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Professor |
Associate Professor |
Assistant Professor |
Recognition, analysis and expression of images and letters are studied in the multimedia systems laboratory. The 3-D motionand the 3-D shapes of the object are analyzed, understood and expressed by computer from the images taken by multi TV camera or video camera in the study of computer vision and/or the 3-D stereovision. Detailed movies can be seen from any angle through the 3-D video system, which is expected to be applied to many fields such as the inheritance of Aizu lacquer ware craftsman's manufacturing processes, the sports coaching and the recognition of the human facial expression. In the remote sensing, the category classification technique can analyze the land usages from color information of land images. Two laboratory members are engaged in the SELENE project, the Japanese lunar explorer mission, to analyze the lunar mineral composition and to investigate the future moon surface land usage. Furthermore, we are engaged also in space exploration programs in Japan including planetary and an asteroid exploration inquiry plan. Especially, in the asteroid probe program "Hayabusa" launched in 2003 which will reach to an asteroid "Itokawa" in 2005, we are responsible for the determination of the landing point on the asteroid surface and for guide to land on the asteroid by the use of the 3-dimensional recognition technology about its shape, elevation and roughness by the computer vision. In the on-line handwriting character recognition system, the fundamental study to use the handwriting letter as the input system of the computer is investigated. The character recognition is one of the most important fields on the image processing. And also collaborations with the Republic of Korea are implemented by this lab. Laboratory members have participated actively in scientific meetings, both in Japan and abroad. They have presented and participated in seminars, and in presentation of scientific results in fully refereed publications. |
[demura-01:2004] |
S. Kobayashi, H. Demura, T. Hashimoto, and J. Saito. Asteroidal shape modeling and impact topography. Planetary People (Journal of the Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences), 13(2):80-86, 2004. |
We summarized procedures of shape modeling and scientific topics to be solved. |
[jpshin-01:2004] |
Jungpil Shin. On-Line Cursive Hangul Recognition that Uses DP Matching To Detect Key Segmentation Points. The Journal of the Pattern Recognition Society (Elsevier Science), 37(11):2101-2112, 2004. |
As a means to perform on-line recognition of cursive Korean characters, called hanguls, we describe a structural analysis type algorithm that searches globally for key points of segmentation on a character unit level and can cope with large variations in stroke shape and position. This 'segmentation points search' is systematically performed by a two-level dynamic programming(DP) matching algorithm in conjunction with syntax control of hangul composition characteristics. Fine discrimination for phonemes and characters is effectively realized using mutual information among strokes. Experiments demonstrate computational feasibilityand that the proposedapproachprovides high recognition and segmentation ability. |
[jpshin-02:2004] |
Jungpil Shin. On-line Handwriting Chinese Character Analysis and Recognition Using Stroke Correspondence Search. An International Journal of Computing and Informatics (Informatica), 28(3):307-313, 2004. |
To improve the computational time and recognition accuracy in stroke order and stroke number-free on-line handwriting character recognition, we have performed a structural analysis of stroke order style and stroke connection. Using handwritten characters chosen from among 2965 Chinese characters, we have deduced information on stroke order and connection using an automatic stroke correspondencesystem. First, we have shown that the majority of real characters are written in a fixed stroke order, and that the actual stroke order is predominantly the standard stroke order, with about 98.1 standard stroke order. Almost all the stroke connections occurred in the standard order (92.8connections in non-standard order occurred very rarely. In a comparison of our findings with the expected stroke connections, very few were found to actually occur. Second, we have shown methods for incorporating the information in a completely stroke order- and number-free framework. Third, we have shown that the proposed methods can be selected according to the quality of the writer(s), the character(s), and the recognition system. Finally, a large improvement in both computational time and recognition accuracy is demonstrated by experiment. |
[demura-02:2004] |
H. Demura, S. Kobayashi, T. Hashimoto, J. Saito, K. Nishiyama, and Y. Murai. Shapemodeling with AMICA(PM) in Hayabusa Science Group. In Proc. of 24th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, 2004. |
We reported sequential simulations and operations with PM of AMICA (Asteroid Multiband Imaging Camera), which is one of the three cameras on Hayabusa (MUSES-C: launch May 9 2003, arrival 2005). These cameras are going to be used for optical navigation and shapemodeling of the target asteroid. We summarized current status of shape-modeling procedures and evaluation policy. |
[jpshin-03:2004] |
Jungpil Shin and Kazunori Suzuki. Interactive System for Handwritten-Style Font Generation. In Daming Wei, editor, Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, pages 94-100, Wuhan, China, Sep 2004. IEEE, IEEE Computer Society. |
People enjoy using a characteristic font to reflect their individual handwriting, because typical fonts used in document creation with a word processor and on the Internet are uniform and lack individuality. Since many characters are used in the Japanese language, it is very difficult to generate a font for an individual. This paper describes a generation method for a handwritten-style font that reflects an individual's handwriting. A font set is generated from a user's input strokes, which correspond to one or more reference strokes. A compression method generates the reference strokes from the original input strokes by using vector quantization. The font is also applicable to characters that include connected strokes. A Fourier descriptor is applied to connect each stroke and construct a smoothly connected line. The cost incurred to generate a font for a user is low, as the font is interactively generated on demand using several parameters. A strongly individual font, a standard font, and a font that includes many connected strokes are generated on the user's demand. Two evaluation experiments involving 14 subjects showthat a generated font reflects user's individual handwriting, using both subjective and objective criteria. |
[jpshin-04:2004] |
Jungpil Shin and Kazunori Suzuki. Handwritten Chinese Character Font Generation Using Stroke Correspondence. In J.H.Lee, editor, Proceedings of The International Conference on Chinese Language Computing, pages 518-523, San Francisco, USA, Sep 2004. Knowledge Systems Institute, Knowledge Systems Institute. |
This paper presents a novel system for font generation based on an individual's handwriting. The concept is to compress the reference character database by using vector quantization, with one input character corresponding to many reference characters for the purposes of font generation. We call that correspondence stroke correspondence. A compression rate of 1.4quantization. The system is also applicable to characters that include smoothly connected strokes, by using a Fourier descriptor. In addition, the cost of the font generation is low for users and the font is generated on demand using several parameters. A strongly individual font, a standard font, and a font that includes many connected strokes are generated on the user's command. Two evaluation experiments involving 25 subjects show that generated fonts reflect the user's individual handwriting, using both subjective and objective criteria. |
[asada-01:2004] |
N Asada. Improving Image Data Processing,. In C. Kaito and O. Hashimoto, editors, Grain Formation Workshop 2003, volume 23, pages 71-78, Nov. 2003. |
In the case of computer vision or image data processing, information about the performance of a camera and photography conditions or the limitation of data analysis is very important, although they tend to be given little attention. In the derivation and recti??cation of the camera intrinsic parameter, that characterizes the relationship between the image coordinate and the camera coordinate in computer vision, the amount of distortion cannot be disregarded if all screens are covered, even though the distortion on a screen may be slight and can be treated as a minute quantity. |
[demura-03:2004] |
N. Matsumoto, N. Asada, and H. Demura. Automatic Crater Recognition on Digital Terrain Model. In 36th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Mar. 2005. |
[demura-04:2004] |
S. Kobayashi, H. Demura, N. Asada, M. Furuya, T. Hashimoto, T. Kubota, and J. Saito. Shape Modeling for the Asteroid (25143) Itokawa, AMICAof Hayabusa Mission. In 36th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Mar. 2005. |
[demura-05:2004] |
E. Nemoto, N. Asada, H. Demura, S. Kobayashi, M. Furuya, T. Kubota, T. Hashimoto, and J. Saito. Preliminary Design of Visualization Tool for Hayabusa Operation. In 36th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Mar. 2005. |
[jpshin-05:2004] |
Jungpil Shin, Seiichiro Matsuya, and NuhaL. Othman. An Application of Internal Relation to On-line Signature Verification. In Proc. Joint Conf. of Electrical and Electronics Eng. in Touhoku, page 303, Sendai, Aug. 2004. |
[jpshin-06:2004] |
Jungpil Shin and Atsushi Takeda. Interactive Character Education System. In Proc. Joint Conf. of Electrical and Electronics Eng. in Touhoku, page 302, Sendai, Aug. 2004. |
[jpshin-07:2004] |
Atsushi Hasegawa and Jungpil Shin. Interactive Map Searching System. In Proc. Joint Conf. of Electrical and Electronics Eng. in Touhoku, page 9, Sendai, Aug. 2004. |
[jpshin-08:2004] |
Hiroshi Ohnishi and Jungpil Shin. Face Detection Based on Partial Face Image Using Bayes Classifier. In Proc. Joint Conf. of Electrical and Electronics Eng. in Touhoku, page 10, Sendai, Aug. 2004. |
[jpshin-09:2004] |
Toshihide Tamura and Jungpil Shin Awarded a Promotion Prize from IEEE Society. Moving Object Extraction Using Frame Difference. In Proc. Joint Conf. of Electrical and Electronics Eng. in Touhoku, page 11, Sendai, Aug. 2004. |
[jpshin-10:2004] |
Kazunori Suzuki and Jungpil Shin. Handwritten-Style Font Generation System for Chinese Character. In Proc. Joint Conf. of Electrical and Electronics Eng. in Touhoku, page 301, Sendai, Aug. 2004. |
[demura-06:2004] |
A. M. Nakamura, H. Shiraishi, R. Honda, Y. Iijima, T. Hashimoto, K. Ninomiya, Y. Yokota, M. Shirao, and et al. Lunar Imaging Camera (LIC) Pre-flight tests and operation plan. The Institute of Space and Astronautical Science Report. ISAS/JAXA, Mar. 2005. Verification/Evaluation of 2-dimensional images derived from spin-test |
[demura-07:2004] |
H. Demura. Change of Martian Environment (in Japanese), pages 110-117. Newton Mook. Newton Press, 2004. |
[demura-08:2004] |
H. Demura. Water on Mars, Report of Mars Exploration Rovers (in Japanese), pages 12-17. Hoshi-navi (Mar.). ASCII/Astroarts, 2004. |
[jpshin-11:2004] |
Jungpil Shin and Atsushi Takeda. Character Learning System Using Inter-stroke information, pages 165-174. Number 1 in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (Proceedings of the Eigth International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information). Springer-Verlag, Wellington, New Zealand, 2004. |
[demura-09:2004] |
H. Demura. Ministry of Education Scientific Research Fund, 2003-2005. |
[demura-10:2004] |
H. Demura, 2004. Member of Local Organized Committee for Fall Meeting, and the editorial board, the Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences |
[jpshin-12:2004] |
Jungpil Shin, Dec 2004. Member of the Program Committee, the International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA'04) |
[jpshin-13:2004] |
Jungpil Shin, Sep. 2004. Member of the Program Committee, the 4th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT2004) |
[asada-02:2004] |
Noriaki Asada. Interpolation Method, Patent No. 3249956, November 2001. |
[jpshin-14:2004] |
SHOKO OOTSUKA. Graduation Thesis: Face Detection Based on Facial Features and Geometrical Positions, University of Aizu, 2004. Thesis Advisor: Jungpil Shin |
[jpshin-15:2004] |
HIROSHI KANNO. Graduation Thesis: Personal Identification System using Face Image, University of Aizu, 2004. Thesis Advisor: Jungpil Shin |
[jpshin-16:2004] |
TOSHIHARU SUZUKI. Graduation Thesis: A Robust Multi Target Tracking Using Frame Difference, University of Aizu, 2004. Thesis Advisor: Jungpil Shin |
[jpshin-17:2004] |
YUKI NAKAI. Graduation Thesis: A Real-Time Rovust Head Detection Tracking System by Using Hierachical Division, University of Aizu, 2004. Thesis Advisor: Jungpil Shin |
[jpshin-18:2004] |
YUSUKE NAKAMURA. Graduation Thesis: Signature Verification Using HMMon PDA, University of Aizu, 2004. Thesis Advisor: Jungpil Shin |
[jpshin-19:2004] |
ATSUSHI HASEGAWA. Graduation Thesis: Handwritten Style Font Generation Using Radical Information, University of Aizu, 2004. Thesis Advisor: Jungpil Shin |
[jpshin-20:2004] |
Kazunori Suzuki. Master Thesis: Handwritten-Style Font Generation Refecting Individual's Handwriting, University of Aizu, 2004. Thesis Advisor: Jungpil Shin |
[demura-11:2004] |
H. Demura. Collaborative Fellow of ISAS/JAXA (Hayabusa Project and SELENE Project) |