2024年度 シラバス学部


2025/02/08  現在

コンピテンシーコード表を開く 科目一覧へ戻る

2024年度/Academic Year  2学期 /Second Quarter
/Course for;
ファン トゥアン アン
ファン トゥアン アン
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/31
/Course outline
This course offers the fundamentals of the highly important topics in the computer networking – the network security. Students are required to take the L11 course to have basic concepts of networking, from application to link-layer layers.
/Objectives and attainment
After taking this course, students will be able to understand of (1) basic concepts of cryptography techniques, (2) application of cryptography in all layers of the Internet, including secure email, SSH, transport layer security, IPsec and wireless network security.
/Class schedule
Lecture schedule

• Lecture 1: Introduction – Basic concepts of computer and network security
• Lecture 2: Symmetric encryption principles
• Lecture 3: Block cipher and stream cipher
• Lecture 4: Public key cryptography
• Lecture 5: Message Authentication
• Lecture 6: SHA, HMAC and Digital Signature
• Lecture 7: Security in transport layer: SSL
• Lecture 8: HTTPS, SSH and Email
• Lecture 9: Security in network layer: IPsec
• Lecture 10: Security in network layer: cont.
• Lecture 11: WLAN protocols
• Lecture 12: Wired equivalent privacy (WEP)
• Lecture 13: WLAN security protocol: 802.11i
• Lecture 14:  Firewalls

Lab schedule
• Lab 1 – Classical cryptography lab
• Lab 2 - Cryptography programming: Secret key cryptography (DES), public key cryptography (RSA) and message digests (SHA-1)
• Lab 3 - Implementation of a Secured Client-Server protocol
1. Network Security Essentials: Applications and Standards, by William Stallings (Kindle version is also available) – any edition is OK.
2. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach by J.F. Kurose and K.W. Ross, any Edition is OK (this is the textbook of L11)
/Grading method/criteria
- C: Class-prep (CP) (5%): graded based on effort – 100% if you try to complete ALL questions “seriously”.
- A: Attendance (5%) – counted by the number of CP submissions
   + Absent in 4 or more lecture sessions without prior permission: 0
   + Otherwise: 100
- Q: Quiz answer (10%)
- L: Lab assignments: (4*10%) = 40%
- M: Mid-term exams: 20%
- E: Final exams: 20%

Final score (F)
- If any of C, A, Q, L, M or E = 0 --> F = 0
- Otherwise, F = 0.05C + 0.05A + 0.1Q + 0.4L + 0.2M + 0.2E
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
course websites: Moodle

コンピテンシーコード表を開く 科目一覧へ戻る

2024年度/Academic Year  3学期 /Third Quarter
/Course for;
チョオン コン タン
チョオン コン タン, イドゥニン パシャ ビン イブラヒム
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
Courses preferred to be learned prior to this course (This course assumes understanding of entire or partial content of the following courses)
LI11: Introduction to Computer Network
PL02: C Programming
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/25
/Course outline
The Internet is currently the main infrastructure to connect people and machines all over the world. This course covers the practical knowledge and skills to connect the computers, at application layer, transport layer, and network layer. Topics include Addresses and Protocols, Client-Server architecture, Socket basics, UDP/TCP sockets, App-layer networking, and Software Defined Network (SDN). Students are required to take the L11 course to have basic concepts of networking, from application to link-layer layers.

/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(A)Graduates are aware of their professional and ethical responsibilities as an engineer, and are able to analyze societal requirements, and set, solve, and evaluate technical problems using information science technologies in society.

[Competency Codes]
C-NC-001, C-NC-002, C-NC-004

Student will learn (1) knowledge of practical protocols used in the ICT Industry, (2) ability to build client-server based applications using the Socket APIs, (3) experience to compare and critique various networking solutions.
/Class schedule
Lec. 1: Introduction: Internet architecture and layers
Lec. 2: Introduction: Internet architecture and layers (cont.)
Lec. 3: Basics of Transport layer and sockets
Lec. 4: Basics of Transport layer and sockets (cont.)
Lec. 5: UDP protocol and programming
Lec. 6: UDP protocol and programming (cont.)
Lec. 7: TCP protocol and programming
Lec. 8: Mid-term exam
Lec. 9: TCP protocol and programming  (cont.)
Lec. 10: Client-Server paradigm and programming  
Lec. 11: Client-Server paradigm and programming  (cont.)
Lec. 12: Application layer protocols and programming  
Lec. 13: Application layer protocols and programming  (cont.)
Lec. 14: Software Defined Network
Final Exam

- One lab exercise and homework questions are assigned every two weeks.
“Computer Networking: Top Down Approach Featuring Network”, by J. F. Kurose and K. W. Ross (7th edition)
/Grading method/criteria
- Quizzes: 15%
- Exercise reports: 45%
- Mid-term exam: 20%
- Final exam:        20%
/Note for course registration
All classes are taught in English
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)

The course instructor C.T. Truong has practical working experiences in network programming. He worked for Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) of South Korea for 5 years where he was involved in R&D of multimedia communications and networking. He also actively contributed in ISO/IEC & ITU-T standards related to IPTV and video streaming for more than 10 years.


コンピテンシーコード表を開く 科目一覧へ戻る

2024年度/Academic Year  4学期 /Fourth Quarter
/Course for;
ファン トゥアン アン
ファン トゥアン アン
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/30
/Course outline
This course helps to develop an understanding of the various aspects of wireless and mobile networks. Following the first course on computer networking (L11: Introduction to Computer Networking) which covers basic concepts the Internet, including applications, transport, network and a part of data-link layers, the N04 course provides a solid conceptual understanding of the fundamentals of the most popular transmission media today: the wireless transmission. The course covers fundamentals of design and architecture of wireless networks.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(A)Graduates are aware of their professional and ethical responsibilities as an engineer, and are able to analyze societal requirements, and set, solve, and evaluate technical problems using information science technologies in society.

After taking this course, students will be able to understand (1) basic concepts of wireless communications and networks, layer architecture, (2) wireless signal transmission, (3) wireless access mechanism, and (4) problems and specific design of wireless network, including the popular wifi, Bluetooth, and Zigbee protocols.
/Class schedule
• Lecture 1: Introduction to Wireless Networks
• Lecture 2: Wireless networks and Protocol Suites
• Lecture 3: Transmission Media and Channel Capacity
• Lecture 4: Wireless Signal Propagation, Signal Fading
• Lecture 5: Signal Encoding and Modulation
• Lecture 6: Multiplexing and CDMA
• Lecture 7: OFDM
• Lecture 8: WLAN Technology
• Lecture 9: Media Access Control Protocols
• Lecture 10: Media Access Control 802.11
• Lecture 11: PHY layer in 802.11
• Lecture 12: Security in 802.11
• Lecture 13: IoT and Bluetooth
• Lecture 14: 802.15 and Zigbee
1. Wireless Communications Networks & Systems, by William Stallings (Kindle version is also available) – any edition is OK (old edition name: Wireless Communications & Networks). - REQUIRED

2. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach by J.F. Kurose and K.W. Ross, any Edition is OK (this is the textbook of L11).
/Grading method/criteria
- Quiz: 10%
- Assignments 40%
- Mid-term exams: 25%
- Final exams: 25%

Final score (F)
- If any of Q, A, M or E = 0 --> F = 0
- Otherwise F = 0.1Q + 0.4A + 0.25M + 0.25E
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Course websites: Moodle

コンピテンシーコード表を開く 科目一覧へ戻る

2024年度/Academic Year  4学期 /Fourth Quarter
/Course for;
レ ドアン ホアン
レ ドアン ホアン
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
Courses preferred to be learned prior to this course (This course assumes understanding of entire or partial content of the following courses)
LI11 Intro. to Computer Networking
PL04 C++ Programming
CN04 Wireless Networks
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/24
/Course outline
Network modeling and simulation is a key step in the design and procurement of network systems. In all cases, it is necessary to compare performance of new computer systems with that of similar systems. This course provides these professionals with fundamental performance analysis techniques and require a minimal level of statistical sophistication.
/Objectives and attainment
[Corresponding Learning Outcomes]
(A)Graduates are aware of their professional and ethical responsibilities as an engineer, and are able to analyze societal requirements, and set, solve, and evaluate technical problems using information science technologies in society.

The purpose of this course is to give basic modeling, simulation, and analysis background to systems analysts so that students are able to understand performance terminology, correctly design performance experiments, use simple queueing or simulation models, and interpret results.
/Class schedule
Lecture 1: Introduction and overview
Lecture 2: Computer Network Review
Lecture 3: Measurement using iperf
Lecture 4: Network Simulator OMNeT++
Lecture 5: Advanced TicToc in OMNeT++
Lecture 6: Routing in OMNeT++
Lecture 7: Simulate ALOHA Protocol
Lecture 8: Statistics
Lecture 9: Basic Probability
Lecture 10: Random Variables
Lecture 11: Markov Chain
Lecture 12: Poisson Process
Lecture 13: Queueing Theory 1
Lecture 14: Queueing Theory 2
1. R. Jain, "The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis: Techniques for Experimental Design, Measurement, Simulation, and Modeling," Wiley, April 1991, ISBN:0471503361.
2. Mohammed S. Obaidat, Noureddine A. Boudriga,” Fundamentals of Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunications Systems”, Wiley, 2010, ISBN:  978-0-471-26983-0
/Grading method/criteria
Class Q&A: 20%
Assignment: 30%
Examination: 50%
/Note for course registration
1. All lectures and exercises are given in English.
2. This course is about network simulation. You need to have strong background of communication networks and wireless networks.
3. We will program using C++.
4. Math is also important for this course. You need to have background of basic math and probability theory.

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