that coexists with the region.
(2) Understanding stakeholders
Students will learn adaptability through direct experiences with regional stakeholders such as corporate personnel and users.
(3) Understanding of foundation structure
Students will understand entrepreneurship spirits through the internship.
(4) Understanding regional issues
Through practical training, students will understand company's business structures and organization structure, experience the company's issues, and cultivate their ability to handle issues within an organization.
(5) Problem analysis and resolution
By experiencing the approaches to solving real-world business challenges, students will learn the business knowledge and competencies demanded in the real world, and cultivate their ability to independently design own career.
(6) Intra organizational teamwork
By experiencing teamwork in a real-world business scenario, students will cultivate the ability to understand the roles of team members and make decisions based on their own thinking.
(7) Expression as a member of society
Through the internship (practical training), students will cultivate the ability to effectively convey their own ideas to team members and stakeholders.
(8) Acquire basic technical knowledge and development skills
Students will acquire basic technical knowledge and development skills though assistance of projects in internship.
/Class schedule
In “Internship I (Regional Program A) ”, students carry out "pre-training" and “post-training” on campus in the form of lectures and exercises before and after the internship (practical training) conducted in the company, respectively. In the training, students gain an understanding of regional social problems and their one of solutions through development of the assistance robot. Before joining, you must have acquired a basic knowledge of the C language, and have Japanese communication skills.

Internship host: Aizuk, Inc.

-- Pre-training:
o Introduction
o Business structure
o Business culture and hospitality
o Enterprise managements and program for the year
o Project Management
o Introduction to career design
o Career design exercise
o Confidentiality obligation, legal affairs in company
o Business document preparation
o Survey of Corporation: Basic information
o Survey of Corporation: Management Planning
o Survey of Corporation: Business
o Survey of Corporation: Summarization
o Notes on Training

o Orientation
o Introduction to assistance robots
o Raspberry Pi
o Basic action
o Interface
o Control by sensor module
o System components
o Auto suspend system by sensor
o Obstacle avoidance
o System development from RASIS
o System design
o System development
o Testing
o Presentation

-- Post-training:
Achievement presentations
Not specified.
Some materials are distributed during the lecture.
/Grading method/criteria
The grading is carried out in consideration with the following items.
-- Efforts in pre-training and post-training 50%
-- Efforts in the training period 50%
It should be noted that evaluation by accepted destination staff is also taken into account with respect to the efforts in the training period
/Note for course registration
By taking all the “pre-training”, ”training”, and ”post-training”, students can obtain 2 credits. Since the “Internship I” is one of the curriculum of ““Extra-curricular activity course”, up to maximum of 4 credits can be admitted as graduation credits combined with other “Extra-curricular activity course”.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Not specified.

Open Competency Codes Table Back

2024年度/Academic Year  2学期集中 /2ndQuarter Intensive
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/24
/Course outline
"Internship courses" aim to learn the sophistication to be active in a global world through the field experience both at home and abroad. As a result, they realize the efforts goal of the top global university project, that is, "the development of innovative ICT human resources who are active in the world". According to their contents, "internship courses" provide the following three types of courses.
 Internship I (regional company)
   A course to do an internship in regional companies and ventures
 Internship II (domestic company)
   A course to do an internship in domestic companies
 Internship III (overseas)
   A course to do an overseas training and an internship in overseas companies
Each course consists of three parts, that is, "pre-training", "training", and "post-training".  "Pre-training" and "post-training" are carried out in lectures and exercises form in the campus. "Training" is performed in the field of each training destination between the period or pre- and post-training. For the "training", students select the execution content (training place) from the menu that has been prepared in each course.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(A)Graduates are aware of their professional and ethical responsibilities as an engineer, and are able to analyze societal requirements, and set, solve, and evaluate technical problems using information science technologies in society.

Through the experience of the "training" in the training centers or companies overseas, "internship III (overseas)" aims to obtain sophistication as a global ICT human resources.

(1) Acquisition of global entrepreneurship
In the ICT field where globalization progresses, students aim to become human resources that can develop the business with the international perspective
(2) Acquisition of the corresponding skills to international business
Students should acquire the skills of problem identification and solving, interpersonal relationships, and communication which are required in international business.
(3) Understanding of diversity and acquisition of adaptability
For diverse cultures and business practices, students should acquire the ability that can be applied while maintaining the self-identity

<Attainment goals>
In the "internship III (overseas)", students will target the acquisition of the following skills.

(1) Understanding of different cultures
Students understand the diversity of culture and the way of thinking by experiencing the product development and business in the field of overseas.
(2) Understanding of stakeholder
Students learn applicability and adaptability through the direct experience with overseas stakeholders such as corporate persons and users.
(3) Understanding of the mechanism of overseas business
Students understand the way of overseas business which is different from that in Japan through the experience of business rules and customs in foreign countries.
(4) Grasp of overseas issues
Students understand the diversity and the differences of the issues in overseas society by knowing the local unique issues abroad.
(5) Acquisition of analysis and problem solving skills
Students learn the international standard of problem solving approach and its difference with Japan through the experience in foreign countries.
(6) Acquisition of the international team work force
Students learn the collaboration ability in the international community through the experience of team work in the field of business.
(7) Acquisition of communication skills as an international person
Students obtain the appropriate communication skills as an international person through field work.
/Class schedule
In “Internship course Ⅲ (Silicon Valley program)” students carry out "pre-training" and “post-training” on campus before and after the "training" in Silicon Valley respectively.

-- Pre-training:
Prior to the training, students prepare the following activities in lectures and exercises on campus and the external facility.
-orientation, notes on overseas travelling, cross-cultural understanding (2 periods)
-outline of IoT manufacturing, modeling and design, introduction to Arduino, how to use the prototype development kit,
production training, result presentation (13 periods)
-- Training:
Centering on the Silicon Valley office of the University of Aizu, students conduct cross-cultural experiences, product development practice, and visit to neighboring companies. (two weeks)
-understanding of entrepreneurship and development culture by attending meetup
-visit to neighboring university and companies
-brush-up of product made in the pre-training periods
-presentation to entrepreneurs or exhibition in the makers’ fair
-execution of regular reporting, reporting to accept contact persons
-- Post-training:
After the training, students reflect the results and carry out the following activities in lectures and exercises on campus. (2 periods)
-reflection of training, reporting of training achievements, report preparation,
training report presentation, exchange opinions
Not specified.
/Grading method/criteria
The grading is carried out in consideration with the following items.
-- Efforts in pre-training and post-training (including a submission of a final report)  50%
-- Efforts in the training period  50%
It should be noted that evaluation by accepted destination staff is also taken into account with respect to the efforts in the training period,
/Note for course registration
By taking all the “pre-training”, ”training”, and ”post-training”, students can obtain 2 credits. Since the “Internship II” is one of the curriculum of ““Extra-curricular activity course”, up to maximum of 4 credits can be admitted as graduation credits combined with other “Extra-curricular activity course”.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Not specified.

Open Competency Codes Table Back

2024年度/Academic Year  3学期 /Third Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/24
/Course outline
In this course, students will acquire the knowledge related to an establishment of ICT
venture company through case studies. They will experience that it is not a difficult road
to establish it although it is necessary to go through various stages for them to establish a company other than technical skills such as obtaining funds. Students can also learn about the various support systems for starting a business, such as how to obtain business funding and a business startup support systems.
This course includes a part of Strategy section of Fundamental Information Technology
Engineer Examination. In addition, this course is funded by Local Ventures Creation and Support Foundation. This is one of the courses in Innovation and Startup Education Program, and is one of the courses that participants in the program are required to complete.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(A)Graduates are aware of their professional and ethical responsibilities as an engineer, and are able to analyze societal requirements, and set, solve, and evaluate technical problems using information science technologies in society.

Students who are interested in starting a business, or who are interested in the structure
of a company, will learn the basics knowledge of setting up an ICT company, from
establishment to management strategy and business planning, through case study and
/Class schedule
1 Guidance, Introduction to ICT Venture company
2 Overseas ICT company management in Vietnam
3 Venture company establishment in domestic and regional area
4 Company establishment
5 Business concepts
6 Management strategy
7 Marketing research
8 Marketing theory
9 Acquire funds
10 Business planning
11 Presentation
12 Feedback
13 Competitive events related to acquire funds
14 Startup assistance programs
Materials will be provided.
/Grading method/criteria
Reports 30%
Exercise 60 %
Business presentation 10 %
/Note for course registration
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)

Responsibility for the wording of this article lies with Student Affairs Division (Academic Affairs Section).

E-mail Address: sad-aas@u-aizu.ac.jp