- Areas of research in Software Engineering Lab.
- Software Engineering
- Human Resource Management on UML and Unified Process
- Risk Management on UML and Unified Process
- Maintenance Management on Unified Process
- Software Architecture & Quality Assurance
- E-learning
- Kansei Engineering
- Kansei Information Processing
- Kansei Communication
- Kansei & Speech Perception
- Applications of Emotion & Sensibility
- Software Architecture & Kansei Process
- Software Robot
The mechanism of human being will be researched as follows:
- Remembering Model
- Speaking Models Like Human with Using Dates on Computer
- Awake or Awareness Model
- Multi-agent system
- Feeling of Human
- Transaction Analysis (TA) on computer
- Voice Analysis of Human Speaking on TA
- Traffic Model (ITS)
- PSA Support System of a Daily Meal for the Sick of Diabetes
- Motion Analysis of Human Being
- Artificial Life
Species theory and evolution system and, etc. on the nature life will be analyzed with simulation on computer.
- Species Theory
- Evolutionary Algorithm
- Dynamic Genetic Algorithm, TSP (traveling salesman problem)
- Immunity Model
- Digital Plant
- Computational Culture
- PSM (partially solving method)
- Linear analysis on PSM (partially solving method)
- Numerical Objects on PSM
- Computation of Distributed System (Sever/Client) on PSM
- Linear Programming on PSM
- Solving system on electrical circuit
- Apply to Finite Element Method
- Solving Method for physical phenomena.
- Application of World Wide Web
- Information Retrieval
- Text Mining
- International Projects
- Kansei Engineering in Speech Perception
Sound perception involves both cognitive and affective processes from the first perception of an auditory event to the evaluation of it and the action following it. The cognitive and emotional evaluations may be done with respect to the suitability of the sound in the context on non-auditory aspects of the product, previous experiences, memory and preference.
However, most sound perception research has focused on cognitive and emotional evaluations of the sound rather identification or categorization of sounds. Research on human perception and evaluation of sound has traditionally sought to establish the underlying perceptual dimensions that people use when evaluating or reacting to sounds. Unfortunately, researchers in auditory perception have not been explicit in differentiating between cognitive evaluations and emotional reactions.
Kansei engineering can answer many of the research questions in emotional reactions. Kansei processing may influence sound perception in different ways according to cultural characteristics. Also, it seems possible to separate kansei reactions to sound from more cognition-based evaluations.
Thus, it should be possible to reliably predict user or listener responses to various product sounds. In sound design, criteria for intended emotions could be established and advice on sound design could be derived from these criteria. Up to date however, research have focused on establishing the relation between basic emotional dimensions and physical sound description.
Future research would need to address the existence of higher-order emotional reactions that are product specific (product emotions). In doing so, the proposed project might help to consider alternatives for assessments of kansei reactions. It was hoped that the results would provide a better understanding of how kansei reactions from each language are used by listeners to describe the various natural and synthetic sounds.
The theory of Kansei aimed at a comprehensive understanding of human, psychology, (especially feelings, willingness, character, and creativity) by means of a systematic integration of psychology, brain science, information science, neuroscience, computing science and novel theories of automation and design science. The theory of Kansei engineering is a cross technology.
It basis is from brain science, psychology, physiology, ethics, neural science, anthropology, linguistics, aesthetic, information science, computer science, automation science, design science and artificial intelligence. The main applied areas are: emotional control theory in robots, the design of humanized commodity, sensible market development, programming languages, artificial creative techniques, humanoid techniques for human psychology databases and mathematical models, harmonic in72
Department of Computer Software terface for man-machine interaction. The purpose of Kansei engineering in future is application. The most important point is to consider the human psychology and Kansei component in the artificial systems, and make the artificial control systems and computer systems to adjust to human kansei, to realize harmony between human man-computer and finally achieve the purpose of serving the people.
- Computational Ecology
Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry lunched the Environment, Economy, and Civilization- The 21st Global Program (EECGP). This project aim to develop a scenario for a sustainable future civilization that maintains a balance between environmental preservation economic development, and have as its ultimate goal the creation of a policy proposal for the realization of this scenario. People from a wide range of affiliations will be participating in this collaborated effort between the academia, industry, and governmental agencies- such as researchers in the filed of natural sciences, humanities and social science, engineering, computer science, businessmen, government officials and politicians. The major object of this project is to discover an ethos of a new, sustainable, resource-circulating civilization that can replace that of the present resource-exploiting civilization, for which the modern civilization is the prime example, that basically thrives by domination over nature and exploitation of its resources. Recently I became one of the members of this research team.
In this research project, we like to build computational ecological model for sustainability of the islands and resource-recycling society.
Computational ecology is quit new interdisciplinary research field. As such it is an interdisciplinary field devoted to the quantitative description and analysis of ecological systems using empirical data, mathematical and statistical models, and computational knowledge. The measure of success and progress in this field is the increasing ability to reliably explain and forecast the behavior of the systems under study. The long-term scientific goal is the development of methods to predict the response of ecosystems to changes in their physical, biological and chemical components. The computational aspects arise from the need to express and manipulate the data and theories that we have about this complex systems. We attempt to develop ways to discern patterns and principles from empirical data and mathematics through the machinery of computation through system dynamics with knowledge of deep ecology. Deep ecology finds scientific underpinnings in the field of ecology and system dynamics.
- International project on Text Mining
Our partner is the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes Saint Petersburg State University, Russia.
This university has a good experience in organizing and conducting international projects.
One of them is OASIS, Project PL 1116-96, INCO Copernicus, Framework IY supported by European Commission.
This one was run from 1997 to 1999. Partners were Saint Petersburg State University, University of Tuebingen (Germany), University College Dublin (Ireland) and three Internet service providers from Russia and Ukraine. Prof. Klyuev participated in the OASIS project as a senior researcher (part time job).
The prototype of the distributed search system was created by the international team. The idea to crawl information from the Internet on narrow topic-specific basis was tested. The aim was to design methods dedicated for crawling scientific information. The international team introduced some methods and mechanisms how to distribute index of crawled documents, how to propagate the user query to the appropriate index and how to merge the obtained results before presenting them to the user.
This prototype is running on the university server. It can be accessible at http://oasisntc.u-aizu.ac.jp/oasis/
- Educations and Events
- NPO called Environmental Conservation Association (ECA) established in Fukushima Prefecture by Professor Osano. Successfully completed solar energy project in Dr. Noguchi Park located in Aizu-Wakamatsu City.
- The Eighth International Conference on Humans and Computers (August 31 - September 2, 2005, Japan)
The Eighth International Conference on Humans and Computers HC'2005 held a forum which addresses all aspects of research related to human and computer at Aizu, Japan, organized by Software Lab. and the university of Aizu. More than 60 researchers and students participated in the conference.
- The Agreement for Scientific and Educational Cooperation between our university and Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia was signed in December 2005. Both universities agreed to cooperate in information retrieval and text mining areas.
- Aizu - St. Petersburg Collaboration Workshop, 20.02 - 25.02.2006 was organized by our laboratory in accordance with this agreement. The aim of this forum was to promote cooperation between the University of Aizu, Saint Petersburg State University (SPbSU) and Saint Petersburg State Electrotechnical University (LETI). The focus of the cooperation with SPbSU is on information retrieval and text mining. The main point of discussions with LETI is on distance learning technologies and methods. The corresponding Agreement was initially signed in 2002 and extended in June 2005. The Russian delegations presented their achievements, their vision on the aforementioned problems, and continued discussions about the future work.
Activities in accordance with agreements and results of the workshop are expected to be as follows:
- An exchange of undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students between the Parties;
- An exchange of research scholars consisting of faculty or students between the universities relating to such disciplines as software engineering, information retrieval, programming, and distance learning technologies;
- An exchange of scientific, educational and scholarly materials between the universities; and
- Development and publication of jointly sponsored fundamental research and symposia.
These agreements and activities are supported by the Center for Strategy of International Programs of the University of Aizu. The Software Engineering Lab plays a key pole in these activities.
Another direction of our research is connected with Japanese search methods: our OASIS system participated in the WEB Navigational Retrieval Task at NTCIR 5 Workshop. New techniques related to Web search technologies applied to Japanese were proposed and successfully tested.