Professor |
Associate Professor |
The main stream in our lab is related to computational intelligence. So far we have focused our study on three key words: recognition, learning and understanding. The goal of our research is to develop some learning models that are flexible enough to adapt changing environment, and also simple enough to be realized, interpreted and re-used. The ultimate goal is to design a system that can think, and decide what to do and how to grow-up based on its own thinking. For this purpose, many approaches have been studied - e.g., neuro-computation, evolutionary computation, reinforcement learning, and so on. Of course, results proposed in conventional symbol based artificial intelligence are also included. So far we have used or proposed the following learning models:
[qf-zhao-01:200] |
Qiangfu Zhao. Inducing NNC-Trees with the R4-rule. IEEE
Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part B: Cybernetics,
36(3):520.533, 2006. |
An NNC-Tree is a decision tree (DT) with each non-terminal nodecontaining a
nearest neighbor classifier (NNC). Compared with theconventional axis-parallel
DTs (APDTs), the NNC-Trees can be moreefficient because the decision boundary
made by an NNC is morecomplex than an axis-parallel hyperplane. Compared
with single layerNNCs, the NNC-Trees can classify given data in a hierarchicalstructure
which is often useful for many applications. In thispaper,
we propose an algorithm for inducing NNC-Trees based on theR4-rule, which
was proposed by the author for finding thesmallest NN-MLPs (nearest neighbor
based multilayer perceptrons).There are mainly two contributions here. First,
a heuristic buteffective method is given to define the teacher signals (grouplabels)
for the data assigned to each non-terminal node. Second, theR4-rule is
modified so that an NNC with proper size can bedesigned automatically in
each non-terminal node. Experiments withseveral public databases show that
the proposed algorithm canproduce NNC-Trees effectively and efficiently. |
[qf-zhao-02:2006] |
Hazem M. El-Bakry and Q. F. Zhao. Fast Normalized Neural
Processors For Pattern Detection Based on CrossCorrelation Implemented
in the Frequency Domain. Journal of Research and Practice in
Information Technology, 38(2):151.170, 2006. |
Neural networks have shown good results for detecting acertain patterns in a
given image. In this paper, fast neural networksfor pattern detection are presented.
Such neural processors aredesigned based on cross correlation in the
frequency domain betweenthe input image and the weights of neural networks.
New generalformulas for fast cross correlation as well as an accurate speed upratio
are given. Also, commutative cross correlation isachieved. Furthermore, the
principle of divide and conquer is appliedthrough image decomposition. Compared
with conventional and fastneural networks, experimental results show that
a further speedup isachieved using the proposed method. This paper also proves
thatcentering of sub-images is equivalent to centering of the weightsmatrices of
the neural networks. Therefore, the pre-normalized neuralnetworks are illumination
independent to some extent |
[qf-zhao-03:2006] |
H. Hayashi and Q. F. Zhao. Evolving NNTrees more efficiently.
In IEEE, editor, Proc. IEEE International Congress on Evolutionary
Computation (CEC06), pages 2638.2643, Vancouver, July 2006. IEEE,
Neural network tree (NNTree) is a decision tree (DT)with each non-terminal
node containing an expert neural network (ENN).Generally speaking, NNTrees
can outperform standard axis-parallel DTsbecause the ENNs can extract more
complex features. However, inductionof multivariate DTs is very difficult. Even if
each non-terminal nodecontains a simple oblique hyperplane, finding the optimal
testfunction is an NP-complete problem. To solve this problem, we havestudied
two evolutionary algorithms (EAs). One is to induce theNNTrees by applying
the genetic algorithm (GA) recursively, andanother is to evolve the NNTrees
directly. These two algorithms |
[qf-zhao-04:2006] |
K. Sakamoto and Q. F. Zhao. A study on generating good
environment patterns for evolving robot navigators. In IEEE, editor,
Proc. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics
(SMC06), pages 3280.3285, Taipei, Oct. 2006. IEEE, IEEE. |
To evolve robot navigators that generalize well, weshould evaluate the navigators
using as many environment patterns aspossible during evolution. To reduce the
computational cost, however |
[qf-zhao-05:2006] |
Q. F. Zhao. Inducing NNC-Trees quickly. In IEEE, editor,
Proc. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics
(SMC06), pages 2784.2789, Taipei, Oct. 2006. IEEE, IEEE. |
An NNC-Tree is a decision tree (DT) with eachnon-terminal node containing
a nearest neighbor classifier (NNC).Compared with the axis-parallel decision
trees (APDTs), NNC-Trees aremore comprehensible for large problems, because
the decision rulescorresponding to the trees are simpler. Currently, the author
hasproposed an algorithm for inducing NNC-Trees based on theR4-rule. However,
compared with C4.5, which is a popular program forinducing APDTs,
the computation of our algorithm is relativelyexpensive. This paper proposes
two methods for reducing thecomputational cost. The efficiency of the proposed
methods isverified through experiments on three public databases. |
[qf-zhao-06:2006] |
S. Kondo and Q. F. Zhao. A novel steganographic technique
based on image morphing. In J. Ma et al, editor, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4159, Springer, pages 806.815, Wuhan, Sept. 2006.
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Springer. |
Steganography is the technology of hiding messages insuch a way that no one
except the authorized recipient knows theexistence of the messages. In steganography,
a message is hidden insome cover message. The larger the cover message
is relative to thehidden message, the easier it is to hide the latter. When the
hiddenmessage is an image, it is difficult to hide the message into anotherimage
unless the size (in number of bits) of the hidden image is muchsmaller than that
of the cover image. To solve this problem, thispaper proposes a novel steganographic
technique based on imagemorphing. The basic idea is to transform the
hidden image into amorphing image, and use the morphing image as the stego
message. Theauthorized recipient can recover the hidden image from the morphingimage
through demorphing. The morphing image can also be used directlyfor
certain purposes. |
[yliu-01:2006] |
Y. Liu. Create Stable Neural Networks by Cross-Validation. In
Proceedings of the IEEE World Cpngress onComputational Intelligence
(WCCIf06, pages 7656.7659. IEEE Computational Intelligence Society,
IEEE Press, 2006. |
This paper studies how to learn a stable neural networkthrough the use of
cross-validation. Cross-validationhas been widely used for estimating the performanceof
neural networks and early stopping of training.Although crossvalidation
could give a good estimate ofthe generalisation errors of the trained
neural networks. |
[yliu-02:2006] |
Y. Liu. Evolving Neural Network Ensembles by Fitness Sharing. In
Proceedings of the IEEE World Cpngress onComputational Intelligence
(WCCIf06, pages 11058.11062. IEEE Computational Intelligence Society,
IEEE Press, 2006. |
The difference between evolving neural networks and evolvingneural network
ensembles is that the solution of evolvingneural networks is an evolved neural
network while the solutionof evolving neural network ensemble is an evolved population
ofneural networks. In the practice of evolving neural networkensemble,
it is common that each individual rather the wholepopulation is evaluated. During
the evolution, the solutionof evolving neural networks would be better and
betterwhile it might not be the case for the solution of evolvingneural network
ensembles. It suggests that the final evolvedpopulation might be worse so that it is not wise to choosethe final population as a solution. Through experimental
studies |
[yliu-03:2006] |
T. Higuchi, Y. Liu, and X. Yao. Evolvable Hardware. Springer, 2006. |
[yliu-04:2006] |
L. Kang, Y. Liu, and S. Zeng. Intelligence Computation and Applications. Number 4683 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, 2007. |
[yliu-05:2006] |
L. Kang, Y. Liu, and S. Zeng. Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware. Number 4684 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, 2007. |
[yliu-06:2006] |
T. Higuchi, Y. Liu, and X. Yao. Introduction to Evolvable Hardware, page 18. Evolvable Hardware. Springer, 2006. |
[yliu-07:2006] |
Y. Liu. How to Generate Different Neural Networks, page 16. Trends in Neural Computation, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, 2006. |
[yliu-8:2006] |
Y. Liu, 2004-. Editor, International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems |
[yliu-9:2006] |
Y. Liu, 2005-2006. One of editors of the book Evolvable Hardware by Springer |
[yliu-10:2006] |
Y. Liu, 2006-2007. Program Chair of the 7th InternationalConference on Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware(ICES2007) |
[yliu-11:2006] |
Y. Liu, 2006-2007. General Co-Chair of the 2nd International Symposium onIntelligence Computation and Applications (ISICA2007) |
[qf-zhao-07:2006] |
Hazem Mokhtar Mokhtar El-Bakry. Doctor Thesis: A fast
searching algorithm for data detection using neural networks, University
of Aizu, 2006. Thesis Advisor: Qiangfu Zhao |
[qf-zhao-08:2006] |
Tomohiro Tsuchiya. Graduation Thesis: Learning inverse system
of robot arm by neural network, University of Aizu, 2006. Thesis Advisor: Qiangfu Zhao |
[qf-zhao-09:2006] |
Chuanfeng Lv. Doctor Thesis: Non-linear PCA approaches for
semi-universal image compression, University of Aizu, 2006. Thesis Advisor: Qiangfu Zhao |
[qf-zhao-10:2006] |
Ryohei Shindow. Graduation Thesis: Spam e-mail detection
based on Bayesian filter, University of Aizu, 2006. Thesis Advisor: Qiangfu Zhao |
[qf-zhao-11:2006] |
Naoki Tominaga. Graduation Thesis: Fast induction of NNCTrees
based on dimensionality reduction, University of Aizu, 2006. Thesis Advisor: Qiangfu Zhao |
[qf-zhao-12:2006] |
Kei Sato. Graduation Thesis: Frontal face recognition based on
PCA, University of Aizu, 2006. Thesis Advisor: Qiangfu Zhao |
[qf-zhao-13:2006] |
Hiroyuki Kobayashi. Master Thesis: Fact detection with clusteringbased LDA, University of Aizu, 2006. Thesis Advisor: Qiangfu Zhao |
[qf-zhao-14:2006] |
Akihiko Tamura. Master Thesis: A study on face recognition
based on linear approaches, University of Aizu, 2006. Thesis Advisor: Qiangfu Zhao |
[qf-zhao-15:2006] |
Yoshihiko Watanabe. Graduation Thesis: A study on the efficacy
of R4-rule based NNC-Tree design, University of Aizu, 2006. Thesis Advisor: Qiangfu Zhao |