General Research
- Principal Investigator: Ryuichi Oka
Title: Cross Media
Amount: \=1,172,000
- Principal Investigator: Victor Ryzhii
Title: Theoretical studies of novel terahertz devices
Amount: \=1,638,000
- Principal Investigator: Takafumi Hayashi
Title: Design of Effective Sequences and its application to measurement, communications, and computer security
Amount: \=1,201,000
- Principal Investigator: Keitaro Naruse
Title: "Connect-and-play": Web-Service Middleware for Remote Robot Control and Collaboration
Amount: \=1,010,000
- Principal Investigator: Hidesada Kanda
Title: Experimental & Theoretical Study of Transition Model for Occurrence of Turbulence in Pipe Flows
Amount: \=1,457,000
- Principal Investigator: Nadia Berthouze
Title: Improving human-computer interaction by detecting affective states through bio-signals
Amount: \=1,444,000
- Principal Investigator: Stanislav Sedukhin
Title: Fused Computing
Amount: \=2,057,000
- Principal Investigator: Shuxue Ding
Title: Blind source separation of convolutive mixtures by DTFT-modulated analysis filter bank
Amount: \=1,038,000
- Principal Investigator: Robert Fujii
Title: Biologically Inspired Computer Intelligence
Amount: \=1,429,000
- Principal Investigator: Kenichi Kuroda
Title: Development of Design Environments for Reconfigurable Devices
Amount: \=1,563,000
- Principal Investigator: Jung-pil Shin
Title: A Study on Pen Computing
Amount: \=900,000
- Principal Investigator: Daming Wei
Title: Portable Emergency Telemonitor with Derived 12-lead ECG
Amount: \=1,903,000
- Principal Investigator: Alexander Vazhenin
Title: The WWW-monitoring of GRID Applications
Amount: \=844,000
- Principal Investigator: Minyi Guo
Title: Trust Computing:Security on Grid and Pervasive Computing - The Third stage of Research on Grid Operating Systems
Amount: \=1,247,000
- Principal Investigator: Toshiaki Miyazaki
Title: Swarm Network Project
Amount: \=1,563,000
- Principal Investigator: Steven Tripp
Title: Language and Navigation
Amount: \=755,000
- Principal Investigator: Ken Nakazawa
Title: Training support for bad swimmers by using visual information system
Amount: \=554,000
- Principal Investigator: Masahide Sugiyama
Title: Time Alignment of Multi Camera Lecture Video Data
Amount: \=650,000
- Principal Investigator: Kazuyoshi Mori
Title: Parallel Computation of Multidimensional Systems based on Transfer Functions using Object-Oriented Language - An Application to Parallel Animation Manipulator
Amount: \=1,125,000
- Principal Investigator: Hirohide Demura
Title: Shape modeling for the asteroid Itokawa, the Hayabusa mission
Amount: \=775,000
- Principal Investigator: Kamen Kanev
Title: Innovative Technologies for the Intelligent Support of Reading
Amount: \=1,650,000
- Principal Investigator: Hirokuni Kurokawa
Title: RIDEE (Real-time Interactive Distance Education Environment)
Amount: \=750,000
- Principal Investigator: Mohamed Hamada
Title: Designing visual tools for CS education
Amount: \=594,000
- Principal Investigator: Yuichi Okuyama
Title: Implementation of the PCI Express Bus Protocol on Programmable Devices
Amount: \=1,222,00
- Principal Investigator: Hitoshi Oi
Title: Design Investigation of the Embedded Microprocessors
Amount: \=863,000
- Principal Investigator: Gennadiy Nikishkov
Title: Video-based face tracking interface
Amount: \=1,135,000
- Principal Investigator: Incheon Paik
Title: General Framework for Intelligent Web Services
Amount: \=731,000
- Principal Investigator: Nancy Sullivan
Title: The Investigation of National Identity as a Predictor of Language Attitude
Amount: \=400,000
UBIC Research
- Principal Investigator: Jie Huang
Title: 3-D sound system based on multiple loudspeakers arranged on the horizontal plane
Amount: \=794,000
- Principal Investigator: Maxim Ryzhii
Title: Multimedia physics materials for high-schools
Amount: \=975,000
- Principal Investigator: Qiangfu Zhao
Title: Development of an early detection system for preventive medicine
Amount: \=1,594,000
- Principal Investigator: Michael Cohen
Title: Driving Simulator for the Schaire Internet Chair: a novel user interface featuring force-feedback, stereography, and transaural audio for way-finding
Amount: \=1,106,000
- Principal Investigator: Subhash Bhalla
Title: Accessing Dynamic Contents in a Hospital Environment
Amount: \=600,000
Intellectual Property Research
- Principal Investigator: Shigaku Tei
Title: Ubiquitous Support Methods by Attaching and Mapping Conditional Actions to Situations
Amount: \=643,000
- Principal Investigator: Wenxi Chen
Title: Development of an innovative method for monitoring respiratory rhythm and heart rate
Amount: \=1,484,000