University of Aizu IT06: Human Interface & Virtual Reality; 仮想現実とインターフェイス and ITA33: Multimedia Machinima; マルチメディア マシニマ Chromadepth Picture Contest, 2022
- First Prize: “Inari Jinja,” by Russel James Staples
- Second Prize (1/3): “watch,” by Hoshino Yusui; 星野 結水
- Second Prize (2/3): “Clown”;「道化師」, by Samejima Ryo; 鮫島 涼
- Second Prize (3/3): “Runner,” by Suzuki Miu; 鈴木 美羽
- Third Prize (1/4): 「第壱話 襲来 使徒」, by Aida Takumi; 會田 拓弥
- Third Prize (2/4): “dimension,” by Iwamoto Tsubasa; 岩本 翼
- Third Prize (3/4): “Jump Lizards”;「とぶトカゲ」, by Nakamura Akito; 中村 諒叶
- Third Prize (4/4): “Jump on the moon“「月で跳ねる」, by Wakana Ippo; 若菜 一保
- Honorable Mention (1/4): by Taba Hiroki; 田場 弘基
- Honorable Mention (2/4): “Deep psychology”;「深層心理」, by Higa Shota; 比嘉 将太
- Honorable Mention (3/4): “Cat foots,” by Tanioka Yuki; 谷岡 佑樹
- Honorable Mention (4/4): by Watanabe Takehiro; 渡辺 岳宏
maintained by
Michael Cohen; 公園 マイケル