2024年度 シラバス学部

EG1 Global Experience Gateway

2025/02/08  現在

コンピテンシーコード表を開く 科目一覧へ戻る

2024年度/Academic Year  4学期集中 /4thQuarter Intensive
/Course for;
1年 , 2年 , 3年
金子 恵美子
金子 恵美子
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/17
/Course outline
All students wishing to participate in a short-term overseas program to Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology student exchange in the USA will take this course in preparation. Students are required to take this elective course to participate in these overseas programs.

The course will prepare students by offering language and cultural preparation for overseas travel and overseas life and introduction to interview video production.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(D)Graduates are able to view human society from a global perspective and think about the coexistence of nature and human beings, as well as the happiness, health, and welfare of humankind.
(E)Graduates are able to effectively express their thoughts and judgments in writing, orally, and through information media, both inside and outside the country, and to communicate them to others, as well as to understand the information and opinions expressed by others.
(F)Graduates are able to determine and carry out the actions they and others, including those from other disciplines, should take and plan and manage work under given constraints in collaborative projects.

[Attainment targets]
After students come back to Japan, they will be able to:
- answer questions at airport counters and at immigration controls using English.
- Use transportation, ask for help, purchase food items, talk about their health, safety, and medical needs using English.
- Understand that cultural differences exist, and be sensitive to the best way to cope with these differences.
- Produce an interview video with appropriate equipment and technique.
- Write a blog in English.

[Course goals]
To help students become confident travelers and visitors overseas.
To help students to interact with non-Japanese successfully.
To encourage safe, secure, and fruitful overseas experiences.
To equip students with knowledge and skills of shooting and editing an interview video.

/Class schedule
Students will receive at least 9 sessions (koma) of preparation classes before entering one of the international experience programs:
Session 1. Orientation
Session 2: Cultural differences, travel English (ticket and luggage, airport inspections, passport control language), survival English (police, medical, banking), currencies, health and safety information, greetings and partings, social language practice.
Session 3. Cross cultural communication
Session 4. Introduction to video production
Session 5: Writing blog entries
Session 6 Speaking test
Sections 7 - 15:
[RHIT] Computer science classes, international programs
*Review sessions will be provided if necessary.
/Grading method/criteria
In-class active participation 10% (includes pre- and post-program English language proficiency testing to determine progress)
Interview video 1 30%
Interview video 2 30%
Blog 30%

The scores of the speaking tests will be taken into consideration as extra points.
/Note for course registration
Students must be successfully selected for the participation in the GEG.

*** The availability of this class depends on the ever-changing situation with COVID-19. ***

コンピテンシーコード表を開く 科目一覧へ戻る

2024年度/Academic Year  4学期集中 /4thQuarter Intensive
/Course for;
1年 , 2年 , 3年
金子 恵美子
金子 恵美子
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/17
/Course outline
All students wishing to participate in the short-term overseas program to Waikato College's culture enrichment program in New Zealand will take this course in preparation for such programs. Students are required to take this elective course to participate in these overseas programs.

The course will prepare students by offering language and cultural preparation for overseas travel and overseas life and introduction to interview video production.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(D)Graduates are able to view human society from a global perspective and think about the coexistence of nature and human beings, as well as the happiness, health, and welfare of humankind.
(E)Graduates are able to effectively express their thoughts and judgments in writing, orally, and through information media, both inside and outside the country, and to communicate them to others, as well as to understand the information and opinions expressed by others.
(F)Graduates are able to determine and carry out the actions they and others, including those from other disciplines, should take and plan and manage work under given constraints in collaborative projects.

[Attainment targets]
After students come back to Japan, they will be able to:
- answer questions at airport counters and at immigration controls using English.
- Use transportation, ask for help, purchase food items, talk about their health, safety, and medical needs using English.
- Understand that cultural differences exist, and be sensitive to the best way to cope with these differences.
- Produce an interview video with appropriate equipment and technique.
- Write a blog in English.

[Course goals]
To help students become confident travelers and visitors overseas.
To help students to interact with non-Japanese successfully.
To encourage safe, secure, and fruitful overseas experiences.
To equip students with knowledge and skills of shooting and editing an interview video.
/Class schedule
Students will receive at least 9 sessions (koma) of preparation classes before entering one of the international experience programs:
Session 1. Orientation
Session 2: Cultural differences, travel English (ticket and luggage, airport inspections, passport control language), survival English (police, medical, banking), currencies, health and safety information, greetings and partings, social language practice.
Session 3. Cross cultural communication
Session 4. Introduction to video production
Session 5: Writing blog entries
Session 6 Speaking test
Sections 7 - 15:
[Waikato] Intensive English
*Review sessions will be provided if necessary.
/Grading method/criteria
In-class participation 10% (includes pre- and post-program English language proficiency testing to determine progress)
Interview video 1 30%
Interview video 2 30%
Blog 30%

The scores of the speaking tests will be taken into consideration as extra points.
/Note for course registration
Students must be successfully selected for the participation in the GEG.

*** The availability of this class depends on the ever-changing situation with COVID-19. ***

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