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Professor |
Associate Professor |
Assistant Professor |
Visiting Researcher |
Existing systems of symbols and notations are usually very abstract and there is a great gap between the form and meaning of data/knowledge. Our long-term education, in an essential part, is reduced to training our brain for being "encodingdecoding" machine bridging this gap. The abstractness mentioned and bridging operations are sources of serious mental and physical problems for a great variety of people and, especially for disabled and elderly. Our aging society is also becoming information society. So, the above-mentioned aspect of our environment is becoming crucial. That is why, our research is to develop a new environment with lesser level of abstraction and to investigate how it can improve the quality of people life. Our general program is cyber-infrastructure including high-performance computing. We are also thinking about active knowledge being developed by humanity and undertaking research efforts in visual (multimedia) languages and tools, parallel and distributed systems. In a great part, our research and development are based on an idea of selfexplanatory components in a cyberFilm format. A cyberFilm is a set of color stills supported, if necessary, by text, voice/sound and special links. Each still is to represent a view (some features) of objects or processes. Each cyberFilm is to represent a multiple view (an extended set of dynamic and/or static features) of objects or processes. Different views can be related to different moments of time, positions in space, levels of hierarchy, values of data attached to space points, etc. Different media can be used for different views. A self-explanatory cyberFilm means that the associated stills are organized and presented in such a way that the semantic richness is clearly brought out. The investment of meaning in the cyberFilm is reduced to developing a series of views watching (and hearing) in non-linear order. Usually, a still is self-evident and a cyberFilm is a result of special gathering of clues or hints. This result is a piece of knowledge. So, self-explanatory adequacy depends on this knowledge. The more accurate and relevant views are used, the greater adequacy is reached. The idea of cyberFilms is used for the specification of information resources and programming operations with the resources, as well as for the representation of multimedia messages and implementation of human-computer interfaces. The idea of equal opportunities to all individuals in the use of information resources is used to create a right set of cyberFilms and methods of their adaptation. We lead three clusters of projects related to filmification of methods and data: 1) Active Knowledge Studio for teachers, students, and programmers, 2) F-Communication System for children, elderly and handicapped people, and 3) Virtual objects, haptic interface and 3D printers for people doing fast prototyping. |
[nikmir-01:2005] |
Tsukasa Ebihara, Nikolay Mirenkov, Masaaki Nemoto, and Rikio Nomoto. Filmification of methods and an example of its applications. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 15(1):87-115, 2005. |
A user-oriented programming paradigm based on the 'filmification' of methods is developed by the Active Knowledge Studio team at the University of Aizu. Within this paradigm, an algorithmic 'cyberFilm' is a set of multimedia frames where different groups of frames represent different algorithmic features from multiple views. Because of the multiple views and multimedia, users can understand the algorithm correctly and easily. In this paper, an example of the filmification of methods is presented, related to cyberFilm frames of the thermal conduction problem solved with the Gauss-Jordan method. Through these frames, features of the algorithm are presented, and an essential compactness of an integrated view, considered as a visual program, is explained. Examples of of program templates supporting the cyberFilm frames are also presented. Two types of program synthesis schemes supporting program synthesis are also described. |
[nikmir-02:2005] |
Robert Roxas and Nikolay Mirenkov. Cyber-Film: A Visual Approach that Facilitates Program Comprehension. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 15(6):941-975, 2005. |
This paper presents a visual approach that will make program comprehension easy. This visual approach employs Cyber-Films where a user can use them not only as a programming tool but also as a learning tool. The paper briefly describes how to use Cyber-Films as a programming tool, how to use them as a learning tool, and how to guarantee the absence (or at least minimize the presence) of syntax errors in programming. |
[nikmir-03:2005] |
P.-A. Fayolle, A. Pasko, B. Schmitt, and N. Mirenkov. Constructive heterogeneous object modeling using signed approximate real distance functions. the Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 6(3), 2006. |
We introduce a smooth approximation of the min/max operations, called SARDF (Signed Approximate Real Distance Function), for maintaining an approximate signed distance function in constructive shape modeling. We apply constructive distance-based shape modeling to design objects with heterogeneous material distribution in the constructive hypervolume model framework. The introduced distance approximation helps intuitively model material distributions parameterized by distances to so-called material features. |
[nikmir-04:2005] |
Peter Sapaty, Masanori Sugisaka, Robert Finkelstein, Jose Delgado-Frias, and Nikolay Mirenkov. An advanced IT support of crisis relief missions. Journal of Emergency Management, 4(3), 2006. |
We have been cooperatively developing a new ideology and supporting control technology for a massive impact on large, open and distributed systems (human societies including), managing and orienting their local and global behavior in the way needed. The approach dynamically implants high intelligence into a distributed system as a whole rather than into its separate components (which may change and fail at runtime), providing controlled goal-oriented behavior and self-recovery in complex and crisis-prone environments. Among the problems effectively solved are protection of critical infrastructures and key resources, global fight with terrorism, emergency management and recovery after natural and man-made disasters, national and international security, elections and regime change; also a variety of non-local issues related to economy, ecology, education, welfare, and defense. Based on a special higher-level control language, the technology generates integral spatial (mobile, stealth) algorithms penetrating into other systems to any needed breadth and depth, establishing an unlimited power over them and drastically reducing the management complexity in comparison with other approaches. |
[vazhenin-01:2005] |
D. Vazhenin, A. Vazhenin, and T. Oka. Project Management Tools for WWW-based Applications. The Journal of Three Dimensional Images, 19(1):59-64, 2005. |
The paper presents the main elements of the WWW-based Project Management System to provide development of a big variety of user's applications. The system has an universal interface allowing comfortable manipulations with the project data. The system supports different types of the user's projects distinguished according to programming platforms and languages, type of a target machine (sequential or parallel), user's specialization, etc. The set of projects for Distance Learning is also shown. |
[vazhenin-02:2005] |
D. Vazhenin, A. Vazhenin, and N. Mirenkov. Visual Programming on Movie-based Environment. GESTS Int. Trans. On Computer Science and Engineering, 4(1):200-211, 2005. |
The paper discussed the special algorithm representation technique based on so-called abstract algorithmic movies, which are series of frames/pictures with different multimedia effects. The idea how to create such a movie is in correspondence between algorithmic movie frames and problem solution steps. Accordingly, any frame should visualize/animate a part of a program/algorithm execution. The Movie-Based environment includes special movie-program objects (MP-objects) generating automatically a part of an executable code as well as producing animation frames, which are adequate to the program code generated. Both movie and program can synchronously be generated and debugged. The movie-debug scheme is based on the formula tracing technique for visualizing and controlling all formula references to program data like variables, vectors, matrices and arrays, etc. Movie/program examples are presented for typical matrix algorithms. |
[nikmir-05:2005] |
Yutaka Watanobe, Nikolay N. Mirenkov, and Rentaro Yoshioka. CyberFilm specifications for generalized graph search algorithms. In Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Technology, pages 129-134, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, Jan. 2006. |
A multimedia programming approach for the generalized graph search (traversal) algorithms is considered. It is based on a concept of cyberFilm, which is a set of multimedia frames defining algorithmic features. Through these frames, the user can represent computational steps and specify activity within the steps. Each set of multimedia frames, represented by a special icon, is supported by a set of template programs to generate corresponding executable codes. Such icons and sets of template programs behind them provide powerful repetitive-type constructs for specifying computational algorithms. The main contributions of this paper are an introduction of a cyberFilm developed for the generalized graph search algorithms and a description of the template programs supporting this cyberFilm. |
[nikmir-06:2005] |
Yutaka Watanobe, Nikolay N. Mirenkov, and Rentaro Yoshioka. A visual language for the description of algorithmic semantics. In Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering, pages 91-96, Innsbruck, Austria, Feb. 2006. |
A visual language for the description of algorithmic semantics in software components is presented. The algorithmic semantics is defined through a set of features of data which can be used as input and output of algorithmic interface of the component. These features include spatial and temporal aspects, as well as possible relations between units of the data. The language, based on a set of icons and special visual constructs, allows to describe these features. Each description is performed within a standardized format structure where positions possess some levels of predifined meaning. In this paper, we focus on presenting this structure and icons to specify spatial/temporal features of data units and their mathematical/physical relations. We also discuss how algorithmic semantics can be used for searching software components and their reusability. |
[nikmir-07:2005] |
Takuya Azumi and Nikolay N. Mirenkov. Multimedia Manual for SORA Mail. In Proceedings of the Ninth IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications, pages 75-81, Phoenix, AZ, USA, Nov. 2005. |
A new type of manuals in a cyberFilm format is presented. A cyberFilm is a set of multimedia frames (scenes). A frame is to represent view (a feature) of an object or process. A series of frames is to represent a multiple view. Multiple view is to make the corresponding object or process be self-explained. We briefly consider our approach used for presenting and explaining a specialpurpose communicator SORA Mail and describe a multimedia manual of the communicator. |
[nikmir-08:2005] |
Nikolay N. Mirenkov. Indirect learning trough communication. In Proceedings of International Conference on INTERNET, MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS, and APPLICATIONS, pages 442-447, Honolulu, Hawaii, August 2005. |
Distance learning is getting matured. It has a great potential, however, this potential still has not fully recognized yet. A reason of this situation is in inappropriate use of new technologies and naive combinations of existing materials with remote access to them. For example, to show some dynamical features of an object/process, animation is used. However, very often, a style of animation is boring and provides more negative than positive impressions. Another example is approaches based on reading a book through computer screen. Just reading through learning sessions without essential support simplifying the perception and understanding the material can not be attractive, too. One more point is poor personalization of data/knowledge prepared and interfaces ignoring usage conditions and user's interests and levels. Though there is a great variety of important aspects to pay attention in distance learning, data/knowledge format, acquisition of data/knowledge in educational materials, and ways of access to the data/knowledge are the most crucial things to improve for demonstrating the above-mentioned potential. In this paper, we present a special-purpose communicator oriented to children with special needs. The communicator is based on an idea of self-explanatory technology where items of data/knowledge, as well as adaptive interfaces are represented in multiple view formats. The children develop their vocabulary, curiosity and ability to make a choice and decision just through the process of sending/receiving messages in a language of pictures. |
[rentaro-01:2005] |
Y. Watanobe, N. Mirenkov, and R. Yoshioka. A Visual Language for the Description of Algorithmic Semantics. In Proceedings of The 24th IASTED International Multi-Conference on Software Engineering, pages 91-96. IASTED, Feb. 2006. |
A visual language for the description of algorithmic semantics in software components is presented. The structures and icons to specify spatial/temporal features of data units and their mathematical/physical relations are described. |
[rentaro-02:2005] |
Y. Watanobe, N. Mirenkov, and R. Yoshioka. CyberFilm Specification for Generalized Graph Search Algorithms. In Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Technology, pages 129-134. IASTED, Jan 2005. |
A multimedia programming approach for the generalized graph search algorithms is considered. A cyberFilm developed for the generalized graph search algorithm and a description of the supporting template programs are introduced. |
[rentaro-03:2005] |
R. Yoshioka, H. Saito, K. Takanashi, and N. Mirenkov. Algorithm Specification form an Integrated View of Features. In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications, pages 401-406. IASTED, Nov. 2005. |
An editor to specify computation in the Integrated View is presented. An Integrated View is specified through the algorithmic features of computation and is oriented to its algorithmic meaning and to the user's idea of computation. |
[vazhenin-03:2005] |
D. Vazhenin and A. Vazhenin. Movie-based Matrix Computing. In Proc. of the 24th IASTED Int. Multi-Conference INTERNET AND MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS, pages 79- 85, Innsbruck, Austria, February 2006. IASTED, IEEE Computer Society. |
In the presented work, we discuss the Movie-Based approach to design and represent of matrix algorithms including a lot of identical operations on matrix elements. These operations usually transform an initial matrix structure into a matrix with a given structure. Therefore, it is possible to represent a matrix algorithm as a series of frames or iterations reflecting the stages of this process. In other words, this is a series of matrix data representations. The key-point of this approach is the presence of special multimedia movie-program objects (MP-objects) having possibility to generate an executable code as well as produce movie frames, which are adequate to the code generated. Both movie and program can synchronously be generated and debugged. The important feature of the debugging process discussed is that debugging operations can be implemented in any stage of the movie/program design. Some examples are shown of typical matrix algorithms. |
[nikmir-09:2005] |
Mahmoud Saber and Nikolay Mirenkov. New Horizons of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Eds: M. Guo and L.T.Yang, chapter Programming Cellular Automata-like Systems in a Multimedia Parallel Environment. Springer, 2005. |
[nikmir-10:2005] |
N. Mirenkov. Ministry of Education Scientific Research Fund, 2005-2007. |
[nikmir-11:2005] |
N. Mirenkov. Fukushima Prefectural Foundation, 2005. |
[rentaro-04:2005] |
R Yoshioka. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, 2003-2005. |
[rentaro-05:2005] |
R Yoshioka. Subsidy from the Fukushima Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Education, 2005. |
[vazhenin-04:2005] |
A. Vazhenin. The Fukushima Prefectural Foundation for Advancement of Science and Education, 2005-2007. |
[vazhenin-05:2005] |
A. Vazhenin. Ministry of Education Scientific Research Fund, 2005-2007. |
[nikmir-12:2005] |
Nikolay Mirenkov, Sep. 2005. Member of the Program Committee, International conference DMS-2005, USA |
[nikmir-13:2005] |
Nikolay Mirenkov, 2005. Member, the IFIP Working Group 10.3 (Concurrent Systems) |
[nikmir-14:2005] |
Nikolay Mirenkov, 2005. Associate Editor, the Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, International Journal |
[nikmir-15:2005] |
Nikolay Mirenkov, 2004. Member of ACM and IEEE |
[nikmir-16:2005] |
Nikolay Mirenkov, Sep. 2005. Member of the Program Committee, International conference HC-2005, Japan |
[rentaro-06:2005] |
R. Yoshioka, Nov. 2005. Session chair, ASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications |
[rentaro-07:2005] |
R. Yoshioka, Sept. 2005. Programming committee member, International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems |
[vazhenin-06:2005] |
A. Vazhenin, Jan. 2005. IEEE Member |
[vazhenin-07:2005] |
A. Vazhenin, Jan. 2005. ACM Member |
[vazhenin-08:2005] |
A. Vazhenin, Feb. 2005. IASTED Member |
[nikmir-17:2005] |
Takuya Azumi. Master Thesis: New Integrated Development Environment for Event-Driven Programming, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Nikolay Mirenkov |
[nikmir-18:2005] |
Hirokazu Sasaki. Master Thesis: Dynamic Linker Method to Replace Parts of Running Programs, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Nikolay Mirenkov |
[nikmir-19:2005] |
Sho Narita. Master Thesis: A Foundation Library for a New Event-driven Programming Environment, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Nikolay Mirenkov |
[nikmir-20:2005] |
Hidenori Fujishiro. Master Thesis: Specification of Data Passing between Cyber Films, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Nikolay Mirenkov |
[nikmir-21:2005] |
Satoshi Koyanagi. Master Thesis: Merge and Link Type Composition for Cyber Film Components, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Nikolay Mirenkov |
[nikmir-22:2005] |
Daisuke Yamazaki. Graduation Thesis: Semantic Music, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Nikolay Mirenkov |
[nikmir-23:2005] |
Miki Tonoike. Graduation Thesis: An Illustrated book system for language learning, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Nikolay Mirenkov |
[nikmir-24:2005] |
Hiroshi Takezawa. Graduation Thesis: Music therapy for computer interfaces, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Nikolay Mirenkov |
[nikmir-25:2005] |
Midori Kotani. Graduation Thesis: An Educational System Based on Self-explanatory Components, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Nikolay Mirenkov |
[nikmir-26:2005] |
Kazuyo Umehara. Graduation Thesis: Monitoring and Simulating Special Nets, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Nikolay Mirenkov |
[nikmir-27:2005] |
Kumi Oohashi. Graduation Thesis: A web accessibility guideline for people with special needs, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Nikolay Mirenkov |
[rentaro-08:2005] |
Yusuke Tsuji. Graduation Thesis:, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Yoshioka, R. |
[rentaro-09:2005] |
Kanno. Graduation Thesis:, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Yoshioka, R. |
[rentaro-10:2005] |
Hajime Tuduki. Graduation Thesis:, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Yoshioka, R. |
[rentaro-11:2005] |
Shinnichiro Danno. Graduation Thesis:, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Yoshioka, R. |
[rentaro-12:2005] |
Makoto Watanabe. Graduation Thesis:, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Yoshioka, R. |
[vazhenin-09:2005] |
Gen Nishida. Graduation Thesis: Movie-based Programming of Iterative Computations, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: A. Vazhenin |
[vazhenin-10:2005] |
Kohei Ueda. Graduation Thesis: Movie-based Generators of Test Matrices, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: A. Vazhenin |
[vazhenin-11:2005] |
Atsushi Iwata. Graduation Thesis: Movie-based Algorithms for Matrix Multiplication, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: A. Vazhenin |
[vazhenin-12:2005] |
Toshiaki Oka. Master Thesis: Task Management Tools for WWW-based Programming and Distance Learning, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: A. Vazhenin |