AY 2024 Graduate School Course Catalog

Regular Courses


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2024年度/Academic Year  前期集中 /1st Semester Intensive
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year
MORI Kazuyoshi
MORI Kazuyoshi, KAWASHIMA Akira (Hokkaido Univ.)
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/16
/Course outline
Almost nobody denies that in conducting any kind of research, we must be careful about human rights and their implementation. Although, however, there exist international declaration and guidelines, they merely represent aspirational goals to achieve. In order to foster our understanding of ethical matters related to research, it is important to look at history of experimentation on human beings and to review various theories of ethics from which we have derived principles that we usually follow in conducting research. On the basis of such general knowledge of research ethics, ideally, we can properly examine each of actual research situations and devise appropriate solutions to the difficulties involved in it. This course will provide an initial step for it.
/Objectives and attainment
We will learn the history of research ethics and consider how to conduct general approaches mainly by taking a close look at relevant cases. Through this course of study, we will train ourselves to be familiar with theoretical backgrounds of research ethics and thereby to be able to analyze each of situations in research that may cause ethical problems.
/Class schedule
1. General introduction to research ethics (I).  We will mainly address the issue of human experimentation by briefly overviewing several notorious cases including the Nazi Experiments and the Cold War Experiments.

2. General introduction to research ethics (II). We will then consider how ethical codes and guide lines historically developed. We will also do an exercise for this topic.

3. Approaches to ethical analysis (I). We will review a number of major ethical theories, which are systematically related to bodies of principles and rules related to research. To begin with, we will overview casuistry, communitarianism, and feminist ethics.

4. Approaches to ethical analysis (II). Next, we will consider the three major theories of normative ethics: deontology, utilitarianism, and virtue ethics. We may also do an exercise for this topic.

5. Ethical issues before the study begins (I). We will address the issue of how to design the study, which includes formulating inclusion and exclusion criteria -- who should be permitted to participate and who should not participate in the study.

6. Ethical issues before the study begins (II).  We will consider the purpose and function of ethical review committees before discussing various types of conflicts of interest. We may also do an exercise regarding assessment of conflicts of interest.

7. Ethical issues during and after the study. We will overview topics of importance during and after the study, which include the informed consent process, confidentiality and privacy concerns, authorship, and research misconducts.
No textbook. Teaching materials will be distributed in the class, if necessary.
/Grading method/criteria
Exercises at classes (20%). Active participation in discussion (20%). Final report (60%).
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Sana Loue. Textbook of Research Ethics: Theory and Practice. New York (2000).

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2024年度/Academic Year  後期集中 /2nd Semester Intensive
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year
CHEN Wenxi
CHEN Wenxi, Hiroaki Ishizaka
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/09/09
/Course outline
In recent years, there is a growing demand for the creation of innovative businesses based on the university's research. University-Business research collaboration, such as collaborative research projects, is one of key approaches to meet the demands. In order to achieve goals of the projects, it is often considered essential to obtain and utilize the intellectual property (IP) rights. In addition, IP management are becoming more important for not only these research projects but any R&D project of new technologies.
In order to actively engage with these research project, the researchers need to be familiar with the IP system, especially patent system because it can protect the technical idea of research.
The lecturer will explain intellectual property rights protection, management and utilization indispensable for the development of IT technology and business, starting from the basic knowledge in an easy-to-understand manner.
/Objectives and attainment
Students of this class can mainly learn overview of IP, and learn how to file patent applications/how to obtain patent rights. The students can deepen their understanding of the use of IP through exercises /assignments on some topics.
/Class schedule
Day 1 (Overview of IP and patent system)
1. Overview of Intellectual Property (IP) : general topics
2. Overview of IP: detailed topics
3. Overview of patent system: procedures of patent applications
4. Overview of patent system: determining patentability

Day 2 (Preparing a proposal to file a patent application)
5. Preparing documents related to patent applications: preparing a proposal to file a patent application
6. Preparing documents related to patent applications: search the prior art
7. Exercise for drafting a proposal to file a patent application
8. Exercise for drafting a proposal to file a patent application

Day 3 (Utility model system, Design system, Trademark system)
9.  Utility model system
10.  Design system
11.  Trademark system

Day 4 (Other Intellectual Property rights, IP utilization and Summary)
12. Copyright
13. IP utilization in universities and companies
14. Summary of IP rights
In principle, handouts will be distributed.
/Grading method/criteria
Class exercises and assignments (50%) and one report (50%).
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
The course instructor has practical experience. He had been working for Japan Patent Office (JPO) where he was involved in patent examination/trial/appeal and operations of governmental IP policy. Based on his experience, he can teach the utilization of Intellectual Property.

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2024年度/Academic Year  後期 /Second Semester
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year
LIU Yong
LIU Yong
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/24
/Course outline
As technology of computer science and engineering is changing rapidly, it is very necessary to catch up with hot issues accordingly for students who are carrying out research in this field. For example, artificial intelligence and its application on several domains, IoT technologies, distributed network and security issues, robotics, big data analytics, Bioinformatics, and other research topics in computer science and engineering can be illustrated as emerging topics.
In keeping with this trend, this course deals with survey of current state of the art of hot topics and suggestion of important research issues related to the topics. Free discussions on the contents that have been covered in a course, will fill up possible deficiencies and improve the course with detailed issues among students in the discussion. Topics are decided not only by considering hot research trends based on study fields of GS basically, but by requests from faculties and students. The courses consist of presentation of teaching and discussion with Q&A.
/Objectives and attainment
This course aims to help of giving information and knowledge for students’ research and catching up with fast research changes on computer science and engineering. Also, it can give useful information for some idea on their researches.
Through topics covered in this course, students will obtain information and knowledge on important research issues and figure out current state of the art of some hot topics in computer science and engineering, and can apply them to develop an idea for their researches. Grasp of broad knowledge on the issues can give a good chance toward fusion of the technologies too.
/Class schedule
 List of tentative topics in this year is as follows. But some topics can be replaced as necessary with other topics such as a special hot topic at some period, key note speech at a conference in UoA, etc.
1. Course Introduction - Incheon Paik
2. Topics on AI and its application
3. Topics on IoT
4. Topics on Brain Computer Interface
5. Topics on Parallel/Distributed Computing
6. Topics on Bio Information Engineering
7. Topics on Computer/AI System
8. Topics on Security
- A lecturer will provide necessary materials.
/Grading method/criteria
- Participation to discussion in the classes: 30%
- Report on research topic survey: 70%
/Note for course registration
- There can be homework such as pre-reading or material preparation by some lecturers.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
- It will be introduced on lecture Web page.

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2024年度/Academic Year  2学期 /Second Quarter
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year
PAIK Incheon
PAIK Incheon, TOMIOKA Yoichi, TSUKAHARA Tsuneo
/Recommended track
/Essential courses
更新日/Last updated on 2024/01/24
/Course outline
The purpose of this course is to provide students of the doctoral program with the information necessary for future career design. Ph.D. degree holders will give the lectures on how to utilize their expertise and skills. Students will have the opportunities to think, discuss, and present about their future career plan.

In this course, we will invite University of Aizu faculty members, visiting researchers, and guest lecturers having Ph.D degree to talk their experiences in research at the universities and development at companies.

Lecturers give lectures on the knowledge and skills required for work based on their own experiences. Students think by themselves, discuss on their future plan, and finally present their plan.
/Objectives and attainment
After completing this course, you will be able to:

1) Understand what kind of occupation and work style you will have after obtaining your Ph.D degree.
2) Understand how to utilize the research contents and necessary skills other than the research contents
3) Design your future while considering your dreams, approach path, balance between work and life, etc.
4) Examine future work styles from a broader perspective by sharing with each other
/Class schedule
Topics and schedule

1) Outline of the work style of the doctorate
2) Lecture by external lecturer (1)
3) Lectures by UoA faculty members or visiting professors/researchers (1)
4) Lecture by external lecturer (2)
5) Lectures by UoA aculty members or visiting professors/researchers (2)
6) Plan making and group discussion
7) Final announcement
No special text book

Handout provided by lecturers

Handout will be uploaded on Moodle system
/Grading method/criteria
Evaluation method
* Quizzes and questions in class: 20%
* Plan making and group discussion: 30%
* Performance of final presentation and report: 50%
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Course page on Moodle system.

Responsibility for the wording of this article lies with Student Affairs Division (Academic Affairs Section).

E-mail Address: sad-aas@u-aizu.ac.jp