Timetable of the Graduate School, 2019 Academic Year (Quarter: 4)

Quarter: 4
  Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
1 ITA17 Intelligent Information Retrieval and Text Mining (S2) Vitaly V. Klyuev
SEA05 Numerical Ocean/Atmosphere Modeling with OpenCL (S3) Saji N. Hameed
CNA07 Optical Communications and Networks (M11) Anh T. Pham SEC04A Programming Strategies and Software Development Tools (M11) Yutaka Watanobe,Alexander P. Vazhenin CNC05A Wireless and Mobile Networks (M11) Peng Li,Cong-Thang Truong
SEA05 Numerical Ocean/Atmosphere Modeling with OpenCL (S3) Saji N. Hameed
CNA07 Optical Communications and Networks (M11) Anh T. Pham
ITC04A Modern Control Theory (S12,std6) Keitaro Naruse,Yuichi Yaguchi
2 ITA17 Intelligent Information Retrieval and Text Mining (S2) Vitaly V. Klyuev
SEA05 Numerical Ocean/Atmosphere Modeling with OpenCL (S3) Saji N. Hameed
CNA07 Optical Communications and Networks (M11) Anh T. Pham SEC04A Programming Strategies and Software Development Tools (M11) Yutaka Watanobe,Alexander P. Vazhenin CNC05A Wireless and Mobile Networks (M11) Peng Li,Cong-Thang Truong
SEA05 Numerical Ocean/Atmosphere Modeling with OpenCL (S3) Saji N. Hameed
CNA07 Optical Communications and Networks (M11) Anh T. Pham
ITC04A Modern Control Theory (S12,std6) Keitaro Naruse,Yuichi Yaguchi
3 ITA17 Intelligent Information Retrieval and Text Mining (S2) Vitaly V. Klyuev CSC02F Applied Signal Processing (M12) Xiang Li,Chunhua Su
ITA15 Speech Articulation and Acoustics (CALL2) Ian L. Wilson
SEC04A Programming Strategies and Software Development Tools (M11) Yutaka Watanobe,Alexander P. Vazhenin CNC05A Wireless and Mobile Networks (M11) Peng Li,Cong-Thang Truong CSC02F Applied Signal Processing (M12) Xiang Li,Chunhua Su
ITC04A Modern Control Theory (S12,std6) Keitaro Naruse,Yuichi Yaguchi
ITA15 Speech Articulation and Acoustics (CALL2) Ian L. Wilson
4 ITA17 Intelligent Information Retrieval and Text Mining (S2) Vitaly V. Klyuev CSC02F Applied Signal Processing (M12) Xiang Li,Chunhua Su
ITA15 Speech Articulation and Acoustics (CALL2) Ian L. Wilson
SEC04A Programming Strategies and Software Development Tools (M11) Yutaka Watanobe,Alexander P. Vazhenin CNC05A Wireless and Mobile Networks (M11) Peng Li,Cong-Thang Truong CSC02F Applied Signal Processing (M12) Xiang Li,Chunhua Su
ITC04A Modern Control Theory (S12,std6) Keitaro Naruse,Yuichi Yaguchi
ITA15 Speech Articulation and Acoustics (CALL2) Ian L. Wilson
5 SYC02A Design Automation for Digital VLSIs (S9) Yukihide Kohira,Hiroshi Saito ITA31 Semantic Web Technologies (S10) Incheon Paik
PMA08 Technical Writing in Software Engineering (CALL1) Debopriyo Roy
PMC01A Managerial Economics (S2) Kenta Ofuji CSC08A Numerical Modeling and Simulations (S11) Naohito Nakasato,Nobuyoshi Asai,Igor Lubashevskiy
SYA06 Advanced Devices for Computer and Communication Systems (S9) Maxim V. Ryzhii
ITA31 Semantic Web Technologies (S10) Incheon Paik
PMA08 Technical Writing in Software Engineering (CALL1) Debopriyo Roy
6 SYC02A Design Automation for Digital VLSIs (S9) Yukihide Kohira,Hiroshi Saito ITA31 Semantic Web Technologies (S10) Incheon Paik
PMA08 Technical Writing in Software Engineering (CALL1) Debopriyo Roy
PMC01A Managerial Economics (S2) Kenta Ofuji CSC08A Numerical Modeling and Simulations (S11) Naohito Nakasato,Nobuyoshi Asai,Igor Lubashevskiy
SYA06 Advanced Devices for Computer and Communication Systems (S9) Maxim V. Ryzhii
ITA31 Semantic Web Technologies (S10) Incheon Paik
PMA08 Technical Writing in Software Engineering (CALL1) Debopriyo Roy
7 SYC02A Design Automation for Digital VLSIs (S9) Yukihide Kohira,Hiroshi Saito
ITC01A Java 2D/3D Graphics (M12) Pierre-Alain Fayolle,Yohei Nishidate
ITA03 Biomedical Modeling and Visualization (S5) Xin Zhu - CSC08A Numerical Modeling and Simulations (S11) Naohito Nakasato,Nobuyoshi Asai,Igor Lubashevskiy
SYA06 Advanced Devices for Computer and Communication Systems (S9) Maxim V. Ryzhii
ITC01A Java 2D/3D Graphics (M12) Pierre-Alain Fayolle,Yohei Nishidate
ITA03 Biomedical Modeling and Visualization (S5) Xin Zhu
8 SYC02A Design Automation for Digital VLSIs (S9) Yukihide Kohira,Hiroshi Saito
ITC01A Java 2D/3D Graphics (M12) Pierre-Alain Fayolle,Yohei Nishidate
ITA03 Biomedical Modeling and Visualization (S5) Xin Zhu - CSC08A Numerical Modeling and Simulations (S11) Naohito Nakasato,Nobuyoshi Asai,Igor Lubashevskiy
SYA06 Advanced Devices for Computer and Communication Systems (S9) Maxim V. Ryzhii
ITC01A Java 2D/3D Graphics (M12) Pierre-Alain Fayolle,Yohei Nishidate
ITA03 Biomedical Modeling and Visualization (S5) Xin Zhu
9 - CSA17 Computer Simulation of Stochastic Processes and Visualization with Python (S10,iLab1) Igor Lubashevskiy - - CSA17 Computer Simulation of Stochastic Processes and Visualization with Python (S10,iLab1) Igor Lubashevskiy
10 - CSA17 Computer Simulation of Stochastic Processes and Visualization with Python (S10,iLab1) Igor Lubashevskiy - - CSA17 Computer Simulation of Stochastic Processes and Visualization with Python (S10,iLab1) Igor Lubashevskiy
11 - - - - -
LTh=Lecture Hall, M=Lecture Room, S=Lecture Room
std=Computer Exercise Room, hdw=Hardware Workshop
CALL=CLR CALL Lab, iLab=CLR instructional Lab
NRL=Network and Remote Lecture Room
UBIC=University-Business Innovation Center

Responsibility for the wording of this article lies with Student Affairs Division (Academic Affairs Section).

E-mail Address: sad-aas@u-aizu.ac.jp