- Principal Investigator: Nikolay Mirenkov
Title: Multimedia systems for elder people
Amount: \=1,250,000
- Principal Investigator: Rentaro Yoshioka
Title: Self-explanatory Software for Learning Computational Algorithms at the High-School Level
Amount: \=2,250,000
- Principal Investigator: Minyi Guo
Title: A self-organized Service Environment for E-learning
Amount: \=900,000
- Principal Investigator: Shigaku Tei
Title: A Ubiquitous Education Support Environment for Elementary School Students
Amount: \=1,200,000
- Principal Investigator: Hirokuni Kurokawa
Title: Research of Programming Contest Management Support System
Amount: \=1,200,000
- Principal Investigator: Alexander Vazhenin
Title: The WWW-based Task Management Tools for Math and Physics Problems
Amount: \=1,000,000
- Principal Investigator: Masahide Sugiyama
Title: Multimedia Information Display for Education Support System
Amount: \=1,500,000
- Principal Investigator: Robert H. Fujii
Title: Fostering interest in science, math, and computers through robotics
Amount: \=1,000,000
- Principal Investigator: Maxim Ryzhii
Title: Multimedia Library of Physics Demonstrations
Amount: \=2,800,000
- Principal Investigator: Hiroyuki Sagawa
Title: A study of effective physics educational strategy on and under university level
Amount: \=1,300,000