2024年度 シラバス学部

/EL1 Elective English 1

2025/02/08  現在

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2024年度/Academic Year  3学期 /Third Quarter
/Course for;
ホウ ヨンヒョン
ホウ ヨンヒョン
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/23
/Course outline
This course introduces how human languages are designed/structured. Specifically, it will focus on the word, sentence and sound structure of various languages in the world showing structural diversity of human languages as it introduces some basic concepts and terms used in linguistics. Also, some interesting topics related to human language (e.g., “language acquisition”, “language and brain” and “language and thought”) will be discussed.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(D)Graduates are able to view human society from a global perspective and think about the coexistence of nature and human beings, as well as the happiness, health, and welfare of humankind.
(E)Graduates are able to effectively express their thoughts and judgments in writing, orally, and through information media, both inside and outside the country, and to communicate them to others, as well as to understand the information and opinions expressed by others.
(F)Graduates are able to determine and carry out the actions they and others, including those from other disciplines, should take and plan and manage work under given constraints in collaborative projects.

[Competency Codes]
C-EC-009-3, C-EC-012-4, C-EC-013-2

This course aims:
1) to introduce students the basic concepts and terms used in linguistics,
2) to introduce students how languages are structured differently in many respects, and
3) to discuss some interesting topics related to human language.
/Class schedule
Class 1. Course Introduction
Class 2. Word formation
Class 3. Sentence formation
Class 4. Human speech sounds
Class 5. Sound systems
Class 6. Review for the midterm
Class 7. Midterm exam
Class 8. Child language acquisition
Class 9. Second language acquisition
Class 10. Language and thought
Class 11. Language and brain
Class 12. Multilingualism
Class 13. World Englishes
Class 14. Review for the final exam
Class 15. Final exam
There is no textbook for this course. Course materials (e.g. lecture notes) are available on the course Moodle page.
/Grading method/criteria
Active Participation: 15%
Comprehension Quizzes: 25%  
Midterm exam: 30%
Final exam: 30%

Notes: If you miss 4 classes or more, you cannot pass this course.

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2024年度/Academic Year  3学期 /Third Quarter
/Course for;
金子 恵美子
金子 恵美子
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/16
/Course outline
**This class will be offered in the flipped-classroom style.  

Students will analyze sentences at the micro level and manually draw tree diagrams both in class and as assignments. We will start from simple to more complex sentences and give enough time to learn diagramming techniques.


/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(D)Graduates are able to view human society from a global perspective and think about the coexistence of nature and human beings, as well as the happiness, health, and welfare of humankind.
(E)Graduates are able to effectively express their thoughts and judgments in writing, orally, and through information media, both inside and outside the country, and to communicate them to others, as well as to understand the information and opinions expressed by others.
(F)Graduates are able to determine and carry out the actions they and others, including those from other disciplines, should take and plan and manage work under given constraints in collaborative projects.

[Competency codes]
C-EC-001-2, C-EC-010-4, C-EC-012-8, C-EC-014-3

By the end of the course, students will acquire sufficient knowledge about sentence structures and be able to analyze sentences syntactically by themselves.

/Class schedule
Class 1 Introduction, grammar terms
Class 2 Noun phrases
Class 3 Noun phrases (diagram)
Class 4 Noun phrases (diagram)
Class 5 Noun phrases (diagram)
Class 6    Review for the midterm exam
Class 7  Midterm Examination
Class 8 Verb phrases 1
Class 9 Verb phrases 2
Class 10 Tense and aspect
Class 11 Three kinds of objects 1
Class 12  Three kinds of objects 2
Class 13  Adjectival/adverbial
Class 14   Review for the final exam
Final Exam Week   Final Examination
Uploaded in the Moodle course site
Students are required to watch a video and do all the exercises and homework before class.
If students do not bring homework to class, they will be marked as "absent".

/Grading method/criteria
1. Class Participation (Presentations and participation in group work) [10% ]
2. In-class and homework assignments/quizzes [ 15% ]
3. Midterm Exam [ 35% ]
4. Final Exam [ 40% ]
/Note for course registration
- This class will be offered in the flipped-classroom style.
- Successful completion of English Strongly Recommended Courses is highly recommended.

/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
The course instructor, Emiko Kaneko, worked in Gakken School Management as an English instructor and an academic administrator. She was also in charge of the development and the quality maintenance of English speaking tests in ALC Press.

For more information about flipped classroom/反転授業について.

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2024年度/Academic Year  3学期 /Third Quarter
/Course for;
パーキンズ ジェレミー
パーキンズ ジェレミー
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/12
/Course outline
Students will learn about the structural properties of human language as illuminated by modern linguistic theory. A range of topics will be covered, including sound patterns, sentence structure, word form and aspects of meaning.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(D)Graduates are able to view human society from a global perspective and think about the coexistence of nature and human beings, as well as the happiness, health, and welfare of humankind.
(E)Graduates are able to effectively express their thoughts and judgments in writing, orally, and through information media, both inside and outside the country, and to communicate them to others, as well as to understand the information and opinions expressed by others.
(F)Graduates are able to determine and carry out the actions they and others, including those from other disciplines, should take and plan and manage work under given constraints in collaborative projects.

[Competency Codes]
C-EC-001-3, C-EC-010-6, C-EC-014-4
The following objectives will be of particular interest:
1. A basic understanding of patterns seen across human languages.
2. Analysis of language data in a range of languages.
3. Use of English in describing linguistic phenomena.
4. How knowledge of sound patterns can aid in learning English and other languages.
/Class schedule
Class 1: Introduction
Class 1: Introduction to Linguistics
Class 2-4: Speech sounds across languages (Phonetics)
Class 5-6: Words (Morphology)
Class 7: Midterm Review Class
Class 8: Midterm
Class 9-10: Sound Patterns across languages (Phonology)
Class 11-12: Sentence Structure (Syntax)
Class 13-14: Meaning in Language (Semantics)
Class lecture notes will be provided. You do not need to buy a textbook. Course material (including readings) will be made available online to students by the instructor.
/Grading method/criteria
Homework Assignments 30%
Midterm Exam 25%
Review Activity/Test 35%
Active Participation 10%

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2024年度/Academic Year  4学期 /Fourth Quarter
/Course for;
ベンソン スチュアート
ベンソン スチュアート
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/11
/Course outline
/Objectives and attainment
/Class schedule
/Grading method/criteria
/Note for course registration
Studying the vocabulary wordlists will be completed for homework.

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2024年度/Academic Year  2学期 /Second Quarter
/Course for;
ニコラス アラン
ニコラス アラン
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/16
/Course outline
When we learn a foreign language, we typically focus on grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. These are important! However, we sometimes forget to think about pragmatics- the ways in which our language choices can change in different social situations. This short course introduces you to the pragmatics of the English language. You will learn about how conversation is constructed in real-life situations, and how our grammar patterns and vocabulary choices vary in different contexts.

The course introduces the concept of speech-as-action. We will use the tools of conversation analysis to describe authentic talk and gain an understanding of how it can vary according to context. You will have opportunities to analyse model talk and apply apply knowledge to your own spoken interactions.

Course components
1. In-class activities/active participation
You should attend all classes and participate in all activities. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of class. Failure to actively participate in class may lead to points being deducted from the “active participation” category. If you have to miss a class for a legitimate reason (e.g., illness or family emergency), you must contact Allan Nicholas in advance.

2. Assignments/homework
Sometimes your instructor will give you assignments to complete for homework. It is important to complete all assignments and hand them in on time.

3. End-term assessments
There is an end-term exam. Make-up exams will only be given if you miss a test for a legitimate reason (e.g. illness or family emergency).

4. End-term project
You will complete a project at the end of the term to demonstrate your ability to apply the things you have learnt throughout the course.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(D)Graduates are able to view human society from a global perspective and think about the coexistence of nature and human beings, as well as the happiness, health, and welfare of humankind.
(E)Graduates are able to effectively express their thoughts and judgments in writing, orally, and through information media, both inside and outside the country, and to communicate them to others, as well as to understand the information and opinions expressed by others.
(F)Graduates are able to determine and carry out the actions they and others, including those from other disciplines, should take and plan and manage work under given constraints in collaborative projects.

[Competency codes]
C-EC-002-6     C-EC-010-5     C-EC-0012-6

By the end of the course, learners will:
a) have some basic knowledge of Speech Act Theory (SAT)
b) have knowledge of fundamental concepts related to Conversation    Analysis (CA)
c) have an understanding of how talk is influenced by social context
d) be able to analyse model conversations using CA concepts
e) be able to analyse their own English language interactions using CA concepts
/Class schedule
Class 1: Introduction to the course
Class 2: Speech-as-action
Class 3: Basic CA concepts- adjacency pairs and preferred/dispreferred turns
Class 4: How talk-in-interaction is organised- speech acts over multiple turns
Class 5: The speech act of requesting- structure
Class 6: The speech act of requesting- the request turn
Class 7: Social context and language choices
Class 8: Repairing a conversation; changing and closing topics
Class 9: The listener’s role
Class 10: Maintaining a conversation
Class 11: Culture and pragmatic norms
Classes 12-13: End-term assessment
Class 14: End-term project
All materials will be provided by the instructor.
/Grading method/criteria
Active participation: 5%
Final assessment: 40%
Assignments: 20%
End-term project: 35%

Student obligations
It is the responsibility of students to read the syllabus and complete all assignments, tests and projects on time.
If you do not bring the materials you need to class, you will be considered ‘absent.’ If you are exceed the maximum number of absences allowed, the final grade will be an F regardless of your final score for the course.

Academic integrity
Cheating/plagiarizing other’s work is not allowed. Sometimes the instructor will ask you to complete work in pairs or small groups, and sometimes individually. When working by yourself, you are not allowed to copy other students’ work.

/Note for course registration
This course is designed for intermediate-level Japanese learners of English.
There are no set requirements. However, learners are expected to have completed 1st and 2nd year English core courses.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Every student must enroll in the course through Moodle. Weekly announcements will be uploaded on the course page. Please check Moodle for detailed information on assignments or other course information. Please contact your professor if you have any problems accessing the website. If you have problems with your login, please contact or visit SSB (RQ 207-E).

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2024年度/Academic Year  1学期 /First Quarter
/Course for;
リングル ウイリアム
リングル ウイリアム
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/25
/Course outline
This course aims to help students take control of their language learning. Using free online corpus resources, students will learn how to identify common patterns in language use. Students will learn how to use this data to communicate clearly and effectively in English.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(D)Graduates are able to view human society from a global perspective and think about the coexistence of nature and human beings, as well as the happiness, health, and welfare of humankind.
(E)Graduates are able to effectively express their thoughts and judgments in writing, orally, and through information media, both inside and outside the country, and to communicate them to others, as well as to understand the information and opinions expressed by others.
(F)Graduates are able to determine and carry out the actions they and others, including those from other disciplines, should take and plan and manage work under given constraints in collaborative projects.

[Competency Codes]
C-EC-011-5, C-EC-012-7, C-EC-14-6

By the end of the course students will be able to:

1) identify high-frequency word pairs (noun-verb / adjective-noun, etc.)
2) distinguish between words with similar meanings
3) use prepositions (in, on, by, for, etc.) and articles (a, an, the) in more
        natural ways
4) understand the common ‘moves’ in academic writing and identify
        common words used to achieve these ‘moves’
5) identify resources for learning academic vocabulary words
6) understand how to use free online corpus tools independently to answer
        their own questions and improve their use of English
/Class schedule
Session 1: Introduction to Corpus Linguistics
Session 2: Introduction to Collocations
Session 3: Word frequency and n-grams
Session 4: Concordances - Contrasting similar words
Session 5: Using Prepositions (in, on, with, for, etc.)
Session 6: Using Articles (a, an, the)
Session 7: Academic Vocabulary and Style
Session 8: Common ‘Moves’ in Academic Writing
Session 9: Common Words for Achieving these ‘Moves’
Session 10: Using Modals (can, might, may, etc.)
Session 11: How to Use Continuous Tense Verbs
Session 12: How to Use Participle Forms of Verbs
Session 13: Work on Final Projects
Session 14: Present Final Projects

Final Exam Week: Final Exam
No textbook. Materials will be provided.
/Grading method/criteria
Exercises: 30%
Quizzes: 30%
Final project: 20%
Final Exam: 20%

/Note for course registration
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Materials and links will be available on the course Moodle page.

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2024年度/Academic Year  4学期 /Fourth Quarter
/Course for;
金子 恵美子
金子 恵美子
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/16
/Course outline
You will practice both "extensive" and "intensive" reading in this class. Extensive reading (ER), the activity that you had in the first year, is believed to improve overall language ability if enough number of words is read. In this course, students will read more than 40,000 words of graded readers, and write and present a book report at the end of the quarter.
Intensive reading is a way of reading difficult text by analyzing the structure and meaning, possible with a dictionary. This course will attempt to improve your overall reading fluency by reading English in these two ways.

 この授業では、多読と精読の両方に取り組みます。皆さんが1年生の時に行った多読(Exntensive Reading)は、充分な読書量があれば、全般的な英語能力を向上すると言われています。この科目では多読図書4万語を読破し、ブックレポートを作成し、学期の最後で口頭発表します。
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(D)Graduates are able to view human society from a global perspective and think about the coexistence of nature and human beings, as well as the happiness, health, and welfare of humankind.
(E)Graduates are able to effectively express their thoughts and judgments in writing, orally, and through information media, both inside and outside the country, and to communicate them to others, as well as to understand the information and opinions expressed by others.
(F)Graduates are able to determine and carry out the actions they and others, including those from other disciplines, should take and plan and manage work under given constraints in collaborative projects.

[Competency codes]
C-EC-002-4, C-EC-011-4, C-EC-014-2

This class is to develop reading fluency (reading and understanding English text quickly). The goal of this course is to read more than 40,000 words in three months and orally present one of the book reports to class.

/Class schedule
Class 1  Introduction, reading speed check
Class 2  Intensive reading 1
Class 3  Book report and Extensive reading 1
              ### read 5,000 words ###
Class 4  Intensive reading 2
Class 5  Book report and Extensive reading 2
              [read 10,000 words]
Class 6  Intensive reading 3
Class 7  Book report and Extensive reading 3
Class 8  Midterm exam
Class 9  Intensive reading 4 [Field of your interest]
              ### read 25,000 words ###
Class 10  How to present a book report and practice
Class 11  Intensive reading 5 [Field of your interest]
Class 12  Fast reading and book report presentation practice 4
Class 13  Students’ presentation 1
Class 14  Students’ presentation 2
                ###read 40,000 words###
Final Exam Week    Final examination
Graded readers are found in the library. Some of them are available online.
Supplementary materials will be distributed in class.

/Grading method/criteria
1. Number of words and books that you have read [30%]
2. Midterm Exam [20% ]
3. Review test [ 20% ]
4. Book report [10%]
5. Slides and presentation [15%]
6. Active class participation [5%]
/Note for course registration
- You need to spend time reading graded readers outside the class.
- Successful completion of English Strongly Recommended Courses is highly recommended.


/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
The course instructor, Emiko Kaneko, worked in Gakken School Management as an English instructor and an academic administrator. She was also in charge of the development and the quality maintenance of English speaking tests in ALC Press.

About extensive reading

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2024年度/Academic Year  4学期 /Fourth Quarter
/Course for;
ウィルソン イアン
ウィルソン イアン
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/26
/Course outline
このコースの焦点は、国連の持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)にあります。 すべてのクラスで、特定の地球規模の問題が英語で議論されます。 学生は英語の語彙、リーディング、リスニング、そして特にすべてのクラスで話す練習をします。 学生は短い口頭発表を行い、クラスごとに小グループのディスカッションに参加する必要があります。 このコースを成功させ、ディスカッションに完全に参加するために、学生は登録する前に少なくとも550ポイントのTOEICスコアを持っていることを強くお勧めします。
/Objectives and attainment
(D) 人間社会を地球的な視点から多面的にとらえ、自然と人間との共生、人類の幸福・健康・福祉について考えることができる
(E) 文書、口頭、情報メディアなどを通じて、自らの思考・判断を国の内外において効果的に表現し、他者に伝えるとともに、他者の発信した情報や意見を理解することができる
(F) 他分野の人を含めた他者との協働において、自己及び他者のなすべき行動を判断し、実行・働きかけるとともに、与えられた制約の下で計画的に仕事を進め、まとめることができる

[Competency Codes]
C-EC-001-6, C-EC-002-7, C-EC-004-4, C-EC-009-7, C-EC-011-6

(1) 英語の語彙を増やし、現在のトピックを読む練習をすることができます
(2) 他の人の英語のプレゼンテーションやディスカッションを聞く練習をする
(3) SDGsの達成に向けたさまざまな取り組みに関する研究
(4) 英語のスピーチの練習とSDGsに関する議論への参加
/Class schedule
Class 1: What are SDGs?
Class 2: What is a woman-friendly society?
Class 3: Does saving infants’ lives slow population growth?
Class 4: Can technology solve the water crisis?
Class 5: How can quality education for all be achieved?
Class 6: What does it mean to be a sustainable city?
Class 7: Will “black companies” survive in the future?
Class 8: How can we reduce food waste?
Class 9: Is a world without plastic possible?
Class 10: How can we embrace diversity in society?
Class 11: What kind of energy is affordable and clean?
Class 12: Short oral presentations and Q&A
Class 13: What is behind the fashion industry?
Class 14: Final Presentations
Title: “SDGs x Discussion”
ISBN: 978-4-7647-4150-8
Price: ¥2000
Publisher: Kinseido Publishing Co. Ltd. (Tokyo)
Publisher website: Kinseido
/Grading method/criteria
Online vocabulary quizzes: 15%
Online listening quizzes: 15%
Active participation in discussions, including Q&A: 20%
Making speeches in class: 50%
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
The course instructor, Ian Wilson, worked at GEOS Corporation in the 1990s as an English instructor and a teacher trainer.

UN SDGs website: SDGs

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2024年度/Academic Year  1学期 /First Quarter
/Course for;
カー ニコラス
カー ニコラス
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/23
/Course outline
This course focuses on notetaking in academic contexts when the notetaker is listening to a lecture that is given in their additional language (English). Notetaking during a lecture is not a single action, but a recursive process which consists of several steps. Students will practice these steps to develop their notetaking and listening skills when listening to lectures in English. A variety of notetaking methods will be practiced, allowing students to discover which approaches are most suitable for them. These skills are crucial when taking lectures in an additional language and also beneficial when attending conferences in your professional life. Please note, while this course practices and develops listening skills, its primary focus is developing notetaking skills.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(D)Graduates are able to view human society from a global perspective and think about the coexistence of nature and human beings, as well as the happiness, health, and welfare of humankind.
(E)Graduates are able to effectively express their thoughts and judgments in writing, orally, and through information media, both inside and outside the country, and to communicate them to others, as well as to understand the information and opinions expressed by others.
(F)Graduates are able to determine and carry out the actions they and others, including those from other disciplines, should take and plan and manage work under given constraints in collaborative projects.

[Compentency Codes]

After completing this course, students will:
(1) understand how to segment content into meaningful chunks when listening
(2) have learnt to separate information into various levels of importance
(3) develop the ability to record information verbatim and transfer this into simplified notes
(4) understand the Outline, Cornell and Spray-Chart methods of notetaking
(5) understand the discourse features of an academic lecture
/Class schedule
Class 1: Introduction to the unit and steps in note taking
Class 2: The Outline Method; Identifying main ideas, support and examples
Class 3: The Cornell Method; Abbreviations Part 1
Class 4: The Spray-Chart Method; Abbreviations Part 2
Class 5: Translanguaging and Diagrams in Note-Taking
Class 6: Electronic Note-Taking
Class 7: Mid-term Exam
Class 8: Reviewing Notes: Individual and Group review
Class9-10: Putting it all together Part 1- Note-taking during short lectures
Class 11:  Presentations of note-taking strategies
Class 12-13: Putting it all together Part 2 - Note-taking during real-life lectures
Class 14: Review activity/test
All materials will be distributed in class or via the course site.
/Grading method/criteria
Active Participation: 10%
Homework Assignments: 15%
Mid-term exam: 25%
Presentation of note-taking strategies: 15%
Review activity/test: 35%

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2024年度/Academic Year  4学期 /Fourth Quarter
/Course for;
カー ニコラス
カー ニコラス
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/23
/Course outline
This course focuses on teaching students how to understand what is being communicated beyond words. Students will study how identity, gender and regional differences are reflected in language. Additionally, students will learn how language differs according to context and its medium, such as when using social media. Finally, to effectively use English as a lingua franca when talking to people of different cultures, students will be exposed to a variety of World Englishes.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(D)Graduates are able to view human society from a global perspective and think about the coexistence of nature and human beings, as well as the happiness, health, and welfare of humankind.
(E)Graduates are able to effectively express their thoughts and judgments in writing, orally, and through information media, both inside and outside the country, and to communicate them to others, as well as to understand the information and opinions expressed by others.
(F)Graduates are able to determine and carry out the actions they and others, including those from other disciplines, should take and plan and manage work under given constraints in collaborative projects.

[Competency Codes]
C-EC-010-7, C-EC-014-8

After completing this course, students will:
(1) understand how social groups are formed and maintained through language
(2) understand how social context influences language use
(3) be able to use language appropriate for a given register
(4) be able to analyze discourse to understand what is being communicated beyond words
(5) develop their ability to use language appropriate for a variety of social contexts
/Class schedule
Class 1: What is Sociolinguistics?
Class 2: Social Dimensions of Language
Class 3: Regional and Social Dialects
Class 4: Social and Class Dialects
Class 5: Gender and Age
Class 6: Style, Context and Register
Class 7 and 8: Assessment Task 1
Class 9: Speech Functions
Class 10: Politeness and Stereotypes
Class 11:  Construction of Gender through Language
Class 12: Analyzing Discourse
Class 13: Varieties of English
Class 14: Assessment Task 2
All materials will be distributed in class or via the course site.
/Grading method/criteria
Active Participation: 10%
Homework Assignments: 15%
Assessment Task 1: 35%
Assessment Task 2: 40%

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2024年度/Academic Year  1学期 /First Quarter
/Course for;
ロイ デボプリオ
ロイ デボプリオ
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
Competency Requirements: C-EC-010 & C-EC-015
更新日/Last updated on 2024/02/13
/Course outline
This course is designed for undergraduate computer science students to develop effective social networking skills within the context of the industry. The focus will be on cultivating a professional online presence, leveraging social platforms for career advancement, and participating in industry events. Through practical assignments and case studies, students will learn to navigate the social landscape of the tech industry, build meaningful professional connections, and enhance their career prospects.
/Objectives and attainment
Understand the importance of social networking in the tech industry.
Develop and manage a professional online presence.
Learn effective communication strategies for networking.
Utilize social media platforms for career growth and industry engagement.
Participate in industry events and build a network of professionals.

Attainment Goals:
Developing a Professional Online Presence
Effective Communication in Professional Networking
Utilizing Social Media for Career Advancement
Successful Networking Event Participation
Capstone Project: Networking in Action
Professionalism and Adaptability
Continuous Learning and Improvement
Class Participation and Collaboration
/Class schedule
Introduction to Professional Social Networking (Weeks 1)

Importance of networking in the tech industry
Overview of professional social networking platforms
Building a personal brand online
Creating an Effective LinkedIn Profile (Weeks 2)

Optimizing LinkedIn profiles for visibility
Showcasing skills, projects, and experiences
Connecting with professionals in the field
Effective Communication in Professional Networking (Weeks 3)

Crafting compelling messages and introductions
Participating in online discussions and forums
Handling networking challenges and conflicts
Utilizing Social Media for Career Advancement (Weeks 4)

Twitter, GitHub, and other platform strategies
Blogging and content creation for professional visibility
Monitoring industry trends through social media
Networking Events and Conferences (Weeks 5)

Preparing for industry conferences and events
Engaging with professionals during conferences
Following up and maintaining connections post-event
Building and Nurturing Professional Relationships (Weeks 6)

Strategies for expanding and maintaining networks
Mentorship and being a valuable connection
Navigating cultural and international aspects of professional networking
Capstone Project: Networking in Action (Weeks 6-7)

Class 14-15: Participation in https://etltc-acmchap.org/ (Week 7)

"The Start-Up of You: Adapt to the Future, Invest in Yourself, and Transform Your Career" by Reid Hoffman and Ben Casnocha
"Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time" by Keith Ferrazzi

* No need to buy any textbook
/Grading method/criteria

LinkedIn Profile Optimization - 15%
Social Media Engagement Assignment - 20%
Networking Event Participation - 15%
Midterm Exam/Project (Theory and Concepts) - 20%
Capstone Project - 25%
Class Participation and Professionalism - 5%
/Note for course registration

Basic knowledge of computer science fundamentals
Familiarity with internet usage and common social media platforms
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
This syllabus is adaptable based on the instructor's preferences and the institution's resources. Guest speakers from the industry and practical exercises could be incorporated to provide real-world insights and experiences in social networking within the tech sector.

コンピテンシーコード表を開く 科目一覧へ戻る

2024年度/Academic Year  2学期 /Second Quarter
/Course for;
イリチュ ピーター
イリチュ ピーター
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/26
/Course outline
This course delves into the dynamic interplay between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and language learning. It offers a critical analysis of how AI technologies are revolutionizing traditional language acquisition methods, fostering innovative, interactive, and tailored learning experiences. Students will explore both the beneficial advancements and the challenges inherent in integrating AI into language education. The curriculum encompasses a range of topics such as Feedback, Personalized Learning, Grammar, Pronunciation, Gamification, and Ethical Considerations. Given the rapidly evolving nature of this field, the specific content of these topics may be subject to annual updates. The course aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of AI's role in language learning and to develop their ability to utilize this technology responsibly and effectively in their own language studies.
/Objectives and attainment
1. Understand the Role of AI in Language Learning: Gain comprehensive knowledge of how AI technologies are applied in language education.
2. Critically Analyze Advancements and Challenges: Evaluate the benefits and potential drawbacks of AI in language acquisition.
3. Explore Ethical and Cultural Implications: Understand the ethical considerations and cultural impacts of AI-driven language learning tools.
4. Investigate Practical AI Solutions: Become familiar with proposed innovative AI solutions for improving language learning.
/Class schedule
Class 1: Introduction to AI in Language Learning
Class 2: Feedback and Correction
Class 3: Personalized Learning
Class 4: Learning of Vocabulary and Grammar
Class 5: Speech Recognition and Pronunciation Training
Class 6: Dialogic, Chatbots and Conversational Practice
Class 7: Gamification in AI Language Learning
Class 8: Immersive Learning
Class 9: Continuous Learning
Class 10: Language Diversity and AI, Accessibility, and Ethical Considerations
Class 11: AI Prompt Design
Class 12: Review
Class 13: Presentation Day 1
Class 14: Presentation Day 2

*The schedule may change based on the number of students.
No textbook will be used. Course material will be made available on Moodle.
/Grading method/criteria
Online Quizzes: 80%
Project Presentation/Paper: 20%
/Note for course registration
Late assignments will lose 10% per day.
After 5 days, a late assignment will receive a mark of 0%.

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