- Principal Investigator: Hiroyuki Sagawa
Title: About the method of a strategic educations of physics at Junior high
school ,High school and University
Amount: \=1,000,000
- Principal Investigator: Maxim Ryzhii
Title: Multimedia library of physics demonstration
Amount: \=2,250,000
- Principal Investigator: Minyi Guo
Title: A self-organized Service Environment for E-learning
Amount: \=1,500,000
- Principal Investigator: Gennadiy Nikishkov
Title: Development of CSSC 3D computer graphics courseware
Amount: \=1,200,000
- Principal Investigator: Rentaro Yoshioka
Title: Self-study environment of programming for high school student who
uses multiple view
Amount: \=1,800,000
- Principal Investigator: Hirokuni Kurokawa
Title: Research of programming contest management support system
Amount: \=1,000,000
- Principal Investigator: Takafumi Hayashi
Title: Research on the method of working out Enterprise Security plan for
local government
Amount: \=1,600,000
- Principal Investigator: Minoru Ueda
Title: Digital engineering of lacquer ware by idea of universal design
Amount: \=1,000,000
- Principal Investigator: Tomoyuki Yamakami
Title: Promotion of imagination in Section of Mathematics and Science for
the 21st century
Amount: \=1,400,000
- Principal Investigator: Daming Wei
Title: Classification of walking pattern and application to rehabilitation, A
joint research with local medical institution
Amount: \=1,200,000
- Principal Investigator: Alexander Vazhenin
Title: Task management tool of WWW base to problem of mathematics and
Amount: \=400,000