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Professor |
Assistant Professor |
As since many years, the research activities in the Shape Modeling Lab has been extended to more interdisciplinary fields with emphasis on information technology in biomedicine, including computer modeling and simulation of heart and brain, virtual reality and computer vision, mobile and ubiquitous computing for healthcare.
[dm-wei-01:2005] |
Xin Zhu, Daming Wei, and Hui Wang. Whole-heart modeling and computer simulation for electrophysiology study. International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism, 7(1):214-216, 2005. |
The intracavitary potential mapping is indispensable for the invasive Electrophysiological Study (EPS) before the cathode ablation, which has been a dominant arrhythmias therapy in place of the open chest surgery. In this paper, in order to develop a virtual EPS and cathode ablation simulation system, the intracavitaty potentials are computed based on an anisotropic whole heart model, by means of the boundary element method. It is concluded that the simulated intracavitary potentials based on an anisotropic whole heart model can well approximate the realistic intracavitary potentials. |
[dm-wei-02:2005] |
Shuxue Ding, Jie Huang, Daming Wei, and Andrzej Cichocki. Blind Source Separation of Acoustic Signals in Realistic Environments Based on ICA in the Time-Frequency Domain. Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications, 1(2):89-99, 2005. |
We present an approach for blind separation of acoustic sources produced from multiple speakers mixed in realistic room environments. We first transform recorded signals into the time-frequency domain to make mixing become instantaneous. We then separate the sources in each frequency bin based on an independent component analysis (ICA) algorithm. For the present paper, we choose the complex version of fixed-point iteration (CFPI), i.e., the complex version of FastICA, as the algorithm. From the separated signals in the time-frequency domain, we reconstruct output-separated signals in the time domain. To solve the so-called permutation problem due to the indeterminacy of permutation in the standard ICA, we propose a method that applies a special property of the CFPI cost function. Generally, the cost function has several optimal points that correspond to the different permutations of the outputs. These optimal points are isolated by some non-optimal regions of the cost function. Simulations and experiments were performed on both artificially synthesized speech data and real-world speech data, and the effectiveness of our approach was confirmed |
[dm-wei-03:2005] |
Wenxi Chen, Daming Wei, Shuxue Ding, Michael Cohen, Hui Wang, Shigeru Tokinoya, and Naotoshi Takeda. A Scalable Mobile Phone-Based System for Multiple Vital Signs Monitoring and Health-care. Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications, 1(2):157- 163, 2005. |
In this paper, design and implementation of the system architecture for a mobile phone-based vital signs monitoring is described. The hierarchy of this system comprises three layers, which respectively handle multiple vital signs sensing, data/command communication via either wireless or wired means, and the healthcare management. The fundamental basis of the sensing layer is a wearable cordless sensor device for monitoring vital signs without discomfort to the user during daily activities. The data communication layer performs bidirectional information exchange between the sensing layer and the management layer. The uppermost management layer conducts data mining and analysis for risk factors assessment and healthcare. Overall considerations of implementation method and prototype fabrication are outlined. Finally, applicability to a variety of real-world situations, and provision of customizable solutions not only for home healthcare but also for other vital signs-related domains (such as emergency rescue and safety guarantee) are discussed. |
[dm-wei-04:2005] |
Hui Wang, Minyi Guo, and Daming Wei. Message Scheduling for Irregular Data Redistribution in Parallelizing Compilers. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E89-D(2):418-424, 2006. |
This paper is devoted to scheduling solutions while satisfying the minimal communication costs condition and the minimal step condition. Based on the list scheduling, and efficient algorithm is developed and its experimental results are compared with previous algorithms. The improved list algorithm provides more chance for conflict messages in its relocation phase. |
[dm-wei-05:2005] |
Shuxue Ding, Jie Huang, Daming Wei, and Andrzej Cichocki. A Near Real-Time Approach for Convolutive Blind source Separation. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, 53(1):114-128, 2006. |
In this paper, we propose an algorithm for real-time signal processing of convolutive blind source separation (CBSS). One desirable feature of our proposed algorithm is that it can solve the CBSS problem explicitly, rather than stochastically with conventional algorithms. Moreover, a real-time separation of the convolutive mixtures of sources can be performed. We designed several simulations to evaluated the algorithm. Within the experimental context, the convergence time of our algorithms was substantially faster than gradientbased algorithms. |
[wenxi-01:2005] |
W. Chen, X. Zhu, T. Nemoto, Y. Kanemitsu, K. Kitamura, and K. Yamakoshi. Unconstrained detection of respiration rhythm and pulse rate with one under-pillow sensor during sleep. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 43(2):306-312, 2005. |
A completely non-invasive and unconstrained method is proposed to detect respiration rhythm and pulse rate during sleep. By employing wavelet transformation (WT), waveforms corresponding to the respiration rhythm and pulse rate can be extracted from a pulsatile pressure signal acquired by a pressure sensor under a pillow. The respiration rhythm was obtained by an upward zero-crossing point detection algorithm from the respirationrelated waveform reconstructed from the WT 26 scale approximation, and the pulse rate was estimated by a peak point detection algorithm from the pulse-related waveform reconstructed from the WT 24 and 25 scale details. The finger photo-electric plethysmogram (FPP) and nasal thermistor signals were recorded simultaneously as reference signals. The reference pulse rate and respiration rhythm were detected with the peak and upward zero-crossing point detection algorithm. This method was verified using about 24 h of data collected from 13 healthy subjects. The results showed that, compared with the reference data, the average error rates were 3.03extracted pulse waveform. Similarly, 4.58positive were obtained for respiration rhythm detection in the extracted respiration waveform. This study suggests that the proposed method is suitable, in sleep monitoring, for the diagnosis of sleep apnoea or sudden death syndrome. |
[wenxi-02:2005] |
Wenxi Chen, Daming Wei, Shuxue Ding, Michael Cohen, Hui Wang, Shigeru Tokinoya, and Naotoshi Takeda. A Scalable Mobile Phone-Based System for Multiple Vital Signs Monitoring and Healthcare. International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications, 1(2):157-163, 2005. |
To meet the increasing needs for ubiquitous healthcare, a mobile phone-based system for monitoring multiple vital signs is under development. In this paper, design and implementation of the system architecture are described. The hierarchy of this system comprises three layers, which respectively handle multiple vital signs sensing, data/command communication via either wireless or wired means, and healthcare management. The fundamental basis of the sensing layer is a wearable cordless sensor device for monitoring vital signs without discomfort to the user during daily activities. The data communication layer performs bidirectional information exchange between the sensing layer and the management layer. The uppermost management layer conducts data mining and analysis for risk factors assessment and healthcare. Overall considerations of implementation method and prototype fabrication are outlined. Finally, applicability to a variety of real-world situations, and provision of customizable solutions not only for home healthcare but also for other vital signs-related domains (such as emergency rescue and safety guarantee) are discussed. Three of the most promising applications based upon this system are described. |
[dm-wei-06:2005] |
Wenxi Chen, Daming Wei, Xin Zhu, M. Uchida, Shuxue Ding, Michael Cohen, S. Tokinoya, and N.Takeda. A mobile phone-based wearable vital signs monitoring system. In Ning Gu, D Wei, Z Xie, Hui Wang, S X Wang, and B Shi, editors, The Fifth International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, page 950' 955, Shanghai, China,, Sep. 2005. CIT 2005, The IEEE Computer Society. |
[dm-wei-07:2005] |
Xin Zhu, Daming Wei, and Hui Wang. Computer simulation of intracardiac potential for Electrophysiology study with whole-heart Model,. In Y.T. Zhang and Lisa X. Xu, editors, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE EMBS 27th Annual Conf., pages 1071-1074, Shanghai, China,, Sep. 2005. IEEE EMBS, IEEE. |
[dm-wei-08:2005] |
Xin Zhu, Daming Wei, and Hui WANG. Forward problem of intracavitary potentials based on an anisotropic whole heart model. In Kristine Miller Jaakko Malmivuo, Bin He, editor, Proceeding of 2005 BEM & NFSI, pages 214-216, Minneapolis, USA,, May 2005. ISBEM, ISBEM. |
[dm-wei-09:2005] |
Zhaomin Zhang, Aiguo He, and Daming We. A Mobile Teleconference System for Homecare Services. In Y.T. Zhang and Lisa X. Xu, editors, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE EMBS 27th Annual Conf., pages 3935-3938, Shanghai, China,, Sep. 2005. IEEE EMBS, IEEE. |
[dm-wei-10:2005] |
Zhaomin Zhang, Aiguo He, and Daming Wei. Implementation of Teleconference System for Homecare Services Based on Mobile Communication Technology. In Kwang Suk Park, Toshiyo Tamura, and Daming Wei, editors, Proceedings of the joint meeting of International Workshop on E-health and 2nd International Conference on Ubiquitous Healthcare 2005, pages 41-44, Aizu-wakamatsu, Japan, Nov. 2005. The University of Aizu, Japan Foundation For Emergency Medicine, The University of Aizu. |
[dm-wei-11:2005] |
K. Yamauchi, W. Chen, and D. Wei. 3G Mobile Phone Applications in Telemedicine-A Survey. In Ning Gu, D Wei, Z Xie, Hui Wang, S X Wang, and B Shi, editors, The Fifth International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, pages 956-960, Shanghai, China,, Sep. 2005. CIT 2005, The IEEE Computer Society. |
[dm-wei-12:2005] |
Jinei Watanabe, Yuuki Ooshiba, Motoki Sakai, Wenxi Chen, and Daming Wei. A Feasibility Study on Waves in Electroencephalogram as a Brain-Computer Interface Classifier. In HC-2005, editor, Proceeding of the Eighth International Conference on Humans and Computers, pages 19-24, Tsuruga, Ikki-Machi, Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture 965-8580 Japan, August31-September2 2005. Human and Compters, The University of Aizu. |
We suggested that the proposed method based on alpha Waves in EEG can be used as a feasible BCI cassifier in a Yes/No level. |
[wenxi-03:2005] |
Wenxi Chen, Daming Wei, Michael Cohen, Shuxue Ding, Shigeru Tokinoya, and Naotoshi Takeda. Development of a Multiple Vital Signs Monitoring System for m-Healthcare. In Proc of the Joint Meeting of the 5th International Conference on Bioelectromagnetism and the 5th International Symposium on Noninvasive Functional Source Imaging within the Human Brain and Heart, pages 338-339, 2005. |
[wenxi-04:2005] |
Wenxi Chen, Daming Wei, Xin Zhu, Masayuki Uchida, Shuxue Ding, Michael Cohen, Shigeru Tokinoya, and Naotoshi Takeda. A Mobile Phone-based Wearable Vital Signs Monitoring System. In Proc of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT 2005), pages 950-955, 2005. |
[wenxi-05:2005] |
Kazuaki Yamauchi, Wenxi Chen, and Daming Wei. 3G Mobile Phone Applications in Telemedicine - A Survey. In Proc of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT 2005), pages 956-960, 2005. |
[wenxi-06:2005] |
W. Chen, X. Zhu, T. Nemoto, K. Kitamura, Y. Kanemitsu, K. Yamakoshi, and S. Tanaka. Involuntary Monitoring of Heart Rate and Respiratory Rate during Sleep. In Proc of the Joint Meeting of International Workshop on E-health and 2nd International Conference on Ubiquitous Healthcare 2005 (WEICONU 2005), pages 109-112, 2005. |
[wenxi-07:2005] |
X. Zhu, W. Chen, T. Nemoto, K. Kitamura, Y. Kanemitsu, and K. Yamakoshi. Accurate Determination of Respiratory Rhythm and Pulse Rate Using an Under-Pillow Sensor Based on Wavelet Transformation. In Proc of the 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2005), pages 5869-5872, 2005. |
[dm-wei-13:2005] |
Ning Gu, D Wei, Z Xie, Hui Wang, S X Wang, and B Shi (eds). The Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computer and Information Technology. Number 1143 in Proceedings of CIT. The IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, 2005. |
[dm-wei-14:2005] |
Daming Wei, Wenxi Chen, and Osama Okazaki. Ministry of Education Scientific Research Fund, 2005-2006. |
[wenxi-08:2005] |
Wenxi Chen. UOA Competitive Research Fund, 2005. |
[wenxi-09:2005] |
Wenxi Chen. JST Innovative Technology R&D Project Fund (with QOL Co. Ltd.), 2005-2008. |
[wenxi-10:2005] |
Wenxi Chen. Sumitomo Rubber Inc. Research Fund, 2004-2005. |
[wenxi-11:2005] |
Wenxi Chen. TEPCO Research Fund, 2005. |
[dm-wei-15:2005] |
Daming Wei, Sep. 2005. General Co-Chair, CIT 2005 |
[dm-wei-16:2005] |
Daming Wei, Sep. 2005. Session Chair, EEE EMBS 27th Annual Conference on Biomedical Engineering |
[dm-wei-17:2005] |
Daming Wei, Nov. 2005. General Co-Chair, The joint meeting of International Workshop on Ehealth and 2nd International Conference on Ubiquitous Healthcare 2005 (http://www.tms.chiba-u.jp/weiconu2005/index.html) |
[wenxi-12:2005] |
Wenxi Chen, Nov. 2005. PC member, The joint meeting of International Workshop on E-health and 2nd International Conference on Ubiquitous Healthcare 2005 (WEICONU2005). |
[wenxi-13:2005] |
Wenxi Chen, Sep. 2005. PC member, The 5th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT2005). |
[wenxi-14:2005] |
Wenxi Chen, Sep. 2005. Session Chair, The 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC2005). |
[wenxi-15:2005] |
Wenxi Chen, 2005. Referee, Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing. |
[wenxi-16:2005] |
Wenxi Chen, 2005. Referee, International Journal of Computers and Applications. |
[wenxi-17:2005] |
Wenxi Chen, 2005. Referee, Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications. |
[dm-wei-18:2005] |
Daming Wei. Method and apparatus of electrocardiograph with additional leads, PCT/JP2004/002251, August 2005. |
[wenxi-18:2005] |
Wenxi Chen, Xin Zhu, and Tetsu Nemoto. Respiration and Heart Rate Monitor, Sep. 2005. |
[dm-wei-19:2005] |
Mariko Katou. Graduation Thesis: Automatic Liver Segmentation for CT Images without Contrast Medium, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Daming Wei |
[dm-wei-20:2005] |
Naoko Kitami. Graduation Thesis: A study of daily ECG change and its effect on application to biometric authentication, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Daming Wei |
[dm-wei-21:2005] |
Satoru Satake. Graduation Thesis: An Algorithm for Extracting top of Catheter Electrode in a Virtual EP lab, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Daming Wei |
[dm-wei-22:2005] |
Shingo Nishikawa. Graduation Thesis: Automatic Segmentation of the Liver Using Neighboring CT Images and Descriptive Statistical Parameters, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Daming Wei |
[dm-wei-23:2005] |
Asami Nishitani. Graduation Thesis: Computer Simulation of Electrocardiogram with Personalized Human Model, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Daming Wei |
[dm-wei-24:2005] |
Yuuki Watanabe. Graduation Thesis: Automatic Threshold Determination in Alpha-Wave-Based Brain Computer I nterface, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Daming Wei |
[dm-wei-25:2005] |
Masayuki Uchida. Master Thesis: Time-Frequency Approach for Extracting ECG Component Embedded in EEG Signals Using ICA and Wavelet, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Daming Wei |
[dm-wei-26:2005] |
Yuki Oshiba. Master Thesis: P300 Detection from Electroencephalogram contaminated with Electrooculogram, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Daming Wei |
[dm-wei-27:2005] |
Hiroyuki Ono. Master Thesis: Development of Infrared Wireless Stethoscopes, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Daming Wei |
[dm-wei-28:2005] |
Kenichirou Kitamura. Master Thesis: Development of Biomedical Telemonitor Using P2P, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Daming Wei |
[dm-wei-29:2005] |
Akihiko Koguchi. Master Thesis: Numerical Simulation of Electrocardiogram with Finite Element Model, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Daming Wei |
[dm-wei-30:2005] |
Hiroko Chika. Master Thesis: A Study of Derived Electrocardiogram on Additional Leads, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Daming Wei |
[dm-wei-31:2005] |
Yosuke Tsuta. Master Thesis: ST Segment Analysis of Electrocardiogram, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Daming Wei |
[dm-wei-32:2005] |
Shin Hasegawa. Master Thesis: Virtual Reality for Cardiac Catheter Electropyhsiologic Study, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Daming Wei |
[wenxi-19:2005] |
Masanori Akashi. Graduation Thesis: Discriminant Analysis of Elderly Walk with Accelerometer and Motion Capture, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Chen, Wenxi |
[wenxi-20:2005] |
Hiroyuki Ishita. Graduation Thesis: Development of a P300-based BCI System, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Chen, Wenxi |
[wenxi-21:2005] |
Takehiro Kanno. Graduation Thesis: The Evaluation of Balanced and Unbalanced Walking Using 3-axis Accelerometer, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Chen, Wenxi |
[wenxi-22:2005] |
Toshie Sugano. Graduation Thesis: P wave detection in single lead electrocardiogram, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Chen, Wenxi |
[wenxi-23:2005] |
Satoshi Suzuki. Graduation Thesis: A study of derived electrocardiograms on additional chest leads from Four Standard Leads, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Chen, Wenxi |
[wenxi-24:2005] |
Tasuke Nakase. Graduation Thesis: Development of Electrocardiogram Telemonitor Using 3G Mobile Phone and Bluetooth Connection, University of Aizu, 2005. Thesis Advisor: Chen, Wenxi |
[dm-wei-33:2005] |
Fukushima Minpo. News article: Prof. Wei's success on development of derived 12-lead ECG, Fukushima Minpo, 2006/1/5 |
[dm-wei-34:2005] |
Fukushima Minpo. News article: Aizu IT award Grand Prix to QRS corporation (CEO: Prof. Daming Wei), a venture company of Aizu Univerisity for a new technique of derived 12-lead ECG telemornitor, Fukushima Minpo, 2006/1/18 |
[dm-wei-35:2005] |
Fukushima Minyu. News article: Aizu IT award Grand Prix to QRS corporation (CEO: Prof. Daming Wei), a venture company of Aizu Univerisity for a new technique of derived 12-lead ECG telemornitor, Fukushima Minyu, 2006/1/18 |
[dm-wei-36:2005] |
Daming Wei. Technical Exhibition of derived 12-lead ECG telemornitor: Inovation Japan 2005, Tokyo, Sept. 27-29, 2005. |
[dm-wei-37:2005] |
Daming Wei. Technical Exhibition of derived 12-lead ECG telemornitor: Medical Creation in Fukushima, Fukushima, Nov. 24-25, 2005. |