General Research
- Principal Investigator: Hiroyuki Sagawa
Title: Microscopic Study of Unstable Nuciel
Amount: \1,228,000
- Principal Investigator: Tsuneo Tsukahara
Title: A Multi-band Wireless Receiver Using a Spectrum-Analyzing Method Suitable
for Sensor Networks
Amount: \960,000
- Principal Investigator: Hidesada Kanda
Title: Theoretical & Computational Study of Laminar-Turbulent Transition in
Pipe Flows
Amount: \1,964,000
- Principal Investigator: Victor Ryzhii
Title: Graphene-New Material for 21 Century Electronics: Theoretical and Numerical
Studies of Novel Graphene Devices
Amount: \1,545,000
- Principal Investigator: Gennadiy Nikishkov
Title: Atomic-scale FEM for Nanomodeling
Amount: \1,091,000
- Principal Investigator: Thomas Orr
Title: International Negotiation Training Project
Amount: \1,051,000
- Principal Investigator: Shuxue Ding
Title: Signal Enhancement Based on Sparse Representation
Amount: \1,109,000
- Principal Investigator: Keitaro Naruse
Title: Development of Motion Dynamism Texture for Robots /Avatars
Amount: \800,000
- Principal Investigator: Naohito Nakasato
Title: Numerical Simulations with SING Processor
Amount: \1,077,000
- Principal Investigator: Junya Terazono
Title: Construction of WebGIS System of the Moon
Amount: \1,055,000
- Principal Investigator: Tomoyuki Yamakami
Title: APrivacy Protection for Information Retrieval in Distributed Databases
Amount: \933,000
- Principal Investigator: Alexander Vazhenin
Title: Research and Education Environment for the High-Performance Sony Playstation
3 Cluster
Amount: \1,200,000
- Principal Investigator: Jonathan deHaan
Title: Ethnographies of Undergraduate Second Language Video Game Players
Amount: \891,000
- Principal Investigator: Qiangfu Zhao
Title: A Hierarchical System for Visualization, Analysis, and Classication of Face
Amount: \1,164,000
- Principal Investigator: Jun-pil Shin
Title: A Study on Pen Computing
Amount: \939,000
- Principal Investigator: Subhash Bhalla
Title: Accessing Dynamic Contents within a Spatial and temporal Database Environment
Amount: \909,000
- Principal Investigator: Hiroshi Saito
Title: An Asynchronous Processor for Embedded Systems
Amount: \1,128,000
- Principal Investigator: Minyi Guo
Title: UMP Network: A Novel Software Platform |The Further Step of Research
on a Frameworks for Ubiquitous Computing Environments
Amount: \900,000
- Principal Investigator: Yong Liu
Title: Automatic Speciation and Modularization of Neural Network systems
Amount: \746,000
- Principal Investigator: Irina Khmyrova
Title: Study of Electrostatic Actuated Resonant MEMS
Amount: \760,000
- Principal Investigator: Maxim Ryzhii
Title: Modeling of Non-linear Plasma Eects in Nanoelectronic Structures
Amount: \597,000
- Principal Investigator: Hitoshi Oi
Title: Design Investigation of the Power -Ecient Microprocessors
Amount: \747,000
- Principal Investigator: Kazuyoshi Mori
Title: Development of bootable device realizing computer education environment
for beginners based on computer that of the University of Aizu
Amount: \800,000
- Principal Investigator: Kazuyoshi Mori
Title: Basic Study on Projection of Multidimensional Signals
Amount: \318,000
- Principal Investigator: Debopriyo Roy
Title: Logistics of Setting up a Usability Laboratory at University of Aizu for
Identifying Patterns in Multimedia Comprehension and Helping to Design Usable
Product Interfaces
Amount: \841,000
- Principal Investigator: Hirokuni Kurokawa
Title: RIDEE (Real-time Interactive Distance Education Environment)
Amount: \950,000
- Principal Investigator: Mohamed Hamada
Title: Web-based Active Learning Tools
Amount: \500,000
- Principal Investigator: Robert Fujii
Title: Biologically Inspired Computational Methods and Generation of Computer
Amount: \1,214,000
UBIC Research
- Principal Investigator: Toshiaki Miyazaki
Title: Die-hard Sensor Network for Monitoring Disaster-hit Region
Amount: \2,342,000
- Principal Investigator: Takafumi Hayashi
Title: Design of Zero-Correlation Sequences and the application of the sequences
to sensor network, communications, measurements, messaging network, and information
Amount: \1,167,000
- Principal Investigator: Shigeru Kanemoto
Title: New Course Development of Functional Safety for Embedded Software Systems
Amount: \2,059,000
- Principal Investigator: Wenxi Chen
Title: Development of an Involuntary Monitoring System for Healthcare during
Amount: \1,360,000
- Principal Investigator: Mizuo Kansen
Title: Application to Industries and Agriculture around the Aizu Region Using
Weather Sensors and the Earth Simulator
Amount: \1,700,000
Mid-Term Plan Research
- Principal Investigator: Ryuichi Oka
Title: Mult-Media Search System
Amount: \1,350,000
- Principal Investigator: Stanislav Sedukhin
Title: Biology Inspired Cellular Computer:Architecture and Algorithms
Amount: \2,430,000
- Principal Investigator: Hirohide Demura
Title: Online and Cooperative Analysis Environment for GIS-date-integration in
Deep Space Missions
Amount: \2,272,000
- Principal Investigator: Kenichi Kuroda
Title: A Desktop Super Computer System with Recongurable Devices
Amount: \2,233,000
- Principal Investigator: Daming Wei
Title: Biomedical Information Technology for Car application (1): Development
of Steering with an ECG Function and its Application to Personalized Cars
Amount: \=1,72,000
- Principal Investigator: Vitaly V. Klyuev
Title: Semantic Database for web Retrieval
Amount: \605,000
- Principal Investigator: Minetada Osano
Title: Extensional Model of Dr Medou's System Dynamic Model-Model of Rice-
Growing Life and wood-Growing Life on River water
ow to simulate the natural
Amount: \527,000