Spot Lectures Conducted under the Agreement on University-High School Cooperation

Based upon the agreement on University-High School cooperation signed with the Aizu Gakuho High School, the University of Aizu has dispatched faculty members to conduct spot lectures at the high school from this academic year. Professor Michael Cohen gave a lecture on Mathematics for first graders of the Aizu Gakuho Junior High School on Monday, March 10.
The purpose of the spot lectures is to raise intellectual curiosity and to increase motivation for learning through university-level education in the early years of junior high school and high school. University faculty members have conducted spot lectures for 4 subjects, English, Mathematics, Technology and Homemaking for junior high school students and informational studies for high school students at Gakuho. This lecture was held at the University for the first time instead of dispatching faculty members to the high school.
Professor Cohen gave demonstrations using pictures, music and various tools to explain the concept of space, and students enjoyed the lecture.

yScene from the Spot Lecturez