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Professor |
Associate Professor |
The Computer Graphics Lab conducts research into physics-based modeling of dierent
phenomena, their visualization and animation. Innovative approaches to graphical
user interfaces and direct interaction methods, modeling, rendering, simulation and scienti
c visualization are under development. Created mathematical models are used for
graphical representation of natural processes.
[kanev-01:2007] |
K. Kanev, N. Mirenkov, and A. Urata. Position Sensing for Parking Simulation
and Guidance. The Journal of Three Dimensional Images, 21(1):66-69,
2007. |
In this work we discuss parking facilities enhanced with digitally encoded signs
and surfaces that could greatly facilitate car local position and orientation
tracking and thus serve as a basis for steering and automated parking. As a
proof of concept we build an experimental system, based on a 1/10 remote
controlled car with a wireless camera and a corresponding computer system.
Specialized Cluster Pattern Interface (CLUSPI) software analyzes images obtained
by the wireless camera and determines local position and orientation
of the model car. Obtained tracking data, when mapped to the geometry of
the model parking facility, allows for early detection of potential collisions and
thus for appropriate steering guidance. Further, by mapping to virtual models
of real cars and parking facilities far more realistic visualization and simulations
could also be provided. Possibilities for enhancing learning and comprehension
through self-explanatory components and multiple views are under consideration.
Potential applications of the experimental model system could be training
and evaluation of steering and parking skills. |
[niki-01:2007] |
Y.Nishidate and G.P.Nikishkov. Effect of thickness on the self-positioning
of nanostructures. Journal of Applied Physics, 102:083501-1-5, 2007. |
Atomic-scale modeling of self-positioning GaAs-InAs nanostructures is performed.
Curvature radius values obtained by the atomic-scale finite element
method are comparedwith a continuum mechanics solution under plane strain
conditions.Atomic-scale modeling and continuum mechanics solution predict same
curvature radius forstructures with large thickness. However, atomic-scale modeling
shows significant decreaseof the curvature radius for structures with thickness less
than 40 nm. |
[niki-02:2007] |
V.Klyuev, T.Tsuchimoto, and G.P.Nikishkov. Using a Web-based system
to support teaching processes. Int. Journal of Information and Communica-
tion Technology Education (IJICTE), 4:72-85, 2008. |
A platform-independent Java Web application named TSI (Teacher-Student Interaction)
that supports communication between an instructor, teaching assistants and
students in atraditional on-campus course is presented in this paper. Using the TSI,
the instructorand teaching assistants can handle most of the routine work: upload student
personalinformation, send students personal emails, etc. The system can easily
be installedand administered individually by an instructor inexperienced in computers.
It is assimple as a pen for students. Students can check their personal data (scores
andcomments), download educational materials, etc. As part of the TSI, a VBA applicationis
used to analyze the course log files. This tool is helpful in understanding individualand group studentsbehaviors. The TSI was successfully tested during four
years at theUniversity of Aizu (Japan) in an environment where English is one of
the working languagesand both students and professors are non-native speakers of
English. |
[kanev-02:2007] |
J. Brine, K. Kanev, D. Turk, and T. Orr. Cloze Information Gap Tasks
with Print-Based Digital Content Interfaces. In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE
International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2007),
pages 318-319, 2007. |
This paper reports on the design stage of a project to create digitally enhanced
print-based interfaces to support both individual and social information gap tasks.
The interactive social nature of language learning can be supported through social
scaffolding designed into instruction. Our current work focuses on a well-established
information gap task referred to as cloze. The project team aims to design and
develop an activity that requires students to complete cloze tasks under three conditions:
individual, dyadic, and whole class. This research project evaluated the
benefits of enhancing the task with a patented Cluster Pattern Interface (CLUSPI).
CLUSPI is a cluster pattern-based encoding scheme that allows digitally encoded
information to be embedded in a layer of clustered graphical objects on printed documents.
CLUSPI can expand the application of multimedia by linking paper-based
materials to language learning tools through a point-and-click interface. |
[kanev-03:2007] |
K. Kanev, S. Kimura, N. Kobayashi, and K. Yamauchi. Employment
of Physical Objects as Interactive Interface Components. In Proceedings of
CLIHC2007 held in conjunction with the 11th IFIP TC 13 Conference on
Human-Computer Interactions (INTERACT'2007), 2007. |
This work is dedicated to physical interfaces for interactive presentation control,
based on real objects or their replicas. Digital encoding approaches and surface
enhancement methods, supporting direct interactions with physical objects, are
discussed. An innovative presentation method in which consumer products with
digitally enhanced labels or package surfaces could be used as tangible interface
components is introduced. Based on this method, inclusive product presentations
that actively engage customers and encourage them to touch, feel and explore the
product are proposed. |
[kanev-04:2007] |
K. Kanev, Z. Cheng, and N. Mirenkov. Methods and Technologies for
Enhancing and Optimizing Power Plant Inspection Procedures. In Proceed-
ings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information
Technology (CIT 2007), pages 605-609, 2007. |
This paper considers different methods and approaches for improving power
plant inspection procedures through innovative technological means. Main objectives are to provide timely, context dependent assistance and advice to
human inspectors of power plant facilities, to minimize human errors and
to increase inspection efficiency and reliability. A solution based on spatial
awareness methods for inspector localization, registration and tracking
through remote sensing of RFID tags and digital codes embedded in the
surrounding environment is proposed. Possible extensions for industrial inspection
robots are briefly discussed and potential applicability in nuclear
power plant inspections is revealed. |
[kanev-05:2007] |
K. Kanev, N. Kamiya, and N. Mirenkov. Digitally Enhanced Printed
Handouts for Elementary Math Tutoring. In Proceedings of the Fourth Inter-
national Conference on New Exploratory Technologies (NEXT 2007), pages
227-230, 2007. |
This work is dedicated to innovative methods for enhancing and diversifying math
lessons through digitally enhanced educational materials and printed handouts that
support direct point-and-click functionality. Discussed methods are expected to
make students more involved and genuinely interested in studying the math related
subjects that have often been perceived as diffcult to understand. We believe that
interest in math and exact sciences need to be cultivated since early childhood and
thus elementary math classes should be made as exciting and engaging as possible.
The focus of our work therefore is on the design and development of a supportive
educational framework, based on existing, traditional printed educational materials
for elementary math that are digitally enhanced to allow augmented functionalities
and interactivity, supported by recent technological advancements. Within such a
framework, math studies, especially at elementary level, could significantly benet
from introducing entertainment and gaming components that create challenges, attract
more student attention, and thus ensure advanced intellectual engagement in
a natural non-intrusive way. |
[kanev-06:2007] |
K. Kanev, D. Turk, T. Orr, and J. Brine. A Dynamic Group Environment
for Collaborative Language Learning. In Proceedings of the 15th
International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2007), pages
151-158, 2007. |
In this paper, we introduce a new method for collaborative language learning based
on dynamic groups. The method is applicable to classes of all sizes and supports work
at the individual, group and class levels. Digitally-enhanced teaching materials with
Cluster Pattern Interface (CLUSPI) direct point-and-click functionality are used
to enhance the development of student dialogue, text manipulation and reading
comprehension skills. The educational process takes place in a computer-assisted
environment, which supports immediate student identication, direct interactions
with printed materials and instant access to diverse multimedia content. While this
method was developed for English language teaching, it could be feasibly employed for any educational discipline in which students are required to read or interact with
printed materials. |
[kanev-07:2007] |
K. Kanev, N. Kamiya, N. Mirenkov, G. Kanda, and A. Takagi. Adaptive
E-learning Application with Transparent User Identication. In Proceedings
of the Tenth Int. Conf. on Human and Computers HC'07, pages 25-30, 2007. |
In this work we discuss methods and technologies for transparent user authentication
in the context of adaptive e-learning. A new collaborative e-learning environment
model with support for adaptive applications is proposed. Based on it an augmented
interactive desktop that allows individual and shared use of digitally enhanced educational
handouts as tangible interface components is developed. Cluster Pattern
Interface (CLUSPI) enabled cards for elementary math tutoring are designed and
educational activities at individual, group, and class levels are considered. |
[kanev-08:2007] |
K. Kanev. Tangible Interfaces for Interactive Software Intensive Presentations.
In Proceedings of the Second Int. Conf. on Complex, Intelligent and
Software Intensive Systems (CISIS 2008), pages 57-63, 2008. |
This article is devoted to tangible interfaces for steering and control of software
intensive presentations. Various methods for digital encoding of physical objects are
considered and their applicability in surface encoding for tangible interface components
is discussed. Experimental results with presentation controls, based on direct
interaction with digitally encoded printed handouts are reported. An innovative approach
for transferring presentation controls from printed handouts to surfaces of
real physical objects is introduced. Consequently, digitally enhanced labels are constructed
and presentation control experiments involving a real product with digitally
encoded surfaces are conducted. |
[kanev-09:2007] |
R. Barneva, V. Brimkov, and K. Kanev. Electronic Multimedia Dictionary
with Direct-Access Printed Interface. In Proceedings of the 12th Int.
Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis (IWCIA'08), 2008. |
Dictionaries play an important role in human life, and especially in educational
activities of various types. Modern electronic dictionaries provide much more opportunities
and possess higher illustrative power than traditional ones, although
traditional dictionaries are still widely used. While dictionary users could be classi
fied in different groups, in this work we mainly focus on the very important and
specific group of children. We propose and discuss a novel organization of a dictionary
that combines the benefits of traditional and electronic media. In particular, we
explain how smooth integration of paper and multimedia can be achieved through
a combined use of an electronic dictionary and printed materials with embedded
point-and-click functionality. |
[kanev-10:2007] |
K. Kanev, D. Turk, J. Brine, and T. Orr. CLUSPI Support for Collaborative
Learning in a Dynamic Group Environment. In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT
2007), pages 320-321, 2007. |
We propose a method for enhancing the development of student dialogue, text manipulation
and reading comprehension skills. The method is applicable to classes
of all sizes and ensures work at individual level, group level and class level. Digitally
enhanced teaching materials with Cluster Pattern Interface (CLUSPI) direct
point and click functionality are used to enhance skill development. The educational
process takes place in a computer-assisted environment, which supports direct interactions
with printed materials and instant access to diverse multimedia content.
While this method was developed for English language teaching, it could be feasibly
employed for any educational discipline in which students are required to read or
interact with printed materials. |
[kanev-11:2007] |
N. Mirenkov, K. Kanev, and H. Takezawa. Quality of Life Supporters
Employing Music Therapy. In Proceedings of INVITE2008 held in conjunc-
tion with the 22nd IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Information Networking
and Applications (AINA 2008), pages 1051-1056, 2008. |
Music therapy addresses physiological, cognitive, and social needs of individuals
and employs music to enhance quality of human lives through creation of positive
changes. In this paper, we consider applying music therapy to human-computer interfaces,
based on Quality of Life Supporters (QLS) of self-explanatory type, and
oriented to elderly and disabled people. QLS are multi-modal communicators for
person-environment (P-E) t adjustments that take into account individual emotions
and wellbeing. The 'Circumplex model' published by Russell (1980) is employed
for constructing optimal sequences of steps allowing smooth transition between
any current and target emotional states in the course of computer assisted
sessions. Findings regarding optimal step sizes and preferable types of music applicable
for each step, as well as empirical methods of acquiring knowledge concerning
relations between music and emotions are reported in result. |
[niki-03:2007] |
G.P.Nikishkov and Y.Nishidate. Modeling of bilayer rolled-up nanostructures.
In Symposium on Surface and Nano Science SSNS8, pages E-2, Appi,
Iwate, Japan, 22-25 January 2008. |
Closed-form solutions for curvature radius estimation of self-positioning rolledupstructures
for cases of plane stress (narrow strips) and plane strain (wide strips
withbending constraint in one direction) are obtained. Generalized plane strain deformationof
multilayer self-positioning structures is considered. It is shown that
the finite elementanalysis is a powerful tool to predict hinge curvature radius for
self-positioning structuresof intermediate widths. The finite element method is also
used for anisotropic analysisof self-positioning structures with different orientation
of crystallographic axes.Dependency of curvature radius on the material orientation
angle shows periodic curve withthe maximum curvature radius observed for orientation angle 45 degrees. Our modelingshows that hinges with different material
orientation angles can exhibit curvatureradius differing by approximately one third. |
[niki-04:2007] |
Y.Nishidate and G.P.Nikishkov. Atomic-scale modeling of self-positioning
nanostructures. In Int. Conf. on Computational and Experimental Engineer-
ing and Sciences (ICCES'08), page 2 pp., Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 16-22
March 2008. |
In this paper, formulation of the atomic-scale finite element method with the useof
the Tersoff-Nordlund potential function is presented. Since self-positioning of nanostructuresinvolves
large translations and rotations a special iteration procedure that
includes aload relaxation factor is proposed. The developed AFEM code is applied
to modeling of GaAs andInAs bi-layer self-positioning nanostructures. Two problem
series include investigation of nanohingecurvature radius dependence upon structure
thickness and material orientation angle. |
[niki-05:2007] |
Y.Nishidate and G.P.Nikishkov. Atomic-scale finite element method for
analysis of self-positioning nanostructures. In Third Asian-Pacific Congress
on Computational Mechanics (APCOM'07), page 7 pp., Kyoto, Japan, 3-6
December 2007. |
The atomic-scale nite element method (AFEM) is applied for analysis of selfpositioningnanostructures.
Atomic systems with large translational and rotational
displacements aresolved using Newton-Raphson iteration procedures to find equilibrium
configuration.Using the developed AFEM procedures, curvature radius of the
GaAs-InAs bi-layer self-positioning atomicstructures are compared with continuum
mechanics analytical solutions. The comparison showsthat atomic-scale modeling
predicts same curvature radius with continuum mechanics modelingfor large thickness,
but smaller curvature radius (larger deformation) is observed for structures
withthickness less than 40 nm. |
[niki-06:2007] |
G.P.Nikishkov. Basics of the domain decomposition method for finite ele-
ment analysis, pages 119-142. Mesh Partitioning Techniques and Domain Decomposition
Methods. Saxe-Coburg, Stirling, Scotland, 2007. |
Algorithms of the domain decomposition method for parallel finite element analysis
are presented. The domain decomposition method allows decomposition of large-size
problem solutions to solutions of several smaller size problems. Approaches to domain
partitioning with compute load balancing as well as direct and iterative solution techniques
are considered. |
[kanev-12:2007] |
K. Kanev, N. Kamiya, and N. Mirenkov. Assisting and Enhancing Math
Studies at Elementary and Secondary Schools Through Innovative Interaction
Methods and Application of New Technologies, 2007. |
[kanev-13:2007] |
K. Kanev and K. Yamauchi. Research Regarding Labels and a Label
Reader Using CLUSPI, 2007. |
[niki-07:2007] |
Gennadiy Nikishkov. Tohoku Nuclear Cluster, 2007. |
[niki-08:2007] |
Gennadiy Nikishkov. Oki Data Corporation, collaborative research, 2006{
2008. |
[kanev-14:2007] |
K. Kanev, 2007. Member of the Program Committee, IEEE 7th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT2007) |
[kanev-14:2007] |
K. Kanev, 2007. Track Chair, Data Processing and Multimedia Systems, CIT2007 |
[niki-07:2006] |
Gennadiy Nikishkov, 2006. Member of the Editorial Board, International Journal fComputerModeling in Engineering and Sciencesf. |
[niki-09:2007] |
Gennadiy Nikishkov, 2007.
Reviewer, Computers and Structures |
[niki-10:2007] |
Gennadiy Nikishkov, 2007.
Reviewer, Advances in Engineering Software. |
[niki-11:2007] |
Gennadiy Nikishkov, March 2008. Member of the Program Committee, Int. Conf. on Computational and Experimental Engineering and Sciences ICCES 2008, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. |
[niki-12:2007] |
Gennadiy Nikishkov, October 2007. Member of the Program Committee, IEEE 7th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, University of Aizu, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan. |
[niki-13:2007] |
Gennadiy Nikishkov, May 2007. Member of the Program Committee, International Conference on Computational Science, Beijing, China. |
[niki-14:2007] |
Gennadiy Nikishkov, January 2008. Member of the Program Committee, Int. Conf. on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications GRAPP 2008, Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal. |
[niki-15:2007] |
Gennadiy Nikishkov, 2007. Member of the Editorial Board, International Journal 'Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences'. |
[niki-16:2007] |
Gennadiy Nikishkov, February 2007. Member of the Program Committee, The IASTED Int. Conf. on Computer Graphics and Imaging |
[kanev-15:2006] |
K. Kanev and S. Kimura. Digital Information Carrier, Patent
Application No 268931, November 2006. |
[kanev-16:2006] |
K. Kanev and S. Kimura. Digital Information Carrier, Patent
Application No 298113, November 2006. |
[kanev-17:2006] |
K. Kanev and S. Kimura. Digital Information Carrier, Patent
Application No 298114, November 2006. |
[kanev-16:2007] |
Go Kanda. Graduation Thesis: Transparent User Identication Methods
for E-learning, University of Aizu, 2007.
Thesis Advisor: Kamen Kanev |
[kanev-17:2007] |
Akiyuki Takagi. Graduation Thesis: E-learning Environment for Elementary
Math Studies, University of Aizu, 2007.
Thesis Advisor: Kamen Kanev |
[kanev-18:2007] |
Hiromitsu Suzuki. Graduation Thesis: Sightseeing Map Using CLUSPI,
University of Aizu, 2007.
Thesis Advisor: Kamen Kanev |
[kanev-19:2007] |
Akifumi Urata. Graduation Thesis: CLUSPI Enhanced Parking Simulation
and Guidance, University of Aizu, 2007.
Thesis Advisor: Kamen Kanev |
[niki-17:2007] |
Shunichi Fujita. Master Thesis: Physics-based 3D animation of smoke,
University of Aizu, 2007.
Thesis Advisor: Gennadiy Nikishkov |
[niki-18:2007] |
Takuya Inabe. Graduation Thesis: Numerical analysis using GPU, University
of Aizu, 2007.
Thesis Advisor: Gennadiy Nikishkov |
[niki-19:2007] |
Masaki Kawaguchi. Graduation Thesis: Three-dimensional visualization
on a pocket computer, University of Aizu, 2007.
Thesis Advisor: Gennadiy Nikishkov |
[niki-20:2007] |
Tomonori Watanabe. Graduation Thesis: Dynamics of deformable bodies
using 3D Studio MAX, University of Aizu, 2007.
Thesis Advisor: Gennadiy Nikishkov |
[niki-21:2007] |
Daisuke Matsuo. Graduation Thesis: Using face tracking system for
typing, University of Aizu, 2007.
Thesis Advisor: Gennadiy Nikishkov |