- Principal Investigator: Rentaro Yoshioka
Title: Web-based Multiple-view Environment for Self-learning
Amount: \1,294,000
- Principal Investigator: Keitaro Naruse
Title: Development of Recongurable Muscle-Like Robot Kit for Education Platform
Amount: \900,000
- Principal Investigator: Hirohide Demura
Title: Preliminary 3D-GIS Service for Displaying Mukai-Haguroyama Castle Ruin
Amount: \1,000,000
- Principal Investigator: Kazuyoshi Mori
Title: Study on the lecture for "building your own PC"
Amount: \2,053,000
- Principal Investigator: Michael Cohen
Title: "Back-Seat Driver": Spatial Sound for Vehicular Waynding and Situation
Amount: \730,000
- Principal Investigator: Daming Wei
Title: Prototype Development of Pen-based Electronic Medical Record System-A
Cooperative Study with Prefecture General Hospital
Amount: \2,530,000
- Principal Investigator: Maxim Ryzhii
Title: Software Library of Science Demonstrations
Amount: \1,071,000
- Principal Investigator: Takafumi Hayashi
Title: Message Networking System for Weather Sensors and the Earth-Simulator
Amount: \1,945,000
- Principal Investigator: Naru Hirata
Title: Shape Recognition and 3-Dimensional Visualization of Fossils and Microfossils
Amount: \750,000
- Principal Investigator: Kamen Kanev
Title: Assisting and Enhancing Math Studies at Elementary and Secondary Schools
Through Innovative Interaction Methods and Application of New Technologies
Amount: \653,000
- Principal Investigator: Hirokuni Kurokawa
Title: Research on Computer Programming Contest Support
Amount: \540,000