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Professor |
Associate Professor |
Assistant Professor |
Assistant Professor |
Recognition, analysis and expression of images and letters are studied in the multimedia systems laboratory. The 3-D motion and the 3-D shapes of the object are analyzed, understood and expressed by computer from the images taken by multi TV camera or video camera in the study of computer vision and/or the 3-D stereovision. Our work has greatly contributed in Hayabusa project. The succession of landing on Itokawa by Hayabusa in November, 2005 owed to preciseness of 3D shape model of Itokawa by University of Aizu very much. And also development of HARMONICS (HAyabusa Remote MONItering & Commanding System) has contributed very much in operation. In the remote sensing, the category classication technique can analyze the land usages from color information of land images. Three laboratory members are engaged in the KAGUYA (SELENE) project, the Japanese lunar explorer mission launched on September 2007, to analyze the lunar mineral composition and to investigate the future moon surface land usage. We are considering almost all kind of computer method to contribute lunar exploration, such as automatic crater counting, operation plan and log managing system, integration of lunar topological map from both Terrain camera (TC) data and Laser Altimeter (LALT) data, and so on. Furthermore, we are engaged also in space exploration programs in Japan including planetary and an asteroid exploration inquiry plan and contributing in research in lunar and planetary science. In the on-line handwriting character recognition system, the fundamental study to use the handwriting letter as the input system of the computer is investigated. The character recognition is one of the most important elds on the image processing. And also collaborations with the Republic of Korea are implemented by this lab. Laboratory members have participated actively in scientic meetings, both in Japan and abroad. They have presented and participated in seminars, and in presentation of scientic results in fully refereed publications. |
[asada-01:2007, demura-01:2007] |
N. Harada, N. Hirata, H. Demura, and N. Asada.
Crater Detection on DTM with Ellipsoid-Modeled Hough Transform. Plan-
etary People (in Japanese), 17(1):69-76, 2008. Verication of crater recognition procedures based on Martian Topography. |
[demura-02:2007] |
T. Michikami, A. M. Nakamura, N. Hirata, R. W. Gaskell, R. Nakamura,
T. Honda, C. Honda, K. Hiraoka, J. Saito, H. Demura, M. Ishiguro,
and H. Miyamoto. Size-frequency statistics of boulders on global surface of
asteroid 25143 Itokawa. Earth, Planets and Space, 60:13-20, 2008. A Discussion based on Hayabusa's data |
[demura-03:2007, naru-01:2007] |
H. Miyamoto, H. Yano, D. J. Scheeres, S. Abe, O. S.
Barnouin-Jha, A. F. Cheng, H. Demura, R. W. Gaskell, N. Hirata, M. Ishiguro,
T. Michikami, A. M. Nakamura, R. Nakamura, J. Saito, and S. Sasaki.
Regolith Migration and Sorting on Asteroid Itokawa. Science, 316:1011-1014,
2007. High-resolution images of the surface of asteroid Itokawa from the Hayabusa mission reveal it to be covered with unconsolidated millimeter-sized and larger gravels. Locations and morphologic characteristics of this gravel indicate that Itokawa has experienced considerable vibrations, which have triggered global-scale granular processes in its dry, vacuum, microgravity environment. These processes likely include granular convection, landslide-like granular migrations, and particle sorting, resulting in the segregation of the ne gravels into areas of potential lows. Granular processes become major resurfacing processes because of Itokawa's small size, implying that they can occur on other small asteroids should they have regolith. |
[demura-04:2007] |
A. M. Nakamura, T. Michikami, N. Hirata, A. Fujiwara, R. Nakamura,
M. Ishiguro, H. Miyamoto, H. Demura, K. Hiraoka, T. Honda, C. Honda,
J. Saito, T. Hashimoto, and T. Kubota. Impact process of boulders on
the surface of asteroid 25143 Itokawa fragments from collisional disruption.
Earth, Planets and Space, 60:7-12, 2008. |
A Discussion based on Hayabusa's data |
[demura-05:2007, naru-02:2007] |
T. Mukai, S. Abe, N. Hirata, R. Nakamura, O. S.
Barnouin-Jha, A. F. Cheng, T. Mizuno, K. Hiraoka, T. Honda, H. Demura,
R. W. Gaskell, T. Hashimoto, T. Kubota, M. Matsuoka, D. J. Scheeres, and
M. Yoshikawa. An overview of the LIDAR observations of asteroid 25143
Itokawa. Advances in Space Research, 40(2):187-192, 2007. |
We present an overview of the laser altimeter(LIDAR) results for asteroid 25143
Itokawa. The trace of a 7 × 12 m elliptical beam spot made it possible to determine the local surface topography with an accuracy of a few meters in altitude, from a
home position roughly 7 km above the surface. Sequential detection of the altitude of
the spacecraft during two orbital spans of descent for sampling allowed determination
of the asteroid mass as 3:58 × 1010kg ± 5% and 3:54 × 1010kg ± 6%, which are consistent
with the most probable mass estimate of 3:5 × 1010kg ± 3% given by Fujiwara et al.
[Fujiwara, A., Kawaguchi, J., Yeomans, D.K. et al., 2006. The rubble-pile asteroid
Itokawa as observed by Hayabusa. Science 312, 1330-1334]. Together with the total
volume of the asteroid deduced from a shape model (i.e., 1:84 × 107m3 ± 3%), this
estimate by LIDAR suggests that asteroid Itokawa has a low density of 1.9g/cm3 ± 9%
and a high bulk porosity of about 40%. |
[jpshin-01:2007] |
Wondu Chang and Jungpil Shin. Interactive Virtual Oriental Brush
with Pen-tablet System. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4693:387-394,
9 2007. |
In spite of the importance of natural drawing with input device, the interface between
the device and virtual brush's status has been dealt less in literatures. Through this
paper, we present a natural interface between pen-tablet device and virtual brush.
Proposed system uses pressure instead of z-coordinate of pen to allow drawing with
the similar feeling to the real brush. The contribution of this paper is as follows:
rst, a brush model interacting with pressure is generated. Second, 3D brush model
is allowed to be folded back decreasing droplet size intensively according to pen
direction changes. |
[jpshin-02:2007] |
Hyeon Bae, Yountae Kim, Gyeongdong Baek, Byung wook Jung, Sungshin
Kim, and Jungpil Shin. Diagnosis of Turbine Valves in the Kori Nuclear
Power Plant Using Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks. Lecture Notes in Com-
puter Science, 4493:641-650, 6 2007. |
This manuscript introduces a fault diagnosis system for a turbine-governor system
that is an important control system in a nuclear power plant. Because the turbine
governor system is operated by high oil pressure, it is very difficult to maintain
the operating condition properly. The turbine valves in the turbine governor system
supply an oil pressure for operation. Using the pressure change data of the turbine
valves, the condition of the turbine governor control system is evaluated. This study
uses fuzzy logic and neural networks to evaluate the performance of the turbine
governor. The pressure data of the turbine governor and stop valves is used in the
turbine governor diagnosis algorithms. The features of the pressure signals are de-
ned to be applied in the fuzzy diagnosis system. And Fourier transformed signals
of the pressure signals are used in the neural network models for diagnosis. The
diagnosis results both by fuzzy logic and neural networks are compared to evaluated
the performance of the designed system. |
[jpshin-03:2007] |
Miyoung Cho, Chang Choi, Hanil Kim, Jungpil Shin, and Pankoo Kim. Efficient Image Retrieval using Conceptualization of Annotated Images. Lec-
ture Notes in Computer Science, 4577:426-433, 6 2007. |
As the amount of visual information is rapidly increasing, users want to find the
more semantic information easily. Most retrieval systems by lowlevel features(such as
color, texture) could not satisfy user's demand. To interpret semantic of image, many
researchers use keywords as textual annotation. However, it's the image retrieval
without ranking by text matching which is the simplest way to retrieval according to
keyword's existence or nonexistence. In this paper, we propose conceptualization by
similarity measure using relations among keywords for efficient image retrieval. We
experiment annotated image retrieval by lowering the unrelated keyword's weight
value and raising important keyword's one. |
[naru-03:2007] |
A. F. Cheng, O. Barnouin-Jha, N. Hirata, H. Miyamoto, R. Nakamura,
and H. Yano. Fundamentally Distinct Outcomes of Asteroid Collisional Evolution:
Itokawa and Eros. Geophys. Res. Lett., 34:09201, 2007. |
The outcomes of asteroid collisional evolution are presently unclear: are most asteroids
larger than 1 km size gravitational aggregates reaccreted from fragments of
a parent body that was collisionally disrupted, while much smaller asteroids are
collisional shards that were never completely disrupted? The 16 km mean diameter
S-type asteroid 433 Eros, visited by the NEAR mission, has surface geology consistent
with being a fractured shard. The Hayabusa spacecraft visited an S-asteroid
smaller than 1 km, namely 25143 Itokawa. Here we report the rst comparative
analyses of Itokawa and Eros geology. Itokawa lacks a global lineament fabric, and
its blocks, craters, and regolith are inconsistent with formation and evolution as a
fractured shard, unlike Eros. Itokawa is not a scaled-down Eros, but formed by a
distinct process of catastrophic disruption and reaccumulation. |
[naru-04:2007] |
M. Ishiguro, T. Hiroi, D. J. Tholen, S. Sasaki, Y. Ueda, T. Nimura,
M. Abe, B. E. Clark, A. Yamamoto, F. Yoshida, R. Nakamura, N. Hirata,
H. Miyamoto, Y. Yokota, T. Hashimoto, Kubota, A. M. Nakamura, R. W.
Gaskell, and J. Saito. Global Mapping of the Degree of Space Weathering on
Asteroid 25143 Itokawa By Hayabusa/Amica Observations. Meteoritics and
Planetary Science, 42:1791-1800, 2007. |
We obtained color images of near-Earth asteroid 25143 Itokawa by the Hayabusa
multiband imaging camera to characterize the regional color properties. Images were
obtained for the whole disk from the gate position (GP) and home position (HP)
at a spatial resolution of 0.8-3.7 m/pixel. Whole-disk spectra are adjusted to the
telescopic data obtained by the University of Hawai'i's 88-inch telescope using the
Eight Color Asteroid Survey (ECAS) system. The disk-resolved measurements show
large variations in the three visible channels. We present a map of an index related
to the degree of space weathering, which has been newly developed based on
laboratory measurements. We find large variations in the degree of space weathering
on Itokawa. Fresh materials are observed in regions of steep slopes and craters, whereas mature materials are ubiquitously distributed. This result suggests that
pristine ordinary chondrite-like materials have been exposed through weathered layers
by excavation. By also examining close-up images obtained during touchdown
rehearsal, we nd that most rocks in Itokawa's rough terrains are weathered. Instead
of a regolith blanket, the surface of this small asteroid is covered with weathered
rocks and gravels. |
[naru-05:2007] |
M. Setoh, K. Hiraoka, A. M. Nakamura, N. Hirata, and M. Arakawa. Collisional
Disruption of Porous Sintered Glass Beads At Low Impact Velocities.
Advances in Space Research, 40:252-257, 2007. |
Porous materials are believed to be common in the asteroids and satellites of the
outer planets. In order to study the relationship between the structure of small
bodies and their thermal and collisional evolution, we performed impact disruption
experiments on porous sintered glass bead targets using a light-gas gun. The sintered
glass bead targets were prepared to have various porosity and compressive strength.
The compressive strength ranges over an order of magnitude according to the various
sintering conditions. Both the compressive strength and the longitudinal wave
velocity were found to have good correlations with the size of the necks developed
between the bead particles. In our rst low-velocity impact runs with these targets,
we selected the targets with roughly the same porosity but different compressive
strength. We shot the targets by cylindrical polycarbonate projectiles at velocities
ranging from 10 to 120 m/s. The results showed that the targets of higher compressive
strength have higher impact strength as could be expected. However, compared
to previous results from the impact disruption of glass bead targets at velocity of
4.9{5.5 km/s [Love, S.G., Hoerz, F., Donald, E.B. Target porosity effects in impact
cratering and collisional disruption. Icarus 105, 216{224, 1993], the impact strength
derived in our study was found to be lower by more than an order of magnitude
[Setoh, M., Nakamura, A.M., Hiraoka, K., et al. Collisional disruption of weakly sintered
porous targets at Low impact velocities. Earth Planet. Space (in press)]. The
differences between the two experiments were the impact velocity, target-projectile
size ratio, and the projectile material and shape. In our new low-velocity impact
runs, we used projectiles of glass spheres that are similar to those of Love et al.
The impact strength was again found to be much smaller than those found in highvelocity
runs performed by Love et al. Therefore our previous and present results
show that collisional outcomes of porous bodies are highly dependent upon impact
velocity. |
[asada-02:2007, demura-06:2007] |
N. Asada, N. Harada, N. Hirata, H. Demura,
J. Haruyama, M. Ohtake, T. Matsunaga, Y. Yokota, T. Morota, C. Honda,
Y. Ogawa, and M. Torii. Recognition Tool of Craters and Linear Features on Digital Terrain Model Derived from LISM/TC, Kaguya. In 39th Lu-
nar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC 2008), page 2431, Houston,
March 2008. LPI and NASA JSC. |
We show a tool for automatic recognition of craters and linear features on Digital
Terrain Model. This core technique is an application of generalized Hough transform.
The EHT (Ellipsoid-modeled Hough Transform) is adopted for circular
features. |
[asada-03:2007] |
N. Asada, K. Kimura, T. Hodokuma, H. Demura, N. Hirata, M. Ohtake,
Planetary Science Conference (LPSC 2007), page 1261, Houston, March
2007. LPI and NASA JSC. |
A part of Multi-band Imager analysis can be done early after the launch of
SELENE, and can be fed back from the result of the analysis to the exploration
plan of other areas. An early analysis is intended to contribute on the success of
the whole SELENE project. |
[asada-04:2007] |
N. Harada, T. Karino, N. Hirata, H. Demura, and N. Asada. Recognition
algorithm for craters, redges, and grabens. In 38th Lunar and Planetary
Science Conference (LPSC 2007), page 1451, Houston, March 2007. LPI
and NASA JSC. |
This research describes development of recognition method for topographic features
such as impact craters on DTM (Digital Terrain Models) of SELENE (SELenological
and Engineering Explorer). Because SELENE provides massive volumes
of lunar data, its data sets require semi-automatic laborsaving analysis.
We try to recognize circular topographic features with General Hough Transform.
Although the transform is one of the most popular techniques, this should
be optimized for our targeted features. Experimental results of this method show
that typical craters can be extracted (Recognition rate is about 90%). |
[asada-05:2007, demura-07:2007] |
J. Terazono, N. Asada, H. Demura, N. Hirata, K. Saiki,
A. Iwasaki, R. Oka, T. Hayashi, T. Suzuki, H. Miyamoto, J. Haruyama,
M. Ohtake, T. Matsunaga, S. Sobue, H. Okumura, and T. Fujita. Construction
of WebGIS system for lunar science data. In 39th Lunar and
Planetary Science Conference (LPSC 2008), page 1052, Houston, March
2008. LPI and NASA JSC. |
One of the scientic goals of Kaguya exploration is a comprehensive understanding
of lunar evolution and geology through the `integrated science', which uses
all data acquired by 15 instruments of Kaguya. However, this integrated science
has some challenging points. Among them, development of system to integrate
various scientic data is a key to promote scientic progress. Additionally, some basic function for the research, such as telecommunication, data sharing and remote
data handling, are also required. We are now starting the construction of
lunar data analysis platform based on WebGIS concept. |
[asada-06:2007, demura-08:2007] |
N. Hirata, Y. Fujii, Y. Joukou, H. Demura, N. Asada,
S. Abe, M. Ishiguro, K. Kitazato, R. Nakamura, and M. Abe. A GISOriented
Analysis Tool for Irregular Shaped Bodies. In 39th Lunar and
Planetary Science Conference (LPSC 2008), page 1584, Houston, March
2008. LPI and NASA JSC. |
We developed a GIS-oriented tool to analyze data of irregular shaped bodies such
as asteroids. This tool provides functions to manipulate the shape model of the
target body, store and display of map data on the shape model, and analysis
of the shape model and the map data. This kind of software will enable highlevel
analysis on small bodies and rich graphical representation of results of the
analysis. |
[asada-07:2007, demura-09:2007] |
N. Hirata, J. Haruyama, M. Ohtake, T. Matsunaga,
Y. Yokota, T. Morota, C. Honda, Y. Ogawa, M. Torii, H. Demura,
and N. Asada. Morphology of Large Lunar Craters: Views from
LSIM/Kaguya. In 39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC
2008), page 1588, Houston, March 2008. LPI and NASA JSC. |
The purpose of this study is to reveal details of impact cratering processes with
the data from LISM. We here describe scientic objectives, observational targets,
and strategy of analysis. |
[asada-08:2007, demura-10:2007] |
H. Demura, T. Hodokuma, N. Hirata, N. Asada,
J. Haruyama, M. Ohtake, T. Matsunaga, Y. Yokota, T. Morota, C. Honda,
Y. Ogawa, M. Torii, and H. Araki. Preliminary integration of Digital Terrain
Model (LISM) and Topographic Prole (LALT), Kaguya. In 39th
Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC 2008), page 1792, Houston,
March 2008. LPI and NASA JSC. |
Goal of our team is establishment of lunar global DEM, and here we show a
preliminary evaluation for putting a topographic profile (LALT: Laser Altimeter)
on a strip of digital terrain model (LISM / TC: Lunar Imaging Spectrometer /
Terrain Camera), which were obtained in the initial checkout phase of Kaguya
[asada-09:2007] |
Manabu Kanzawa, Naru Hirata, Hirohide Demura, and Noriaki Asada.
Development of a Image Processing Software supporting collaborative
works with thematic maps. In 38th Lunar and Planetary Science Con-
ference (LPSC 2007), page 1259, Houston, March 2007. LPI and NASA
JSC. |
We propose a new concept of the online conference system for collaborative analysis
of planetary remote sensing data. It supports discussion between researchers
remotely placed at their own home institutes to produce thematic maps of the
moons and the planets. |
[asada-10:2007] |
Yoshiaki Fujii, Naru Hirata, Hirohide Demura, and Noriaki Asada. Visualization
tool for 3D GIS data. In 38th Lunar and Planetary Science
Conference (LPSC 2007), page 1521, Houston, March 2007. LPI and
We develop a tool for visualization of a 3D figure, which is modeled with polygons.
Several kinds of physical values (e.g. slope) are attributed to the polygons. The
displayed model can be rotated and moved by mouse operation. |
[asada-11:2007, demura-11:2007] |
Y. Shibata, K. Kimura, N. Hirata, H. Demura, and
N. Asada. Preliminary Research for Image Classication with Texture
and Spectral Features for Lunar Geological Mapping. In 39th Lunar and
Planetary Science Conference (LPSC 2008), page 1234, Houston, March
2008. LPI and NASA JSC. |
Distribution of highvariance pixels shows sinuous patterns and spotty squared
ones. The former corresponds to wrinkle ridges and grabens on the original
`Apollo'image. The latter corresponds to pristine craters. Although the suitable
number of classes for k-means clustering should be surveyed or be solved depending
input data, this is regarded as a promising approach. This preliminary
research showed usability and effectiveness of image classification with both texture
and spectr al features for lunar geological mapping. |
[asada-12:2007, demura-12:2007] |
S. Kikuchi, N. Asada, N. Hirata amd H. Demura, and
S. Tanaka. Development of Operation Plan and Log Management System
for LISM/Kaguya. In 39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference
(LPSC 2008), page 1543, Houston, March 2008. LPI and NASA JSC. |
A database system that can manage real observation data of LISM/KAGUYA is
developed. With this system, the efficiency of operational administrative of LISM
observation improves dramatically, and obtaining the systematic global coverage
becomes possible more smoothly. The Coverage Rate manage function and the
KML Export Function can visualize administrate works. We try to improve the
system to treat a huge amount of data. |
[asada-13:2007] |
Yoshio Hamada, Hirohide Demura, Naru Hirata, and Noriaki Asada.
Preliminary Study of Stereo Vision with Fisheye Lens Cameras on Asteroids.
In 38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC 2007), page
1519, Houston, March 2007. LPI and NASA JSC. |
A stereovision system with fisheye lens cameras is proposed as a method for onboard
navigation of an asteroid rover or a lander. This system doesn't require any moving mechanism, and ensure robustness. Algorithm for determination of the
location of objects in the fisheye stereo-pair image is also proposed in considering
large distortion of a fisheye lens camera image of the objects. This system should
be the best matching in strabismus for a light-weight rover or a lander for the
asteroid exploration. |
[asada-14:2007, demura-13:2007, naru-06:2007] |
Naoto Miura, Hirohide Demura, Naru
Hirata, and Noriaki Asada. Tracking and Motion Analysis of Impact
Fragments. In D. Wei T. Miyazaki, I. Paik, editor, 7th IEEE Interna-
tional Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT 2007),
pages 593-598, Oct. 2007, IEEE Computer Society Press. |
Automation for the motion analysis of fragments has been requested in a field
of collision and destruction experiments. While extracting and tracking of targeted
fragments have been analyzed manually in a sequence of images and movie,
we substituted arrangements of 2DCDP (two dimensional continuous dynamic
programming) for that manual works. Four large fragments in test data were
succeeded in handling and measuring velocities and sizes of them. Fragments
were also tracked using reference images which were produced with affine transformation.
These labor-saving procedures are effective in analysis of objects in
movies. |
[asada-15:2007, demura-14:2007, naru-07:2007] |
Naoto Harada, Takafumi Hayashi, Naru
Hirata, Hirohide Demura, and Noriaki Asada. Recognition Algorithm for
Topographic Features. In D. Wei T. Miyazaki, I. Paik, editor, 7th IEEE
International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT
2007), pages 685-689, Oct. 2007, IEEE Computer Society Press. |
This research describes development of recognition algorithm for topographic
features such as impact craters, wrinkle ridges, and grabens on Digital Terrain
Models of SELENE (SELenological and Engineering Explorer). Because SELENE
provides massive volumes of lunar data, its data sets require semi-automatic
laborsaving analysis. We try to recognize circular and linear features with General
Hough Transform. This transform is one of the most famous techniques, and the
technique optimized for our target. Experimental results of this algorithm show
that typical craters and topographic lineaments can be extracted. |
[asada-16:2007, demura-15:2007, naru-08:2007] |
Tomoki Hodokuma, Naru Hirata, Hirohide
Demura, and Noriaki Asada. In
uence of Imaging Condition on
Matching Point Detection. In D. Wei T. Miyazaki, I. Paik, editor, 7th
IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology
(CIT 2007), pages 651-655, Oct. 2007, IEEE Computer Society Press. |
Matching point detection between a template image and a target image is a
key for mosaicking of two or more images. Robustness of a common of template
matching algorithm, Sequential Similarity Detection Algorithm (SSDA), was evaluated. In
uence of imaging condition, such as solar azimuth, solar elevation,
and image azimuth, is also investigated. We particularly consider a production
of regional mosaics of the lunar surface from images obtained by an
exploration satellite. A Japanese lunar explorer SELENE is going to be launched
in the summer of 2007. Thus, synthesized lunar images with various imaging conditions
are used as test data in this study. Effects on matching results of features
appeared in the templates are also evaluated to know how we choose the location
of a template in lunar images to obtain the best matching result. |
[asada-17:2007, demura-16:2007] |
J. Terazono, T. Izumita, N. Asada, H. Demura, and
N. Hirata. Exploring structural and dimensional similarities within { Lunar
nomenclature system using query interfaces. In S. Bhalla, editor, 5th
International Workshop, DNIS 2007, Proceedings LNCS (Lecture Note in
Computer Science), pages 48-53. ACM, Springer-Verlag, Oct. 2007. |
A new WebGIS database system for lunar and planetary science is being developed. |
[demura-17:2007] |
Y. Yokota, J. Haruyama, M. Ohtake, T. Matsunaga, C. Honda, T. Morota,
M. Abe, M. Torii, Y. Ogawa, H. Demura, N. Hirata, and LISMWorking
Group. Mapping of Lunar Topographic Roughness by Digital Terrain
Model. In 39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Lunar and
Planetary Science XXXIX), page 1921. Lunar and Planetary Institute,
LPI/NASA, Mar. 2008. |
A Discussion based on LISM digital topography model |
[jpshin-04:2007] |
Wondu Chang and Jungpil Shin. Dynamic PositionWarping for On-line
2D Shape. In Jim Phillips, editor, 13th Conference of the International
Graphonomics Society, pages 36-39, Melbourne, Nov. 2007. the International
Graphonomics Society, the International Graphonomics Society. |
Dynamic time warping (DTW) is one of the most widely been used method
to match and compare the dissimilarity of two signals shapes. Though it is
frequently used for two-dimensional signals in many researches, applying DTW
directly to the 2D shape signal involves matching problems. Through our researches,
the most of the previous approaches on 2D shape matching have used
xy coordinates directly or used their directional vectors. These approaches, however,
result in matching errors between two similar but simple 2D shapes. In this
paper, the concept of positional movement is adopted for conventional DTW,
having a tendency to match with the least amount of the movements. Four basic
affine transformations are used to examine the proposed algorithm, and the results
show its superiority of reducing the matching error over other approaches
through the experiments. |
[jpshin-05:2007] |
Wondu Chang and Jungpil Shin. Modied Dynamic Time Warping for
Stroke-based On-line Signature Verication. In F. Bortolozzi, editor, 9th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, pages
724-728, Brazil, Sep 2007. International Association for Pattern Recognition,
International Association for Pattern Recognition. |
In the stroke-based signature verification system, it is important to find correct
points of a testing signature to be spilt according to its template signature. In this
paper, we propose a modified dynamic time warping algorithm (DTW) for the
problem. Proposed method has two differences to the conventional approaches.
First, the stroke information of both template and testing signature is considered
precious to prevent wrong splitting. Second, the number of stroke difference in
genuine signature is not limited because the proposed method does not require
much additional computational time. Through the experiment, proposed method
is verified with 1359 signatures written by 17 Japanese writers. The test data
were all the semi-skilled forgeries, and the results of proposed methods showed
3.85% in the equal error rate (the error rate when the false acceptance rate and
false rejection rate is the same; EER) while the EER of the compared method
was 7.8%. |
[demura-18:2007] |
Editorial Committee for Tenmon-gaku-daijiten (159 authors).
Tenmon-gaku-daijiten (Encyclopedia for Astronomy, in Japanese), pages 1-
815. Chijin-Shokan Co., LTD., Tokyo, 2007. |
[demura-19:2007] |
H. Demura et al. Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi),
2007-2009. |
[jpshin-06:2007] |
Jungpil Shin. Japanese Ministry of Education Grant-in-Aids for Encouragement
of Young Scientists, 2005-2008. |
[jpshin-07:2007] |
Jungpil Shin. JST Seeds Research Program Grant from JST, 2007.8-
2008.3. |
[naru-09:2007] |
N. Hirata. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 19549003, 2007-2008. |
[naru-10:2007] |
T. Mukai, A. Nakamura, Y. Okada, and N. Hirata. Grant-in-Aid for
Scientific Research 18340133, 2006-2008. |
[naru-11:2007] |
N. Hirata. Subsidy of Fukushima Prefectural Foundation for Advancement
of Science and Education, 2007. |
[demura-20:2007] |
H. Demura, 2007-2008. Steering Committee of The Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences |
[demura-21:2007] |
H. Demura, 2007-2008. Chair of Lecture Meeting Management Committee for The Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences |
[demura-22:2007] |
H. Demura, 2007-2008. Editorial Board of The Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences |
[jpshin-08:2007] |
Jungpil Shin, July 2007. Member of the Program Committee, the 2007 International Conference on Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management (KGCM 2007) |
[jpshin-09:2007] |
Jungpil Shin, Sept. 2007. Member of the Program Committee, 2007 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology |
[jpshin-10:2007] |
Jungpil Shin, Dec. 2007. Member of the Program Committee, the 2007 International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications |
[naru-12:2007] |
N. Hirata, 2007. Member, the Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences |
[asada-18:2007] |
Akira Yukishita. Development of lunar and planetary GIS databese
system, University of Aizu, 2007. Co-referee; R. Oka and W. Chen |
[asada-19:2007] |
Kenichi Kimura. Texture classication for lunar geologic mapping, University
of Aizu, 2008. Co-referee; R. Oka and K. Naruse |
[asada-20:2007] |
Yoshio Hamada. Stereo Vision with Fisheye Lens Cameras, University
of Aizu, 2008. Co-referee; R. Oka and K. Naruse |
[asada-21:2007] |
Naoto Harada. Recognition algorithm for topographic features, University
of Aizu, 2008. Co-referee; R. Oka and K. Naruse |
[asada-22:2007] |
Yoshiaki Fujii. Geographical Information System for 3D Visualization
and Analysis of Asteroids, University of Aizu, 2008. Co-referee; G. Nikishkov and K. Naruse |
[jpshin-11:2007] |
Tetsuya Takanashi. Graduation Thesis: Color Image Segmentation
with Region Growing Algorithm for Object Recognition, University of Aizu,
2007. Thesis Advisor: Jungpil Shin |
[jpshin-12:2007] |
Masahiro Terayama. Graduation Thesis: Human Detection using Histogram
of Oriented Gradients, University of Aizu, 2007. Thesis Advisor: Jungpil Shin |
[jpshin-13:2007] |
Yusuke Shimizu. Graduation Thesis: Improvement of Kanji Learning
System by Radical Analysis, University of Aizu, 2007. Thesis Advisor: Jungpil Shin |
[jpshin-14:2007] |
Ena Watanabe. Graduation Thesis: Simulating Ink Diffusion Phenomenon
in Oriental Brush Writing Using Normal Distribution, University of
Aizu, 2007. Thesis Advisor: Jungpil Shin |
[jpshin-15:2007] |
Akira Wada. Graduation Thesis: 3D Virtual Writing Brush Simulation
with Pen Tablet, University of Aizu, 2007. Thesis Advisor: Jungpil Shin |
[demura-23:2007] |
H. Demura.
Collaborative Fellow of JAXA (Hayabusa Project and Kaguya (SELENE) Project |